ʙᴜɴɢᴏᴜ ꜱᴛʀᴀʏ ᴅᴏɢꜱ ║ 【Y/n】Daza...

By Hxll_Havxn

437K 16.9K 10.3K

The story will follow up just like the episodes in the anime [Y/N] Dazai: Have you ever wondered 'What it lik... More

|| Chapter 1 ||
|| Chapter 2 ||
|| Chapter 3 ||
|| Chapter 4 ||
|| Chapter 5 ||
|| Chapter 6 ||
|| Chapter 8 ||
|| Chapter 9 ||
|| Chapter 10 ||
|| Chapter 11 ||
|| Chapter 12 ||
|| Chapter 13 ||
|| Chapter 14 ||
|| Chapter 15 ||
|| Chapter 16 ||
|| Chapter 17 ||
|| Chapter 18 ||
|| Chapter 19 ||
|| Chapter 20 ||
║ Chapter 21 ║
║ Chapter 22 ║
║ Chapter 23 ║
║ Chapter 24 ║
║ Chapter 25 ║
║Chapter 26 ║
║ Chapter 27 ║
║ Chapter 28 ║
║ Chapter 29 ║
║New Cover Update with Dazai and Kunikida║
║ Chapter 30 ║
║ Chapter 31 ║
║ The End ║
║ Announcement with Akutagawa and Atsushi ║

|| Chapter 7 ||

13.1K 518 332
By Hxll_Havxn

|| [Y/n]'s Pov ||

After giving Atsushi a talk, the said boy stood up and now came to face the bomber.

"D-Don't do it!!"

He stuttered out as the bomber glared at him making Atsushi more a nervous wreck.

"W-What are you hoping to get out of this? T-This will make your parents really sad" Atsushi continued to talk as his legs shook.

"Who the hell are you!?!" The bomber yelled out sending Atsushi on the ground, scared out of his mind as he look at the bomber trembling in fear.

"I-I'm sorry"

"I don't know who you are, you're not with the agency"

"I-I'm a n-n-news paper boy, I was just passing by as I was on my way routes" Atsushi said making an excuse.

"Why the hell would you get involved in this situation?" The bomber asks as Atsushi stood up.

"Because what you're doing isn't right. No matter how you feel you shouldn't threaten to kill people think about the wonderful things worth living for" Atsushi reasoned out.

"Yeah? Like what? What's something to live for?" The bomber asks

"Uhhhh" Clearly Atsushi didn't think this through which piss the bomber off from the lack of response he got.

"Yummy T-Tea On Rice!!! Tea on Rice is a reason to live!!!" Atsushi blurted out and started to ramble.

"O-Oh and sleeping somewhere with a roof over your head, waking up with a roof is great! A-And when you open your eyes, everyday is a new day---But if you push that button neither of us will see another new day and that's because we'll be dead"

"I understand the concept" The bomber said as he threaten to push the button which made Atsushi screamed out loud.


"You see I really don't think you thought all of this from all the angles,I mean if you die You're Really Dead. I'm sure you wish you were dead sometimes but there are many people who keep on living even though their lives are completely awful. People like me!! I don't have any family,no friends either. I even got chased out in an orphanage I have nowhere to go and no hope for the future." Atsushi rambled out as the bomber was confuse as hell.

"Yeah you heard me right! In fact it might be true that I lack redeeming qualities and everyone agrees I'm useless member of society, BUT I'M STILL ALIVE AND I HAVEN'T GONE PSYCHO!!""

Meanwhile both you and your brother were still in the same place watching everything that happened with a grin.

"Doing pretty great Atsushi" Dazai whispered as you giggle.

"It's almost like this performance isn't an act for him" You commented

"Why don't you put down the bomb detonator," Atsushi started as he suddenly gets up and personal with the bomber "and we can look for jobs together!! Okay!?"

"N-No thanks....I'm not exactly looking for work these days"

Seeing as the bomber was now distracted you all took this chance.

"Now Kunikida!"

"Already on it!" Kunkida said as he quickly wrote something on his notebook and tears the page off as he activates his ability.

"Ability: Doppo Poet!! Wire Gun!!" He shouts as the torn off page he was holding turned into a wire gun.

Without wasting time the blonde aim the gun at the bomber's hand and fired it knocking the remote off his hand.

"Crap!!" He cried out as both you and your brother stood up.

"Get him Kunikida!!" You shouted this time.

"Like I already said I'M ON IT!!!"

Kunikida yelled out as he flip the bomber onto the ground and pins the guy's arm behind his back.

You and Dazai finally came out with the other workers who were hiding as you two smiled.

"Okay everyone man down"

"Well done Kunikida~!"

The both of you cheered as Atsushi let out a sigh of relief from the back and the workers clap in joy that the chaos was now over.

"One man down?! Well done!? Are you two kidding me!? Fine so it was just one guy, but I had to do the hard physical work unlike you two you're all talk and no action" Kunikida said turning his head away from you two.

"Oh you're just being ridiculous that was our only option" Dazai said as you step up and crouch down wrapping your arms around Kunikida's neck teasingly making the said male blush at the close proximity.

"You did so well Doppo~" you praise as you leaned your head beside his ears with a teasing grin as both you and your brother teasingly said.

"After all you lost at rock paper scissors~"

"Why you two-"

You pulled your face away and look at Kunikida with a smile at him.

"All's well that ends well Doppo~" you sang as you leaned close to his face that both of your noses was touching making him almost have nose bleed.

Finally stopping at teasing him you pulled away with a cheeky grin much to the blonde's dismay as you now stood with your brother who smile down at him.

"We're just glad you're still in one piece but speaking of your health. I've heard that of you're to neurotic you're aging becomes accelerated" Dazai spoke which caught Kunikida's attention.

"Really? Is that true?"

"Come to think of it I also heard that." You mentioned

"Yes you should write this down" Your brother encourages in which Kunikida followed.

"A tip for better longevity.....if you're too neurotic...you're aging becomes accelerated---"

"We're messing with you"

The pen in Kunikida's hand snap in two as he stands up and charges up to you two.

The angry blonde kick your brother across the room as he face planted on the door while Kunikida grabs your collar and continued to shake you while his other hand held the remote.

"You waste of bandages!!! I'm gonna teach you to stop ridiculing me!!!"

As you had let all of your guard down the bomber took this chance,he quickly stood up and tugs the remote out of Kunikida's grip and kicks him with you.



Both you and Kunikida cussed out as you all look at the bomber who had a crazy look on his eyes.

"I swear anyone with super natural powers is not totally right in the head"

With that being said the bomber push the button on the detonator. As the sound of a beep was heard and the bomb started to count down from 30 seconds.

"30 seconds left till detonation!" Atsushi panic.

"Hey kid-!"

"No way!"

Kunikida tried to run towards Atsushi and the bomb were, only to be tackled down by the bomber.

Atsushi who was freaking out looked around as his eyes darted in all directions as he remember what you said.

"We may be able to reduce the force of the blast if we find something to cover the bomb before it detonates"

"Something to cover the bomb! Something! There's nothing here!" Atsushi shouted as he didn't find anything then his eyes meet the hostages.

In that moment he pushed the hostage away from the explosive as she fell from Dazai's arms as you two were running towards Atsushi and the bomb

"Atsushi!!" You two yelled out.

Your eyes widened seeing what he was doing, Atsushi had grab the bomb and hugs it using his body to cover it.

"You fool!!" Your brothers shouts.

"No don't!!!" Kunikida calls out

"Atsushi!!" You yelled out running towards him as the bomb finally hits zero as Atsushi closes his eyes prepared for the explosion and his death.


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