Love me please || Park Jimin...

By Tinylilswag

256 14 10

"I'll wait until you love me..." [Honestly, i only write this when i'm bored soooo the content is all shitty... More



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By Tinylilswag

Jieun's POV

As i slam the door shut, i slid down against the door and let my body getting wet.

"How... How could y-you Jimin..." I said softly as tears slid down my cheeks.

I stand up while grabbing my suitcase walking away from there. I walk in rain following where my heart go until i'm arrived at my favorite lake. I walk near the lake and sit on the bench. I look up at the night sky, thinking what will happen to the baby. I look down to my belly and smile sadly, caressing it.

"Don't worry baby... Eomma will always be with you... I'll always take care of you, okay..." I smile while tears slid down my cheeks.

Soon, my eyes closed and i drifted to sleep under the rain.

----| |----

"Hey... Hey wake up..." Someone shook my body lightly as my eyes flutter open.

I look at the guy infront of me weirdly.

"Are you okay?? I see you are sleeping here... It's raining yesterday..." He said worriedly.

"I-i'm okay..." I said quietly while looking down playing with my finger.

"Hey... Don't worry, I won't hurt you... My name is Gureum..." He smiled at me. I flash a smile back.

"My name is Jieun..." I said shyly.

"So why are you here all alone.. Plus under the rain??" He ask while looking at me worriedly.

"Erm i... I..." I said and i sigh. Then i told him the whole story.

"Really... Your husband is so cruel..." He said in pity. 

I nodded slowly and a tears slid down from my eyes remembering yesterday event.

"Hey, why don't you live with me..." He said cheerfully.

"Live with you...?" I said confuse.

"Eh, no no no... Live at my mother house..." He said noticing his mistake. I chuckled.

"But i don't want to trouble your mom..." I said playing with my finger.

"No Jieun... My mom already move to Busan now... So you can live there for awhile plus my house is few blocks away..." He said friendly.

I smile and agree. He bring me to the house and show me around. The place i'm staying is far away from Jimin so i'm okay with it. The house is spacious and have two rooms which really suitable for me and my child. He also owns a cafe and it's great. He said that i can work there for awhile too. I just know that Gureum is younger than me and he said i remind he of his late sister so he called me noona.

"Thanks Gureum... I'd really appreciate it..." I said sincerely.

"No worry noona... I'm just helping..." He said smiling at me making me smile at him back.

"I will protect you noona along with squishy..." He said excited.

"Squishy...??" I ask while trying to control my laugh.

"Yeah... I think i wanna called my nephew or niece Squishy..." He said while i burst out laughing.

"Okay whatever you said Gureum..." I said and smile.

"Okay sis... Need to go now.. It's late already..." He said and hug me.

"Bye baby bro... Go home safe okay..." I said as he nodded and look to my belly.

"Hey, Squishy... Your uncle is going home now... Sleep well okay..." He said making my heart warm.

After he left, i walked upstairs and looked at my new well decorated room. Just now Gureum help me to unpack and i'm so grateful to have a good little brother. Even he is not the real one and it just've been one day, he already treat me as if i was his real sister.

I sit on the bed and touched my belly...

"You are going to be a great child Squishy..."

----| |----

Jimin's POV

After she left, i am so heartbroken. I don't know whether she is okay or not. I can't eat well and i can't do my work either.

"What if she sleeps on the street...??" I started to get worried. But just shrugged it off and sleep.

The next day, i wake up and walked to the bathroom. After i take a bath, i wear my suit and went downstairs ready to go to work. 

"Jieun, i'm going to---" I looked at the kitchen and theres no Jieun.

Later, i remember that she already moved out. No... I kick her out.

I sigh and walk outside my house to my car and drove to work.

----| |----

"Mr. Park, after this you'll have a meeting with---" My secretary said as i cut her off.

"Okay okay... I know you can go now..." I said and put my face in my hand. She look at me and walked away from my room.

I sigh and put my head on the table.

"Usually, Jieun will come and give me lunch right now or cheer me up..." I mumbled and sigh.

I run my hand through my hairs and stand up walking out of my room heading to the meeting.

----| |----

"Okay everyone can dismiss..." I said to everyone. They walked out leaving me alone in the meeting room. I sigh and ran a hand through my hair as i lick my lips. I'm so stress right now. I just wanna be alone and relax myself but i know i can't.

I grab my phone on the table and dialed Jungkook's number.

"Sup hyung..." He said.

"Kook, can you boys come to my house tonight..." I said as i heard Jungkook telling the other about that.

"Yeah hyung sure... We all we'll come tonight..." He said.

"Okay bye kook..."I said blankly.

"Bye hyung"

----| |----

"What the fuck did you just do Park Jimin?!" The boys yelled at me as i look down.

"You let her go alone out there carrying your child..." Tae said and shook his head.

"But that is not my child..." I mumbled but Jungkook hear it.

"Not your child?! Then who the fuck is that baby father except you?!" Jungkook shout at me and turn around.

"You really need to find her, Jimin... It's not safe out there..." Jin hyung said as Suga hyung nod his head.

"Yeah you really need to..." Namjoon hyung said and i can sense a little bit disappointed in his voice.

"Now i cannot be an uncle..." Hobi pretend to cry.

"Jimin go and find her... She's not safe out there..." Tae said gently.

"If you really love her then go and find her..." Jungkook said disappointed.

I look down and smile abit.

"Yeah i'll go and find her..."

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