Well, that was unexpected

By nevermore__raven

88.9K 2.4K 1.7K

Tobirama was not ready to be tackled mid-sprint by a blur of dark spikes. Nor did he expect to wake up two d... More

Sorry (Not really)
Love and Peace
Without Love
Devious Duo
Third degree burns

Battle Scars

4.6K 135 126
By nevermore__raven

     Izuna. Was. Dead.
     Tobirama knew that it was long before any rational human being should be awake, so why was that idiot knocking on his door?  Beside him in bed, Madara was visibly angry.  To his relief, Madara rose to answer the door, which meant he could take some more time to suppress his urge to hurt Izuna.  He didn't know if Izuna would be so lucky facing his brother's wrath, however.
     As soon as the door opened, Izuna's eyes darted from Madara's angry face to Tobirama, disheveled from sleep and hiding himself beneath the heavy blankets, and his face broke out into pure horror.
     "You lecherous devil!"  He quickly darted under his brother's arm and into the room to wrap himself around Tobirama, who panicked and struggled against the hold until warm chakra surrounded him, and he couldn't help but to sink into those arms.  Damn him, but he couldn't resist the comfort that was purely Izuna (would he have felt this way about Hashirama if things were different?).  "I knew I should have stayed to protect my poor, innocent Tobirama from you!  Are you alright, Tobi?  Did the bad man hurt you?"
     From the doorway, Madara was fuming.  His entire face was a deep crimson and the sharingan spun quickly in his eyes.  He truly looked ready to kill his brother.  Amused by the sight, Tobirama decided to play along with Izuna's act.
     "He was waiting for me here when you left, Izu!"  He rolled onto his side to press his face into Izuna's neck, and long fingers carded through his hair soothingly.  If it weren't for Madara's loud protests, he likely would have curled up and fallen back asleep.  Between the gentle hands running through his hair, the heat that seemed to radiate from Izuna's body, and warm chakra taking over all five senses, he felt more at ease than he cared to admit.  It was a wonder how Izuna's presence affected him.
     "I've been betrayed!  And by my own brother, no less!"  Madara still hovered in the doorway, staring and likely wondering just how close those two had gotten on their "date".  Izuna stifled a laugh and only pulled Tobirama closer to nuzzle his nose into that white hair.  Yes, he was definitely ready to fall asleep.
     "Oh, brother, it can't be helped.  Tobi has finally experienced romance with a true Uchiha.  Of course he would prefer me over a lecher who prays on him in the night."  Against his neck, Tobirama snorted a laugh.
     He decided Madara had endured enough teasing (though he had no intentions of moving away from the embrace, he was much too comfortable) and playfully cuffed Izuna upside the head.  "Stop torturing the man, Izu.  You very well may send him into a meltdown."  Sure enough, Madara was staring blankly at his hands, eyes flickering between red and black unconsciously.  When Tobi called out, his head snapped up, and the anger resurfaced as soon as his gaze landed on Izuna, who was still holding Tobirama close.
     "How could you?"  In under two seconds, Madara crossed the room, grabbed Izuna by his long hair, pulled him off the bed (much to a certain someone's displeasure), and was dragging him out of the room before Tobirama called for him to stop.
     "No one has betrayed you, Madara."  He took a moment to sit up, now that his human pillow was out of reach.  "Izuna was trying to get a rise out of you, and it is clear to me that it worked."  Unwilling to accept that he was bested by his younger brother, he released Izuna, who darted back onto the bed.  This time, to hide behind Tobirama's back.
     Madara's anger slowly faded until he was able to look at Izuna without his sharingan spiraling into action. Though the glares he shot were just as intimidating without it. He finally took a seat on the bed and snatched up one of Tobirama's hands, as if needing to show that the Senju was his. In response, Izuna wrapped his arms around that slim waist and pulled himself closer. Tobirama was caught in the middle of a fight for dominance, and he had no idea where to go. He loved Madara and knew he should have happily fallen into his arms, but he was frightening when angry (he was reminded of Hashirama when in a rage, insults and fists being thrown his way). He was not in love with Izuna, but he felt a strong fondness for him after their day together. Izuna had been so kind, so understanding, so open with him. Not to mention just how calm and relaxed he felt whenever Izuna entered the room. He was torn.
     He realized that Madara would likely assume the worst and go after his brother again if he remained in Izuna's arms, and that Izuna would likely feel hurt if he pulled away and chose Madara after how close they had gotten. Not knowing what to do, Tobirama stood from the bed (ignoring Izuna's whining pleas and Madara's sulking) and declared that he was going for a bath. When Izuna shot him a mischievous look, he glared in return and gave them both a stern stay here. Seriously, managing Uchiha men was like dealing with children.


     It seemed the bath was the only place in the house Tobirama could be alone with his thoughts.  His bedroom was clearly a war zone between the brothers, and he was sure that they would search him out if he tried to hide away anywhere else in the house (Madara could find him quickly with his sensory abilities, and Izuna would find him through some sort of miracle only he could pull off).  His mind drifted off to Hashirama and the clan, as it usually did when he spent too long letting his mind wander.  The clan was likely falling to pieces without him there.  Hashirama left him to manage nearly everything, usually without any assistance.  Touka was most likely his replacement, but- as brilliant as she was- she was probably having a hard time taking over his duties.  She knew little about their issues with other clans, and Hashirama was likely breathing down her neck while she worked.
     For the  first time since arriving at the Uchiha compound, he felt truly guilty for leaving.  Before, it had been more his sense of duty: he had a job to do back home and he was neglecting it while spending his time lounging around in Madara's silken gifts (he was becoming quite spoiled).  Making his brother suffer a bit was troubling, but it was about time he learned to handle more of the clan head's duties anyway.  And maybe a little worrying would change how he treated Tobirama.  But Touka!  Poor Touka.  She had done nothing to deserve the many sleepless nights slaving away over paperwork was to bring her, nor the stress of dealing with Hashirama.  The more he thought about Touka, the more he felt he should return home (why did it feel so weird calling the Senju compound home now?).  The work was one thing, but it was overwhelming to have to do all of that with the added stress of managing his brother.
     His brother.  Just the day before, Izuna made a promise to be his brother, to make him forget all the years of agony Hashi had brought him.  How would Izuna feel if he left?  How would Madara?  But more than that, Tobirama didn't know how he would feel going back.  Among the Senju, he was ostracized, feared.  Alone.  There, he worked himself to the bone, and he was miserable.  But that was where Hashirama was, his only living blood.  He wondered, was that enough to send him back?  With the Uchiha, he was happy!  For the first time in many years, he was happy.  He had the man he loved with every fiber of his being just a few rooms down, awaiting his return, and he had a brother who truly wanted him.  Unlike Hashi, who tossed him aside in favor of chasing a brother he could not have.  There, in Madara's house, he had no blood.  But he felt he finally had a true family.
     No, Tobirama would not go back!
     Before he could overthink things again, he rose from the water and readied himself to return to his bedroom.


     Madara refused to look at his brother.  The traitor!  First, Izuna took his Tobirama out on a date. He knew better!  Clan traditions stated that Tobirama wasn't to be displayed to the clan for several more days, and human decency stated that you don't take your brother's betrothed out on a date!  Madara should have been the one to display his fiancé to the clan, and his brother took that away from him.  Even worse, Izuna wasn't the least bit apologetic.  He hadn't even made an attempt to say he was sorry or to acknowledge that what he did was cruel.  Instead, he was wearing a smug smile and twirling Tobirama's silver brush between his fingers.  Damn him.
     They spent many minutes in that tense silence, so he nearly jumped with joy when Tobirama showed up at the door. His eyes followed a stray drop of water as it dripped from his hair and rolled down his shoulders, chest, stomach, and finally stopped at the towel around his waist (he stealthily wiped a bit of drool from his lips). He nearly cooed when Tobirama wrapped his arms around himself, like a shy teenager trying to hide themself. Tobirama was perfect! There was no need to be insecure. His sharingan spun to life and he continued admiring that toned body (with the sharingan, he could memorize every detail). That chest was firm and those arms looked so good he wanted to bite them. When his eyes dipped down to gaze at Tobirama's midsection, he couldn't help but to notice when one hand moved sharply to cover his stomach. It happened again when he turned to admire those strong shoulders.
     Only then did he notice the scars. At first, he'd ignored them. Madara himself was not free of old wound marks, trophies from his years on the battlefield. However, Tobirama looked like a man who'd endured years of torture. There were lots of thin scars that healed poorly, which were easily identified as sword and kunai wounds. Any shinobi could tell those apart. But there were many more that he couldn't identify. There were lots of what looked almost like burns, ragged scars that looked like his skin was torn apart in those places, and so many others it made him sick. Tobirama wasn't covering himself because he was shy. He was covering himself so that they wouldn't see what was on his skin.
     A glance to his right told him that Izuna noticed too, and he was glad to see the worry etched on his little brother's face. It wasn't only him who thought those weren't shinobi wounds! From where he still stood in the doorway, Tobirama was clearly nervous. He knew what was happening, and it only furthered Madara's suspicions that something was very wrong. Madara stood from the bed and fetched a yukata from his bedroom (a soft lavander), which he laid out on the bed before tugging Izuna to his feet.
"Get dressed," he said, stepping around Tobirama's frozen form to enter the hallway. "Then, we're going to talk about how you got those scars."


     Ten deep breaths later, the nerves were still making it impossible to think.  What could he tell Madara about the scars that would explain what happened without him blaming Hashirama?  Three heavy knocks on the door signified the end of his time to think.  Without a plan, Tobirama reluctantly let his interrogators back in.  Izuna still looked confused and went straight back to the bed, but Madara captured his wrist as he walked past and pushed open the yukata to show an especially bad scar on his chest.  Tobirama cringed.
     "Explain."  With a deep sigh, Tobirama decided he just had to hope they didn't ask too many questions.
     "I am... was in charge of the creation of new jutsu.  With an emphasis on medical ninjutsu.  Hashi didn't," he cringed at the slip.  "I was not allowed to test the jutsu on war prisoners, nor would I have used any unwilling person as a test subject, prisoner or not.  There were few volunteers among the clan.  I am not well liked by the Senju, so very few willingly come near me."
     There was a long moment of silence before things clicked in Izuna's mind and he screeched out in disbelief.  "You used yourself as a test subject!"  Tobirama gave him a flat look.
     "Yes.  I would never forgive myself if a jutsu went wrong and furthered someone's injuries.  As a healer, I am sworn to help others.  If I am unsure of the end results of my healing, I would never put someone in unnecessary danger."  Madara, who had been silent thus far, ran a finger over his exposed chest.  He pushed the yukata further apart to reveal more, and Tobirama's skin seemed to have no space that was unmarked.  His body was the result of many years practicing techniques on himself.
     "Who told you to do this to yourself?"  Tobirama only cringed in response.
     "It was no one's fault.  I chose to-"
     "WHO TOLD YOU?"  Madara instantly regretted raising his voice when Tobirama backed away in fear (he was so much like Hashirama in anger it was startling).  Izuna stood to pull Tobirama into his chest and soothe him (would he lash out like Hashi?).  "I'm sorry.  But this... you have scars everywhere!  These are not battle wounds.  You tested medical ninjutsu on yourself, and you needed wounds in order to heal them.  You must have spent years enduring self inflicted pain, only to save the lives of your brethren who treat you like the dirt beneath their feet!  So tell me, who caused this?" (No, Madara wouldn't... would he?)
     Tobirama's reply came out a broken whisper.  "I can't."  That was enough.  There was only one person who Tobirama would be protecting so fiercely, and Madara couldn't understand why he wasn't angry.  Hell, he was more angry at Hashirama than he had ever been in his life!  How could Tobi- poor, abused Tobi- not realize that what his brother had asked of him was wrong?  He was told to create new medical jutsu, but could not practice on the prisoners, and there was no surplus of volunteers.  What other option did that leave him but to use himself?  To hurt himself, and have to patch himself up with no one around that cared enough to check that he was alright!  The thought of all the pain he must have endured was sickening.
All Madara wanted to do was to reach out and hold Tobirama close. He wanted to show him that things would never be like that with the Uchiha, that he would never be expected to hurt himself for their sake. But, when he tried, Tobirama flinched harshly and leaned more into Izuna. Madara was struck by the realization that the man he loved was afraid of him. Not wanting to make things worse, he left reluctantly. Tobirama didn't flinch when he was in Izuna's arms like he did in Madara's. His brother managed to get closer to Tobirama in a single day than he had in three. If Tobirama was afraid of him, maybe Izuna could help (Madara heard something shatter in the distance, and realized it was his heart).

I really hate how this chapter turned out so sorry guys.

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