Mr. Billionarie Doctor

By Milky_Blue_Sky

778K 25.6K 763

Zoya Anwar an innocent Muslim girl. She is hardworking, always smiling, and is always ready to help others. M... More

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12.6K 485 6
By Milky_Blue_Sky

It's been a week since we've been to his parent's house. Today we decided to go back to the penthouse.

We were on our way back when Anthony got a call from the hospital. He dropped me at the penthouse and went to work. I went up to his room and laid on the bed.

I took my phone and called Nadia. She didn't answer so I decided to put all my things in his room. I put all my clothes in the closet and then started to put all my makeup and perfumes on his little table with perfumes.

I decided to take a bath and then cook dinner before he arrives home. After the bath, I looked through the closet and saw a hoodie of his.

I took his hoodie and put it on with my sweatpants underneath. I went downstairs and started to cook dinner. My phone suddenly started to ring, I answered it and put it on the speaker.


"Did you miss me?"

"Anthony, seriously..." I said while chuckling.

"I miss you"

"You left only for an hour"

"So? You don't miss me?"

"I do wait, are you driving?"

"Yeah, why?"

"End the call right away! Don't you dare talk on the phone while driving"

Before he could say anything I ended the call. This boy seriously needs to learn something, how can he drive while talking on the phone.

I was so into the cooking that I didn't realize him coming in. I felt him back hugging me, "Are you angry?" "No, I'm just disappointed... How could you drive while talking on the phone?"

"I'm sorry," He said while pouting. I chuckled and went back to my cooking, "Why did the hospital call you?" "Uh, that, the hospital I was working on is finished," He said while putting his chin on my shoulder.

"Really? That's good, you can finally cure children who need you" I said while thinking about those children who are suffering from cancer.

He pecked my cheek and hugged me tighter, "Now, let me go so that we can eat" I said trying to pull away from his tight grip. Instead of letting me go, he turned me around and pressed his lips on mine.

"What was that for?" "I just missed you kiss" I chuckled and pushed him slightly away. I put the food on the dining table while he sat down.

After dinner, he went up to take a shower while I washed the dishes. I went up and saw him drying his hair. I walked towards him and took the towel from him.

He smiled and lowered his head so that I could dry his hair. "Do you want to work?" He looked up while I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" He took the towel from me and wrapped his arms around my waist, he pulled me closer while I put hands on his chest.

"I saw your drawings, and I think you should open a shop" "And how would I do that? I don't have employs, plus you need money to open it"

"About that, I already bought a place for you," He said while looking away from me. "You did what?! Without even asking me?" He sighed and looked at me.

"I already knew that you wouldn't let me buy it, so I bought the place. You should work on it, make your dream come true" He said while caressing my cheek softly.

"It's just... I don't like you paying for me, you already did enough for me" I said while taking his hand away and walked towards the window.

He back hugged me and put his chin on my shoulder. "This is nothing, you deserve more than this" He whispered and pecked my cheek.

He turned me around and pulled me closer to him. "I want you to do what you love to do" I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. I hugged him and took his scent in.

"Thank you" I whispered and accidentally pecked his neck instead of the cheek. I felt his arms around me tightening, I pulled away and looked at him.

He suddenly smashed his lips on mine, I was shocked at first but then I kissed him back. The kiss was passionate, but it was getting rougher.

We pulled away breathing heavily, "If we keep going then I can't stop myself" He whispered before taking me to bed. He laid down beside me and pulled me close to himself.

I looked at him and saw his eyes closed, I smiled before pecking his lips and snuggling into his chest.

I slowly opened my eyes and was going to seat up, when I felt Anthony's arms around me. I carefully put his arm on the pillow and went to the bathroom.

I took a long shower and changed into new clothes. I dried my hair with the hairdryer and put my hijab on. I put my usual makeup and went into the room.

I looked at him and chuckled. I walked towards him and took the pillow away, "Anthony, wake up" He groaned and turned the other way.

"Wake up, you have work" "5 minutes more" He mumbled into the pillow. I sighed when I got an idea. "If you wake up now, then I'll give you a lot of kisses" I whispered near his ear.

I saw him opening his eyes and in a blink, he was out from the bed. "Now, my kiss" I chuckled and pecked his cheek. He looked at me while pouting, "What?" "I want a kiss here," He said while pointing at his lips.

"I said I will give you a lot of kisses, but I didn't say where," I said while walking towards the door, "Zoya..." I heard him whining like a child. I chuckled and looked at him.

"If you come downstairs in 20 minutes ready for work then I'll kiss you wherever you want" He fastly stood up and ran to the bathroom.

I shook my head while smiling and went downstairs. "What should I make for breakfast?" I looked through the fridge and decided to make pancakes.

I put the coffee powder in the coffee machine and turned it on. While the coffee was getting ready I went back to my pancakes. I took two plates and put the pancakes on it.

I took syrup and put it on the pancakes. While I was getting his coffee ready I could smell his perfume from here. I felt him back hugging me while taking my scent in.

"Now, my kiss" I turned around and saw him smirking at me. I chuckled and pecked his lips, "Happy?" "That wasn't a kiss" "Then how do you kiss?"

He smirked and pressed his lips on mine when he pulled away and licked his lips. "That's how you kiss, by the way, I love your strawberry lipgloss"

I blushed and looked away. He sat at the counter of the kitchen while I put the plate in front of him, "Pancakes, my favorite" He said while digging in.

"Slow down," I said while putting his coffee in front of him. I chuckled and sat beside him. "I'm going to meet Aayan and Naida today" "I will send a bodyguard with you"

I looked at him confused, "Why bodyguard?" "I can't let anything happen to you again, I can't let you go alone" "But I won't be alone, Aayan and Nadia would be there"

He looked at me and shook his head, "I'm not taking any risks, the bodyguard is going with you and that's final" I sighed knowing that he won't change his mind.

After breakfast, I took my purse and we both went down. He suddenly stopped outside, I looked at him confused while he looked around.

I saw a man running towards us, he stood in front of Anthony and bowed. "Sorry, I'm late boss," He said and stood up still. "I hope you won't be late when it's come to protecting"

Anthony grabbed my hand and we walked to his car. He opened the door for me and I sat in, I looked at the mirror and saw that guy seating in a black car.

"He is the bodyguard?" I said while looking at the car mirror. He looked at me, I looked at him confused, "What?" "I can fire him if you want to" "What? I just asked, he's kind of cute" I said with a little teasy smile on my lips.

He glared at me and I just showed him my innocent smile. "I think I should be your bodyguard instead" I chuckled and pecked his cheek.

"I was just joking" I saw his lips turning up to a smile. He stopped the car and looked at me, "Call me if something happens" He said while looking at me worriedly.

I nodded before pecking his lips, "Don't worry, drive safely and remember to eat lunch" He nodded and pressed his lips on mine. I was going to open the door but the guy opened it before.

I looked at Anthony and waved him bye. When he was gone I turned around to looked at him, "What's your name?" "Felix Aaron," He said with his hands behind his back.

"Felix, you can call me Zoya," I said with a smile. He looked at me and nodded his head. We both walked in and I found a table to seat at. He stood behind me, I looked at him and sighed.

"Felix, you can sit down" "No, I'm good" "Felix please sit down" I looked at him and glared. He looked at the seat for a while but then sat at the other table.

"I'm fine here," He said and sat professionally. I sighed knowing that this is all Anthony's doing. After waiting for about 5 minutes they both finally arrived.

We talked for a while when I realized how quiet Nadia was. "What's wrong?" "Nothing, I'm just tired" I looked at her and she sighed.

"Spill the tea," I said while looking at them. "I'm pregnant" Wait, what, did I just hear correctly? "I'm sorry baji, I know I disappointed you," She said while tearing up.

I sighed and patted the seat beside me. She stood up and sat beside me, I pulled her into a hug and patted her slightly. I pulled away and wiped her tears away.

I looked at Aayan, "You knew?" He nodded while sighing. I looked back at her and smiled, "Who is the father?" "My boyfriend Brandon, we've been together for 4 years, it was our 5th anniversary, it just happened" She whispered at the end.

I knew she wouldn't take such a big step, but knowing that they've been together for long made my heart relax a little. "Does he know?" "He knows, and he said that he will take all the responsibility, he was happy when I told him, and he calls me every minute just check on me"

I smiled while holding her hands. I'm happy that he accepted it and didn't leave her side, "Actually, he is here" I looked at her shocked.

"Where?" She looked at the table where Filex was seating, over for him there was a guy who waved awkwardly when I saw him.

He stood up and walked towards us, I pointed at the seat beside Aayan who shook his head. What's wrong with Aayan? These can't even take care of them without me.

"So Brandon, I'm Zoya their big sister" "Hello, I'm Brandon Nadia's boyfriend and father of the child" He whispered the last.

I smiled and nodded my head, "You need to take care of them, Nadia is stubborn but she is kind-hearted" "I will" He said while looking at Nadia with a smile.

"Does your parents know about it?" "Yes, they were happy to know about it but they were a little disappointed since we are still studying"

"True, you should have been careful, but it already happened and nothing can change now... If you need any help tell me" I said while looking at Nadia.

Then I remembered, "You told ami?" "Why would I? She is too busy with being with different men every night" She said angrily and sadly.

"I'm happy you came to me" "Baji, Brandon and I need to go shopping," She said while smiling. I chuckled and nodded my head, "Remember to call me anytime" She nodded and hugged me before going.

I looked at Aayan who was drinking his drink. "What's wrong with my baby?" "Baji, don't get angry," He said while looking at me. I nodded and looked at him worriedly.

"I ran away from home" "You did what?!" I shouted. I was shocked, my Aayan ran away from him, the Aayan I knew wouldn't even leave the house without telling.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't keep seeing mom bringing every night different guy" "Where do you stay?" "I'm at my friend's apartment, for now, I also have good news... I got a scholarship in England"

"Wow, I'm so proud of you," I said happily and held his hand. "When are you going?" "Next week Wednesday is my graduation, and then I'm leaving the day after"

His graduation, I should be there, as his big sister I should be there on his important day. I'll just give him a surprise, I nodded and we talked for a while when he had to leave.

I looked at Felix and told him to take me to the hospital. We were on our way there when Felix's phone started to ring.

"Hello? Yes, sir, yes..." He suddenly turned the other way. "Felix, you are going the wrong way," I said while looking outside the window.

"I know, but sir just called, he told me to drop you at the penthouse, someone is there to meet you"

To meet me? Who could it be?

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