A Gamer In Kuoh [DxD Fic] [Fe...

By YoSeBuHaRo

734 32 9

A girl who gave her all to her sister, died a heroic, yet sad death. A goddess, having found another soul to... More


734 32 9
By YoSeBuHaRo



Me: "Hi!"
Me: Thanks!
Me: "For!"
Me: "READING!!!"
^~Ear rape

Me: "*Glares* You!" ^~Action while talking


|???'s POV|

Feeling consciousness coming back to me, I slowly opened my eyelids, but I quickly closed them as my eyes felt sore.

Rubbing my eyes, I opened them once more to see a rather different ceiling of my room from my memory.

Still groggy, I tossed and turned around my bed, even going as far as having my feet on the headboard, eventually, I was back to my original position. Deciding to finally wake up, I kicked away the sheet that remained on my leg and sat cross-legged on the bed.

Smacking my lips, I stretched my hands up as I would usually do and was relieved after hearing the satisfying pops.

I sat there for a moment, the world still a bit hazy to me, when suddenly, every. single. thing. replayed in my mind.

¦Flashback: Start¦

In my embrace was my adorable sister. To me, she was akin to a messiah, all her words are commands for me to fulfill.

All my life, I spent it all to make sure that she was happy, that she would never be in pain, but here she is, silently crying as to not catch the attention of evil men.

She was finally of age to get her own bank account, and she wanted to become independent, so we planned to go into a nearby bank to get her an account.

Sadly, we were unlucky as robbers wearing cliché ski-masks came right as we reached the line. Everyone inside were initially dazed, but once the realization donned onto us, panic ensued.

The robbers, were all men, and the person who seemed to be the leader raised -from what I could remember from movies- a AK-47. With a threatening voice, he bellowed,


Still in panic, some people didn't follow his command and remained standing as they pleaded for their lives. Unamused by the minority of the people who didn't follow his command, the leader gestured his minions, then, they pointed their guns at the people who are now frozen where they stand.

Leader R.: "What. Did. I. Fucking. Say?! Stay on the ground ya' fucking CUNTS!!"

Now having been ordered the second time, the people who were standing were now quivering while in a fetal position.

Not wanting to catch their attention, I pulled my sister's hood and used it to cover her head as I did the same with mine. Luckily, we both wore baggy jackets that hid our figures as I'm sure that that would steal their fancy.

With our head still on the ground, bearing through the uncomfortable feeling, I kept on hugging my sister while the robbers kept on shouting their demands.

I was furious, but it didn't cloud my judgment as I knew that if I tried anything, everyone in the room would be blamed. Having mastered Krav Maga and reached the highest rank, 10th dan red belt, I was confident on defeating 6 armed men and coming out with a fair amount of injuries, sadly, I had to take the other hostages into account.


With the robber's intimidation, the man who he pointed out quivered as I saw him retract his hand from underneath a table.

Recalling the protocol, I realize that he must've tried to alarm the nearest police station with the panic button. Unfortunately though, the leader of the hateful group was quick to notice him and immediately called him out.

While all this happened, three of the robbers were in the bank vault, accompanied by the manager of the bank. No one dared to oppose these men, I mean, what can civilians do against guns.

All I wish is that this heist of theirs would go smoothly. I don't care about the money saved here, never deposited a single penny here, and it doesn't matter to me if people, strangers, get affected by this. As long as nothing would harm my sister. The government should at least give these people the least amount of compensation.

Sadly, things didn't go well because the sound of police cars came in. It spoke trouble not only for the robbers, but also for us, the hostages. Their arrival just gave these people false hope while also decreasing our chances of survival.

The best thing they could have done was to minimize the damage by coming in discreetly, staying hidden, waiting for their moment to strike. It's not the best, but it is better than announcing your arrival to your enemies.

It's like in the animes where the protagonists shouts before they make an attack.

Grunt 1: "B-boss!! The cops are here!!!"

Seemingly irritated, their leader glared at him with the ferocity of a tiger.


Whilst still quivering, no one obviously answered. The leader of the bunch, realizing that the person wasn't as dumb as he thought, pointed at our direction. But more specifically, at my sister's.

Leader R.: "You. *Gestures one of his grunts* Take her. The police should be smart enough to do anything with a girl as our shield."

Nodding to his boss' command, the grunt immediately ran to our direction. That's when time suddenly felt like it slowed down, but in reality, it wasn't. It was just my mind processing things in hyper speed.


My breathing began to become heavy, fear plagued my mind as I imagined my sister in the hands of these vile men. Images of her tear-stained face showed itself to me as she struggled helplessly while calling out to me.

With the fear of my sister getting hurt becoming my fuel, I lunged at the grunt that was now a mere feet away from us.

Having not expected my attack, the grunt froze and didn't get to retaliate as I went straight for his neck.

Grunt 2: "GEH!?"

Grasping his throat tightly, I didn't give him a second to do anything else as I put my right foot behind his left foot and simultaneously pushed him forward and tripping him. Not wanting to waste this opportunity, I grabbed his rifle away from his grasp in a fluid motion.

Using their shock against them, I immediately aimed at the leader of the group, and though inexperienced with guns, I was confident I could hit anything with 94% within a 5 meter range. And, due to the teachings of Krav Maga, I held no hesitation as I pulled the trigger.

Having no intentions of being a murderer, I aimed and shot at the leader's leg, which luckily, or unluckily, depending on perspective, hit!


Leader R.: "GGUUAH!!"

Though I was able to hit his leg, I didn't expect the recoil of the gun and the riffle nearly jumped away from my hands, but I was quick to react and grasped it tightly. I planned to turn and shoot at the other grunt, except I didn't think that he would recover quicker than expected as when I turned to look at him, he was aiming at me.

Responding quickly, I ducked down and rolled towards a nearby counter, just in time for the bullets to fly past me.


Grunt 1: "Ggrrraaaaahhhhh!!! Die!"


With another series of shooting, the counter I previously using as a shield was riddled with holes. I would have died if I stayed in place, luckily, before the second round came, I rolled to another counter and hid behind it.


Hearing a clicking sound, I deduced that the grunt ran out of bullets, so with a quick breather, I stood up from the counter, aimed at the grunt currently fumbling with the magazine, and shot at him. At this point, I didn't even care if I killed him, but it seems that he got lucky because ge was wearing a bulletproof vest.

Me: "Tch." Should have gone for the head.

Though he didn't get riddled by bullets, the impact from 12-ish bullets were still there and practically knocked all the air away from his lungs.

The poor grunt fell on his back with a thud, and I felt like celebrating a bit, but a thundering voice stopped me from doing so.


Remembering that there was still the leader of the robbers, I mentally slapped myself for not making sure he was incapacitated.

I expected him to shoot at me, but my expectations were quickly denied as I saw him throw something at me. It took me a moment to think for a bit until I realized it was a grenade!

Whilst it was in the air and was quickly reaching me, I unconsciously clenched my fists, then, hit the grenade with full force, sending it flying towards the back of the back, where the other three grunts were. And as soon as a second passed, an explosion occurred.

The explosion was strong, the shockwave nearly toppling me over, but I stood my ground. The mastermind behind this robbery wasn't so lucky as, with his injured leg, tumbled forward.

Seeing that no one was there to threaten them anymore, and due to the explosion just a second ago, the hostages fearfully scrambled for a way out. Sadly, at times like these, a human would show their true nature and would only think for themselves.

The people clawed, punched, kicked, and slammed against each other just so they could get out, not even caring about how I was able to save them. But I didn't care, as long as my sister was now fine.

Speaking of her, I saw her getting mixed in with the people trying to get out. Gritting my teeth and holding the riffle tight, as my sister was close to the back, I went the opposite direction of the only close exit and fought the current flow.

I kept hearing my sister call my name, over and over, and I did the same.

Watching as to how strangers shoved her, my anger grew, but I had no time for that! Seeing how her chesnut brown bangs stuck to her cute, sweaty and pained face squeezed my heart. Luckily, I was getting closer to her.

Me: "Isabelle!"

Shouting her name once more, I caught her attention and she immediately replied in a shaky voice.

Isabelle: "MABEL!!!"

Pushing away the people in front of me, I was only a meter away from Isabelle when I saw something behind her that made my whole world stop.

With a remote in hand, the hateful man had a viscous smirk paired with a manic pair of eyes.

Realizing what the bastard was about to do, with the lack of time, I had no choice but to use my last resort. With my habd outstretched and only an inch away from Isabelle's hand, I heard the suicadal man say one last thing before everything went south.

Leader R.: "Bitch."


Quickly pulling my sister towards me, I quickly embraced her and then used myself as a shield against the blast, in hopes that Isabelle would survive.


The moment the scorching pain disappeared, I opened my eyes in hopes of seeing my sister's well-being, but was shocked once I noticed my surroundings.

Instead of the ruined building that I expected from the explosion, I was surrounded by infinite darkness. I was never afraid of the dark, but this place was too dark, nothing else but darkness. No light, just the color black that somehow continued to darken.

Slowly, I began to fear the dark space, but before that happened, I was suddenly blinded by a flash.

It didn't hurt, but it was enough to make me cry.

Still covering my eyes with my hand, I obviously couldn't see what was happening, as even with my eyes covered, I felt the light peirce through my skin.

Then, out of nowhere, I heard an enchanting voice that strangely calmed me down.

???: "Child, no need to worry. Open your eyes. I welcome you to my domain."

Oddly enough, I complied with the voice and, reluctantly, lowered my arm and slowly opened my eyes. Instead of the previous darkness, I was now seemingly floating in a vast expanse of white.

However, what shocked me was, the woman standing in front of me. I don't know, but "she" looked young and old, beautiful and ugly, fat and thin, tall and short at the same time. Her features couldn't be deciphered as it was ever changing.

Gulping my own saliva, I calmed down, regaining my usual temperament, seemingly shocking the being that stood- floated in front of me.

Me: "Are you a Goddess?"

Appearing to be amused, the being smiled and stared at with "her" galaxy-like eyes that seemed to be the only thing that remained the same about "her".

???: "Well aren't you a unique one. And, technically, to you humans, I am a Goddess, but ultimately, I am the administrator of this universe."

Hearing words that I didn't expect to suddenly appear, I was momentarily confused, but thinking for a bit, I reluctantly believed what this goddess, administrator, had said. Well, I could easily believe that all this was a dream and that the robbery never happened, but there was a phantom of the pain bitterly reminded me that all of this is true.

Me: "Then...what becomes of me? Are you a part of the original you that leads the departed souls to the cycle of reincarnation?"

With what looks like a cheeky smile on her face, the administrator giggled happily as a chair suddenly appeared behind her and I.

???: "Before that, sit. Although you are a soul, currently, I think it's better for us to talk while sitting."

As she said that, she sat while maintaining an elegant posture. Following her example, I sat on my chair, waiting for her to continue.

???: "Mm hmmm, mm hmmm. Okay, Mabel, what you said earlier wasn't entirely wrong, but, the truth is. Though there are an infinite amount of me guiding souls to the cycle of reincarnation, as you said, I am actually, the original."

Though I didn't like being casually by my first name by someone I haven't met before, I let it be as the revelation overcome my current dislike. I've read novels and mangas pertaining about Isekai before, many of them having met gods or goddesses, in any way, shape, or form. And I have also gotten my fair share of fanfictions with said genre and it of course, made me think about gow cliché it was when a protagonist meets a higher being after dying.

I've read so much of that cliché that I have grown bored of it, but I didn't hate it. So, currently, my knowledge from the fiction I read was clashing with the reality I was facing.

Suddenly, I was brought out of my musing by a melodic laughter that seemed to reverberate around our surroundings.

???: "Hahahahahahaha! I agree with you, Mabel. Isn't this like a cliché meeting of a protagonist and a god after having saved someone."

With a wry smile, I knew that I should have expected that "she" could read my mind.

Then, as if confirming my statement, she nodded with a cheeky smile.

???: "Then, will you?"

Not understanding what she meant, I tilted my head out of confusion.

???: "Aww~! Stop acting cute. You should know what I'm gonna ask by know. Don't you realize the sequence? You saved people from a robbery, though they didn't commend you for it, but ultimately, you tried saved your sister-"

Suddenly having remembered something, I panicked and cut the administrator off mid-sentence.

Me: "How is my sister!?!"

Like she expected my outburst, she gestured me with her hand.

???: "Don't worry. She didn't never felt pain..."

With a sigh, I felt happy that at least my sister got to live. Our cousin would most likely help her. She was Isabelle's second best friend, with me being obviously the first!

Sadly, the administrator broke my expectations with her next sentence.

???: "Since she was overcome with so much fear after seeing the incoming explosion, she passed out and died right after you disintegrated."

Hearing this, tears began to drop from my eyes. I wiped them away, but more replaced them as sadness began to overwhelm me.

Then, out of nowhere, a felt a hand on my shoulder. It was warm, soft, and it somehow calmed me down.

Looking up, I saw a gorgeous woman with platinum blonde hair styled in a french braid, and eyes seemingly copying the beauty of the galaxy.

With a heart-warming smile, a enchanting voice flowed out her cute, plump lips.

???: "Mabel...don't cry. Just like every other soul, she is being accompanied by a part of me. However, I didn't have her immediately sent to the cycle of reincarnation."

Whilst still shocked from having found out that my sister has died, I gave a shaky breath as I asked,

Me: "W-why?"

As if expecting my question, she smiled with her eyes closed, which nearly resembled a smile itself.

???: "Since all soul's past would be revealed to me, I can tell that you love your little sister dearly. So, since I want my 'chosen one' to work hard and not get depressed, I thought that she'd follow you to the world I'm sending you to."

Pleasantly surprised, I surprised my want to cry once more. Happy that I'd have my sister with me.

???: "But. Unlike you, her memories would have to erased. She will live in the new world with no memories of past life."

Towards that, I just nodded, it didn't matter if she didn't remember. As long as she's alive, we could make new memories.

Then, with a giggle, the administrator, who now somehow had a single form as a gorgeous mature woman, began to stroke my hair.

???: "Let us go back on topic, shall we?"

Not having enough courage to talk without possibly stuttering, I just nodded.

With a enchanting smile adorning her marvelous face, the goddess remained standing as she stroked my hair and explained the "sequence".

???: "As you should know, all the things you did are the cliché thing an isekai'd protagonist would do. Though, not the ones hit by a truck, but those who saved many people before death. You saved many, sacrificed your life for your sister, then you met me, a goddess. So, what do you think would happen next?"

Thinking over what she mentioned, I finally realized the sequence she meant. It was kinda funny, following the steps of a isekai protagonist. Then, I also realized what she wanted.

Me: "You want me to save a different world?"

With her hand leaving the top of my head, she smiled gently while cupping my cheek. The proximity between our faces was close to only an inch, making me incredibly flustered as no one, other than my sister, got this close to me face-to-face.

I never thought about my sexuality before, but having her face this close to mine might turn me into a lesbian.

Me: "!!!!" Mabel!!! Don't think like that!!!

Brushing away that thought, I suddenly felt that the goddess' smile felt somewhat different and I couldn't put a finger as to why. But, before anything else, the goddess, or rather, the administrator finally answered my question.

???: "It is more along the lines of protecting important people. And, before you ask why, why don't you stop referring to me as 'the goddess' or 'the administrator'. Just call me Syr...Mabel~."

I was startled when the adm-...Syr, gave me permission to call her by her name, but I was flustered at the way Syr called me. It felt,...weird, in a good way.

Me: "Am I even allowed to?"

With the same, gentle smile that adorned her face, Syr happily replied.

Syr: "Of course you are! Not only have I personally chosen you to help me, but I like it when a cute girl calls me by my name. It has been nearly a billion years since that last happened!"

Having heard the reason, I was momentarily vexed before I suddenly felt flustered at the thought of being considered as cute. Most of the praises about my looks came from my sister, and I have gotten used to them, but being complimented by others is a different thing entirely.

Syr: "Oooh~! Aren't you just cute!"

Once more being mentioned as cute, I was on another level of blush! I felt my face heat up the moment the word left her luscious mouth.

Syr: "But! Back to the topic. You see, my dear Mabel, *I blush once more* I may be the strongest 'God', but there are other strong beings that can reach only a quarter of my current strength, not to mention my true strength. However, it would be troublesome to fight those arrogant bunch. They would rather die by their own hands rather than by me, the only problem is that if they really decide to kill themselves, then not only will finding a new god to fill their role be tough, but the balance between the universes would go haywire. I have already made a plan to deal with this, many other lucky heroes have accepted this mission, and now, I am asking you, Mabel, to accept this. To protect a universe from the greedy hands of those corrupted beings while I find new gods to take those filthy 'gods'' place?"

After a bit, I let what Syr explained to me sink in. I mean, do I have any other choice? Of course I do! But none that I would like!

If I refuse I would most definitely be sent back to the cycle of reincarnation, with no memories of Isabelle!!! There may be a chance where we would be sisters once more, buy I think the chances of that would be low!

Then, thinking about Syr's request, I think that accepting it would be a great deal for me. Not only will I have a definite chance of being with my sister again, but also, I always loved the concept of fighting. Just, fighting. Not to protect, but for the thrill!

I learned Krav Maga for the thrill, as it was considered the most dangerous are of martial arts! However, the law hindered the thrill I felt for it.

I want to punch people! Mostly men! And break the stereotype of girls! I don't want to be the damsel in distress! I want to be the knight in shining armor!

UwU. It's decided!

Me: "I accept. As long as I have my sister with me, I'll do whatever it takes."

With my answer, Syr looked happier, but as my second sentence came, she seemed to have given a resigned sigh, which was quickly hid with her previous smile, though it was unnecessary to do so as I have already noticed it.

Syr: "Ufufu. I expected that answer, *mumble*."

I was a bit confused as to how, but I let it be.

Me: "Then, what should I be expecting?"

Syr: "Fufu. I think you'll love this. You love anime, don't you?"

As if it was natural, I nodded the moment I heard the question. To others who knew me, I was cold and detached, but to my sister, she knows me as the best onee-chan and otaku!

Syr: "Then, what if I tell you that all the anime in your world, are all real, and what you watched are their future!"

This, was mind-boggling! This, was something I never expected. But, how is that even possible? The fiction that people created from their minds, turns out to be the future of realities?

Syr: "Mm hmmm. Those animes, mangas, games, and stories in your world, are all the futures of different realities. Their future if it went undisturbed."

With my head down, I asked, still shocked knowing that I have seen the future of many realities.

Me: "How was it possible? For us humans to watch their future?"

Noticing my distress, Syr once again stroked my hair and it slowly calmed me down.

Syr: "Because I made it possible. You see, Mabel, your Earth is unique. There are other earths in different universes, but none have such souls as yours. That's why, the best place to get possible candidates for my mission is from your world. So, since I didn't want my...champions, as you would call them, go into a different world with no knowledge of it and, to make sure things go well, I made sure to have them know the world's future through anime and books."

Me: "But, what do these universes have to do with your fight?"

Syr: "Well, you see, I gather my power from the different dimensions of the universe itself. And, each universe has their main world. For example, in your universe, we have Earth. Then, in the universe of Naruto, it is also Earth. And, if you destroy the main world, the universe will begin to collapse."

With her hand still on my head, I began to gain my previous confidence.

Me: "But...will I fight against gods?"

Hearing my question, Syr frowned as she sadly summoned a chair behind her and sat on it, her previous chair disappearing simultaneously.

Syr: "....yes. Many champions of mine have fought against them. Many have barely won, but more has perished. However, it was only due to my negligence that they did. But...you."

Mentioning me, I unconsciously pointed to myself, receiving a melodic giggle from the goddess.

Syr: "Ufufufu. Yes, you. You are going to he part of the new generation of my champions. I will never let you die. You will be more powerful than the previous champions I had. That's why, you don't have to worry. Now, to help you in your mission, please choose a power you would like to have. Anything is possible. But you can only have one. Forgive me, but we have to hurry. Your soul needs to be transferred immediately or else you would cease to exist. Sorry to pressure you, but I enjoyed this meeting of ours since it isn't normal to me to have one with someone so~ cute!"

Although I liked the compliment, I still couldn't help but feel pressured!

Me: "Then I want-"



???: "Onee-chan! It is I! Issami!!!"

With a slight smile, I bitterly shook my head as I took some time with a simple flashback.

Raising my hand and observing it, I noticed that it looked the same, so was my skin tone. I need a mirror to clarify my current appearance more, but for now, let's find out who this Issami person is.

Me: "Well...game...start."

¦Word count: 4596+4¦

[A/N: Hey peeps! It's me, YoSeBuHaRo. This fanfic is a female version of the Gamer in Kouh fic.

If you kept up to date with my previous stories and some other stuff, then you would know that I'm totally into yuri!

I just love it! Makes me wish I was a girl only to be with a girl!

I am also going to convert my other stories and fics with male mc to yuri!

Next conversion would either be Great Grey or A Gamer in Remnant! Hope you like it!]


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