Fear and Doubt Clip Wings (My...

By iStacy

14.7K 360 217

Everypony knows that Fluttershy is the most timid pony in Equestria, but what could have made this sweet Pega... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter four

Chapter three

2.2K 53 21
By iStacy



“Ow! Easy!” Fallenfeather complained.

                “Sorry, Feather. My special talent is sculpting, not bandaging!” Colorstrike replied.

                Colorstrike and Rainbow Dash had arrived an hour ago, just after Fallenfeather had gotten the fire put out. Her friend was now doing her best to bandage up her hurt back. “So, tell me again what happened? You were pretty hysterical at first, so I didn’t really get the whole picture.” Colorstrike pressed.

                Fallenfeather sighed and winced as her friend pushed on her back a bit too hard. What did happen? “Well, I was in the kitchen making breakfast when Smack Down came home. He asked where Fluttershy was and – ow – asked to see her fly.” She paused and sighed, not wanting to go on. Her lip trembled and she covered her eyes with her hooves. “H-he, wanted her to get hurt!” she cried. “He s-saw the ceiling fan and kept telling her to go higher, so I pushed her out of the way. He wanted to see her hurt, we wanted the ceiling fan to slice her up.” Her voice trailed off into a violent sob that wracked through her whole body.

                Colorstrike paused, her messy red and blue mane falling into her eyes. Feather shouldn’t have to go through this shit. She thought.  She sighed and continued bandaging, letting her friend cry out the tears and heartbreak. She remembered when Feather had introduced her to Smack Down; they’d seemed so in love. “Feather, you’ve got to tell the police. If you don’t I will.”

                “No! You mustn’t!” she insisted.

                “Feather, look at yourself!” Colorstrike cried. “He doesn’t love you or Fluttershy! He hits you daily, he doesn’t care! He’s going to end up killing you, or maybe if he gets bored with you, he’ll move on to your daughter. Is that what you want?”

                “Strike, don’t you see?” Fallenfeather turned her head to look at her from her position lying on the couch. “We’ve been married for eight years. Eight years of kissing, laughing, and sex. Eight years of wonderful memories,” Fallenfeather closed her pale green eyes. “I still love him, Strike.” She sobbed.

                Colorstrike wanted to sob along with her. Her friend was so confused, so blinded by her love for this… this… monster. This monster that wanted to hurt her and her daughter, that didn’t care. “Feather… this is killing you. Fluttershy can’t grow up happily if she sees you like this, if she can hear your cries as he beats you every day.”

                Fallenfeather sighed. “I know… I want to leave, but I can’t, I just ca-.”

                “You can, and you will.” Colorstrike insisted.

                Fallenfeather sighed. “Okay… but not today.”

                Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were upstairs, talking. “Fluttershy, is it true that your daddy hits your mommy?” she asked.

                Fluttershy sighed and fiddled with the bed sheets. “Y-yes.”

                Dash blinked and tilted her head. “Why?”

                Fluttershy shrugged. “Mommy says she doesn’t know.” Why did he hit her? Did she do something bad?

                Dash looked down. “My daddy never hits my mommy. If they get into a fight they just yell for a while, then they make up.” Fluttershy envied Rainbow Dash’s family. She loved going to her house, spending time with her family, not having to worry about seeing her mother get hit. Colorstrike was so nice, and so was Rainbow Dash’s dad, Bow n’ Arrow. When she was over there she felt carefree, but as soon as she stepped in her own house a whole new wave of depression crashed over her like the ocean’s coldest wave.

                “Rainbow Dash! We’re leaving!” Fluttershy heard Colorstrike call from downstairs. Rainbow Dash stood and flew out the door, leaving her friend to follow slowly. Dash flew down to her mother. Colorstrike looked up at Fluttershy, who hovered near the top of the stairs. “I heard you learned how to fly yesterday, Shy! You’re doing really well!” she encouraged. Fluttershy smiled and waved farewell to them. As they were about to open the door, Smack Down entered. He looked at Colorstrike and Dash without surprise. The pink Pegasus pony’s pink eyes stared coldly at the large stallion as she passed. Dash followed quickly, giving him a nervous look. Fluttershy knew the drill, when Daddy was home, hide in your room. She flew quickly and quietly to her room and gently closed the door behind her.

                “Smack Down, have you eaten dinner?” Fallenfeather asked her husband. The big red stallion swaggered through the living room and plopped onto the couch beside her.

                “Yeah, I ate with the wrestling team.” He assured her. Fallenfeather still laid on the couch, her back now just a dull ache. Smack Down roughly rolled her on her back, causing her injury throb. She gritted her teeth at the pain and watched as Smack Down lay over her. She grunted as he pushed into her. She gasped as she felt him enter her. There on the couch, he fucked her, but this time, she felt no love. He said nothing to her. Back when they were dating, he would gently kiss her neck and whisper how much he loved her. There was none of that, now. His eyes were cold as he stared at her, and she had to look away from him. She felt so gross, so violated. He groaned as he climaxed inside of her.

                Fallenfeather lay still, trapped under him. He lay there for a few minutes to catch his breath before sliding out of her. She winced as she felt him leave her, she couldn’t look at him. Everything Colorstrike had said made sense. He didn’t love her. He just needed her to pleasure himself every now and then. She was nothing but an object, a piece of discarded trash.

                Yet she still loved him.

                Smack Down got up and went to the kitchen, leaving his violated wife frozen on the couch. He came back threw a washcloth at her. It hit her in the face, stinging her muzzle. “Clean yourself up, your filthy whore.” He said over his shoulder as he made his way upstairs.

                Fallenfeather got up, ignoring her protesting back, and wiped up the couch where his seamen has leaked. She threw the rag away and slowly walked into the downstairs bathroom. She turned on the water as hot as she could stand it and got in. She used all of the soap in her bottles and the washrag, but she still couldn’t get his stench off of her. She was still covered in his hatred. She leaned against the tile wall and sobbed as she slid down it, letting hot water mix with her tears.

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