Don't Do What I Did....

By DannyAsokan

1.5K 43 50

After his wife, Vanessa dies from cancer, Bryan Wills regrets not spending enough time with her and mistreati... More

The Beginning
Bryan and Vanessa...
Meet Katherine- and Darren
Katherine's Story
Something Bryan Wished Had Never Happened...

Can He Change Fate?

194 7 10
By DannyAsokan

Bryan and Katherine develop a close bond as Katherine begins to stay longer in his place. When either one of them recall their unfortunate life experiences, they console each other. Katherine too does not speak to Darren during this time and it eventually extends into a month.

The month after the fight, Darren begins to miss Katherine and wants to find her. On the other hand, Bryan begins to leave the office earlier than usual. Darren tries to meet him but Bryan always 
makes excuses not to meet him. Darren begins to suspect that Bryan is hiding something. He investigates and learns that Katherine is living at his place. He mistakenly concludes that they are having an affair and is angered.

"How the hell could you have the guts to let my wife stay with you? You think you could get away with all this?"  said Darren as he slapped Bryan.

"Darren, what are you doing?" said Bryan, "What are you talking about?"

"I know that my wife is staying at your place and I know something is happening between you two."

"It's not at all what you think," began Bryan, "The only reason Katherine is at my place is because she is sick of you!"

"Oh really? Then perhaps she didn't tell you that I'm firing you!"

Bryan was shocked. How the hell in the world could Darren resort to fire him?

"But how can you fire me? You know that I will never do anything like that to break the trust that people have given me."

"BULLSHIT! I have seen people and trusted them, but they have all turned out to decieve me. And you think that you are the exception? Get out of my damn office and don't ever come back here begging for your job again!"

Bryan walked away before remarking, "Alright Darren, I won't come back again. Before that, I just want to say; treat your wife with respect before she goes away from you forever! Don't ever do what I Did!" However, Darren chose to ignore this remark.

Bryan is saddened that Darren has fired him although he has been working there for more than four years. To top it off, when Katherine learns about the incident, she decides to move out of his apartment as she unknowingly feels guilty. This leaves Bryan all alone, and without a companion, he is miserable.

Laura gives Bryan a call from Los Angeles one day. Bryan explains his predicament to his sister.

"I try giving help to people but in the end it backfires," remarks the sad Bryan.

"What is the rationale behind helping Katherine and Darren?" asks Laura.

"I just don't want Darren to end up with the same fate as I did. You know how much I suffered after Vanessa died."

"But why do so? Look at what happened when you helped them. Darren fired you from the job that you had for four straight years. And after giving her all of the advice, Katherine moved out saying that she was uncomfortable with you."

Bryan realized that his sister was right. 

"Well in that case, what am I supposed to do?" asked Bryan.

"Stop worrying about their problems. You've tried your best to convince Darren, but it didn't work. That's the same thing we all tried to do to you but you too didn't listen."

"Then what about Katherine? I feel really bad for her having to go through all the suffering."

"You can't do anything about it Bryan," remarked Laura, " Honestly, what goes around will come back around. You treated Vanessa like shit, and in the end she left you forever."

"So you're suggesting for me to just ignore them and let time take its course?" asked Bryan

"Yes, you should. Darren will learn his lesson by himself and he doesn't need you to tell him that. Even if it involves death, there will come a time where he will realize his mistake. Whether or not its too late is not ours to tell."


Bryan heeds his sister's advice and does not worry about Katherine and Darren's marital problems. Katherine contacts him as she requires his company but Bryan does not answer her calls. Katherine begins to feel bad again and wishes to meet up with him.

As she is walking on the pavement to Bryan's house, a speeding car is unable to control itself and crashes into Katherine, who is flung several miles away like a rag doll. She lands with a thud on the pavement and is severely injured, with her head covered in her hands.

Katherine is admitted to the hospital as they try to notify Darren, who does not answer any of the hospital's calls. They next call Bryan, who is shocked to recieve the bad news. He rushes to the hospital to see Katherine, while messaging Laura that he cannot stick to the promise that he made.

Katherine's condition is quite critical as the doctor says that she could even die. The doctor had been calling Darren to notify him about his wife's condition but Darren does not answer his calls.

"Don't worry doctor," says Bryan, "I will make Darren come here. I will not allow him to make the same mistake as I did."

Bryan storms into Darren's office, which takes Darren by surprise.

"I thought I told you not to come back here again!" exclaimed Darren.

"I'm sorry Darren, but I just got news that Katherine was hit by a car. And she might not even live because her injuries are too severe."

"You must be joking," remarked Darren but his look changed after realizing that Bryan was serious.

"What have I done?" asked Darren to himself. Now everything made sense to why Bryan told him to regret his mistake and forgive Katherine.

"But how can I do anything now? Katherine might be gone before I know it, and I will never have the chance to see her again."

"You shouldn't forget that even I went through the same situation. And I don't want you to go and make the same mistake I did."

"You're right. I'm sorry for slapping you that Bryan."

"That's alright Darren. We should be heading to the hospital now before it's too late."

Both Darren and Bryan arrive at the hospital and join Katherine's relatives. The shell-shocked Darren rushes to Katherine's bedside.

"Katherine," states Darren with honesty, "Please forgive me for whatever I did to you. All of those fights, I really wish it didn't happen. Please oh please forgive me!"

But unfortunately, Katherine does not respond. Bryan senses that something bad is about to happen, but does not say anything.

"KATHERINE!! PLEASE SAY SOMETHING! I don't want to lose you!" yells Bryan. Her injuries were quite severe, and the doctor had already said that there might not be any hope.

Bryan, who is almost in tears as well as he recollects what happened two years earlier, leads Darren out of the room as the doctors want to revive her. The two men wait outside for the outcome, but several minutes later the doctor comes back with bad news.

"I'm sorry Mr Darren, but we could not save your wife."

The news hit Darren like a jolt of lightning. This meant that he would not have Katherine at all in his world. Darren yelled and rushed to the ward to see Katherine's body. But it was too late; he couldn't do anything. Tears filled up his eyes as he realized the importance of treating his wife well. Nothing can be done now other than to cry about it.

Bryan brings Darren back to his home and consoles him. Darren is inconsolable and makes a startling statement.

"I want to kill myself. I have no reason to live."

"What are you saying Darren? You are sounding just like teenagers."

"I'm serious Bryan. I made the same mistake that you did although I had someone to remind me."

"Darren," began Bryan, "Suicide is not going to help, for you might end up injured and crippled for the rest of your life."

"Yeah but..." His words were interrupted by the sound of his mobile phone.

"Hello, is Darren on the line?"

"Yes, it's me."

"I'm calling from the hospital and we've just found out that your wife has awoken from the dead."

"WHAT???" yelled Darren.

The two of them rush to the hospital and find out that Katherine is alive. Darren is elated to see his wife alive, although she is unable to walk.

"Katherine, I am so happy that you woke up. I am really sorry for treating you badly, I really am." cried Darren.

"Its okay honey," said Katherine, "I just hope you mean it."

"I mean it for real," continues the crying Darren, "I will never mistreat you again."

The crying couple shares a kiss.

"Bryan, thank you so much for bringing us together," says the tearful Katherine, "I really consider you to be my brother."

"Its no problem at all Katherine," says Bryan who is also in tears, "I just wish Vanessa was here as well."

"You will meet a girl like Vanessa soon, man" remarked Darren, "I just hope you have eternal happiness in your life.


A year after the events, Katherine and Darren arrive at Bryan's house to attend his birthday party. The three of them are very close friends and are indebted to him.

Bryan is dating a girl named Helen and they are quite close to each other. As they cut the birthday cake, Bryan is elated to have all of his friends, including Laura, to celebrate his birthday with him. Although Vanessa isn't there, he realizes that mistakes can't be undone.

Vanessa's ghost observes Bryan's birthday party and is happy at his efforts. Although  Bryan made a mistake, she is happy that he realized it and made things right for other people. Bryan knew that Vanessa was present, and thanked her silently for notifying him about his mistakes. He vowed never to make such a mistake, while also making Katherine and Darren also promise not to get involved in these kind of problems ever again.

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