Jaded Between Shades

By TPrettyP

224 6 2

Jade is someone who throughout her life has lived up to her first name. She's been jaded by love, but has had... More

Poly Protection
Darker Shades Reveal or Heal?
Shred Me, Shatter Me
Brighten Up, Butter Cup
Just A Shade Darker
Shady Shady Ma'Lady
A Dark Shade of Love
Going Deep In
As We Were
Intertwined, Interlaced,Inter-sexed
A Shade of Poison
Shade Resistant Light
Shade Of Shame
Don't Rain on My Sunshine
I Do, Do I?
Solid Shade of Jade
To Be Wed or Not To Be Wed
Jade's Promise

When the Line Blurred

19 1 0
By TPrettyP

                                                             15 Years later

"Jade I can't take this anymore! When the fuck is he going to grow up? I should be a mother right now, I should be at the least bit married! What the fuck is he waiting on? I mean I forgave him and he forgave me, what the fuck is the fucking problem" 

Jasmine screamed to me as I was laying on my bed in my apartment as she often does when she comes over about Andre when he's done something stupid. 

"You've dated each other for 15 years I know, but y'all have been through a lot."

"What is the point of being together this long if the end goal is never met?"

"What if he just wanted to be with you as the end goal?"

"Jade...come on..."

"I'm just saying"

"Yea well I'm not you, I want to be married and have kids like the rest of the world."

"And that's fine, but you have to agree those are big steps"

"It's been 15 fucking years Jade! I'm about to turn 29 in two days.  I will not be age 30 without a ring on this finger, if he don't fucking purpose within the next month or so I will start looking for someone who will. "

This might sound a little harsh, but she had a point. I'm not really for the domestic life, but I know that she is. And to anyone coming from the outside of this relationship 15 years with the same person is amazing just in general, but to dating someone and not being married for that long when you really want to be is horrifying. However, just as much as I know Jasmine, I know Andre. He already told me that he would be proposing at her birthday celebration, but of course I kept quiet.  Sure enough two days later...


"Yes! Oh MY GOD YES!" Jasmine screamed and cried as Andre put ring on her finger. I cried as much as they did for many reasons. I was happy for them, but I was also sad. You see I love them as my friends, but there was one point in our lives where weren't just a trio of friends, we were a polyamorous relationship. And I know its cliche, we dated each other in college of course. However now this is different. I've literally watched them grow together so this feels like an ending of an era. Which also feels like the beginning of the end of us?  Jasmine will get her fairy tale ending and I will get what? Thankfully we were already at a restaurant so I ordered a double whiskey and quietly knock it back. 

The thing I love most about our friendship is that they know me just as much as I know them. They know that if they ever got married I am not repeat not going to be IN the wedding. I am not best man, not maid of honor, not even a flower girl so naturally they asked me to be the wedding photographer. One week later we had an engagement party for them at our favorite dive bar and grill. We had been going to this same place since we were 17 years old trying to use fake IDs.

Dave's Dine is and was our adolescent staple. Dave the owner is like a father to me. Compared to my actual father he is definitely of better sound mind. The day that we tried to do the fake ID to him, he knew it was fake a mile away. He looked at me said, "Is this real or no?" I don't know to this day how he would figure I would tell the truth but he did. I said quietly "No." He took us to the back where no one could see. "Don't say a word." He gave us wine coolers that only had about 5% alcohol,  and told us the stories of what happen to people at the diner while being drunk. Then he said, "Don't ever do that again. I know you are good kids, don't become like the others I see come in here." And We listened...for the most part. Jasmine and Andre still tried at a few places when we turned 18, but soon stopped, if they wanted to drink they would just ask me to ask my sister Riley who would oblige. 

Dave closed the entire bar for us just so we could have the party. There was a back room where we set everything up which usually holds a few pool tables, and a couple of arcade machines. We moved the party in there so that if any body tried to show up from the look through the window it looked like the place was closed. And most people would abide, but being smack dab In the heart of Atlanta, Ga there are those who will still try and come in; usually crack heads or the homeless. After taking so many pictures from many angles as Jasmine and Andre danced their asses off, toasting, and cheering, I had had enough. I told them all good bye and kisses. I left the room and went towards the bar to say goodbye to Dave, but then I saw the most beautiful black man I have ever seen in my entire life. 

Talk about going into shock. He had broad shoulders and neatly and intricately braided up locks that was slightly down his neck. He was dark skinned complexioned with a thick beard and mustache that was neatly trimmed. He had on a clean white shirt that was under his black blazer that he had set crisply on the back of the chair he was sitting in. He was facing the bar and drinking what looked to be an Old Fashion. For my own amazement I just had to take a picture that I have seen such creation of perfect male form. I must have something of a reminder that perfection exists after all. 

"Excuse me sir...hi, um I hope you don't mind but I'm the wedding photographer and although I didn't see you in there I would like to take your picture. "

"Sure, how can say no to such a beautiful face." 

His voice was smooth as velvet or silk and I try my best not to swoon because lets face it, majority will just be after one thing. One of which I will not give. I took a few at different angles then one of him holding the drink to his lips. Oh how I wish I was that glass. 

"Thank you, and so how do you know Andre and Jasmine, I thought I knew everyone they knew."

"I don't know who those individuals are, I am just a patron sitting enjoying a drink."

A flare of anger rose in me just slightly, but as someone who has perfected passive aggression I knew how to proceed. 

"You do know that sign says closed and this is a private function."

My accusation though merited, threw him off kilter however he recovered quickly with a rather amused expression on his face. 

"You're right, I did see the sign and I do know this is a private event"

"So you still continue to sit here why exactly?"

Dave comes around the corner and says,  "Is my nephew giving you trouble?"


The gentleman takes a sip from his drink. 

"I thought I have seen and known all of your family Dave"

"That's right, you have...all the ones that are here in Georgia, seems this one travels so much. He's too good for us country folk." He jokes

"Not even remotely true, sorry I am Lorenzo, but my friends call me Zoe, and who might you be pretty lady?"

"I'm Jade. And sorry, I just don't want anything to interrupt my friends party. Anyway Dave I'm out of here, I can't take it anymore tonight."

"Oh come on sour patch, stay and have a drink with us."

"Dave, I told you don't call me that."

"Sour patch...lemon head come on please"

"Fine. One drink and make it a double."

"Coming right up."

Dave goes to make the drink, while Lorenzo turns to me.

"So Jade what got you into photography?"

I've heard this question a million times, the truth is I take pictures of things and people to remind me that beauty exists, whereas I live are from the ugly realm. However I cannot bother users with this harsh truth. So I lie, or halfway lie. 

"I've always loved seeing pictures of different things so I learned from a young age. I wanted to be a journalist, but it didn't work out. I am mainly doing this as a hobby."

"You can still become one, so then what do you do for work?"

"I'm a call center rep."


He said oh as if I told him my parents died in a fire. I know whats coming. These business types always have this air about them. They are usually narcissistic with a splash of knowitallism and drop of positivity that's overpowered by abrasiveness. He probably has a startup business, and thinks he's coming up in the world, while I am wasting my talent being a lowly call center rep. Hate him already.

"Yep" I say simply as I sip my drink. "You?" I dare to ask waiting to be right. 

"I work for in logistics for Amazon."

Okay so I was wrong, whatever.

"Oh okay, but what does that have to do with your travels?"

"My uncle was referring to the fact that I like to travel. I don't stay too many places very long."

Red flag!

"Oh okay, so you're just blowing into town."

Wow Jade nice verbiage.

"Nah, I've moved here about 5 months ago"

"And yet he's never stopped in here before." Dave teases.

"Well, I'm glad I stopped in here tonight." He grins while staring intensely at me. 

The synapses of in my brain are firing off a message of DO NOT FALL FOR THIS! I finish off my drink so that I can rush off.

"Well, gentlemen, have a nice evening I have to go. Nice to meet you Lorenzo"

I reach out to shake his hand to keep things light and professional. He in turn grabbed my hand gently and turned the back of my hand and kissed it. 

"Have a good evening Jade" He smiled.

"Okay Casanova, let the lady go be her old self."

"Bye Dave"

"Goodnight Sweet-tart."

I left and did what I always do, watch Golden Girls with my corgi Fluffer until I fall asleep. 

Meanwhile little did I know there was a conversation about me was brewing

Lorenzo's Prospective 

"Don't even think about it Romeo." Dave says immediately after I left.


"You're my nephew, but her, she's like the daughter I never had."

"You have two daughters Unc."

"Aye, I said what I said."

Lorenzo laughs, "Why do assume I would hurt her?"

"Well same as I didn't expect for you to come here after you moved back 5 months ago. I haven't seen you or heard from you in 5 years, Imagine my surprise to see you knock on my door."

"I'm sorry man, I've just been caught up."

"Don't be like your mom son."

"You know, it's nothing like that."

"You're mom is a carefree and careless spirit. She just blows in the wind. Always has. "

"What does that have to do with me potentially getting with Jade?"

"You listen to me son, that right there is my heart. More than her other two friends. I have watch them grow up here in front of my eyes. Jade is the sweetest person I know. I'm gonna say this once, if you are gonna date her, treat her right Or I will fuck you up and chuck you in the trash you hear me?"

"Wow Unc, she's not even your blood."

"Look me in my eyes, I am dead serious. You better be very sure before you make another move."

"I will, promise."

"Alright then nephew, so why did you come here tonight? You in some sort of trouble?"

"No, no man, listen I have been feeling guilty because I haven't been by here. Mom is sick and I just am trying to stay close to family now."

"What do you mean she's sick? Berta aint been right in the head for a long time so that's not surprising."

"Nah Unc, she's got early onset dementia."

"Oh shit. Well I haven't talked to her in a few months."

"Seems I'm not the only one who needs to keep in touch."

"Aye I never said I was perfect. Their party is done, come help your uncle clean up will ya?"



Somethings aren't meant for us to hear. During the next week I had the pictures printed out. I went to the bar that Friday night to give Dave the pictures I took of Lorenzo so he could give to him. However when I walk in the bar, there he was sitting in the same chair he sat the week before. 

"Hello again."

"Good evening Jade."

"Here's your copy of the pictures I took. "

"Oh...thank you. They look really good."

"Yep...um tell Dave I said hi." I attempt to leave.

"Wait... you don't wanna stay and have a drink?"

"Uh.... no, I was just gonna hand Dave the copies to give to you, but here you are so there you go."

I attempt again, and he gently grabs my hand and says "Sour patch, sweet tart...Stay?" in a deep velvet voice.

"Aye only Dave can call me that, and second, why?"

"Why not?"

I weighed the argument in my head.

"Fine, I'll stay for one drink. Don't make me regret it."

"Don't worry, you're in good company."

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