Head Over Heels|| Rigel x Rea...

By _pamelita_

53.5K 1.3K 789

Rigel and some other characters were made by mstrzei on tumblr! He also makes amazing artwork :) Y/N was a to... More

~chapter 1~
~chapter 2~
~chapter 3~
~chapter 4~
~chapter 5~
~chapter 6~
~chapter 7~
~chapter 8~
~chapter 9~
~chapter 10~
~chapter 11~
~chapter 13~

~chapter 12~

2.1K 73 5
By _pamelita_

  I stuffed the toast down, as my family looked at me weirdly.

   "I'm going to be late!" I said with a mouthful.

   We heard a yawn from the staircase soon revealing a very tired Rigel.
"Where are you guys going so.. early?" He asked as he walked over.

"I'm going to school."

His eyes soon widen with excitement, "We are going to school!" He said as his tiredness faded away. I grunted still sleepy "No, I'm going." I said as I stood up, walking over to hug my parents.

  "Bye pa, bye ma"

  "Have a nice day!" I nodded and started heading to the door.

   "Bye Y/n!" I heard Rigel shout as I closed the door.

  I sighed, I've been stuck with that guy for a while haven't I?



"Where have you been?" One of my skateboarding friends asked.

She punched me jokingly, "We missed you!" She added.

I chuckled "Just a family reunion?."

"That sounds more like a question." She started before looking over to our classmates.

"You still coming to the skatepark after school?" She asked changing the subject.

"I'm not sure, someone is waiting for me at home." I said sighing.

"I bet they can handle a few hours without you, so you are definitely joining us." She said smirking before walking off.

'Maybe she's right, just a few hours wouldn't hurt, plus I barely met Rigel. He'll be fine without me.'

I walked towards my classroom prepared to get a stack of school work to make up.


"Yes ma I'm going to be at the skatepark for a while.. okay goodbye." I said as I hung up.

"L/n is here!" One of the older skater boarding boys said.

  I chuckled nervously, as everyone started asking me different question.

"Well I needed to meet up with family members." I said as they all looked at me weirdly.

  "I thought you didn't have any family outside of this town?" One of the younger skaters asked.

  "I guess I do, anyways we should really start practicing." I said as I smiled to everybody.

  "You better haven't gotten rusty L/N!" Brian smirked as he started running towards the ramps.

"As if!"


"Why is she at the skating park?" Rigel asked Jackie.

  She just gave him a small smile, "She always went there after school, she probably missed it."

   "Mhm." Rigel grunted, before asking her if they could go over there and see her skateboard.

  "You probably wouldn't like it, Rigel and plus she's coming soon. Promise." She said before soon returning to cooking.

   "Alright.." he said as he turned to the room he came out of.


  "Goodbye!" I shouted at my friends as they continued down the concrete path.

  I walked into the house and was immediately greeted by an Impatient Rigel on the couch.

  "I'm back!." I said as my parents walked into the living room.

"Hey! How was skateboarding?" My dad asked as he smirked awkwardly.

"Good. One of my friends lent me their skateboard since I didn't bring mine."
I glanced over to Rigel his eyes still glued onto me.

My parents gave me a glance and pointing at Rigel as they as they hurried out the living room.

"Rigel, are you mad I didn't came home early?"
I said as I took a seat next to him.

"Well yeah. You could at least have invited me to go with, but I understand you wanted some time with 'friends'." He said looking down at his lap.

"I'm glad you understand! I promise I will keep you in mind next time!" I said smirking at him.

Extending my pinky finger, "Pinky Promise!"

His eyes almost glowed, making me chuckle soon enough we intertwined our pinky's.


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