A Bullet is the Key.

By haleycomet246

1.7K 61 2

It was supposed to be simple... Except there is always the calm before the storm and in this case.. the silen... More

Chapter 1
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 2
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 3
The Bullet is the Key
Chapter 4
A bullet is the key
Chapter 5
A bullet is the Key
Chapter 6
A bullet is the Key
Chapter 7
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 8
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 9
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 10
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 11
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 12
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 13
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 14
A Bullet is the Key
Chapter 15
Final Chapter
A Bullet is the Key

A Bullet is the Key

47 2 0
By haleycomet246

 Ryder’s point of view

Jace and I pulled up into the carnival parking lot five past one we had been running a little late due to a traffic jam on the main side street out of town. Someone had been speeding and ran a red light sending a car across the median and into the other lane and thankfully there were no cars coming the opposite way when it happened. I dialed Bell’s number it just rang before going to voicemail, hmm must be busy I thought as I climbed from the car and fallowed Jace towards the kissing booth where we said we would meet at. 

Me to Mio Bella: Hey Beautiful just got here tried to call you but no answer see you soon.

Putting the phone away in my pocket we made our way towards the entrance to the carnival, I was glad I got my sight back for this because Bell did an amazing job creating and organizing everything. The moment we stepped into the entrance the sound of screeching tires came from behind us a black Sedan came speeding into the parking lot before disappearing around the backside to park most likely. What the heck? I thought seeing as that person could of hurt someone or even killed him or her if they had been walking through there. 

“What an asshole” Jace said before turning around and walking away I took a moment longer as I scanned the lot waiting to see who it was but a loud “Ryder!” dragged me back to earth. Facing the front I saw a frantic Chrissie being held in Jace’s arms and her body shaking with sobs. My senses were on high alert to make sure there was no threat around because I needed to keep Bell safe. Walking closer I heard her sobs, as they got louder so far they hadn't caught anyone’s attention, which I was happy for. 

“Come on let’s get out the way.” I told them both before grabbing their arms and pulling them away from the crowded area and into a more secluded spot, her eyes were red and puffy she seemed to have been crying for a while.

“I warned her Ryder but I wasn’t there to make sure they didn’t take her!” She wailed and clung to Jace tighter with a ‘what the hell’ look on his face as he tried to comfort the sobbing girl in his arms. 

“What is going on?” A voice said from behind me turning slowly I caught sight of Bobby making his way towards us a look of regret on his face.

“What do you want?” I snarled once he was close enough to hear me, all he did was glance my way before turning to face Chrissie fully.

“They took her Bobby” came Chrissie’s wail as more tears streamed down her face causing her to hiccup, Bobby’s eyes widened with fright before they took on a gloomy appearance.

“I thought you warned her Chrissie to be careful!” Bobby snapped at the sobbing girl at the sound of his voice more tears began to fall and she began to shake in Jace’s arms. Shaking my head I took in the both of them, as something did not seem right at all.

“Who took who?” I wondered out loud, Bobby turned to look at me with a sad look on his face as he spoke the person who had been taken.

“They took Emma, Ryder” His voice was low but I heard it clear as day and the name he spoke sent fear down my spine.

“Who took her?” I all but screamed at him. 

Before they could answer another pair of footsteps made their way towards us, they all froze with their mouths wide open as they took in the person who had just walked up. Turning slowly I came face to face with someone I thought had died months ago from a self inflicted gun shot, but there he was standing before us alive as ever.

Richard Carson stood there his green eyes wide and full of curiosity before a look passed through his eyes one I could not pin point. He still looked them same though he looked older for sure and he had gained some muscle getting rid of the innocent skinny boy he used to be.

“Richard” Chrissie whispered with an undertone to her voice as if she wasn’t surprised to see him. 

“H-Hi everyone” He stuttered in his normal voice though as I listen to him speak it almost seemed rehearsed and forced now. Though maybe it was due to the fact we all thought we would never ever hear his voice again in our lives. 

“Y-Your alive?” I asked shocked. I could hear movement from behind me and I knew that Jace was helping Chrissie to her feet since she had brought him down with her once her sobs began to shake her whole frame. He had a baggy hoodie on. I was astonished to see him before me because he had supposedly died that day; he had the gun right that day? It was still hard to recall everything that had gone on that day. 

“They took her Richard” Chrissie said though the look that flashed across Richard’s face didn’t seem like one of concern but then it was gone as fast as it was there.

Chrissie looked at Richard with a look that was hard to read, her tears had stopped but her sniffles continued to go on. 

“I know” was his only reply as he stood before us, my temper was rising and I was losing my patience in a matter of seconds. I looked at Bobby but he just looked down not meeting my eyes, my anger rose as I took a step towards him tough Jace’s arm latched out grabbing me in the process. 

“He didn’t do it Ryder” Jace said once I turned to face him an irritated look on my face. Chrissie looked at me before she walked over and took my hand in hers a shocked look crossed my face as I looked down at her.

“You hate me Chrissie,” I stated as I pulled my hand free of hers and walked off I heard the rest of them fallow me away from the crowded area and towards a more secluded area of the carnival. Stopping at the tree line I leaned my back against the tree waiting for the others to come into view before me. Chrissie and Jace took a seat against the trees in front of me, Richard and Bobby stood off to my right side.

“I don’t hate you Ryder,” She said from where she sat on the floor, her eyes looked sad and scared.

“Ryder I don’t hate you honestly I use to love you but then things changed and I stopped loving you.” 

“You made Bell believe you still were after me though Chrissie,” I told her sharply and she just gazed at me with sad eyes.

“I had to Ryder, Bobby and I both had a change of heart weeks ago but we couldn’t stop helping them without getting our selves in trouble with them in the process. Bobby and I both wanted out Ryder but when we told them this they began to blackmail us as well as a few others.” Came her reply and it left me truthfully speechless. 

“What are you saying?” 

“At the beginning we helped them for our own selfish reasons but then we both realized our own mistakes and decided to change our ways, wanting to get out but like Chrissie said we ended up getting blackmailed because we wanted out. Chrissie was jealous of the fact that you would not give her the time of day and only wanted Emma, then she met Jamie and things changed. I on the other hand was in love with Emma that was until I saw how much you two loved each other so I wanted out, but by then someone else had been recruited and we had no way out.” Bobby spoke up before Chrissie even had the chance to; I looked at them both with wide eyes. Though as I went to speak a flash of dark brown hair ran past us in a hurry that person was Richard’s step sister Tori. 

“Shouldn’t we be looking for Emma?” Jace asked from the ground before he stood up, helping Chrissie up in the process as they both made their way over to us. 

“Jace is right we need to go now because I know she is definitely hurt and will need medical attention.” Chrissie said as she began to walk off in the same direction that Tori had just rushed away in.

Turning to look at Richard I said, “Good thing you know some medical things” and then we rushed off after Chrissie. Just as we all rounded the corner a dark blue sedan sped off in a hurry, in a flash we all ran towards the nearest car, which happened to be Richards black Sedan. Climbing into the passenger seat I was surprised to see that the seat was all the way up as if someone short was in the car.

This is were you cue all those cheesy rescue loud songs that play in action movies where the team gets ready to go into battle but in our case go and rescue someone we love.

“W-We have to follow that car they will lead us to her,” Richard said as he peeled out of the spot and raced off with incredible speed. 

“Agh” Chrissie screeched from behind me and I turned to see her pressed against the doorframe.

“You are bleeding Chris” Jace said as he reached around to grab Chrissie’s arm though as he lifted her sweater she had no cut what so ever on her arm, then where had the blood come from?

“Richard?” Chrissie asked skeptically from behind me I looked over at Richard to see his hands clenched tightly on the steering wheel and his jaw locked tight. What was up with him?

“Tori had a bloody nose this morning when I brought her to the carnival I must have missed some of the blood, sorry.” he said as he weaved in and out of cars as he followed behind the speeding blue sedan. Looking out the window I noticed how tinted the windows were it made it difficult for people to see inside unless they had their face pressed up against the window. We continued our chase of the blue sedan before us, because they knew where Bell was and there was no way in hell we were letting that car get away.

Bell’s point of view

The pain awake me from the darkness once my eyes were open I began to move around in the chair trying to get my hands free but it was no use the knots were to tight leaving me stuck in this chair. Leaning my head back with a sigh I exhaled slowly then bent my head forward when ice chilled water was thrown on my face awakening me more. Though as the water splashed onto me I jerked causing my collarbone to burn a scream tearing from my lips with a horrific scream.

“Shut up” She snapped. I looked up into familiar blue eyes of someone I thought I could trust; her once sweet innocent blue eyes were harsh and full of disgust. How could she do this to me? I asked in my head. I blinked a few more times letting my eyes adjust to the bright light that was shining through the wide open window and the high beam over head lights that blinded you. Letting my eyes focus more I took in the room around me dirt covered the floor, old desk chairs lined the side wall, crusty old cracking blinds hung in front of the window and then back to the girl before me. The bright light that I had just seen coming through the open window dimmed as the sun started to set. How long had I been out?

“Wake up Emmabell” She hissed her white teeth flashing against the overhead lights her smile sinister no longer girly. Stepping around me she stood beside me her warm breath fanning my ear.

“Emmabell!” She screamed in my ear pressing her fingers into my broken collarbone the scream escaped my lips before I could think. It tore through the empty room echoing in every corner, tears filled my broken hazel eyes as all I could do was try to wiggle out of her grip though all it succeeded in was causing me more pain.

“Awe pour baby did you get hurt?” She hissed in my ear with a snarky laugh before she slammed the palm of her hand down onto my shoulder, “Agh!” I screamed as the pain flared though me. It clouded my vision and all I could see was black for a few minutes before I could see once more. Her laughter filled the room as she wailed with happiness at my discomfort and the pain she brought me.

“You deserve it,” She snarled as she took a step back from me before she irrupted once again into an evil, hideous laugh that echoed around me sending shivers of fear down my spine as it sounded like a demon had been released into the room. Her deep haunting chuckles sounded from all around me as I tried to bloke her out.

“W-What?” I asked shakily as my voice was dry and hoarse. A horrendous scream flew from my lips as her hand once again slammed down on my right shoulder where the break was. I could tell she had a smile on her face as the tears poured from my eyes in streams.

“You deserve all of this and so much more, you were the one who was supposed to have gotten shot that day not Ryder. But no miss goofy-goody had to be late and never show up when se was expected to.” She snarled like a rabid dog behind me. Slowly I heard her steps walk back over to me and then I froze the moment I felt something cool touch my cheek and then I hissed with pain as she pressed the barrel of the gun into my cheek.

“I-I know it was supposed to be me,” I whispered hoarsely pain still tearing me limb from limb. Her next move shocked me as she pulled the cold metal from my cheek to slam her fist right into it snapping my head to the right side, I was in so much pain I had missed her move. The moment her fist connected with my cheek I clenched my teeth together biting my tongue in the process causing my mouth to fill with metallic tasting blood. Not wanting to keep it in my mouth I leaned forward as best as I could and spit it out, the extra blood dripping down my chin landing on my pink cardigan.

“You bitch why did you do that?” The next hit sent my head snapping backwards the sound of bone snapping caused her to laugh as I screamed once more. I began to wonder why no one could hear me scream though as I thought more on it I knew my answer and that answer was because the town was at my carnival. Everyone went each year it was held, so hopefully someone would notice me gone seeing as I was in charge of everything and they would need me soon. I hoped because they were my only hope. Blood gushed from my broken nose as she laid another punch on my already cracked nose resulting in the blood to gush everywhere.

It trickled into my mouth and I once again spit it out causing it to splatter around me. My once pink cardigan was now tainted, stained and becoming drenched with my gushing blood. I could feel my sight start to blur so I blinked a few times readjusting my eyes to everything around me.

Sensing my discomfort she finally stepped fully in front of me thinking her last two blows would leave me almost blind but I could see even if it was a little unfocused but it was enough for me to know who stood before me.

“Y-You… Why?” I gurgled out, the blood from my nose flying everywhere mixed in with my saliva. Tears blurred my vision as they streamed down my face mixing with the bright red running blood; with my hands bound I had no way to wipe it away. I started to feel lightheaded as she delivered a hard blow this time to my stomach sending me hunching forward the pain in my shoulder slicing through me with a scream. Bending over I heaved as much air that I could into my lungs though she must not have liked it because gripping my right shoulder she pulled me roughly back against the chair. Earning an ear-splitting scream to escape free from my throat.



Her fist connected with my face once again this time closer to my mouth resulting in my lip to bust and split open. I didn’t need a mirror to know how horrible and beat up I looked because I felt like crap.

“Emma, Emma, Emma” She shook her head as she made a tsking sound before continuing, “I can’t wait till my partner gets here and you see who has been behind this the whole time.” She knelt down so her face was equal to mine where she pulled her head back a bit then brought it forward spitting on me. Standing back up she gave me her back as she looked out the window before turning to face me with a smile on her face as I noticed the large dirt cloud making its way closer to the building we were in. Though as her back was to the window she missed the two cars pull up with a screeching halt. Two cars? Did she have more than one partner?

“Well, well it looks as if my partner has finally arrived so we can let the fun begin,” she hissed as she took several steps towards me pulling out a shiny .45 caliber gun and aiming it at my head. Multiple footsteps raced up the stairs and she cussed under her breath before she looked at me with deadly eyes and grabbed both my shoulders turning me around in the chair to face the door. I sat facing the door the dizziness starting to consume me from the pain and blood loss, my head started aching the blood clotting more in my hair. The cold metal of the gun was then forcefully pushed against the side of my head resulting in a hiss to leave between my clench teeth just as the door banged open letting my savors in. I watched through blurry eyes as Ryder, Jace, Bobby, Chrissie, Tori and Richard came into the room an astonished look on all their faces expect one.

“Emma!” Chrissie wailed as she dropped to her knees her head in her hands as she tried to crawl toward me a large hand reached out latching onto her hair and pulling her backwards sending her crashing onto her back.

“Let go” Chrissie wailed as the large hand continued to drag her across the floor until she was thrown at my feet her green eyes looking up at me with tears in them. My eyes were blurry as I tried to focus on Chrissie letting my eyes travel from the hand upwards and into the face of someone I would not have expected. He let her hair go and took a step back.

“Bravo, Bravo!” Large hands began to clap, gasps left everyone’s lips as they watched the man step forward until he stood next to the girl with shinning blue eyes who had moved out from behind me and stood before me. I watched Jace try to move when the man whipped around sending him a death glare halting the last four people in their place.

“H-How could you?” I asked weakly as Chrissie slowly inched towards me, tears in her eyes as she softly laid her head against my knees.

“Don’t you dare move an inch more Chrissie or ill shot,” The green-eyed man snapped his voice harsh. Chrissie froze against my legs her tears sinking into my jeans mixing in with blood and dirt.

The man reached around the girl grabbing the gun from her hands and aiming it at my head then slowly lowering it until it was pointed directly at my chest.

“Ryder I wouldn’t move.” She said as she looked over her shoulder at the man who was trying to slowly make his way forward, though once he saw the look in her eyes he stopped.

“Emmie I am sorry” Chrissie sobbed into my knees though as she bent her head her foot shifted causing a horrific laugh to echo and the blue eyed girl made her way forward dragging a flailing Chrissie away by her hair.

“You shouldn’t have moved bitch,” She hissed before she flung Chrissie away from her by the hair sending her crashing into Tori who stood there shaking with tears streaming down her face.

I watched slowly as the blue-eyed girl made her way towards me the very familiar eyes of Sydney; my vice president, confident, friend and someone I trusted. She made her way over to me and then her fist connected with my face a loud scream echoed from Chrissie and Tori’s lips as it stung snapping me backwards causing the chair to fall over. I crashed onto my right side a scream tore from my lips as the pain sliced me in two causing my vision to go completely black.

“Bell” Ryder screamed as he rushed toward me I heard his steps then the sound of flesh hitting flesh and the loud sound of something hitting the floor.

“Ryder!” I screamed though my voice was short lived as I heard the sound of a barrel being cocked before I heard the rushed steps and the cold metal against my temple.

“Now, Now Emma we wouldn’t want your friends to die because of you, now do we?” The ghost voice hissed into my ear, I could not see but I knew that he had a smile on his face.

“R-Richard why?” I managed to gasp out as I heard a groan come from wherever Ryder had landed along with the sobs of Tori and Chrissie.

“I thought it was Tori.” I mumbled quietly though he heard me and let out an obnoxious laugh filled with humor and no remorse.

“Tori only played a small part in this plan my dear” Sydney said as her heels clicked on the floor as she went somewhere in the room.

“It all started five months or so ago Emma” Richard said as I felt his rough finger trail over my cheek causing me to squirm under his finger with disgust. I felt him grab my face in his hand pulling me to look at him but my eyes did not work so all I saw was darkness.

“I planned it all you see baby I was never mental like everyone though.” He may not have a disorder but Richard was truly mental.

“You were supposed to be shot that day but no like Sydney said you were late ruining our plan.”

“Ryder didn’t see her”

“No because she was waiting for my signal to come out but then my damn step-sister had to go and ruin my plan” Richard snarled as he took his finger from my face but left the gun where it was and I knew he had turned to face a sobbing Tori.

“You see Tori had no idea what was going on until we got to school that day, she only thought I wanted to scare you because in a way you took everything away from me and plus Sydney wanted your place as president. So immediately she helped me, it took a little more to convince everyone else but then unlike Sydney and I they each wanted out because they couldn’t do it anymore. But you see we wouldn’t let me them back out from helping us so we began to blackmail those who didn’t want to help. We couldn’t get to Jace though without Ryder around so he was out of the question but we got everyone else blackmailed to try and ruin your life. Tori took the blow of your anger. My pour sister thought it would be great to try and help you as best as she could without me knowing but I always found out because of Sydney. Sydney was my inside informant you see no one suspected her, she was the one who put the dolls at your house that day, and she is the one who told me you were going to the hospital as well.” He took a breath as he pressed the gun into my temple harder drawing blood in the process.

“You trusted me with so much information and let me in your home Emma, I was the one who placed the cameras around your house where we got the pictures from. Tori brought more damage to that day than what was supposed to happen, after Richard shot Ryder who he thought was you Tori and him fought for the gun resulting in the other three bullets hitting Jamie, Emily, and Torrance. As they fought though Richard had managed to scratch his sister resulting in the scars on her wrist though as she got the gun she shot Richard on accident. The gun went off in both of their hands before he dropped and she ran off. I called the cops that day yes because it was part of the plan I would make it seem like I was the one helping the injured people who got shot, when I helped plan it.” Sydney said as I heard her heels click on the ground.

“Enough talking!” Richard hissed into my face his breathing reeking of smoke as it fanned out and into my nose. Though soon the blood began to rush in my ears causing the pain to become unbearable my hearing started to slip away when I heard the sound of the gun being cocked once more. I knew it was aimed right at me. Slowly as if the world was against me in that moment my vision came back only slightly to see myself starring down the barrel of a gun before it moved downwards and pointed directly at my chest.

“Richard don’t!” The guy’s voices rang out loud and clear but Richard only laughed before he pulled the trigger without hesitation and a loud ear splitting Bang! Shattered the silent air… My breath had been stolen in that second and this time my vision vanished completely.


I couldn’t feel a thing as the bullet pierced my chest he had missed my heart by inches I believe because it was still beating but now only quietly and slowly. The pain was numbing, the pain was never ending as the bullet tore through me.

That was when the chaos started I don’t know what happened next because soon my wrists were free and I was being carried somewhere as the person ran. I could faintly hear a struggle going on inside the room we just left and the prominent sounds of flesh hitting flesh and screams. I knew Bobby and Jace could handle themselves as Ryder raced off with me towards the sirens that were ringing through the air getting closer and closer to the warehouse we were currently located out. Blood poured from my chest causing my lungs to heave for air; blood began to gurgle from my lips as I could finally feel the darkness wanting to take over completely. Faintly I heard the sound of one of my friends speak from down the hall as Ryder raced me further away; I knew it was him by the tingles shooting through me.

“Nice tackle Chrissie” Bobby said breathless meaning he had to have tackled Richard to the ground before Jace took over.

“Well unlike you two I am above hitting a girl plus did you see what she did to my best friend?”

Ryder was running by now the sound of the sirens getting closer, I could feel the blood rushing from me. A loud cough ripped through my body splattering blood all over Ryder as he cussed under is breath as he picked up his speed.

“Hang on amour, you cant leave me yet please hang on Bell I need you” Ryder sobbed from above me I felt warm salty tears land on my busted lip as they fell from above me. I tried to speak to tell him it would be okay but words failed me and the jarring movements of him carrying me sent my broken bones in a burning frenzy as the pain caused me to scream in his arms. I could feel myself slipping away in his arms because I soon had no idea where I was.

The noises were gurgling sounds by now nothing made sense except the pain; the pain was the only thing I could understand. I was simply losing myself to the darkness that incased me within its self. My life was hanging by a thin string because soon…

I was slipping further…


And further… Away.

The last things I heard where the EMT’s as they rushed toward us panic in their voices and then my heart ceased to beat.

Thump…Thump. Thump… Thump… Thump…Thump…

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