The Holy 3nity | feat. X1 ho...

By gieannerequittedlove

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KIM MINJU decided to transfer to a prestigious school where her dead older brother used to attend, there she... More

Episode 1: The end , the beggining.
Episode 2: His School , HIS past environment
Episode 3: The Sweet toothed prince
Episode 4: The King, The Prime Minister and the General pt 1
Episode 6: The King, The Prime Minister, and The General 2
Episode 7: why people can't smile
Episode 8: Rumors
Episode 9: Cinderella's Shoe (1)
Episode 10: The Origin (1)
Episode 11: sweet foods, sweet moments
Episode 12: Lost and Found (1)
Episode 13: Lost and Found (2)
Episode 14: Lost and found (3)
Episode 15: The Messenger : Miss Yoo (1)
Episode 16: 45.7 centimeters
Episode 17: chopsticks and click

Episode 5: Cinderella Man's Smile

69 2 3
By gieannerequittedlove


"You are still Loud I see" a familiar voice from behind said
I turned around to see CSY ( Cinderella Sucks Yeah) in front of me

"What are you doing here?? Are you a ghost?" I poked his chest oh that's a hard chest tho
"You're real?! " I exclaimed
" can't you see my uniform ?are you blind or something ?" He said
This guy is a meanie ugh fine you can be sarcastic all you want

" i've been looking for you "
He looked at me from the bottom to the top scanning me
I quickly gave him his belongings "here i can finally give this back"
He just stood there confused
"Fvcking extend your hands idiot, it's your airpods"
He grabbed the airpods and leave without saying anything
I followed him "don't you think i deserve a thank you atleast"
He stopped and stared at me "you can have it" he gave it back
" oh i thought it was important so i looked for you everywhere" i mumbled

i remembered the days i went outside looking for this bitch and he didn't appreciate my effort ugh

"Are you sulking?"
"No" tears started to fall, dude why am i crying , yahhh minjuu fvcking stop it you are so embarassing
He stood there watching me
"Ahhh don't cry" he shouted loudly it was scary i cried even more
"Why do you have to shout at me? "
"Here" he gave me a pack of gummy bears

" what's this?" I looked at him confused still sniffling.
" are you blind? Can't you read?" He replied annoyed
"What am i going to do with this" i asked
He rolled his eyes "play with it"
This sarcastic bitch .. " why are you giving me this?" I asked again
"Thank you, now don't cry" he started to leave so i followed him
" why are you still following me?"
"Your airpods" i showed him the airpods
"You can have it, i have mine" he showed me another set of airpods with the same emblem as the one I had with me
He smiled for the first time

Made me smile too

" You look really great when you smile" i complimented him
He suddenly stopped smiling and said goodbye. That's weird I thought to my self
"say seungwoo, why can't other people smile" i asked , we are currently studying , we've became really close because we became like literal buddies.
He looked at me "can't smile?"
"It's not that my friend can't smile , it's just that he seems like he don't want to smile like something is stopping him "
Whenever Seungwoo thinks , he touches his invisible beard and mustache i find it really cute
"Hmm i see, maybe because  he's not allowing himself to be happy ... he must've been hurting. You should cheer him up"
"I dunno, just make him happy" he then gave me that snoopy smile

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