I Love You

By BennettWinchester

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"What the hell? What are you?" you demanded, gun drawn. "Jack. Who are you?" the young man asked, holding hi... More

Chapter 1: Where It Began
Chapter 2: Enough With The Lucifer Crap!
Chapter 3: Are You Sure It's Just a Stomach Bug?
Chapter 4: Jack, We Need To Talk.
Chapter 5: Vida's Forest
Chapter 6: What If It's Out of Our Control?
Chapter 7: I Don't Like Yelling.
Chapter 8: You Listen to Me... Boy
Chapter 9: You're Coming With Me
Chapter 10: "I'm fine," he said.
Chapter 11: Leave My Family Alone!
Chapter 12: It's Too Late.
Chapter 13: Go Time?
Chapter 14: I Can't Do This.
Chapter 15:There's Something I Have to Tell You
Chapter 16: The Empty
Chapter 17: It's Perfect
Chapter 18: The Beginning of The End
Chapter 20: The Transformation
Chapter 21: I Love You

Chapter 19: Where's Dean?

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By BennettWinchester

"Okay, we're not gonna lose anybody. We just need to get the weapons and go," Dean said. He always tries to sound brave, but you knew he was scared because he came across as frustrated.

He started to walk toward the Impala. "No! Dean, in my premonitions you left us and didn't come back," you told him. "Relax. I'm just getting weapons. I'm not gonna let a premonition tell me that we don't need weapons," he said, running away.

"This can't be happening. Why is this happening?!" you yelled. Suddenly, the earth began to tremor again. The bitter Autumn winds began to whisper, and bright blue ghost like clouds circled you.

"We have to get out of here!" Sam yelled. "No! We can't just leave Dean behind! We have to prove the premonitions wrong!" you told him.

"We can't! Y/N, we have to keep the babies safe. Look, I want to go back for him too, but Dean made his choice," he said with a sad tone to his voice. "I don't want him to die. I can't let him die!" you yelled.

"He's not... he's not gonna die. Now, let's go!" You shook your head, refusing to leave your brother behind. "Y/N..." Jack held your arm, pulling you to him.

"I know this is hard, but he'll find a way. One of the... many things I've learned from your brothers is that they never give up, and we've just gotta believe that Dean's not gonna give up." You heard his words. They pierced through your soul in the most painful way possible, because he's right.

Dean won't give up without a fight. "We need to go. The light around us... it's the Angels. I can see their faces," he said, letting you go.

You nodded to the ground. "Okay... Okay! Sam, let's go!" you yelled. You ran to the edge of the circle. It let Sam out, but you, Jack, and the babies were stuck. "Why isn't it letting us out?" you asked. "The babies. They want the babies."

"Listen up you sons of bitches! I know what's gonna happen here! Either you let us out, or this turns into a bloodbath!"

"Ah... the whispering... They're not gonna let us out," Jack said, holding two of his fingers to his ear. You nodded to him, letting him know that this ends with blood.

He held one of his arms out, unleashing a powerful surge. It enveloped the blue clouds in a gold undertone, and with a flick of his wrist, the screams of fifteen different angels was heard.

When the light faded, Jack started toward the forest, but you noticed that something was wrong. The cabin is gone. There isn't even a sign that it was there. The Impala? Gone. Sam? Gone.

"Jack, wait." He looked around, confusion spread across his face. "What the..." Suddenly, Henry began to cry. You bounced him up and down, shushing him, but it wasn't working.

He knows something is wrong. "Let's go," you said, pulling Jack into the forest. As you got deeper, you were getting worried. Sam wouldn't just disappear. "Sam?!" you yelled, but no answer. "Hello..." You turned around only to see Jack disappear. "Y/N!" he yelled. "Jack? Jack! No!"

You're alone. Alone with a crying infant. "Hey. Henry, I don't know how well you understand me here, but uh, it's okay. Shh, everything's going to be okay... I hope."

You walked further into the forest, watching for any sign of Sam, Dean, Cass, or Jack. "Cass, if you can hear me, I need to know. Where the hell is everyone? And where the hell are you?" you whispered.

You walked for at least two miles, and Henry still cried in your arms. "Sun, sun, sun, here it comes..." You came to the end of the song, only to have him crying more and louder. "Shh... shh... come on, honey. Gosh... I don't know what to do. I don't know what you want. I don't know how to be a mom," your eyes filled with tears.

"Jack, can you hear me? Where are you?" you let out a sob, and with your next breath, collected yourself. "Are you hungry? Is that what the problem is?" you asked, looking for a place to sit. You found a fallen tree and sat against it.

"Shhh..." you fed him, relief filling you when he calmed down. When he was done, you patted his back and laughed at his cute little belch. Suddenly, as you were getting yourself ready to go again, you heard an all too familiar voice. It was an exact replica of the one from your premonitions.

"Y/N, over here. It's me," a voice whispered. Sam's voice, but you knew it was a hoax. You stood from the ground, finding the next fallen tree, which you recognized. "Y/N! Over here," it said a little louder. You whipped your head to the right and saw a gust of wind that carried leaves with it. "No, over here," it said again, the sound carried through the wind.

"No. Not over there. Over here." You followed the gust of leaves as they taunted you to follow them. "You're not Sam," you said, overpowering the wind. "What are you talking about? I'm over here," it teased.

The voice taunted you, telling you it was in different places, but you knew it was lying. You looked ahead, planning your next move, but something caught your eye.

There was writing on the tree. It read, Follow the markings, and there was an arrow drawn next to it. That, you knew, was from Sam. He was definitely here, but when? And where is he? You stood, gave your son a kiss on the forehead, and went in the direction the arrow pointed you.

"Here comes the sun, and I say 'it's alright.' Little darling, it's been a long and lonely winter. Little darling, it feels like years since we've been here." You found the next arrow. "Here comes the sun, and I say 'it's alright'. Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces." You found the next one, hope returning.

"Here comes the sun, and I say 'it's alright'." The next one, and a note. Look ahead. You looked to see a cavernous cave. "Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting." Your breaths and voice shook, as you got closer and closer. "Little... darling, it seems like years since it's been clear..." you tripped on a branch and laughed, getting your balance.

"Here comes the sun, and I say it's alright. It's alright." You whispered the last part, your breath echoed through the cave, but it was empty. "No... no, no, no. It isn't supposed to be empty," you said to yourself. You entered and found a piece of paper, a ripped piece of cloth, and a lighter. "What the hell?" you whispered before picking the note off the ground.

"'Recite this, rip the cloth in half, and burn it. Then leave the note, the lighter, and the rest of the cloth in the place you found it. - Sam" you read. "Okay..." You sat on the dirt floor of the cave, resting Henry in your lap. "Sh, sh, sh." You ripped the cloth, lit it on fire, and quickly grabbed the paper.

"Here goes nothing. Praeteritum, praesens et futurum. Ligaveris in viam suam. Tirocinium nos simul." You sat there, confused. Nothing was happening.

"Y/N, thank goodness you're okay." His arms wrapped around you. "Sam?" "Yeah. Yeah, it's me." He helped you off the ground. "What... how..." "Yeah. Turns out the Angels sent you and Jack to the future. I don't know."

"Oh. Hey, where's Jack? In my premonitions he was having a hard time with Kelly. He needs help," you said, looking around for him. "He'll be here any..." "Y/N, I can't... she won't stop crying. Is she okay? I-I... Stop, please." "Jack..."

You gave Henry to Sam and jogged to Jack, wrapping him in your arms. "It's okay. She's just hungry. I'm so happy you're here and okay," you said, taking Kelly from his arms.

"My one question is, where's Dean?" Sam asked. "I-I don't know. But we can't lose hope. Not after what we just did. We will find Dean, and we will stop whoever's doing this to us." you told them, finding a new confidence. You sat on the floor to feed Kelly while the boys tried to come up with a plan.

*Hey guys! Sorry about not posting yesterday. Anyways, Happy Easter! See you next Saturday.*

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