Get Your Guns | Vol. 1 | Jami...

By AllMightyLovebird

61.7K 1.7K 477

Vol. 1 in the Bower series About 8 hours ago Jamie Campbell Bower became what is called single. He found out... More

1| Scotch
2 | Sucker Punch
3 | Tickets
4 | Opening Night
5 | The process of getting laid
6 | Dip Cans
7 | In the spirit of celebration
8 | Uncooperative Deadweight
9 | Random gravity checks
10 | Tent Alert
11 | A clash of worlds
12 | Research
13 | Lasertag Champion
14 | Known as myself
15 | Casa de Skye
16 | Principles
17 | The Heavens Opened
19 | Wait Till Tomorrow
20 | Gigs, chicks and rock n' roll
21| To Love And Let Go
22 | Bastard
23 | Tree Redheads
24 | Shadowhunter Boot Camp
25 | In Love With You
26 | I want you
27 | Cocooned sore potato
28 | Challenges by Rhys
29 | Bower-napping
30 | Change of plans

18 | Trickery

1.5K 56 23
By AllMightyLovebird


Walking out his shower I realised two things. One I had a towel, though I wasn't sure whether or not it had been used before. Second I had no clothes to wear and this time even the damn laundry basket was empty. I had to either go around wrapped in a towel, till I was dry or go commando in some of Jamie's clothes. The fear of towel errors/droppings made me choose going commando in Jamie's clothing within seconds.

I wrapped said towel around me and headed for the door, cracking it open just enough to pop my head out in the hallway. "Jamie!" I hollowed. Sizzling sounds emanated from the kitchen door. He was cocking?

"Whaaat?!" he yelled obviously busy with something by the restrain of his voice. He also said 'what' in a funny way, because he didn't say 'what', it was more like 'whao', with an o at the end. That he said was the reason, he never played - what he called - the 'what guy' when he went in for a role, he gave the answers, he didn't ask the questions.

"I need clothes!" I hollowed back. Something clattered on the floor in the kitchen, and Jamie let out a small yelp and started repeating, "I'm fine, I'm fine. Everything is fine." And then at the end of his 'I'm fine'- tirade he told me, "Look down the clothes should be just outside the door," I looked down. Nothing there by the looks of it, and I would have noticed it if there had been anything there.

"There's nothing here, Jamie," I told him, I was starting to get cold again and some clothes would really improve my mood right now.

"I placed it there just a second ago!" he yelled back, still - by the sound of it - clattering around in the kitchen. What was he doing? Remaking the scene 'trash the camp' from 'Tarzan'? Sure as hell almost sounded like it.

"Well it's not there, James!" I heard something being sat down in the kitchen and he appeared in the doorway, he looked flushed and his before almost so neat hair was sticking up in odd places even Einstein would have been proud of. Plus he was sporting an apron; he had a striking resemblance to a housewife from the 60ties. Walking toward me he had a determined look in his eyes, like I was that stupid kid of his who had left her toy out in the hall. He hurled past me and went behind the opened door, picking something up from the floor. When he stood up he held something in his hands, a pair of black sweatpants and a grey tee shirt, looking rather annoyed. It had slipped behind the door out of sight as I opened it.

"Ow... Thanks," I said in a small voice, reaching for the clothes but just as I did, his annoyed expression turned lopsided and shaped itself in an evil grin. His outstretched hand shot away, out of my reach, which made me almost tumble over.

"What the F, Jamie?!" I exhaled as I gathered myself, making sure nothing had slipped out accidently. Nothing had, thank god. "Hand me the clothes, James?!" I squeaked trying to get a hold of it but being 5'3 didn't work in my favour, as it was nothing compared to his 6'1 feet. I felt like a dwarf more than ever.

"No!" he giggled - yeah he giggles believe it or not - struggling to hold the clothes away from me, holding it just out of my reach, then he suddenly got this weird expression on his face, "what would you offer me in exchange for these garments, my lady?" he said in an old school gentleman voice, like his question in the first place weren't totally inappropriate.

"Be serious, J, hand them over;" I said holding out my hand, almost expecting him to just hand them over just as I said, he couldn't be serious! But of course that wasn't the case. That would just be way too easy. He just smiled at me like I was some sort of moron. In hindsight I kind of was.

"What do you have to offer, my lady? A kiss perhaps?" he said still going with the - totally fake may I add - gentleman voice. Annoyed I lifted my eyebrow at him; I knew due to numerous encounters just like this one, that he absolutely loathed that. But this time he just bowed down in my height making a kissy mouth in front of me.

"Jamie..." I said in a low voice, I didn't want to kiss him again, okay don't get me wrong! My body was saying "heck yes! Kiss him now you moron!" but my brain told me otherwise. I pushed him away and he stood up, still bloody smiling.

"Come on, Skye. It's just one kiss and then you will get the clothes!" he said like it was as simple as that. Like dating him was not a big deal, when in reality it was. Wait a sec... Did I just assume just because I was kissing the guy that we were dating? No! We were just kissing! Isn't that supposed to be harmless enough?

Unless someone catches 'the feels' of course, then whatever friendship we might have had, was doomed. The one part being overly emotional, the other not caring enough to satisfy the first ones need for attention and love, even though the first part, that have caught the feels may be fine with it being platonic, if that makes any sense. But one thing held me back more than anything else; he was Jamie Campbell Bower to the world, though he was only Jamie to me. He was famous whether he liked it or not.

I had seen the way his phone had looked possessed when he tweeted something and then sat in on vibrate, it was crazy how many retweets he got, even though most of them were "I LUV U!" tweets. In the beginning he said he had felt light headed with all the love declarations he had gotten, but after a while it had lost its meaning to him. Because he knew that even though how much people thought they knew him, they didn't. They may think that they were in love with him, but they didn't know him. Very few people did. Like he said, no one knows the real Bower.

"Jamie, please give it here!" I said desperately taking yet another step towards him; he of course moved his arm the last second which resulted in me standing about 4 inches from his chest. Blue eyes stared down at me from above, ringed by a halo of untamed blond hair. He wasn't an ordinary beauty, his face had an ancient quality to it, in the high of his cheekbones, the curve of his lips, it was like he was like he was taken out of an old French painting. Without meaning to I knew that I found him beautiful, even though my mind screamed at me that I shouldn't. Being who he was made him of limits. 'But damn he is hot...' my lusty brain argued, 'No! Get it together, Skye!'

"Jamie, please give me the clothes," I said in a hushed voice. He inched closer to me, leaning more and more till he dared take a tiny step towards me, mineralising the space between us. I could feel the heat radiating of his body, hitting mine making it feel like bursts of electricity coursed through my body spontaneously.

"Jamie..." I croaked words getting caught in my throat, when I looked into his bright blue eye as he walked me back towards the wall. He placed his hands on either side of my head locking me in, making an escape almost impossible. But I didn't feel like fleeing. My feet had nailed themselves to the ground, it was a wonder I was still standing due to the fact that my legs felt more or less felt like jelly.

"Skye..." he breathed, "it's just a kiss." His words was almost a whisper. I could feel his hot breath on my lips, drawing me in, daring me to kiss him. Slowly he leaned in; being gentleman enough to give me time to push him away or scream, if that was what I wanted. His body inched closer bringing our bodies less than an inch from each other, in a wordless restrained dance of wanton. Kissing is harmless enough, right? And right when he kissed I realised, 1) no, it definitely wasn't harmless and 2) I didn't care. His lips was crashing into mine, telling me all the things words couldn't. That was what kisses did; it told everything words couldn't, but sometimes a little too much was uttered.

His lips were soft and warm, but desperate and needy against mine. Like a man wandering in a desert who have finally found water. He groaned against my lips and I couldn't help but let out a small whimper as he did. My hand slit up cupping his face drawing him closer to me, wanting to feel more of him. Fingers tangled in his hair. His hands were trailing its way down my body, down over my shoulder blade over my towel covered breast just missing my nipples by an inch. Until he wrapped his arms around me, grapping my arse and hoisted me up, holding me against him and the wall, breaking the kiss unwillingly as he did.

Suddenly I became very much aware of the fact that I wasn't wearing any underwear and so I noticed, did Jamie. His hard length was pressing against my inner thigh through the fabric of his trousers, that's how I knew. His lips crashed against mine again, and he slithered out his tongue pleading for entrance and I gave it, having no resistance left in me, only wanting to waste away in the feel of his skin against mine. Pleasure sunk it claws into us, craving our entire being. The towel began slipping down, almost revealing my breast, but I didn't care. If anything I wanted to get rid of everything between us, relish in primal desires of the body. Warm hands slipped under the towel connecting with my bare buttocks, cupping it firmly. A moan escaped my lips as he trailed light pecked kissed over my cheek bone down my throat till he found a sensitive spot where he latched on sucking and nibbling, making my head go dizzy with lust, my hands drawing him closer not wanting him to ever stop.

It was in that moment the fire alarm decided to go off.

A/N: remember to VOTE, and maybe COMMENT if you are enjoy the story! tell me your thoughts it means a lot! thank you!

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