Revived Emperor

By RedApples0995

101K 2.3K 172

Michael Potter isn't the subject of the prophecy it was his twin brother, Harry. The light needed him to en... More

Open your eyes
Bonding Siblings
Greetings and Meetings
Welcoming Feast
Security and Fealty
Everything just Aligns
Plan set in motion
No Turning Back


5.9K 152 5
By RedApples0995

Sept 11 1995 (Friday)
It was the day of the tryouts for the Gryffindor team, Harry was in his workout clothes holding out a Nimbus 2000 that James and Lily had given him. Harry was really impressed their efforts in fixing their relationship with him. Though he had already forgiven them for what they have done to him, he enjoys the feeling of being spoiled.
In the field there were a lot of Gryffindors that are trying out for the team, McGonagall did this so it would be easier for the team to recruit next year when Fred, George, Angelina and Alicia will be gone as they would have graduated already. They already divided the players, based on the position that they were trying out for. The official players were the ones in charge of overseeing and evaluating the try outs in their own position and since the position for the keeper is vacant they had invited Oliver Wood into helping them recruit.
Constantly working out every day gave Harry a huge advantage, his stamina, endurance, strength and speed was far better than any other players on the field. His inexperience in riding a broom was at a huge advantage although Angelina was right that he has the Potter genes of being good in a broomstick and that was the only reason why he isn't lagging behind other players in doing sets of work outs. When the sets were done the official players cut the players who didn't impress them.
Six players passed out of 14 that tried out for the chaser position, 4 out 11 for the beater position and 2 out of 7 for the keeper position. Angelina approached the players trying out who were sitting on the field. "Okay, are you all well rested?" Angelina asked, and the players responded with nods and affirmations. "Good, so you will be divided into two teams and you will play 3 games the first team to score more points in 30 minutes points wins the game." Angelina paused to get a jar in her pockets. "Pick a straw from this jar, players with the same straw will be teammates for the game and you will have different teammates for every game." Angelina said while holding out the jar so the players would be able to pick straws. "Red straws will be on the left goal while the gold straws on the right. Get to your positions as we don't have all day." Angelina declared and the players immediately went to their position.
Harry was on the red team together with Ginny Weasley, Wendy Curtis and Richard Trevor as chasers, Jimmy Nichols and Steven Crews as beaters all of them were younger than him. The whistle blew and the game started. The first possession belongs to the gold team. The team went straight into attack mode while his teammates tried to intercept them but failed to do so as the gold team was now at throwing distance within the post. Harry is in his ready stance, prepared to do a save, the chaser threw the quaffle with full power. Harry in his fight mode used his observation and predicted where the ball would be and caught it and pass it to his teammate.
The Gryffindor team was hovering above the stands, overseeing the game and evaluating the players. Michael was very nervous for his friend Ron Weasley, he really hoped that he would be the one to be accepted in the team instead of his brother. His brother, he hated that the Order had brought him back to them from Merlin knows where. The order including his mom and dad are very secretive and sensitive about it. Why couldn't they just stick with him as the boy-who-lived, the prophesized child, and the one to save them all and just left his twin brother out of the equation. All those training, hard-work and pain he had to go through was wasted. But he would not be deterred, he would finish what Dumbledore and his parents started and he would be the one to finish Voldemort regardless what the prophecy says. But right now, he had to make sure that Ron would be on the team.
As the game progressed, the hope within Michael that Ron would be chosen dimmed. Harry was too good that he was the obvious choice. Try as he might, he told the team that Ron would be better because of the chemistry and teamwork he already have with himself and the twins, that he was just nervous and that's why he wasn't playing as good as Harry and that he is a really great keeper. He even persuaded the twins to back him up, using the thousand galleons he had given them this past summer as a blackmail for them to be on his side but Angelina, Alicia and Katie didn't bulge, Harry's skill and talent outweighs the benefits they had argued against Harry. Harry tried to continue the argument but Angelina already flew off and blew the whistle and called all the players to huddle up.
Once all the try-out players were standing in a half circle surrounding the main team, Angelina started to speak. "Okay guys, all of you perform greatly but unfortunately not all of you would be chosen to be on the team. So let's get to it. For the chasers we'll be choosing two out of six of you and the two of you will be the reserves. The same goes for the beaters." Angelina paused to see the reaction of the players, the chaser and beaters were all nervous, uncertain of what the result will be. On the other hand Harry seemed confident while Ron was bummed out. Not surprising since the outcome was pretty much clear. After seeing the reaction, Angelina continued.
"For the keeper position only one is to be chosen to be on the team. For the chasers, the reserves are Ginny Weasley and Demelza Robins. For the beater position, James O' Brien and Jason Bradley. For the keeper position, Harry Potter. For those who weren't called out, kindly please go to the locker rooms and vacate the field. While for those who were called kindly stay.
Michael was looking at Ron when Angelina finished the announcement, then he approached him. And playfully smacked his shoulder. "Sorry mate, I know you really wanted to be on the team, I tried my best to convince Angelina to pick you but she didn't bulge." Michael explained to his upset friend.
"Yeah, thanks. Don't worry about it." Ron replied with sadness in his voice. After he replied he hastily left the field trying to hold back his tears. Michael watched his best friend walk away and noticed that he wiped his when eyes, he felt pity for him. Ron had a passion on Quidditch that was unrivaled and that being unaccepted to the team would lower his self-esteem and his confidence especially when Ginny was accepted to the team when he basically kept saying that girls shouldn't play the sport. When Ron was no longer be seen, he turned to his twin brother and glared at him with anger. If it weren't for him Ron would be on the team.
"Okay, gather round everyone!" Angelina announced when the players that weren't accepted was out of the earshot. "This is going to be quick since we're all tired. We accepted chasers and beaters this year even though there isn't a vacant spot because the twins, Alicia and I are going to graduate this year and we wouldn't want the team to be in scramble next season. So Ginny, Demelza, James and Jason, you are going to practice with us so that by next year you would have everything figured out. Last thing, our practices will be announce every week since the three other teams will also fight for booking the field. That's it go and get rested and wait for further announcement." Angelina said and all the team walked together to the showers.
"Amazing performance today Harry, I knew you're as talented as all the Potters in quidditch. Just don't let today's performance get into your head. The last thing we want is ego getting in our way to championship." Katie said when both of them were walking side by side together. "I just played my best you know. I wasn't really fazed by the fact that it was my first time playing quidditich." Harry replied to her with a smile.
Katie response was to chuckle. "The Potters must be really good at quidditch if that was your first time playing. The Gryffindors are really luck that your family is in our house." Katie replied to him. Harry just shrugged as a response. He was very tired, and continuing the conversation was becoming a straining task.
September 24 (Thursday)
Hermione was very upset of how things had been going. She would have thought that she would have a friend that would get rid of the lonely experience she always had in Hogwarts. But that wasn't the case. Harry easily became one of the popular students in Hogwarts and he seems to get rid of her as usual like everyone else who had become her friend.
She was walking towards the common room as she just finished studying in the library. When she entered the common room no one really paid her attention as usual and as usual she was going straight for the dorm.
Harry was talking with his classmates in the common room. He ignored them for a few seconds when he heard the sound of the door opening. He smiled when he saw her bushy haired friend who had been avoiding him for no reason at all enter the common room. He stood up and called her attention and when she ignored her and quicken her footsteps, he dashed quickly to catch up to her. He called her name again and was ignored again. He boost his speed and he was in front of her before she reached the stairs.
Hermione was shocked when he appeared in front of her. She heard him calling her name but opted to ignore him as she was not really in the mood for his games. "Yes?" Hermione said with annoyance in her voice. "Can we talk?" Harry asked.
"I'm really tired today, can we talk tomorrow?" Hermione replied to her while massaging her eyes and then she moved aside so that she can ascend to the stairs but she was blocked again. She glared ate him when he did this. "No." Harry answered firmly.
"And why not?" Hermione asked angrily. "Because you've been avoiding me, that's why." Harry replied to her.
"I have not been avoiding. I was just very busy that's all." Hermione replied, while adverting her eyes away from him, a clear tell that she's lying. "So if you excuse me, I'll go get some rest." Hermione said with another attempt to walk away.
When she tried to avoid him again. Harry blocked her again and using his physical advantage, he intimidated her until her back was against the wall. "Wha---what are you doing? I reall--yy…" Hermione tried to say and she made an attempt to walk away again but Harry was very quick and he blocked her way using his arms and closed the distance within them. "Can we please talk? Please." Harry pleaded to her.
Hermione sighed and just gave up. "Okay" she replied. "Can you create some silencing wards?" Harry requested.
Hermione nodded and pull out her wand and created the ward. Harry then distanced himself from Hermione. "So what do you want to talk about?" Hermione asked.
"Like I said, why have you been avoiding me?" Harry asked again. "I have not been avoiding you. I was just very busy." Hermione replied but this time she was firm.
"Yes, you have. I have been trying to hang out with you, tried talking with you. But every time I went your way you go to another direction." Harry told her. Hermione looked ashamed when he said that and decided to be honest. "I'm not comfortable with the attention that you bring. I'm not used to that." Hermione answered to him.
"Okay, I understand that. But why act as if we're not friends anymore?" Harry asked, when Hermione didn't reply and just kept quiet he sighed. "Look, I'm going to continue making friends and hanging out with them. But please don't stop being my friend and stop hanging out with me." Harry continued.
"Why don't you just stop being friends? You'll still going to leave me eventually and then you'll make fun of me like everyone else." Hermione vented with tears pooling in her eyes. "Do you really think of me like that?" Harry asked, taken a backed by her question.
"I don't have any reasons not to." Hermione replied. Harry stood straight and looked at her directly in the eyes. "I'm not going to stop being your friend Hermione. Even if you're going to keep pushing me away, I will find a way to get back in until I prove to you that I will not leave you. “Harry said firmly then he smiled. “Look, you may not trust me right now but at least give me a chance to prove that I'm not lying, please." Harry said while clasping his hands in gesture of begging.
Hermione doubted his intentions, her brain kept telling her that it is all a trick to hurt her like all the friends she had but another part of her brain told her to take that risk. "Okay, I'll give you a chance." Hermione answered. "So you won't continue avoiding me then?" Harry asked and Hermione just shook her head.
"Great, because I want you to spend time with me and only with me this Saturday at Hogsmead. Just like we did last summer. Is it okay with you?" Harry asked. Hermione just smiled and nodded, this conversation plus the studying she'd been doing already made her very tired. Then she jerked awake when Harry hugged her, lift her a few inches off the floor and moved sideways.
"Okay, okay. Put me down before I change my mind." Hermione said and instantly Harry stopped and put her down. "Can I take a rest now? I'm really tired from studying." Hermione asked and Harry nodded and when she ascended in the stairs she heard Harry say "Thank You."
Unbeknownst to Harry and Hermione, the silencing wards deactivated after a few minutes and suddenly the whole room can hear their conversation. One person who was very interested in the conversation was Ronald Weasley. Ever since he saw Hermione at the Yule Ball last year with Krum, he started to see Hermione in a different light. She was now beautiful, the things she used to do which annoys him were now charms that makes his heart flutter. Like how strict she was, how her head was always buried in the book, how she is such a stickler for the rules and how bossy she was. His highlights of this year was the time he spent with Hermione on their prefect duties.
In the summer, Ron had made his decision that this was the year he grew up and stop being immature, he was going to take his studies, duties and quidditch seriously. The reason for this is because he want to impress Hermione and a whole other people but impressing Hermione was his main focus.
When he and his dad had a conversation about puberty and being attracted to girls. When he confessed to his dad that he fancies Hermione. Which was great because he was given advice and tips on how to impress her and get her to like him which was contradictory with the magazine that Fred and George gave him on how to woo girls.
He hated the twin of his best friend. Not only did he steal his spot for the keeper position on the Gryffindor team but it seems he was stealing Hermione away from him too.  He already had plan before the beginning of the school year. He was going to stop teasing Hermione and stop his friends from teasing her, take his studies seriously while asking her for help. He was going to spend the time with Hermione at their prefect duties to befriend her and finally he was going to ask her on a date in Hogsmead. But it seems impossible then with Harry Potter becoming her friend and always partnering with her and hanging out with her.
He was really happy when Harry and Hermione seemed distant in the last two weeks which Ron took advantage by spending time with her. He always insist on being her partner and to keep asking help regarding his studies. Which was difficult, since he was practically a bully to her in the last four years. 
Ron was trying not to look at their direction, but he kept going near them slowly and slyly to get a better understanding to what they were talking about. By the time the two of them finished their conversation he was fuming. Why? Why does he kept stealing everything that he wants? He already has the keeper position, why must he steal the girl he fancies away from him. Everything is just so unfair. NO! He wouldn't give up and he wouldn't stop, he is going to continue the work he's been doing for the last two weeks and wouldn't let that Potter bastard beat him.

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