By kanimac

295K 7.9K 2K

"That would be doctor to you, Commander, not sweetheart." Sienna Dreis is the lead doctor for the Resistance... More



6.3K 159 54
By kanimac

I woke up before Poe did the next morning. My back had been against his bare chest with us lying on our sides. I carefully removed his arm from my waist, trying my best not to wake him. After last night, I even surprised myself that I was up so early. I made my way to the bathroom where I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair back into a French braid before splashing water on my face.

Exiting the room, I grabbed a cropped tank and some leggings from the closet along with my running shoes. It was still early- a perfect time for a run before the heat of the day set in. I slid the outfit on before sitting on the edge of the bed and running my fingers over the light scratch marks on the man's back. Oops.

Poe stirred, rolling into his back as he opened his eyes. He gave me a small smile, sitting up so that the sheet fell down to his waist. "Morning," he said with a voice thick with sleep.

"Good morning, commander. Have a good sleep?" He reached up and cupped the back of my head before meeting my lips with a light kiss.

"The best sleep I've had in a long time, doc," he replied with a wink.

Before I could mentally prepare myself, Poe flung the cover off of him, turning to stand with a long stretch. Heat rushed up my neck as I flushed for no reason other than being in this perfect man's presence.

"Quit ogling me." He smirked at me as he pulled his pants on.

I rolled my eyes before standing. "Please, you want me to ogle at you." I wrapped my arms around his waist, pressing a kiss to his jaw. "I'm going for a run. Would you like to join?"

"Not this time. I need to get to the hangar and work on some ships today. Take BB-8 with you, though. I'm sure he misses your bonding time." Poe rolled his eyes in a joking way.

I smiled at the thought of the droid. "I do miss my buddy. I'll go grab him. I'll see you later?"

"Of course. Have fun." He pressed a kiss to the tip of my nose before pulling on his shirt and leaving my room. His shoulders were squared back as he left, no shame at all in his walk from my quarters. I doubt he would run into anyone this early anyway after last night's festivities in the hangar.

I made my way to the hangar where I figured the droid would be. As expected, he was bustling around the black ship. "BB-8!" I called for him. His domed head turned towards me, lighting up and letting out a quick series of beeps.

"Good morning to you, buddy. I'm about to head to the beach and was wondering if you'd like to join?" An excited string of beeps came forward as he spun in circles around my legs.

"Alright, alright. Let's go then." I took off at a slow jog after the droid, warming up my legs since it had been so long. The greenery started to blend together as we eventually picked up speed, swerving through the wooded trail to avoid any stumps or rocks. The sound of the water became clearer as we entered the last portion of the trail. BB-8 stopped as he reached the sand, turning around with a low beep as I stopped next to him with my hands on my head.

"What do you mean speed it up?! I was practically going full out at the end there." He started making quick,  breathing type sounds. "Stop mocking me," I playfully brought my foot up and tapped the side of his body, "before I kick you like I almost did in the hall that one time." I laughed at the droid's reply, going to sit on my usual rock.

The waves were calm as they lapped against the short. The last of the stars were fading away as the sun rose into the pastel sky. "It's pretty beautiful, huh?" BB-8 chirped in agreement.

We spent some time there taking in the water before heading back. I pushed myself, staying in front of the droid the entire way to the base. When we made it to the building, I leaned against the wall as I tried to catch my breath. "How is that for 'speed it up' BB-8?" I laughed as he let out a low beep, but was silenced as a dull throbbing started to occur in the sides of my head. I brought my hands up to rub my temples, but the pain only became more intense as the seconds passed. A familiar pressure was building, and I felt the warm drip of blood start down my nose. I slid down the wall to sit when BB-8 voiced his concern.

I suddenly felt light-headed, my vision blurring. I knew I was about to pass out. "BB-8, go find help."

The last thing I recall was the whirring of the droid away from me as my body fell over onto the hard ground.

"Dr. Dreis."

I was aware of the voice speaking from within my head, but it all felt fuzzy, like a bad radio transmission.


It was clearer now, but how I wish it weren't. Such a unique voice- so deep and pained. I tried pushing it away, but was met with a low laugh.

"You're weaker than I remember. Don't try fighting it so hard next time, doc."

I woke up with a jolt when I felt a hand grip my shoulder, quickly backing away from the touch.

"Sienna, it's just me. You're okay." My breathing was quick as I looked up at Ezra. He was in sweatpants and a t-shirt, and his hair was disheveled like he hadn't brushed it since waking up.

I reached up and felt below my nose, trying to wipe off the blood. "Shit, I don't know what just happened. I was laughing and started to get an awful headache..."

"You didn't hit your head on the way down?"

I shook my head at him. "No, thankfully I felt it coming on so I sat down."

Ezra sighed before leaning down to my eye level. "I had just left my room to go to the canteen when the droid almost took me out. It said you had fainted and led me out to you." I looked over at the droid who was by the door. I sent a thankful smile in BB-8's direction. Ezra extended his arm out to me, and I grasped it, slowly standing. "You good, Si?"

"Yeah I'll be fine. Thank you for coming out to check on me. I know it takes a lot to pull you away from your morning coffee."

He chuckled before backing away. "No problem. Go grab some breakfast. I always tried to tell you running on an empty stomach wasn't a good idea."

I knew good and well that had absolutely nothing to do with it, but I just rolled my eyes. "Yes sir. I'll see you later."

We parted ways, but I stopped when I got to BB-8, kneeling down to the droid. "Thank you for grabbing him BB-8." The droid was still worried after my fainting spell. "I promise you I'm fine. Ezra was probably right about my blood sugar being low or something. I'll go take a hot shower and I'll be as good as new, alright?" He wasn't convinced, but scurried off to the hangar.

I went to my room in a daze. Half of me was thinking I had imagined the voice, and I really did just pass out from some kind of physiological reason. The other half though, the side that I knew was correct, was already in hyper-drive and trying to figure out how Ren had been able to open the line of communication with me. It was intrusive and worrisome that he had so clearly been in my head.  Even scarier, it proved that he had survived. I'd have to tell the General about it.

After getting dressed, I made my way to the command room to find Leia. She was looking at some maps one of the admirals had laid out, but glanced up when she heard me enter the room.

"Sienna, how are you this morning?" Her eyes shined with care.

I made my way to her, stopping close enough where she could hear my quiet whisper. "Leia, may I speak with you in private?"

Her eyes searched mine and her small smile fell. I'm sure she could feel the unease radiating off of me. "Of course. Let's take a walk." After dismissing herself from the crew, the general followed me out towards my office. The walk there was silent. I was trying to formulate in my head how to break the news to this woman that her son was alive, but I didn't necessarily believe there was anything good about that. Once we were secure inside of the room, we both sat on the couch.

"What is troubling you, Sienna?"

I sighed before looking towards the window, gathering my thoughts. "Leia... this morning, I had just gotten back from a run when I started to have a growing pressure inside of my head. And... it was so familiar. It kept growing until I eventually passed out." I looked at the woman who wore a concerned look. "I'm fine. That isn't the important part... When I was out, I heard Kylo Ren in my head. However, it wasn't like a memory of his voice. He was inside of my head again. Speaking to me. He is supposed to be dead, I know that, but I don't think he is Leia."

Leia's face was hard to read, but her eyes were wide as she looked at me. "You're sure it was him?"

I nodded. "I'm completely sure. He said something that confirmed it for me." His use of Poe's nickname for me made my blood boil, but it was the conformation that I needed. "He also said that there will be a next time, so I assume he is going to try and reach out again. I just don't know what I need to do, Leia. Why is he doing this?"

She stood, walking over to the window. "Are you still taking the bacta supplements?"

"I stopped yesterday. I started having some... second thoughts about taking such a high dose. While I'm grateful that it saved my life, it's morally troublesome as a doctor to suddenly be able to defy death and all."

"I believe that is what he is looking for." She spun to face me. "That has to be why he's reaching out. Did he say anything else?"

"No, it was more of just taunting me. What should I do next time? He's obviously using the force, which I don't know much about dealing with..." I was starting to feel panicky the more I thought about it. I didn't know how to handle this.

It was as if Leia could sense my growing unease. She sat next to me, grabbing my hands. "My dear girl, I know how overwhelmed you must feel about this. My son is strong with the force, so I do not see any benefit to fighting it unfortunately. It is only his voice- he cannot hurt you."

I let out a long breath. "I know you're right. I'll try to keep from giving him any kind of information about us or the research if he does come back." I paused before my next question, hoping not to upset the woman. "Leia, do you really think there is any good left in him? Because to be honest, after what I've seen and experienced, I can't say that I do."

"I do, without a doubt." The woman said with conviction. "Snoke's corrupting influence is what is keeping him on the darkside. I feel in my heart that he still holds light within him."

It was hard to hear honestly. Yes, Kylo Ren is her son, but her son that had killed his own father, tried to kill me, kidnapped Poe and who knew how many other lives were taken by his hands. Leia was like a mother to me, and I have never been given a reason to doubt her before. However, the scar that I currently hold on my side is enough of a reminder to me that darkness flows through his veins as thick as his own blood. If Leia was right, it would take a huge act of support for the Resistance for me to even consider it.

"I respect your opinion, Leia, but I can't say I agree with it. Hopefully one day he will prove me wrong."

General Organa grabbed my hand with a soft squeeze. "I hope so to, my dear."

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