Loving Mr. Choi

By 9mono_seok4

11.9K 346 69

Khalessi is a smart girl and is well versed in not only English, but Korean and French. It has always been he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
๐Ÿ’ฎCharacter Intoduction๐Ÿ’ฎ
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰1k views๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
Chapter 9

Chapter 8

675 28 9
By 9mono_seok4

A/N: Also, feel free to listen to the song while you read. I think it adds to it. Enjoy~~


The school day was finally done and I couldn't be happier. I stretched my arms and let out a groan, my back was killing me. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 3:35. "I reckon I can stay and grade for a little longer."

I shot a quick text in the group chat with ChaEun, Heize and I, telling them I would be home late. ChaEun of course started her infamous whining even through text. Heize just told me to be careful. I kicked off my heels and started to work.

About halfway through grading I got hungry so I went and grabbed my leftovers from lunch and started eating. The grades in my class were pretty good, there were a few students who needed help so I wrote their names down before moving on.

It was 5:00 by the time I finished, I collected all of my stuff including the basket from earlier and tossed my trash in the outside trash can. We don't need any roaches in my classroom, I laughed to myself. I walked down the hallway to the office and hummed to myself.

Mrs. Kim had already left which was good, she didn't need to be out late anyway. I walked to the check in room to check out. I was about to leave when I heard talking from Mr. Choi's office. I wanted to say goodbye to him before I left and thank him again for the food.

I walked up to the door and saw that it was ajar, enough for you to see in. I peeked through the gap in the door and saw the lady who threatened me earlier with Mr. Choi. Now that certainly was odd.

"Now why are you entertaining some foreign whore, when you have a family to come home to." She sat on his desk and smirked. "Don't talk about her like that Sonhee, and we're not together anymore." I gasped internally. "Oh so should I tell our daughter that you want to abandon her for some whore." "What the fuck did I just say Sonhee." He had gotten mad and her smirk only grew.

  "I don't know...maybe you should remind me." I watched her spread her legs and pull him by his tie. Okay this is my cue to leave.

  I started to walk away when my dumb phone fell and hit the floor. "Shit." It was loud, the door opened and Mr. Choi walked out with Sonhee behind him.

  "K-Khalessi...w-what are you doing here." He bent down to help me but I pushed him away. "I came to say goodbye to you, but clearly you were busy." I motioned to Sonhee who smirked. She hadn't even bothered to fix her skirt. "H-How much did you hear?" I scoffed and looked at him, "More than e-fucking-nough." He seemed at a lost for words. "K-Khalessi can we talk?" I shook my head. "There's nothing to talk about, I just wish you hadn't led me on Siwon."

  I walked out of the office despite his calls for me to come back. I couldn't believe I had just gotten played, I mean I guess there's a first for everything. As I got onto the sidewalk, I saw my bus pulling off. I chased after it, trying to wave my one free hand to no avail. It was raining outside and I didn't have an umbrella. The bus splashed into a puddle and soaked me. "You have got to be fucking kidding me." I sat down on the bench, at least it was under a covering.

  I was tired and upset, not to mention wet and cold. I reached for my phone and saw that it was ruined. I sat back against the bench seat and cried. I couldn't tell if I was crying out of pity or out of shame. "Well this is perfect." I saw a car pull up in front of me and Siwon stepped out. I rolled my eyes. I was not in the mood to see anyone, and especially not fucking Choi Siwon.

  I stood up, grabbed my stuff and began walking away from him. "KHALESSI!" He shouted after me, but I kept walking. I could hear his quickened steps against the wet pavement, he was running after me. He caught up to me and grabbed my arm. "Blossom please," I laughed, "Don't you dare call me that." He was surprised the I had switched to Korean. "How fucking dare you!"

  "Khalessi there's nothing going on between Sonhee and I, it was something of the past." He had placed the umbrella over my head. "Why didn't you tell me that you had a damn family," he hung his head, "because now I look like exactly what she called me, a fucking whore Siwon." I almost felt bad after looking at the pitiful expression on his face. "Siwon I'm new to this damn country, I don't have the backing of all the teachers. They just started talking to me today. If she starts telling everyone that I'm messing with you, when y'all have a daughter together, I'm gonna look bad. It's not like I can fucking defend myself against that" He grabbed my stuff for me but didn't say anything. "C-Can we get out of the rain?" I nodded my head and he led me to the car. My ass was not trying to stay in this damn cold rain.

  He opened my door for me and placed my stuff in the backseat before walking to the driver side. "My house isn't too far from here, we can get you dried off and finish talking." I just grunted as he drove off. He turned the radio on. The song was "CPR," By Summer Walker. What an accurate song for the occasion.

  I looked over at him, he had loosened his tie, but he looked bothered. I sighed and grabbed his hand, he looked shocked as I held his hand, but just caressed my hand with his thumb. "Just drive stupid." He grinned slightly.

  The ride was calm, the car was filled with the mellow music from the radio and his quiet hums. We arrived at his house about 30 mins later. His house was nice, it was modern and sleek. He pulled into the garage, I looked over and saw another car in the garage.

  I released his hand and I heard him whine when I did. I opened my door and went to grab my stuff, but he got to it before I could. "The door should be open." I walked up to the door leading to the house and opened it. Siwon's house was certainly something. "Your house is beautiful." "Thank you." He placed my stuff on the counter and kicked off his shoes. I placed mine by the door before following him into his room. We climbed the stairs and I admired the details.

  We got to his room and he opened the door, I walked in and looked around. He closed the door behind him and walked to his closet. I didn't want to sit down anywhere because I was still soaking wet. He came out with a shirt and some shorts. "Here's a shirt, I shrunk these shorts in the wash a while ago but never threw them away." He handed me the clothes and led me to the bathroom. "There's towels and rags," I placed the clothes down and looked around, "I'll be downstairs when you're done." He closed the door behind him as he left.

I climbed in the shower and turned it on. The warm water helped to warm me up, nothing like a hot shower. I started to wash my hair and braided it while it was already wet. I sighed knowing it was going to be beyond dry in the morning. I finished up and wrapped a towel around myself before climbing out. I realized that I didn't have my purse with me, which had an extra pair of underwear. "Well fuck it." I slipped the shorts and shirt on, and sighed. "Who would've thought, I'd fly all the way to Korea to walk around in a man's house with no underwear." I laughed in disbelief and grabbed my wet clothes.

I walked down the stairs, I started to smell food and I sped up. "Siwon..Mr. Choi." "In the kitchen." I simply followed the smell of food until I got to the kitchen.

Siwon was standing at the stove cooking, my mouth started to water as I got closer. "Hey where's your laundry room." He turned and faced me, "Oh, right this way." He turned off the eye and walked in the direction of the laundry room, I hurried to catch up to him. He opened the door and we walked in. He walked over to the washing machine and I handed him my clothes. "They should be done by morning. Dinner is almost ready...T-then we can talk."

He followed me out of the laundry room and I sat at the table. He brought over the food and plates. Siwon had cooked Kimchi stew, it smelled heavenly and tasted even better.

"Well, I guess I'll start." He had switched back to English. I looked up at him while eating. "Sonhee and I have actually known each other since high school, we were in love at one point and she insisted we get married. We were only 19 at the time and I wasn't looking to get married, but I wanted to make her happy. We were married for 6 years and at first it was great, but she started getting greedy. Of course I'll provide for the woman I love, but it was never enough for her, she always wanted more," he paused to grab two Soju bottles from the fridge and handed me one, "After that I started not wanting to be around her. I was looking at a divorce so we could go our separate ways, but that's when I found out she was pregnant," he opened the Soju and took a long chug, "What type of man would I be, if I left my pregnant wife. So I stayed and raised my daughter. I love my daughter but she started using that as leverage over me. She would threaten to never let me see my daughter, she had me where she wanted me."

"It was starting to take a toll on my mental health and I had to make a tough decision. In the end I made a decision to divorce her and she tried to get full custody of my daughter. Luckily she wasn't granted full custody, but my hours with my daughter are always short, and when it was time for my daughter to come and stay with me, something always came up. Sonhee always threatens to make me look like a bad father for my daughter, as well as find a way to get full custody." Siwon pushed around his stew and sighed. "But still there's no excuse for me not telling you what was going on. Believe me I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how and for that I'm deeply sorry." I reached across the table and held his hand, he smiled at that and chugged his Soju. "But Khalessi I'm serious, there's nothing going on between us. I-I care about you and I want you in my life." I looked at him, and for the first time I saw something other than the well put together principal. I saw a man who was hurting, I saw someone who was suffering at the hands of another and there was really nothing he could do about it.

"Siwon I thank you for being honest with me and for opening up to me. I love that you feel comfortable with me. But I came here to do a job," He sighed sadly, "Hear me out before you start pouting. I care for you as well and even though you're beyond annoying and I want to fight you, I'd love to see where this goes. But I have to warn you, because I came here for business I will not let some man make a fool out of me. Also I have a low tolerance for bullshit." Siwon nodded his head. "I'm well aware that you don't play and I like that, I thinks it's sexy." He winked at me and I pushed him away.

"Yea you say that until I blow up on you." I grabbed our empty bowls and walked to the sink. "And you're sooooooo sexy when you speak my language." He followed behind me with his bottle of Soju and mine. I started to wash the bowl and he wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. "In all seriousness, thank you for giving me a chance Blossom. It means a lot to me and I promise that I'll do my best to be a good boyfriend." "Now, who said you were my boyfriend," he pouted, "I just assumed." "Clearly, you didn't even ask me." I scoffed and he gasped.

Siwon spun me around and kneeled on the ground in front of me. "Mr. Choi what are you doing?" He just chuckled and kissed my hand. "My beautiful chocolate goddess that God himself sent me, would you make me the happiest man and be my girlfriend." I tapped my chin I shook my head, "I don't know, you're a lot to put up with." He whined and gripped my hand, "Khalessi you're messing with my emotions." I laughed and leaned down and kissed him. He stood up and hoisted me onto the counter. "I'll take that as a yes."

He reconnected our lips and rested his hands on my waist. I've kissed my fair share of people in my 26 years of living, and maybe it was just me being dramatic, but this kiss was different. There was something there, something that made me never want to stop.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He rested his hands on my hips and sighed before pulling back. I rested our foreheads together and smiled. "You're really something Mr. Choi." He squeezed my sides and laughed. "So I've heard."

I pulled back and looked at him. I didn't know what I was getting myself into, but I was ready to see where this went. "W-What is it, you're making me nervous." I laughed and slid off the counter. "Nothing...you're just handsome. Let's go to bed." I ran off towards the stairs and I could hear him chasing after me.

I was trying my hardest not to slip and bust my ass on these stairs. I made it to the top and rushed off to his room. "Why're you always making me run Blossom." He whined and bent over to gasp for air.

"I have to go and get a new phone tomorrow, my phone was ruined in the rain." He chuckled nervously and walked over to his desk. "Lucky for you apple had a bogo sale." He opened the drawer and pulled out a white box. Siwon walked over to the bed and sat down next to me, I crawled over to him and looked over his shoulder.

"I hope you like the color." He handed the phone to me and I gasped. "S-Siwon you don't have to do that, this is really generous of you." "Well if you don't want i-." He started to reach for the phone and I thumped his head. "Keep playing with me lil' boi." He chuckled and watched me open it. It was one of the most recent ones, which I know was hella expensive, the phone was lavender and I thought it was cute.

I leaned over and kissed Siwon in thanks and pink dusted his cheeks. I started to set up the phone, mainly because I knew that ChaEun and Heize would be fuming. "Babe, can you run downstairs and grabbed my purse." He nodded before walking out of the room. Luckily for me, my grandmother taught me long time ago that you should always write down numbers, if something ever happened to your phone. She didn't trust this "new fangled technology," as she put it.

Siwon walked in and handed me my purse. I dug through it until I found the piece of paper with numbers on it. It was still slightly damp, but I could still read it. Siwon took one more gulp from his Soju and opened mine, he started to down mine before resting his head on my lap.

Once I had finished I dialed ChaEun.
"L-Lessi is that you?" She sounded like she had been crying, her voice was shaky. "Chae are you okay?" I heard a loud sob. "W-We d-didn't know what happened t-to you. I-I thought you had g-gotten hurt." "Will you stop being a big baby, I told you she was fine." I heard Heize shout in the background and I had to stop from laughing, ChaEun was genuinely worried. "Chae, sweetie I'm fine okay. I missed the bus and my phone got destroyed in the rain." I heard her sniffle and blow her nose. "W-Where are you, A-Are you coming home?" "No, I'm staying over at Siwon's house, but I'll be back in the morning." ChaEun sighed, "Is he there with you now?" "Yea he's resting his head in my lap." I ran my fingers through his hair and he leaned into my touch. "C-Can you put the phone on speaker." I took the phone away from my face and pressed the speaker button.

"You're on speaker Chae." She thanked me. "Listen here Choi Siwon, if you hurt Khalessi in anyway I will personally beat your ass. Tread carefully Mr. Choi." Siwon looked at me in shock and I laughed.

"I'm glad you called, I was just about ready to call the police. Anyway I'll leave you to it. See you in the morning, Goodnight Lessi." "Nighty Night Chae." She hung up and I placed the phone on the nightstand. "I can't believe you just let your friend threaten me." I laughed and stole my Soju back from him. "You'll be fine you big baby, let's go to sleep."

Siwon pulled the covers back and I slid in, he was about to when he stood up. "Hold on I'll be right back." He walked out of the room and I heard him walk down the stairs. I stared up at the ceiling and admired the patterns the spread out across it. Siwon walked back in and got under the covers.

He pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around me. "I had to check on your clothes." I nodded. "This has been a day, but it's in the past. Good night Blossom." He kissed my head, "Good night Mr. Choi."

A/N: Also I'd like to say thank you to the people who patiently wait for me to update. I know waiting can get tiring, but I'm thankful for those who still continue to wait and read.


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