Chapter 7

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The morning started off like normal, Heize and ChaEun had found ways to annoy me playfully. I took a relaxing shower and got dressed for the day. I walked into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee for all of us. The girls were up bright and early today. Heize had to get down to the studio and ChaEun had to go and work at her company.


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I collected my purse and my coffee and headed for the door. The girls trailed after me. I could tell that it was too early for them to be energetic. We got on the bus and I was lucky enough to snag a three seater seat.

"I dread having to wake up this early, I could be sleeping," ChaEun grumbled, "But here I am on a bus at 9 fucking am." She ran her fingers through her blonde locks in frustration. Heize rolled her eyes and shoved the girl, who let out a dramatic yelp. I chuckled at their interaction and took a sip of my coffee. "Get over yourself drama queen, you're not going to die from waking up literally an hour earlier." Heize pointed at her watch and ChaEun pouted.

ChaEun laid her head on my shoulder and I rested my back against the cold plastic of the seats on the bus and looked outside the window. I saw people dressed in business suits rushing down the steps to the subway station, I saw moms and dads walking their kids to school and reluctantly letting them go off with their friends. This life was so simple yet intense in its own way.

The school was coming into view and I gently shook ChaEun awake and collected my stuff. "Well this is my stop ladies, I'll see you two tonight. Have a good day." They waved goodbye and the bus came to a stop. I didn't cross the street until the bus drove past.

I walked across the busy street and onto the sidewalk. I saw the highschoolers playing with their friends and some rushed inside the building to get to class early. I walked inside the building and headed to the office to check in.

"Good morning Mrs. Kim. How are you on this fine morning." The woman looked up at me and smiled, "I'm doing okay Khalessi, the baby has started kicking and I barely got any sleep last night, but I'm doing good." She caressed her bulging stomach and smiled down at it. "Well that's good, I wish you the best." Mrs. Kim picked up a note and handed it to me. I walked to the check in station and read the note.

Miss. Khalessi,
Please meet me in my office during lunch. I have cooked for the both of us.
~Siwon <3

I knew I was forgetting something, I forgot to get lunch for myself. Good thing Mr. Choi couldn't keep himself away from me. I laughed at my little joke and walked to my classroom.

I opened the door and saw that there was a fruit basket on my desk. My heels clicked against the floor as I walked over to it. It was from the teachers around my classroom. This was the first time any of them had bothered to reach out to me.

Loving Mr. ChoiМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя