The Lonely Aristocrat

By blurry_044

64.9K 2.5K 423

A young girl that lives her home town for college but when she finally does, she encounters difficulties payi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
- Epilogue -
Author's Note
Author's Note
The Lonely Aristocrat.....

Chapter 5

2K 79 10
By blurry_044

It's a beautiful and shiny day. The sun is high in the sky and I feel so energetic. Feel like it will be fun today. I said to myself getting out of my appartement. Cars were horning out so loud, kids were walking and having fun around.

I stood on the staircase and inhaled deeply with my eyes closed. I held my breath for some seconds then released it with a wide smile opening my eyes along.

I started going down the stairs then took the streets path walking towards the bus station. I stood at the bus stop station for few minutes. I walked in as it stopped Infront of me with some people getting in and out.

I sat at my favourite spot by the window as the bus went on. With my headphones on I played on my favourite slows looking out at the window. The bus went on as the buildings passed in a blur behind us.

We finally came to stop signaling my arrival. I went down spotting Dom's mansion immediately. This guy is really rich but he does as if this was just a normal thing for every human being. I made my way towards the mansion.

A man was standing at the side of the wide gate. He was so tall and had sunglasses on probably because of the sun. He had short curly brown hairs with thin pink lips, broad shoulders and huge arm muscles could be seen through his suit.

The walk down the path leading to the wide gates took some minutes. When I was finally Infront of the gate looking at the guy, I cleared my throat to talk but he cut me as he spoke first

" Miss Elizabeth Ren?" It was more like a question than him calling me out.

" Yes" I answered. He held out a hand indicating to take it. I took it before he lead my towards a box-like metal on the wall. He entered a code and took my hand to the flat little square screen. Taking my thumb and placing it on the flat screen, taking my finger print. A click was heard but I couldn't spot the source and the gate opened.

I walked in not before thanking the guy that just opened it. I walked crossing the huge garden which was divided into two with a path in the middle having enough space for both the cars and people to walk through.

There where single trees planted at in the middle of each side of the two gardens with few flowers present in rows. I've always wondered how they could do this.

Sure it is really expensive to have people to get to this result and I'm sure he doesn't feel as if his money has dropped a little even with that.

The compound reflected the nature of its owner. Lively due to the green surface, beautiful due to the rows of delicate flowers and rich due to the building just Infront of me and on which fronts door I'm about to knock not to forget the huge gates who needed finger prints.

I was a little nervous showing up at Dom's place and hoped he was alone. I breath in deeply trying to calm down before I could knock using the handle on the door. 'Here goes nothing' I said to myself as I knocked the fist time.

After few minutes I was still standing at the door. I wondered if he was there. Maybe he had forgotten but it wasn't really like him to forget things. I tried to knock again twice , trice but nothing.

I took out my phone with a frown on my face as I dialed his number. He picked up at the fourth ring.

" Hi " I said still nervous but less than a few minutes ago.

" Hey" I think he is surprised of my call.

" Hi baby, how are you?" He asked like he was nervous and had a croaked voice guess I woke him up.

" I'm not fine. I've been knocking at your front door for about an hour now. Where are you?" I said in a playful tone. I couldn't come to someone's place and vex just because he forgot about his program with me and Dom for that matter.

He was him, the rich handsome slim guy everyone loved even Rhea and..... I was me, the poor short orphan girl that possessed nothing in this whole world than her virginity.

"Hilarious, I know."

I pushed away that thought as I heard him say " coming" on the other end of the line.

The door was opened revealing a radiant Dom Swent in a navy blue tee and black jeans with messy hair.

Wonder how he can see me with those hairs all over his face.

He smiled at me passing his hand through his hairs. He looked hot.

" Hi babe " he flashed a wide smile. Think he's excited. I chuckled at his reaction and got in as he indicated by his hand swing.

" Were you sleeping? " I asked smiling.

" Yeah. I had work to complete last night and I ended this morning." he answered.

" I'm sorry for waking you up then."

" Don't worry about that." he took my hand bag from me, taking me by surprise.

" Come with me " we walked into what was supposed to be a living room.

" Take a seat, I'll be back" he disappeared right after hanging my hand bag on a sort of spike like pole. The living room was the same as the last time I came here.

The sofas were still red arranged in a circle like manner around a glass table. The walls were pale orange. I smiled at it my favourite colour.

" What makes you smile?" I jumped off my seat when I heard his voice.

" Jesus! Dom." I said in a high pitch voice. He stood there laughing at me or might I said laughing at my reaction.

"Oh it's funny. You think it's funny huh don't bother I'll have you taste the awful part of me" I think I was just turning  ridiculous as he kept laughing harder but then, his laughter was contagious as I also started chuckling for no definite reason.

We were now in the kitchen as I tried to do lemonade for both of us. I verbally listed the ingredients as he took them, placing them on the large island table. I washed the lemons, cut and started squeezing them. He was sitted on a Island stool opposite to me and was observing me.

The lemons were too big for my hands to squeeze efficiently and I think he noticed as he rounded the table to my side. He took all the ones I had half squeezed and squeezed them again draining all of their content into the bowl Infront of me.

I looked at him with a smirk on, he was concentrated on the lemons so did not look at me. I stared at him for a while before he took me by surprise.

" You really have an issue for staring at people huh?" I quickly detached my eyes from him, bit my buttom lip and blushed and he threw his head back and laughed. Now I was really embarrassed and I look down at the table.

" Did I tell you I had an elder brother?'' I said as his laughter died.

"He wasn't really my elder brother not that I'm not satisfied with him. I really love him" I paused and looked at his face from which I couldn't read the emotion but still decided to continue  

" Not that I'm comparing you to him, your completely different from him but in some way it's fun to be with you." I didn't know what was coming out of my mouth as I didn't think about it in the first place. He looked at me and smiled.

" Don't tell me you want to make your love declaration to me while doing lemonade." he said in an amused tone. I looked at him confused and embarrassed. He's teasing again. I laughed at him.

" No I'm not doing a declaration but I'm happy I got you."

" Hey kiddo, you're being too emotional lately. It is all over the place . Isn't she visiting?" He was smiling and I confused.

" She who?'' I asked.

" Ms. Red." I frowned before I could realised what he was talking about. I gasped in shock.

" No" I said almost yelling and there he went again in another burst of laughter. I rolled my eyes at him and he stopped.

" Ok sorry. I'm all ears."

" No way I'm talking about me to you, you'll just make fun of me. " I made a childish grimace and he chuckled.
He then took a serious face.

" I really didn't mean to make fun of you, I'm sorry, go ahead."

" No way." I said pouring a bottle of water into the lemon juice.

" Ok if I laugh again you'll just do whatever you want to me to have your revenge. So what did you say was your brother's name?" he was serious.

" ... Elliott." I said after sighing.

" ok and how old is he and what do you mean by he is not really your brother?" He took the lemon peelings to the trash can at the corner beneath the table.

" He's 28 years. I first met him or should I say he found me in the street covered with blood all-over and drove me to the hospital. I had no parents nor guardian so he took me under his wing even though I refused to depend on him completely." I said in a go. He looked at me shocked.

We finished doing the lemonade and went to the living room with them. We played video games where he exterminated me at all levels.

The rest of the time he told me about aristocrats. I asked him about them since I knew nothing concerning them and was moving to the scariest Aristocrat's cattle.

I left his place at six and he drove me back. The night went faster than expected as I got little or no rest due to stress.


At 6: 30, I was Infront of a huge castle in the middle of nowhere. I asked Rhea to give me a drive the previous day on the phone when she called to ask if I was all set.

I stood like an idiot Infront of the gate in amazement looking at the huge castle Infront of me. It was huge both in height and width or even thickness. It recalled me of those princesses catles I usually saw on TV in cartoons.

A man moved out of the huge doors and approached me. It took quite some time before he was finally Infront of me.

" Miss Elizabeth Ren? " He asked.

" Yes sir" I answered with a little smile as I used to when I still worked in the pastry shop.

" I'm Alphonse... Follow me. " he said briefly. I entered dragging my suitcases while looking around as far as my eyes could see.

" Miss Ren, there are things I guess you know about Aristocrats but I still find myself in an obligation to  remind you of them." He paused

" When you get in Sir Salvior's presence you may NOT look at him, avoid every eye contact, do not talk until you are told to, do nothing you aren't told of and last never touch him even by accident. Any questions?" He asked in conclusion.

" No Sir."

" Then follow me. " he said opening two huge wooden doors. I was too stressed listening to him that I don't remember getting to this door and I didn't want to give a bad impression at my introduction.

I left my luggages out before we walked into the room I presume was an office. There, sat a man facing the desk, probably reading.  The room was as silent as a grave yard.

Then Alphonse's voice broke the silence. 

" Sir. May I introduce the new maid?" It was more like a question than a sentence.

The man I suppose to be Sir Klaus Salvior looked up at Alphonse and I immediately dropped my head down looking at the floor making sure I was perfectly out of sight behind Alphonse. I was asked not to look at him directly so that was the best I could do.

Something started ringing in my head in alert I saw his face while dropping my head even if it was a little and in a blur, I still had a glance at it.

My head stood down and I heard a noise from a chair indicating he was getting up.

" Come to me." a deep and silky masculine voice boomed in the room sending shivers down my spine. My heart skipped a beat then started a marathon which was unknown of me, probably fear.

For a moment I just stood there as if out of reality before a throat clearing  from Alphonse drew me out of my trance.

"Calm down baby girl, you can do this. It is just for this once then never again will you see him... there will be money, plenty money..."  my mind kept saying these incoherent words over and over again, to calm me and help me get back my ability to walk.

I took the first step forward followed by a second then third until I stopped in front of someone's foots but not too close, as Alphonse told me.

I stood still my heart running thousands miles per second, it felt like eternity untill he finally decided to move his right hand, bringing it upward.

My heart still skipped a beat. What is he going to do? Why is he putting up his hand? What should I do? I started paniking, chewing my bottom lip like never before.

Like it wasn't sufficient he placed the fingers of his right hand on the back of my neck. "Jesus!" I thought. An ocean of shivers went down my spine, goosebumps filling me from head to toes and what really took me off guards were the butterflies I felt building in my stomach like when Jason gave me the hickeys but more intense than that and I blushed deeply.

I felt like an over ripened tomato. Red and ready to explode from I don't know what. Damn it!

I gasped and a small moan left me lips. His fingers froze on my body and he stopped for a while before trailing them in a horizontal line on the back of my neck.

It was too much, I couldn't take it any more so, I lift my head up and looked directly into his black and red pupils.

It was as if time had frozen. If my heart was running thousands of miles per seconds now they were billions and my blush from before was nothing compared to what I was experiencing right now.

Handsome will be an understatement to his beauty. He was glorious. He had long black hair falling on his shoulders and all on him was symmetrical, his well defined straight strong nose, his angular jaw bones, his full lips, his neck, his beard, the broad shoulders and his body not to forget the muscles that tried to find their way out of his black suit and on top of that, he smelled too good for a human being. Oh God help me!

I think I found a god.

I stared for I don't know how long with a sharp heat growing in between my legs. I knew that what I was doing was  putting my life on the line but I couldn't help it. My eyes didn't want to detach from his gaze.

His eyes were down on me void of emotions. I could see nothing than my reflection in them. After sometime he finally moved. He frowned.

"Wrong move, wrong move" my brain started screaming over and over. 

Before I could think of something else I was flying across the room. I hit my back on the wall and screamed in pain falling on the floor flat, face first. A growl filled the room

" Get out." I heard someone shouting in an inhuman like voice, so without thinking I crawled on the floor trying to stand unsuccessfully. My feets were energy deprived. I don't know how I managed to get out of there but before I knew it, I was already out of the office.

* Sir Klaus Salvior's Pov*

During three entire days I wasn't at peace. I tried to look back in my affairs, nothing. In the relationships with the other Aristocrats, no one made any sudden move, so nothing, I reinforced the invisible barrier around my castle's area.

I did the basics to prevent a sudden attack if that was someone trying to make a move but no one could be stupid enough to do that. So I just stood there and waited for whatsoever to happen and bring it down.

I was in my office that morning when Alphonse knocked at my office's door.

" Come in " I said still looking down at the document infront of me.

" Sir. May I introduce the new maid?" he bowed slightly in respect. I made a short nod giving one of my icy stares. A petite girl almost hidding behind him. Bright orange hairs, Petite silhouette, wide waist for her sizy and more than the norms under her all yellow short gown...

"Fuck! What am I doing looking at her like that? What's wrong with me?" I sigh internally. Before calling upon her.

" Come to me " she left from her hiding place, (Alphonse's back) her head down.  She moved towards me her heart beating like crazy. I could hear it loud as truck's engine. She finally stopped making sure to leave enough space between both of us.

I brought up my hand to collar her but not without my symbol as I usually did. The feeling I got when my fingers touched that delicate part of her body was unusual to me. My heart skipped a beat.

"Since when does my heart skips beats? "

My fingers froze on her neck as her body got stiff under my fingers and a moan escaped her lips. FUCK!!!

Her heart accelerated and she was all red, I could feel it not letting away her wetness. My touch lingered her neck in the horizontal, defining the path for the collar.

'You own her'  my darkest side, my beast told me as I was defining the collar path.

'She's ours'  it boomed in my head once more. This darkest part of me that rejected everyone and made me a none living being, killing all of my emotions since the day I had to kill my loving parents by my own hands spoke to me in someones favour.


She lifted up her face all of a sudden looking directly into my eyes. A cold sweat found its was on my forehead and I gulped loudly. I knew at that moment that she was the reason for my restlessness during those past days.

Just staring into her russett eyes was as if my soul was completely naked leaving me with nothing but vulnerability. I felt unprotected. My protective barriers built during all those years by my beast and I were gone in a matter of seconds.

"Get a grip Klaus and you can't let her look up at you as if she's equal to you." the rational part of me stated. I came out of my trance and dragged her by her neck using the collar as an intermediate between her and my powers to send her flying through the room.

Her back hit the wall closer to the door and she fell on the floor not before my beast growled loudly in annoyance trying to take control. That wasn't a good thing neither for her nor for anyone.

" Get out." my voice wasn't mine anymore but was that of  a-fighting-to-get-control beast. It was quiet a scene seeing her struggling by all means to get out of my sight with her drumming her heart as if a heart attack.

My beast was now on edge after what I did. It was stronger than ever as if it tried to defy me upon my own body without my agreement so I did the best thing in this situation. I pushed it back and sat on office chair as soon as she left.

Alphonse still standing there now turned to leave with his trembling body and his heart beat loud enough to animate an entire city.

" Alphonse" I called out my voice filling the silence in the office.

" Yes Master." you could hear his old man's voice screaming ' fear '

" I want that lady in my wing." I commanded leaving no room for discussion.

" Yes Master " he paused then continue " but... there are no rooms for servants here, Master."

" Do whatever, but obey." I concluded going back to my documents reading and dismissing him by hand gesture.

" Yes Master. Please excuse me." He said before he left and I was left troubled by everything that just happened.

So all this while she was the reason of my helplessness. My beast was angry as always but I felt frustrated and unprotected.

Discovering the existence of such person only meant one thing. Keep her out of awareness from other humans or servants and Aristocrats. If anyone came to know about her I'll be in great trouble.

I thought of killing her but at that instant, my newly developed cute beast went berserk and I immediately eradicated that from my list, it was out of question with no room for discussion in view.

I'll just have to make sure she is on my side and no one should be aware of her, that will make it but I doubt if after what I did to that fragile and delicate body of hers she will just do what I want.

Even if she was angry at me, she had no choice at all. I was the Aristocrat and her the mere human she had no choice than to obey or I just had to force her, keep her in chains closer to me till her last breath or tame her to the sweetest person on this planet.

It was past eleven in the night when I finally decided to get out of my office, had a walk to my favourite spot in the house by the window where my mother and I used to spend hours talking about every single issue of the family and its surrounding.

After gazing at the endless sky, I walked up stairs to my bedroom, took a shower after which I dried myself  and went to bed all naked.

 " Shity day!" I thought to myself.

The last time I felt such raw emotions was from when I had killed both my parents. They were indeed sweet but in their way.  But being sweet doesn't always mean in the positive way.


I was with Alex when I was called by my father to go to the east. According to the latest report the rebels where planning on attacking the main cities of the country.

I had try to have a hold on this situation countless time but with no avail. My efforts were going back to zero because our race thought too high of itself excluding the fact that other species were growing in number and maybe in strength in the darkness.

I was on the battlefield with Alex in no time and the number of rebels I was asked to take down that day was more than the millions I had taken down since I started my task as a hunter.

They were coming from every where as if drugged as hours were passing. Alex was getting tired and so was I to, after few hours. It was very clear that my father was aware of my doings and send me on a suicidal mission.

My own father wanted my head down just to go on with his miscellaneous charges against other races and that was the only thing that made me stay alive. The anger boiling in me was increasing with every head that fell by my hand.

My dad was  good in the way that he always thought of our benefit first before other races which made us come first in every aspect but still he knew he risked millions of lives for just a hundred years of ruling and after which our downfall into darkness will be inevitable.

The fact is that, he know it will be awful to live and see our living conditions at that moment but he still did so out of excess greediness over power from him and other families.

I've been doing some secret affairs with Alex in other to bring as much failure as I could in their plan but I knew it won't be enough to hold all the fifteen houses of the Aristocrats but there's no harm in trying.

By this time I was helpless and hopeless but held on to fact that I could make things change until he finally send me to my own grave. He knew I won't make it through all of them and even I thought the same until I finally settled the idea of his death deep into my bones.

I've been thinking about it for a very long period of time. Wether I should or not kill my dad for his doings knowing the out come of it all was still a debate within me few hours ago, naively letting myself be convinced by the impossibility of his back down but seeing myself and these innocents paying the price of sins they never committed makes me draw the inevitable conclusion.

I'm going to live to kill my father.

With that thought I successfully get out of the battle field with Alex who is barely recognisable. His usual cocky expression long gone leaving a none sensitive being. We walk towards the center of the city, when we are stopped by the members of the Conlav family, the fifteenth Aristocracy family.

They are surely the sacrifice for this movement by my father. Having an idea of my killing skills they are all in fear but that won't hold them back since they have been brainwashed by my father.

As they approach I let out a growl trying to keep my beast at bay. Alex senses it and tenses next to me. He is the only one alive who has ever seen my beast at work, not even my parents are aware of it's existence.

The other party starts running towards us informing us *no room for discussion*. My beast growls again, push me aside and I loss control. He forces himself out, turns to Alex to inform him of his next move.

" Alex stay out of my way" is the only thing he succeeds to say in an inhuman voice. Alex immediately stops and my beast starts running towards the enemies. I pounce on them from a great distance. Surprise and horror flash in all of their slutty faces as I take away their lives one after the other.

In less than two minutes, I'm done. I motion Alex to follow me as we start running towards the castle in which is found my foolish being of a father.

The blood all over me drips making my beast feel more alive than ever. Letting me think that this is always how things have to be.

I send the doors flying as soon as I get to the castle. Commossions can be heard all over the house when the maids see Alex and I. I go straight to my father's underground lab and send the ten meter metal thick door flying like paper and walk in. In my normal state, this takes some efforts but in my beast state it is nothing.

Researchers start shouting and running around.

" No one's leaving this hole, Alex" he nods and gets into action. I move in after him tearing every single being that comes into contact with me until I reach my father. Sitting on a large chair as if there is no tomorrow.

I move towards him as he smirks up to me. He shows no physical fears but his heart keeps on racing as he observes the change in my physical appearance. Once I reach infront of him, his face looks pale as he looks up at me.

I push my beast back, get back my normal physical appearance then ask

" Do you have anything to say?" Always leave the other party a chance to defend itself. That was thought to me by my father. He smirks at the realisation of my words before altering a single word " gross".

With that being said, I take him by the collar but then my beast pushes me back taking complete control of me body. Veins start popping out on every part of my body and the muscles start growing bigger and thicker, on my shoulders, arms, pect, abs going downward. When completely present, my beast gives an ear piercing growl. He take the man's head in-between his hands, squeezes it till the entire skull is crushed into paste and does so with his entire body.

When he is done he turns and see my mom standing at the corner with a smirk on to hide the hideous feeling deep in her. Without hesitation, he inflicts the same pain and death to her. She was also a brain in all this operation. Even if I didn't want to admit it more than anything, it was the truth.

*End of flashback*

The next hundred of years that came, I implanted my authority as an almighty Aristocrat. I gave enough space to other races letting no room for pity on the rebels. With that being done, everyone could have a minimum of privacy and self control over their lives and that's how peace settled back.

With years the only person who stayed and I accepted close to me was Alex. He was loyal and I respected that. I locked myself in my castle, ran and expanded my family's companies world wide. I gained respect from the other head of Aristocrat's families as well as their offsprings.

To say that I was haunted by my parents would be an understatement but I had my beast and Alex around to save me from my own downfall. Since then I preferred loneliness to avoid the same scene over and over even if the chances were very tiny, I couldn't help but think that's how I was safe.

Even though it was more than five hundred years ago, I couldn't afford to have such experience in my life and seeing this little girl walk in so peacefully and naively made me want to thought that history was still to repeat.

I didn't want to admit it but it's true. She scared the shit out of me.

  "Don't worry, we are going to protect her. She is ours and any one that just thinks harm of her shall die."  my beast growled and I smiled in acceptance.

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