The Billionaire's Daughter [h...

By queen_jade_gem

60.5K 1.6K 99

Clarabelle Catherine April Amelia Rose Von Pelt Was seen as an ordinary Teacher's pet, Fearing her secret t... More

Chapter 1: Bernadine Stones
Chapter 2: Just Like That
Chapter 3:POOF!
Chapter 4: Cross My Heart
Chapter 5: Alone
Chapter 6: The Announcement
Chapter 7: The Plot
Chapter 8: The Promise
>>> Not an update <<<
Chapter 9: Blushing
Chapter 11: Airport
>> update <<
Chapter 12: Basic
>> Holy Crap ?!! <<
do people even know what my story is about wtf, cause I sure as hell dont

Chapter 10: Tight Hugs and a Sad Figure

2.6K 92 5
By queen_jade_gem

Chapter 10: Tight Hugs and a Sad Figure

Clara's P.O.V.

As I stepped on to the cement steps of the school's front doors, I heard the engines of the bus

I quickly ran through the long hallway of black lockers, clutching my black sling-bag, trying to prevent it from falling off, whilst doing this, I was making sure my suitcase didn't get stuck.

I stopped dead in my tracks, as I saw the back parking lot.

I felt my feet glued to the floor as I saw the mounting and dismounting students.

This is it. I told myself.

I slowly walked up to the red bus, that would take us to the family airport.

I walked up slowly to the Gemstones' bus, absorbing everything.

I gave my suitcase to the luggage guy.

I took a deep breath and then I slowly stepped into the bus.

My parents were waiting at the airport already.

"1 2 3." Someone cued.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone in the bus shouted.

"Wow!" I gasped in surprise. "Thanks for remembering!"

I plopped my bag down in the grey seat near the front.

I recieved a big tight and cramped hug, so cramped in fact that some just held their arms out in a hugging position and stayed where they were, away from the hug circle.

I then spotted Bernadine staring out the window.

She had a plain gray jacket on, white-washed jeans, Keds and a Nikon camera.

After the hug, I immediately sat down beside Bernadine.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replied, softly.

"I think you're not." I said, firmly.

"I'm fine, really." She swatted me away.

What is up with that girl? I asked myself.

The bus driver came in.

He was wearing a plain white shirt, red pants, a black cap and shades on his cap.

He sat down and started the bus.

I came back to my seat and sighed.

"Here we go."


Author's Note:

Here ya go! After a loooong time of waiting, behold, the update.

Hope you like it, also hope it's not too rushed. :D

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