Mr. Heart Eyes (M!Yandere x F...

By SisiSaurus

64 0 0

Look out! Mr. Heart Eyes has got his eyes on you. He's coming at any second, and it won't be pretty when he d... More

Rules, Disclaimers, and Other Natural Disasters!
Warren (Life is Strange)


21 0 0
By SisiSaurus

((This oneshot is EXTREMELY LOOSELY based on/inspired by a chick-flick movie I watched last summer. I have since then forgotten the name, I don't think it's on Netflix anymore, but it was about a girl who met a popstar and they fell in love and it was super cheesy and awful, but it slightly inspired the idea of this one.))


Griffin Price. You had to admit that he had it all; the looks, the voice, the wealth, and the talent. A young, seventeen-year-old pop singer from a rags-to-riches ascent. He was every teenage girl's dream, including your best friends, Simone and Brenna. You, however, weren't really into that scene in general. 

No, you weren't one of those "quirky" Tumblr girls from Wattpad stories that have Brendon Urie as their teacher or something and skateboard to school while putting in their earbuds and listening to a very specific Green Day song. You just were never into pop music; you'd much rather be the other type of Tumblr girls, you know, the indie kind that posts pictures of their succulents and their striped sweaters, with their amazing cinematography and beautiful faces and- yeah, you really had none of that at all.

Back to Griffin Price. 

Poor, precious Simone has bouncing around happily, humming and singing some of her favorite songs-- by Griffin Price, of course. Her flowy, white-with-blue-sleeves t-shirt was waving with her movement, but her short jean shorts pretty much stayed in place. Her dark skin was glowing, her even darker box braids bouncing, and she looked so utterly happy. You, on the other hand, were watching intently on your bed with your (Eye Color) eyes widened.

"I can't believe it!" Simone squealed, "I just got front row seat tickets to a Griffin Price concert! ON MY BIRTHDAY! I'm so EXCITED!" She shouted, making you cover your ears with a grimace.

"I'm so happy for you!" You exclaimed, an obvious fake tone underneath your seemingly peppy voice. Simone didn't seem to notice it, though, as she kept dancing and fist-bumping the air.

"Uh, yeah, you should be, (Name)! Wait until I break the news to Brenna! She's gonna SCREAM!" The girl in front of you screamed once again. You sighed quietly, mentally facepalming.

"Simone, you're the one screaming." You said plainly, a small smile gracing your lips, despite your attempts for it not to. "Calm down. You're waking up my parents. Did you forget that it's 8:00 am on a Saturday?" You said, brushing your hair behind your ears with yet another distressed sigh. Your parents were going to kill you.

As if on a timer, your dad barged in, wearing his pajamas. You could see that little bit of dried drool on the corner of his mouth from your spot on the bed. "What on earth is going on in here? I swear, Simone, if you're trying to host an orgy in my house again-" your dad started in a groggy voice, before you interrupted him.

"That was a one-time thing, dad." You corrected the man, rolling your eyes and sharing a glance with Simone, who seemed even more giddy than before, if that's even possible. The girl turned right back to your father, and you knew exactly what she was going to say.

"You wanna know, Mr. (Last Name)?" Said Simone.

"Yes." Said your dad suspiciously.

"You really wanna know, Mr. (Last Name)?"

"I do, Simone. Tell me. Then be quiet. That would be nice."

Simone's eyes lit up as she sharply inhaled.

"Oh, here we go again." You breathed out.


You groaned loudly and dramatically, sinking deeper and deeper into the backseat of Brenna's car. What Simone never told you is that you would be going to the concert along with them. Despite your attempts to protest, both of your best friends persisted.

"I don't understand!" You whined, "I don't even like his music... that upbeat crap gives me such a headache." You stated, clinging onto the seatbelt for dear life.

"Then listen to the slower songs." Brenna glanced back at you from the driver's seat, her straight light brown hair swaying with her movement. Her green eyes were dull, and she obviously didn't get much sleep the previous night. She tends to not sleep when she's excited, which is something you'd noticed long ago.

"I'm so EXCITED! What if I meet Griffin, and we fall in love, and we get married, and he writes songs about me- and- and- EEEE!" Simone squealed her signature squeal, earning a groan from you and Brenna.

"Let's be real here, Simone," Brenna started, "If Griffin were to fall in love with anybody, it'd be (Name). I heard he likes actually pretty girls." The girl in the driver's seat snickered, while the girl in the passenger's seat huffed.

"It's my birthday, you should be nicer to me!" Simone pouted, crossing her arms childishly.

"I'm driving you to this concert, am I not?" Brenna argued, a smirk planted plainly on her lips. The smirk disappeared when the car came to a screeching halt. "We're here." 

You couldn't believe your eyes when you saw the concert hall in all of it's glory. The place stood tall, and looked more like a castle than a concert hall. It was red, gold, white, and every color in between; it was beautiful.

"Are you sure you didn't drive to the Buckingham Palace...?" Simone looked up at the building, eyes sparkling in awe like a puppy. You wouldn't lie; Simone was right.

"Buckingham Palace is in London, stupid. This is Lovegood Concert Hall. Very creative naming," Brenna deadpanned, "Not." The two girls in the front getting out of the car indicated for you to do the same. Boy, did Brenna's dirty old CRV look out of place near that palace. Nearly all of the other cars were Lamborghinis, Corvettes, and Ferraris, and... is that a limousine pulling up over there? 

"I'm. So. EXCITED!" Simone shouted.

"We know, Simone. It's not like you've said it five-thousand times already." You muttered, barely reaching Simone's ears, who huffed like she's some kind of anime character.

"Alright, you two," Brenna intervened, "would you like to go in or not?" You muttered a small "no" while Simone instantly lit up, rushing out of the car and twirling like she was in a chick flick.

"Simone," you deadpanned, "you're not in some kind of musical. Don't embarrass yourself." After you said this, Simone gasped and Brenna rolled her eyes.

"Gosh, someone is in a bad mood.." Simone stated the obvious.

"No shit, Sherlock." You responded, crossing your arms and eventually beginning to head inside.

"Wait up, (Nameeeee)!" Simone shrieked, running close behind before she finally caught up.

"You bought these tickets, Simone. You might as well hurry your ass up and get it over with." You kept walking, not even bothering to glance at your friends.

"Welcome welcome, lovely ladies!" A man at the desk at the concert hall clasped his hands together. Simone smiled brightly, Brenna smiled softly, and you tried your best to look somewhat impressed. "I take it you are here for the Griffin Price concert?"

"Well, what else would we be here for-" you were cut off by Brenna elbowing you in the stomach. Hard. Simone nodded excitedly, handing the man the three tickets. He then pointed to a door, which could only be assumed to be the auditorium.

Great. So the concert was mere minutes away. There was no escaping. Unless...

"Hey guys, I need to... use the restroom." You smiled, turning on your heels and ignoring Simone, who repeatedly called after you.

You pushed open the door to restroom, immediately bumping into a man who was, admittably, quite a bit taller than you. Backing up and spewing apologies, you took a step back and took in the guy's features, just in case you could pay him back for bumping into him later.

No, not like that, you dirty little goblin!

Anyways-- taking a good look at the guy, you started to make mental notes of his appearance. Green eyes. Brown curly hair. A lovely tan, with freckles adorning his face. 

Wait... lovely tan?

No, (Name), that is NOT what you need to be worrying about right now. Romance is the last thing you want. So snap out of it, bitch.

"Hey, sweetheart." The boy flirted with you, completely catching you off guard. You widened your eyes, before rolling them.

"I bumped into you and apologized. Nothing more, nothing less. Let it go. I'm not your sweetheart." And with that, you turned around, completely forgetting about your "bathroom break" and meeting up with Simone and Brenna by the door of the auditorium.

Here goes nothing...

As Brenna pushed open the heavy doors to the auditorium, you sighed at how filled it was of screaming pre-pubescent girls. 

Just get to our row. Just get. To. Our. Row.

You didn't quite know why you were stressing so hard, but indeed you were. You did not want to hear pitchy squeals. Simone was enough, and you did not want your ears to bleed any more than they already were.

Once you three arrived in your row-- the front row, to be exact-- you sighed as you prepared for your doom.

Two hours of Griffin Price.


You looked down, crossing your arms. You always had to be dragged to places where you truly and honestly didn't want to go. You covered your ears at the squeals getting louder and louder; little did you know who was walking onto the stage.

Therefore, you looked up.

The guy from earlier?!

No way.

Is he a stage manager? A janitor? 

No. There were too many squeals for that to be the case.

This was Griffin goddamn Price.

And how were you supposed to know that when you bumped into him outside of the restroom? You've never seen the man before in your life, aside from tiny little glimpses! Not only that, you really didn't care.

"Welcome, welcome." He spoke lowly, his lips pressed against the mic. You couldn't tell if he was kidding or actually trying to seduce these thirteen-year-olds.

"We're going to start off with a very slow song, and I'd like to invite one lucky lady up onto the stage to dance with me."

All you could hear was screeching, and millions of tiny child hands being raised. You tried your best not to look interested, and maybe he'd take the hint.

Until he called on you.

"But she didn't even raise her-" Simone said, clearly very confused and sad.

"This one!" Griffin said to a stage worker, "Bring her up!" Listening to what he said like his little poodle, he escorted you onto the stage. You decided not to resist, in order to stay polite, but you really were gagging internally. 

"What's your name?" Griffin held the mic up to you with a smirk. You looked down at the audience, seeing all of the glares of envious girls.

"I'm... (Name). (Name) (Last Name)." You smiled politely, but your eyes held a look that was anything but polite. 

"And do you dance?" He held the microphone to his lips next, before transitioning it back to yours, awaiting a response.

"Not really-"

"Great!" He cut you off, "Just follow my lead, beautiful."

The song started, as he began to slow dance with you while singing. You internally sighed. This is what your life came to, even after hinting to him many times that you were not interested. 

You had to admit; his voice was fairly nice, smooth like silk. However, that couldn't possibly distract from how uncomfortable you were in that moment. 

And you were very, surprise surprise, uncomfortable.

You held back a grimace as he twirled you, holding you close to his chest as the song ended. He smiled at you from behind, leaning over to kiss your cheek.


A bunch of gasps, followed by a few "boo's" from a group of pizza-faced twelvies on the balcony came from the audience. You didn't seem to notice the glare Griffin shot to those girls that shut them right up. Whispers and rumors began to spread, and Simone looked like she was about to cry.

Turning you around to face him, Griffin spoke.

"Now, (Name), you can watch the rest of the show from backstage. Don't worry, there is a very good view!" He pointed at a door that led to the backstage area. You nodded slowly, eyeing him suspiciously. You knew that he was up to no good. However, you did exactly as he said, going backstage.

As if having a good view of him mattered.

Once you entered the large room, you squinted at how bright it was. Bright, yet cozy. There were a few couches, and... are those snacks?

Nono, (Name). Control yourself. He could have touched those snacks. Those... cupcakes... and... delicious cheetos... and... SNAP OUT OF IT!

Needless to say, you were always one for food.

After what seemed like forever, Griffin's concert had finally ended, as he came into the room with you. He furrowed his brows, however, when he saw you slumped in a chair with your arms crossed.

"You don't look too happy." He stated, taking off his leather jacket and hanging it on a coat rack.

You really weren't too happy.

"No. No, I'm not." You stood up. "You dragged me onstage when you could TELL I'm not interested. And then-- THEN-- you had the NERVE to kiss me on my cheek. That was disgusting." You gagged internally. It was, in fact, disgusting.

His eyes widened, before a look of anger washed over his face.

"You are ungrateful." He said calmly. "I'm every teenage girl's wet dream. Do you know how many girls would kill to be up there with me?" 

"Well, I'm not every teenage girl." You crossed your arms, taking a few steps toward him.

"Don't give me that shit."

"Ohhh, look! Mr. PG Family Friendly Clean knows how to swear!" You said sarcastically. It was true; he never swore in songs.

"Listen, little girl, I'm not who you think I am. I'm not who anyone thinks I am." He glared daggers at you.

"Forget it. I'm glad this was only tonight, cause if I were to ever see you again, I'd throw up. Thank you and goodnight." And with that, out the door you went, with a silent car ride home with Brenna and Simone.

"Until next time, babe."


"Yeahhhh, I don't think she'll ever want to talk to you again." Brenna said, sitting on her desk chair as you paced in her room.

"Did you see the look she gave me?" You said frantically, referring to Simone.

"Yeah. She was pissed, (Name)." You stopped and turned to her.

"She was?"

"She told me."

"Oh, God!" You plopped yourself down on Brenna's bed, laying there silently, alone to your thoughts.

"(Name). We're gonna be late to school. Hurry your ass up." Brenna stood up, bringing her backpack with her. You got up as well with a long, drawn out sigh, slinging your bag over your shoulder.

Today was going to be a long day.

And indeed it was a long day. Very long. 

However, during physics, you received a phone call. Seeing it was from an unknown number, you assumed for it to be a solicitation call and declined. 

But this persisted.

For two, three, four more times, with you declining each one.

Until you gave up after seeing the glares from your classmates. Finally being waved out of class to take the call, you leaned on a locker outside of the classroom door and answered.


"Hey, sweetheart." An all-too-familiar voice rang out from the other side of the line.

"Who is this?" You said, confused as you attempted to decipher who you were speaking to.

"It's Griffin, silly! Griffin Price. I know you remember me." He said the last part through gritted teeth.

Your heart sank to the floor.

"I told you to leave me alone. Can you take a hint?" You glared at the floor, trying to mask your fear. "How did you get my number?"

"Needless to say," Griffin explained, "I can get what I want. Anything I want. Exactly when I want it. And (Name), I want you." 

"Okay, Mr. Spoiled. You can't have me."

"Are you doubting me? Testing me? Questioning my goddamn authority?"

With a small, bitter laugh, you hung up. You remained blissfully unaware of the rage that filled Griffin's heart, mind, and very soul.

Well, duh, since you weren't with him, nor could you read minds.


Walking home from school was... tedious, to say the least. The walk was long, and your parents usually worked until night time. By the time you made it home, you were sweaty-- or plain cold on some days, of course-- however, with some music, it was quite a nice stroll. You made your way through the alley, right behind your house. You were about to open the door, until...

"Get her."


Out like a light.


You awoke groggily, in a bed that was not yours.

It wasn't anyone's you knew.

But holy fuck it was comfy.

Anything would be, considering your massive sleep hangover-


Recalling each and every one of the memories from earlier, your eyes widened, only to become blurry again.

"Oh! Hey! You're awake!" A male voice rang as your vision focused on the figure right in front of you. "I made you breakfast." You noticed that he was holding a plate in his hands.

"I don't like eggs." You stated simply, your monotone voice ringing in your ears.

The boy-- who you just realized to be Griffin Price-- did not look happy. At all.

"What? Do you not like this?" His smile fell. "I can give you everything you want, as long as you're a good girl for me. I can buy you anything. Just eat this and I'll-"

"I don't give a fuck." You told him, straight-faced.

Then, it finally hit you. 

You really had been kidnapped.

"Let me go." You said calmly.

"No can do." He held the fork up to your mouth, waiting for you to take a bite.

"I said let me GO!" You yelled this time, while Griffin remained stonefaced.

"And I said eat up, buttercup." He then jammed the scrambled eggs into your mouth, putting his hand over your nose and mouth so you couldn't breathe or spit the food out until you, albeit reluctantly, swallowed.

"Good girl." He stroked your hair, then frowned. "Awww, you can't move, can you? That's too bad." He shrugged, clearly not caring that much, if at all. "The drugs will wear off in a few hours. Then you can roam freely, as long as I tag along wherever."

"I want to go home, Griffin." Tears welled up in your eyes.

"Sucks to be you then." He shrugged again. "Ungrateful brat."

"Oh, I'm the-"

"Shhhh." He cut you off, clearly not wanting to hear you calling him out. "You do realize that you're stuck here, right? You should just give up. You can come on tour with me. Forget about your little friend. Sandra, was it? Sierra? Maybe Simone or something? Whoever she was, she's irrelevant. All taken care of. Keep in mind that I have all kinds of friends who can take care of everything I want to be taken care of like that," he snapped. He reached out to stroke your hair, laying down next to you.

"I could do that for you, too. Anything you want. I've got all the money in the world, babe."

"All you have to do is be a good little girl."

"You'll learn to love me."


;;lmk if there are any mistakes and I'll fix them lmao, I get tunnel vision when I edit and sorta kinda miss details that I need to edit... whoopsies! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the one shot. Please leave any and all commentary or feedback down below, as it is very, very, VERY appreciated. Love you, 


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