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((This oneshot is EXTREMELY LOOSELY based on/inspired by a chick-flick movie I watched last summer. I have since then forgotten the name, I don't think it's on Netflix anymore, but it was about a girl who met a popstar and they fell in love and it was super cheesy and awful, but it slightly inspired the idea of this one.))


Griffin Price. You had to admit that he had it all; the looks, the voice, the wealth, and the talent. A young, seventeen-year-old pop singer from a rags-to-riches ascent. He was every teenage girl's dream, including your best friends, Simone and Brenna. You, however, weren't really into that scene in general. 

No, you weren't one of those "quirky" Tumblr girls from Wattpad stories that have Brendon Urie as their teacher or something and skateboard to school while putting in their earbuds and listening to a very specific Green Day song. You just were never into pop music; you'd much rather be the other type of Tumblr girls, you know, the indie kind that posts pictures of their succulents and their striped sweaters, with their amazing cinematography and beautiful faces and- yeah, you really had none of that at all.

Back to Griffin Price. 

Poor, precious Simone has bouncing around happily, humming and singing some of her favorite songs-- by Griffin Price, of course. Her flowy, white-with-blue-sleeves t-shirt was waving with her movement, but her short jean shorts pretty much stayed in place. Her dark skin was glowing, her even darker box braids bouncing, and she looked so utterly happy. You, on the other hand, were watching intently on your bed with your (Eye Color) eyes widened.

"I can't believe it!" Simone squealed, "I just got front row seat tickets to a Griffin Price concert! ON MY BIRTHDAY! I'm so EXCITED!" She shouted, making you cover your ears with a grimace.

"I'm so happy for you!" You exclaimed, an obvious fake tone underneath your seemingly peppy voice. Simone didn't seem to notice it, though, as she kept dancing and fist-bumping the air.

"Uh, yeah, you should be, (Name)! Wait until I break the news to Brenna! She's gonna SCREAM!" The girl in front of you screamed once again. You sighed quietly, mentally facepalming.

"Simone, you're the one screaming." You said plainly, a small smile gracing your lips, despite your attempts for it not to. "Calm down. You're waking up my parents. Did you forget that it's 8:00 am on a Saturday?" You said, brushing your hair behind your ears with yet another distressed sigh. Your parents were going to kill you.

As if on a timer, your dad barged in, wearing his pajamas. You could see that little bit of dried drool on the corner of his mouth from your spot on the bed. "What on earth is going on in here? I swear, Simone, if you're trying to host an orgy in my house again-" your dad started in a groggy voice, before you interrupted him.

"That was a one-time thing, dad." You corrected the man, rolling your eyes and sharing a glance with Simone, who seemed even more giddy than before, if that's even possible. The girl turned right back to your father, and you knew exactly what she was going to say.

"You wanna know, Mr. (Last Name)?" Said Simone.

"Yes." Said your dad suspiciously.

"You really wanna know, Mr. (Last Name)?"

"I do, Simone. Tell me. Then be quiet. That would be nice."

Simone's eyes lit up as she sharply inhaled.

"Oh, here we go again." You breathed out.


You groaned loudly and dramatically, sinking deeper and deeper into the backseat of Brenna's car. What Simone never told you is that you would be going to the concert along with them. Despite your attempts to protest, both of your best friends persisted.

Mr. Heart Eyes (M!Yandere x F!Reader Oneshots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora