MOTS: Wrath₄


599 27 0

M A P O F T H E S I N S : W R A T H. this world is ruled by anger. ; BTS. • extremely graphic. • apocal... More

P R E - O U T B R E A K₁


44 3 0

"Keep slouching and you'll get shorter."

Taehyung dropped his pencil in surprise. As he flinched, his pencil was pushed off the table. He turns to get it, but another person's hand holds it in their palm. "Oh, Sunbae," Taehyung bowed his head when he realizes who saved his pencil. "Hello."

"Wah, still being formal as always," His Sunbae chuckles softly before placing the pencil back on the table and pulling out a chair beside him. "It's Seokjin! At least call me Hyung."

"... We don't know each other that well," Taehyung murmured, taking the pencil back and glancing back at his notes. "... How was your military service?"

"I came all the way here to visit you and this is all you ask?" Seokjin rests his elbow on the table and pouts. "Who knew my Hoobae was so cold-hearted~"

"How was your day, Seokjin hyung?" Taehyung sighed, placing his pencil down and turning to Seokjin. He purses his lips before they could twitch from aggravation. "If you don't mind, I'm studying for exams. I'm in the biotechnology department now."

"... Switched again? You can't keep running away from it, you know?" Seokjin hums, "You're gonna have to do military service soon, and you still can't figure out what you want to graduate with?"

"I want to graduate with something I have a passion for," Taehyung shrugs, "If I graduate with a major I lost interest for then I'll have a job I don't like. It'll just be for money, I'll hate my life if it becomes that way. I'll keep changing till I feel satisfied. Nothing's going to change my mind."

"Why can't you be timid like my other hoobaes?" Seokjin laughed before sighing, he props his elbow on the top of the chair. Leaning back and taking a look at Taehyung.

Kim Taehyung. He is a couple years younger than Seokjin, but if it weren't for the formalities: it was hard to notice that he was due to his intimidation in academics. They knew each other when Taehyung was in his third year of changing majors, Seokjin was in the Law department when it was announced Taehyung was joining.

After Seokjin graduated from Law, he headed straight into his military service. Being the older one, he quickly lost his connections with his former younger colleagues after his service since not many were close. Seokjin basically forced their friendship to stay alive: spending time to call and text Taehyung whenever he can, sneaking out at night during his service, and sending gifts during holidays to his door. Though Taehyung doesn't seem like it, but he does appreciate his Sunbae.

"Timid?" Taehyung tilts his head to the side, "I would be if it weren't for your constant nagging during your service."

"Wah," Seokjin hums, "It gets lonely, you know! It was hard not to run out and eat, drink, and have all the fun I want! I always had to wake up early, so I never got to have fun. Hmph."

"Let's not bicker," Taehyung shakes his head, "We're in a library, and I've already been having a hard time during class. I need to focus. You can understand that, right?"

"Just hear me out," Seokjin pleaded, pressing his palms together with a sympathetic expression. "Military service isn't that scary, Taehyung. You'll get in trouble if you don't comply-"

"My father died from casualties of Yeonpyeong," Taehyung narrowed his eyes in annoyance towards the older, "My mother almost abandoned me because she couldn't even look at me after that. I told you hundreds of times, I'll break a leg. I'll puncture my lungs. I'm not going into the military. Call me selfish for all I care, but I'm not going to defend a country that killed my father."

"Why don't you leave Korea then?"

Taehyung bit his lip, lowering his head before shaking it. "It's not that easy," he says, "I've been trying to sign up for a green hard or even a working visa, but they won't let me because of military service. They keep saying I have to do it before I leave the country, but I'd rather go rogue."

"You'll be a disgrace to this country," Seokjin sighs, grabbing Taehyung's pencil and twirling it in his hand. "... I can't stop you, but just know what you're doing. Alright?"

Taehyung closed his book and took the pencil out of Seokjin's hands. He grabs his backpack that's resting beside his chair, packing his materials. "... Let me check out a book and we can go find some place to eat."

"You've read my mind!" Seokjin loudly exclaimed before being shushed by the other participants in the library. He bows his head apologetically before getting up with the younger and following him into the endless void of bookshelves.

Seokjin ran his hand past the columns of oak wood, trailing his fingertips against the dust that smothered the untouched books. He could hear the faint breathing of Taehyung and their footsteps as they get further away from the tables and librarian.

They hit the deepest corner and Seokjin spoke up. "... Why're are we all the way back here?" He asks, looking to his right as Taehyung stopped in his place in front of a certain row of books.

"I was here two days ago," Taehyung says, sliding his fingers across the endless rows of book covers till he spotted one. Dust particles can be seen floating above him under the direct sunlight coming from the window beside them. "... I found the book I've been wanting to read lately..."

"You never told me? I could've bought you it," Seokjin hummed, shoving his hands into his pockets. "What's it called?"

Taehyung pulled the light lavender book cover out from the dull shelf. He turned to Seokjin, his melanin balancing out his softer features with a monotone expression. The golden hour happened to light up his brown eyes filled with interest. "... I want to die, but I want to eat Tteokbokki."

"Is that the book title or how you feel?" Seokjin laughed, crossing his arms and leaning back on one of the columns. He stayed shaded from the sunlight.

"... Both," Taehyung smiled slightly, "Wait! Be careful-"

Seokjin stumbled back from the book shelf suddenly shifting away. There's a loud push against the wooden floor, and Seokjin instinctively grabs the shelf before it could fall. "I got it."

Taehyung let out a sigh of relief. "Be careful, they can tip over easily. I forgot to tell you."

Seokjin adjusted it for a moment before shaking his head. "Don't worry about it," he reassures, "It's not like I'm coming back here anyways."

Taehyung nodded before pulling the book to his chest and crossing his arms. "I'll go check this out then."

The two made their way back to the front of the library. Taehyung pulling out his library card while setting the book in front of the librarian. He slides his library card towards her. "I'll borrow this."

The librarian nodded and scanned his items. Handing over his receipt. "It'll be due April 21st."

Taehyung nodded, placing the book into his backpack and shoving the receipt into his pocket. "Thank you-"

Taehyung jumped when the library doors burst open. He drops his library ID onto the floor, and crouches down to pick it up.

Seokjin turns his head to see someone unfamiliar slam the library doors shut. Their body is covered in gore and scratches like they've just been through war - people in the library are startled by their presence. "H-Help me! Help me barricade the doors!"

Seokjin rushes over to the person, placing a hand on their shoulder causing them to flinch. "Ma'am? Is everything okay? Are you hurt?"

"No! No!" The woman cries, frantically searching the building for security. "You've gotten barricade the doors!"

"I need you to breathe-"

"I'M NOT CRAZY!" The woman screams, running over and pulling a table to the door. She shoves it against the door to restrict entrance. "There-There-There are people killing each other out there! You have to believe me!"

"Sunbae..." Taehyung says worryingly.

"Stay there, Taehyung," Seokjin shakes his head, "We don't know what you're talking about-"

One of the visitors scream and point towards a window on the right side. People bring an uproar
of rambles when the window begins to crack. They can hear someone roaring and seething against the window. Taehyung flinches, moving closer to Seokjin.

A mysterious figure is ramming their head against the glass window. They continue to do so while snapping and gritting their teeth. They break their skull in, noticed by the blood staining the glass.

"W-What is it doing?!" Taehyung grabbed onto Seokjin's arm with fearful eyes, "What's going on-"

The window breaks into pieces and the figure falls into the library. People scream, watching the body thrash around similar to a seizure. It's bones rattle and the sound of their teeth clenching rapidly echoes throughout the building. Another group hears the break-in, and their running is rapid like animals. They fill in through the window as well. It's clear they didn't come in with good intentions.

They begin to leap over the table and attacking the library's people. Blood begins to splatter across the surfaces, soaking in book pages, dropping down book shelves.

"Follow me!" Seokjin ordered, grabbing Taehyung's hand.

"W-What about the others?!" Taehyung shouted, tripping over his own feet as Seokjin dragged him to the upper floor of the library. His feet quickly going up the staircase loudly. It was loud enough for a couple of those monsters to chase behind them.

"We don't have enough time, forgive me," Seokjin says, pulling Taehyung behind him just before one of them snap their teeth towards Taehyung. He stands by the top of the staircase, lifting his foot and kicking the first one down.

They stumble down the stairs in a horde. "Help me push the shelves!" Seokjin shouted, pushing the terrified Taehyung to the nearby book shelves. "Go!"

Taehyung gulps and grabs the right end of the column while Seokjin grabs the other. The sound of yelping and roaring can be heard running up the staircase.

Seokjin grunts as he uses all his strength to drag the shelves towards the stairs.Using his shoulder to push and push. He could see one of those figures make it upstairs just before he gave one last push.

The shelves fall down the stairs like playing cards. It collapses on the first floor of the library, blocking the enterance. It was safe for a couple of seconds before the horde started to climb over the books and crash.

"What do we do now?!" Taehyung cried, frantically looking for an emergency exit. "There's no where go go! What the hell are those things?!"

"Window," Seokjin says, pointing to one of the windows on the second floor. "We get out through the window."

Before Taehyung could interject, Seokjin grabs a rather large dictionary from one of the last standing shelves. He chucks it towards the glass, breaking it into pieces. The glass falls down to the ground, a couple shards falling over a tree that stood directly below the window.

The angry snaps of the zombies were continuing to climb up till they made it to the top. Seokjin and Taehyung tensed as they snapped their teeth and ran towards their direction.

"Jump!" Seokjin shouted to Taehyung.

"I-I can't-"

"Do you really want to die?!" Seokjin screamed, grabbing Taehyung's arm.

The zombie ran towards the two and Seokjin automatically shoved Taehyung out the window. Taehyung screamed as he fell down two stories.

Seokjin dodged the monster before it could attack. Frantic as it stopped and turned to glare angrily at him. It's reckless footsteps aimed towards him again.

Seokjin gritted his teeth as it ran at him. He prepares himself, bending his knees slightly and clenching he fists. As the body met his hands, he grabbing the clothing and lifted the zombie with his bare hands. He grunts as he slams it against the staircase railing and throws it off and down onto the first floor.

Seokjin pants. Clenching his fists and turning to see the majority of the horde making it to the last stair step. He runs to the broken window, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. He jumps.

Seokjin lands on the grass and rolls before stumbling upward. "Taehyung?!" He shouts out, "TAEHYUNG?!"

He began to hear Taehyung's wailing by the tree. He rushes over to see drops of blood splashed against the bark.

Taehyung is grabbing his ankle, he's howling in pain. Rubbing it and attempting to move it. There's blood on his temple, and scratches on his neck and cheeks most likely from falling into the tree. "I-I sprained my ankle," Taehyung says, looking back at Seokjin with dread. "Just-Just leave me, I can't run like this-"

"Shut up!" Seokjin yelled, grabbing Taehyung's arm and putting it over his shoulder. "You can stand just deal with it. We need to get out away from this library quickly."

Taehyung winced as he got on his feet, slouching onto Seokjin. "I'll hold you down! It's fine if I die-"

"We die together then," Seokjin snapped, hoisting Taehyung up so he stands all the way. He looks around wildly, watching as the streets turn into chaos and smoke comes out of crashing cars. "Fuck, the streets are jammed. I don't know where to go-"

An ear-ringing burst erupts throughout the city. The ground tumbled violently causing the two to stumbling as flames arise from the sudden earthquake. A flower of fire and smoke bursts into the air from a distance. It was an explosion.

Seokjin winces from his ears, trying his best to continue rushing away from the horde-filled building. Shaking his head in slight pain. "Something's definitely wrong."

"Jimin!" Taehyung popped up, "J-Jimin lives nearby here. He's my friend from Uni, he has an apartment near by here!"

"Let's go then!" Seokjin responds, "Show me the way!"

Taehyung began to point and ramble out directions, Seokjin running into the chaos on the street. Seokjin smoothly dodged some of the crowds that got too suffocating. Taehyung flinched as he heard people scream and cry in pain, blood soaks in the concrete. A fire hydrant had been hit by a car and water spirts onto every way of the sidewalk.

Taehyung holds onto Seokjin for dear life as they manage to get through without losing each other. "H-Hyung!"

A monster leaps from a dead body and onto Seokjin. Seokjin yelps from shock as he slips from the collision. He places his hand under it's lower jaw, clenching as it's teeth bite at him. He feels his pockets for anything and grabs his phone. Using his cellphone, he shoves it into it's mouth and pushes it away.

"Motherfucker!" He spits at it, kicking it down to the floor and stomping it's skull against the concrete. He's out of breath till Taehyung grabs his shoulder.

"We're wasting time," Taehyung says, watching the crowd getting more violent after each second. "Jimin's apartment isn't too far."

Seokjin took a deep breath before nodding, letting Taehyung guide again while holding onto him. They turn through a couple more blocks before Taehyung points to an apartment complex. "Here!" Taehyung says.

They rush inside the building, running up the staircases that seemed endless. Another amount of zombies entered the building as well, heard by the breaking of glass and civilians screaming in pain as they were feasted upon. Some apartment owners were trying to leave, running down the same stairs Taehyung and Seokjin were using.

Seokjin tried his best to stay out of the way before they were pushed down. Taehyung looks back and spots one of the owners being thrown against the floor and attacked just a couple stairs below them. "... They're getting closer," Taehyung says to Seokjin. "Jimin's on the floor above!"

Seokjin gathered the rest of his energy to reach the designated floor level. Turning to see that they were followed, he let's Taehyung go. "Go to Jimin's door! I'll barricade the door!"

Taehyung winces as he puts pressure on both feet. "I'm not leaving you behind!"

Seokjin pushed him through the door and closed it shut behind them. He holds the door closed using his entire body. "We'll both be dead if you can't get that door open! I'll be right behind you!"

Taehyung frantically looked at Seokjin then the hallway before gulping. He gathers the courage to run, desperately trying to ignore the pain burning throughout his ankle. He limps while running towards Jimin's door.

Seokjin huffs as the weight of the door began to get heavy. He heard the screaming and scratching coming from the other side, begging to get inside. He pushes the door close, watching the door shake from the amount of force on the opposite side.

Taehyung frantically knocks on Jimin's door. "JIMIN!" Taehyung screams, crying as he tries to get the door to open. "JIMIN! IT'S TAEHYUNG, PLEASE OPEN UP!"

The staircase door opens a little bit from a strong push from the other side. Seokjin stumbles and pairs of hands slip out from the crack. Bloody handprints are left smothered on the right side. "Hurry up, Taehyung!" Seokjin shouts from across the hall.

Taehyung began to bang furiously. Crying and
pleading for Jimin to open. He shakes the door knob, and the door opens.

Jimin opens the door, shocked at Taehyung's disheveled figure. "G-Get in!" He urges, pulling Taehyung inside.


"Don't close that door!" Seokjin shouts, letting go of the hallway door.

The crowd of zombies pile into the hall in seconds. Seokjin sprints to the door, and the others follow behind. "HURRY!" Taehyung screams, holding his hand out for the older.

Seokjin's lungs aren't burning from being out of breath. He reaches for Taehyung's hand and he's pulled in as well. Pushing Jimin away from the door, and slamming it shut before the zombies could enter as well. He slams it shut, locking it before stumbling away.

"W-What's happening out there?!" Jimin asks, looking at the two who look beat up. "I was busy then suddenly I just see a fucking explosion outside my apartment and people ripping each other apart! What the fuck is outside my door?!"

"I... I don't know," Seokjin says, out of breath and slouching over his knees. "Zombies? Monsters? We just need to get away from them."

Taehyung collapsed onto the floor and took the chance to catch his breath. He looks at his scrapped hands from the front and back before bursting into tears. His shoulders shook, his cheeks redden, and his eyes turned blood shoot. He was crying from shock.

"Taehyung!" Jimin says, quickly lowering himself beside him. He frantically tries to calm his friend.

"They-they ate them," Taehyung stuttered, his eyes wide. "Broke through-through the window and started killing people. We were almost-"

"Enough," Seokjin ordered, "Let's just rest here till we can figure out what to do. Do you have any bags? Pack everything we can just in case."

"... We should stay here," Jimin suggested, "I have food and water, that should last us." Jimin took a rag from the dinner table beside them and wiped Taehyung's cheeks. "... Let's wait it out, and you guys should shower..."

"... Jimin's right," Taehyung hiccuped, "You saw what's happening outside..."

Seokjin tsked, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It'll be dangerous in and outside either way," he says, "... Let's just at least pack before we make any decisions."

"This is my apartment," Jimin frowns slightly from his attitude, "Who are you? How do you know Taehyung?"

"Sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just a little freaked out," Seokjin says, "... Kim Seokjin. I use to do patrol around the DMZ border, so it's best if you stick with me. I know Taehyung through the Law department in Younsei."

Jimin nodded, looking at Seokjin. "... I'm Jimin," he says, "... It doesn't look like knowing what I do matters anymore."

Taehyung got up and swiped the rest of the blood off his face using his sleeve. "... My ankle, do you have any medicine? I sprained it on our way here."

"Yeah, yeah I do-"

Thumping sounded against the door. Seokjin looked at it before looking back at the others. "... I'll watch it. Just help Taehyung, okay?"

Jimin nodded before helping Taehyung stand. "I-I have a first aid kit in the bathroom," he reassures, "I'll patch you up after you shower."

Seokjin grabbed a knife that was resting on the kitchen counter nearby and kept watch by the door.

Jimin helped Taehyung to the bathroom. "Let's at least stay here for a couple days and figure out what we'll do after. There should be something on the news about what's going on."

Seokjin reaches for his phone in his pocket before sighing. He used it to defend himself from one of those things. He didn't want to turn on the tv in fear that it might be too loud. "How much food and water do you have?"

"A week worth at best..."

Seokjin pursed his lips, looking at his hands before nodding. "Alright. We'll figure out something before we run out. Till then, let's rest..."




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