I love you (Tony Stark x Joke...

By Kkbpodr

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After the events of the Civil War and Siberia, everything changes in Tony Stark's life changes. (I am the wor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 4

432 6 6
By Kkbpodr

(Over in the army chopper)

"Your late" Flagg shouted at the Asian woman as she jumped onto the chopper as it was about to take off

"I had things to take care of something," she said in Japanese Flagg nodded

"This is Katan she's here to make sure that you follow orders her sword traps the soul of her victims so try not to make upset will you" Flagg raised an eyebrow

"Hi I'm Harley Quinn nice meet ta cha I love your perfume what is it the stench of death" Harley Quinn said smiling ousterching her hand Wild Card smiled while sharpening his knives

"I should kill them now" Katan said in Japanese

"Whoa it's not that kind of mission" Flagg said

"I think she likes me" Harley said

"Of course she darlin'"Wild card nodded

Once they was over midway city Harley looked out the window of the chopper

"Hey do you guys se' th's" Harley said looking out the window

"So what happened" Deadshot asked looking at Flagg

"Terrorist bombing you know the usual" Flagg replied Wild Card raised an eyebrow

"Your a lyin' liar dat lies" Wild Card said

"Hey is he suppose to be that green" Captain Boomerang asked looking at killer croc

"No" wild card eyes widen

Killer croc threw up 'ewww' everyone shouted then something hit the chopper making crash into the middle of the road luckily nobody was hurt the Avengers landed near the crash site

"Woah what a r'de" Harley exclaimed as El Diablo helped her down

"C'n we go 'gain" Wild Card giggled when Deadshot set him on the ground the Avengers turned to him in shock

"No we can not do that again" Captain Boomerang said starting to walk Steve walked over to Wild Card

"Tony are you alright" Steve asked the younger man raised an eyebrow and looked at him up and down

"Yea' I'm alr'ght" Wild Card said walking past him over to Harley she made sure he close to her

They was walking in a ally way when Captain Boomerang walked up to Slipnot

"About the chips in our necks a lie let's ditch these guys" Boomerang whispered to Slipnot he nodded Boomerang tried to take out Katana while Slipnot ziplined on the building Flagg activated his chip and made it explode the adults covered the two kids eyes

"Well dang" Shuri said before T'Challa covered her eyes

"That's what happens when you try and escape don't try it" Flagg announced Wild Card rubbed his neck wear the chip was

Rogers walked up to Flagg

"You put that in Tony" Steve said furiously Flagg rolled his eyes

"That's not the same person you knew 2 years ago Rogers, everyone move out" Flagg yelled the group continued walking Peter and Shuri snuck away from the avenger and over to Wild Card who was beside Harley

"Um excuse me Mr. Card sir" Peter said nervously Wild and Harley turned to the two teenagers

"Ya can j'st call me Wild ya k'ow" Card said

"Ok so Wild can we ask you a question" Shuri asked the man nodded looking in front of him

"What's it like being a criminal a very rich criminal for that matter?" Shuri asked Wild looked at them and then back ahead and shrugged

"It's fun gettin' wha'ever you w'nt also livin' a life full of d'nger not havin' to a'k wh're to go and who ta meet pretty m'ch" Wild said shrugging pulling out a tablet from his bag joker had gotten him for his birthday and a drone having it fly ahead of them to see what's up there before going any further

"H'y P'ter do ya k'ow how ta use a gun" Wild asked Peter nodded Card handed him one of his guns

"Why do I need this" Peter asked taking it Wild didn't answer just got closer to Harley as possible

"Flagg what are those things" Deadshot asked pointing at something

"You cut and run I'll kill you" Flagg said lowly Wild got his guns ready Harley did the same

that's when things got interesting those things started to attack when Wild used up all his bullets he started to fight with his hands once the enemy gave him an opening he grabbed one of his knives from his shoe and stabbed the creature another came up from behind him the creature managed to get him in the arm he was able to kill this one they just kept coming and coming thankfully Harley had came over to help Deadshot killed the rest of them

"That's how I cut and run" Deadshot said walking over to group of criminals

"Dollface y'ur arm is ble'ding" Quinn said examining the claw mark

"I'm fine" Card said Harley shook her head digging through his bag for a first aid kit and took out some bandages and rubbing alcohol

"This is goin' ta sting a lil 'kay" Harley warned Wild nodded and hissed when Quinn rubbed the alcohol on his arm then she began to wrap his wound in bandages

"Wild are you ok" Shuri asked after making sure T'Challa was ok Wild looked up and nodded then put his focus on captain boomerang

"Hey Boomboom l't me se' tha' right qu'ck" Wild called boomerang tossed him what he had and Wild caught the frowned his eyebrows walked over to Captain Boomerang

"What is it Card" Deadshot asked Card pointed to the dead bodies

"T'ese things w're human" He explained the Avengers old and new looked horrified except for Wanda and Natasha

"What" Pepper yelled he shrugged and looked at Flagg

"What's going on Flagg" Deadshot asked Flagg ignored him and kept walking the criminals looked quite offended when ignored

The group continued walking Wild was doing cartwheels when he was done he landed by Harley

"Darlin I'm read' ta le've now" Wild whispered Harley looked at him and wrapped her arm around his waist and pulled him closer since he's shorter then her it wasn't awkward

"I k'ow Surga" Harley whispered 

"I reall' want Mr. J r'ght now" Wild Card said Harley nodded in understanding from afar Steve and his group was watching them

"We have to get Tony back and make him see what he's in the wrong" Steve said Clint groaned

"Why would we want stark who happens to be criminal along with a spoiled brat back on the team" Clint argued Wanda nodded in agreement

"Because we need someone to build our gear and we also need the money" Natasha said as she watches Wild Card and Harley torment the criminals but stopped when Killer croc almost lungs at them and they laughed

'And because I love Tony' Steve thought they noticed Shuri and Peter was walking with Deadshot and So Diablo asking a lot of questions

"So after all this is done what you guys going to do" Shuri asked the hit man and gangster raised an eyebrow

"We go back to prison after all this is over" Deadshot informed the teenagers the two frowned at them

"Well why I mean you guys are saving the world" Peter said frowning El Diablo chuckled and shook his head

"Because doing one good thing won't make up for all the wrong we did and plus the good guys would take all the credit anyhow" El Diablo ruffled Peters hair and walked up to Captain Boomerang

"Why don't you kids head back to your friends back their" Deadshot smiled walking over to killer croc

The two walked slower so they would be by the Avengers but mostly stayed be Rhodey and Bruce

Wild Card stopped in front of a jewelry store where a beautiful and expensive blue ring sat but walked away to catch up with the others the Avengers and Harley noticed what he was looking at but only Harley did something about it she took her bat and smashed the window the criminals pointed their weapons at her along with some of the army guys they put down the weapons

"Really" Flagg yelled

"What we're bad guys it's what we do" Harley said when they turned back around she grabbed the ring Card had his eyes on and it in her pocket

The ring:

Steve tried to stop her from taking it but Sam and Clint put a hand on his shoulders to stop him after a couple of hours of walking they came to a building and stopped pointed their guns at the door Wild and Harley shrugged walked up to the glass door and opened it the glass shattered Boomerang walked over to the security tapes and cash register

"Well aren't we lucky" the theft said taking the cash they heard a ding sound they looked up they saw Card and Quinn who waved down at them

"Harley and Wild" Floyd yelled and ran to the elevator next stop along with everyone

(In the elevator)

A ding came from Harley's phone it was a text from joker it said 'be ready I'm almost there' Wild looked over her shoulder and frowned she noticed it

"You gu's are comin' back fa me r'ght" Wild asked eyes full of hope

"Of course we a'e Surga" Harley said kissing his lips she pulled back when one of those creatures attacked the both of them shot it in the head then went to fix their hair Wild ran his finger through his white blonde hair with blue and purple hair while Harley fixed her pigtails they looked up two more creatures went through the glass luckily the two insane criminals killed them before the elevator stopped when the doors opened everyone got ready to fight but stopped when they saw Harley and Wild was fine

"Flagg there's some extreme heat signatures proceed with caution" Amanda informed Flagg

"Guys stay where you are" Flagg said the criminals and Avengers stayed where they are Deadshot put on his mask

"Scardey cat" Wild smirked the older man turned to him

"I will beat you butt I don't care how old you are" Deadshot playfully threatens that's when the creatures jumped through the ceiling and started attacking they tried to grab Flagg again Harley and Katana stopped them in doing so

"Form a barrier around Flagg" Deadshot ordered and that's exactly what the criminals did while Wild has his androids attack the enemy when they was all dead they disconnected and walked out the doors

"They Deadshot thanks for what you did back there" Flagg said the hit man nodded and kept walking when the went through the next door they saw a whole bunch of them

"Hey Diablo can help us out with that" Deadshot pointed he Hispanic man nodded and lit them up with fire the Avengers backed away from the man except for Peter who looked at him as if he was the most powerful man  existing on earth the criminals patted his back Peter ran up to Diablo

"That was amazing" Peter said to the man Diablo looked surprised for a minute but didn't say anything

"Is it possible for you to get out early" Peter asked

"No man it's not possible" Diablo said the boy nodded not saying anything else when they got to the staircase they started walking up Wild had to stop to catch his breath

"I've g't ta wo'k on my ca'dio" he said looking below


Harley, Tony, and Joker was standing over a tank of acid looking down

"Are yo' sure you' ready Surga" Harley asked Tony nodded Joker walked over to him

"Will you die for us" Joker asked

"Yes" Tony said of the bat

"That's to easy will, will you live for us" Joker asked

"Yes" Tony said Harley smiled came over and removed Tony's jacket Joker puts his hand over Tony's mouth

"Do not say this oath thoughtlessly Desire becomes surrender, surrender becomes power do you want this" Joker said taking his hand off of Tony's mouth

"I do" Tony said firmly Joker smiled

"Say it pretty pretty pretty please" Joker said touching Tony's chin

"Please" Tony pleaded Harley and Joker smiled

"God your so good" Joker said backing away from the young man Tony turned towards Joker and Harley arms extended and fell into the tank of acid Joker turned his back towards the edge and cracked his neck took off his jacket ran to the edge and jumped in after Tony, he brought Tony to the surface and kissed him the young billionaire gasped in the air and smiled he kissed joker hard the older man pulled back and laughed madly before Tony pulled him back in

(End of flashback)

Wild was snapped back into reality when Natasha kept calling his name he instantly pointed his gun at her

"Wh't is it Natasha" Wild asked still pointing his gun at her

"Just wanted to make sure your ok" Natasha explained Card looked at her for a moment then put his gun away smiling and walked past her saying nothing the group came to a stop when they got into an office

"You guys stay here" Flagg ordered then went through the door leaving the Avenger with the criminals but of course Floyd didn't listen he went after Flagg

"So stark how has life been behind bars" Wanda asked with glee in her eyes as Wild began to hack into their chips but that didn't work out well because he was wearing that metal bracelet Flagg put on him

"Fine" He said as he tried to get the bracelet

"Now that everyone now's your a criminal what do you think is going to happen to you when all this is over" Clint taunted Harley and the others was about to attack them but Wild shook his head as he smash the bracelet into a million pieces

"I kn'w exactly what's goin' to hap'en now le've me al'ne" Wild Card accent came through as he growled Clint was about to say something but Deadshot and Flagg came back with Amanda Waller that's what got the criminals attention

"No way" Harley whispered Waller didn't say anything just walked past Captain Boomerang bumping shoulder

"I like her" Killer croc said the group of bad guys turned to him and shook their head and walked away once they were on the roof a chopper was waiting for them

"You are clear to land" Flagged said when the chopper didn't land he tried again the chopper turned to the side and revealed  machine gun

"It's been jacked take cover" Flagg yelled and that's what everyone did

(In the chopper)

"Doctor hurry it up" Joker said

(On the roof)

Deadshot turned to Harley who had her hand on her stomach

"What I got a hickey" Harley said placing a hand on her neck Wild looked at her noticed something was off with her

"Darlin you ok" Wild asked Harley nodded that's when her phone went off a text from joker I'm here come on' it read she looked up with a smile she got up before she kissed Cards cheek she walked to the chopper

"Flagg kill her" Amanda demanded Flagg tried to activate her chip but didn't work

"Her chip is disable" Flagg yelled Harley took off her jacket and ran she caught the rope and waved good bye everyone had already came out when the shooting stopped Wild smiled knowing they would come back for him

"Deadshot shoot her" Amanda ordered that made Card go pale

"Don't do it Floyd" Wild warned him

"She didn't do anything to me so why" Deadshot said Waller walked up to him

"You want to see your daughter again I can make that happen all you have to do is shoot her" Amanda said Deadshot looked back to Wild Card who shook his head eyes pleading

"Oh she's going down" Deadshot said setting up his gun Wild Card was being held back El Diablo as he pleaded to him tears coming down his face Pepper, Rhodey, T'Challa, Shuri, Peter, and Bruce looked at him heart-broken while Clint and Wanda looked at him glee seeing that he finally understand what it feels like to lose someone when Deadshot fired the gun he purposely missed

"I missed" Deadshot smirked he walked over to the younger man and pulled him into a hug and let him go

(With Harley and Joker)

"Oh puddin' you got all dressed up for me" Harley said kissing Joker hard

"Yeah and by the way I got a grape soda on the rocks waiting for us" Joker said in Harley ear

"Puddin' promise you won't get mad" Harley said Joker eyebrows frowned in confusion he nodded

"Puddin I'm pregnant" Quinn said pulling away Joker growled

"By who" Joker said dangerously Harley bit her lip nervously

"You know him you sent to give me the phone" Joker growled and got closer to Harley

"Did you give him consent" Joker asked angrily Harley shook her head no Joker shouted an order to one of his men

"Does dollface know" Harley shook her head again Joker pulled her closer to him

(With the others)

Waller got out a walkie talkie

"Shoot em down" Amanda barked Wild Card had to held back again but by both Deadshot and El Diablo

(With Harley and Joker)

"Um boss we have a problem" Frost called that's when a missle hit the front of the chopper

"This goose is cooked" Joker said looking below them they we're over a roof

"Alright princess get ready to jump just the two of us you ready" Joker asked Harley nodded excitedly they was about to jump when the chopper shook Harley fell out and Joker fell backwards he roared out of anger Harley landed on her feet on top of the roof she ran to the edge to see that the chopper crashed and she cried

(With the others)

Waller turned back to group

"Joker and Harley Quinn are no more The king and queen of Gotham  are dead" Waller said Wild Card became dangerously pale and froze in place Deadshot tried to get his attention but he didn't answer he just stood there not saying a word after a few seconds Card walked over to Waller who looked at Flagg but he didn't do anything once Wild Card was in front of her he backhanded her and grabbed her by the neck

"You th'nk just 'cause their de'd you hav' nothin' to fea' your wro'g you shou'd fear me 'cause I prom'se you I will rui' your life and an'one you ho'd dear" Wild Card said before he dropped her to the floor turned around stormed away from the group and slammed the door shut then made his way down with the group of criminals and Flagg along with Peter, Shuri, and Rhodey behind him

Word Count: 3,140

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