Chapter 4

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(Over in the army chopper)

"Your late" Flagg shouted at the Asian woman as she jumped onto the chopper as it was about to take off

"I had things to take care of something," she said in Japanese Flagg nodded

"This is Katan she's here to make sure that you follow orders her sword traps the soul of her victims so try not to make upset will you" Flagg raised an eyebrow

"Hi I'm Harley Quinn nice meet ta cha I love your perfume what is it the stench of death" Harley Quinn said smiling ousterching her hand Wild Card smiled while sharpening his knives

"I should kill them now" Katan said in Japanese

"Whoa it's not that kind of mission" Flagg said

"I think she likes me" Harley said

"Of course she darlin'"Wild card nodded

Once they was over midway city Harley looked out the window of the chopper

"Hey do you guys se' th's" Harley said looking out the window

"So what happened" Deadshot asked looking at Flagg

"Terrorist bombing you know the usual" Flagg replied Wild Card raised an eyebrow

"Your a lyin' liar dat lies" Wild Card said

"Hey is he suppose to be that green" Captain Boomerang asked looking at killer croc

"No" wild card eyes widen

Killer croc threw up 'ewww' everyone shouted then something hit the chopper making crash into the middle of the road luckily nobody was hurt the Avengers landed near the crash site

"Woah what a r'de" Harley exclaimed as El Diablo helped her down

"C'n we go 'gain" Wild Card giggled when Deadshot set him on the ground the Avengers turned to him in shock

"No we can not do that again" Captain Boomerang said starting to walk Steve walked over to Wild Card

"Tony are you alright" Steve asked the younger man raised an eyebrow and looked at him up and down

"Yea' I'm alr'ght" Wild Card said walking past him over to Harley she made sure he close to her

They was walking in a ally way when Captain Boomerang walked up to Slipnot

"About the chips in our necks a lie let's ditch these guys" Boomerang whispered to Slipnot he nodded Boomerang tried to take out Katana while Slipnot ziplined on the building Flagg activated his chip and made it explode the adults covered the two kids eyes

"Well dang" Shuri said before T'Challa covered her eyes

"That's what happens when you try and escape don't try it" Flagg announced Wild Card rubbed his neck wear the chip was

Rogers walked up to Flagg

"You put that in Tony" Steve said furiously Flagg rolled his eyes

"That's not the same person you knew 2 years ago Rogers, everyone move out" Flagg yelled the group continued walking Peter and Shuri snuck away from the avenger and over to Wild Card who was beside Harley

"Um excuse me Mr. Card sir" Peter said nervously Wild and Harley turned to the two teenagers

"Ya can j'st call me Wild ya k'ow" Card said

"Ok so Wild can we ask you a question" Shuri asked the man nodded looking in front of him

"What's it like being a criminal a very rich criminal for that matter?" Shuri asked Wild looked at them and then back ahead and shrugged

I love you (Tony Stark x Joker x Harley Quinn) Marvel and DC crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now