Why did it have to be this way

By Canvasgirl21

4.9K 217 36

This is a story of Sara, a girl who lives in the world her mother has created for herself which must be perfe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6 half 1
Chapter 6 half 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 : Cave, I will find you!!
Chapter 12: Well thats new...
chapter 13: I hate white...
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 In which she regrets a decision~
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 - back home...
Chapter 19 - The new guy
Chapter 20
Chapter 21- If you could understand...
Chapter 22- Why did it have to be this way
Chapter 23- The point of no return Part 1.
Chapter 23- The point of no return
Chapter 25
Chapter 26: Slowly but surely...
Chapter 27: To be stronger and weaker
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32: Primal
Chapter 33: Gavin

Chapter 24- Will the clock run out

105 8 1
By Canvasgirl21

Hey guys, I know that last one was kinda dark, it won't be the last like that. Hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Please let me know who your favorite character is, what you think will happen or any other thoughs :) If you make a suggestion on where you think the story should go I might just make it happen *hint hint ;)

Chapter 24 - Will the clock run out

I woke up to a dark room, alone. I could feel an unbearable ache in between my thighs. My hips hurt, my mouth was raw, and my breasts were tender. I tried to get up but I couldn't walk. I was glad to finally wake up I kept having flashes of last night, over and over. The way he kept taking me, like I wasn't a person with feelings. As if I actually belonged to him. I never felt the gravity of being kidnapped until now. I felt the tears of flesh in my area, with every squirm to reach the edge of the bed what had healed was ripping back open. I continued the struggle if there was even a good time to leave this place, it was now. I breathed in deeply, one arm in front of the other I crawled to the edge of the bed. Lowering myself carefully but still wincing in pain. I was just grateful I now had clothes on, too bad it was just a loose t-shirt and boxers. I kept feeling like Paul Sheldon in Misery, would Annie Wilkes walk through the door, and if she does is this the time she kills me?

I wanted to continue to crawl but that wasn't going to be fast enough. I tried standing up feeling the rip of my skin as I did. I barely suppressed the scream but couldn't suppress the stream of quiet curses. I felt something wet drip down my leg and knew it would be better not to look down. Just look forward, keep looking forward. Your almost there. I walked or limped I should say out of the bedroom. Don't look back. I walked down the hall. Keep going. I felt the liquid go further down my leg. I could see the door from here. So close.

I look around and don't see North. I put on a coat hanging by the door and the large as fuck slippers.

I was worried the slippers would fall over but not for long. I didn't have time. I limped through the woods. Snow now covering it. It started to go into the slippers but there was no time to stop.

I walk and walked it felt like years. But was really only about 30 minutes before I saw it, the pack house. I damn near cried in relief but just continued. I couldn't feel let legs anymore and was so happy for that. I tried to quicken my pace, I hadn't seen North since last night but that didn't mean he wasn't close. I was getting closer when a few Thetas saw me. "Sara" They nodded at me. Looking at me legs than my face than back to my legs. "You are aware that you have blood running down your legs" I nodded figuring that'd what it'd be. "North couldn't get enough, if you know what I mean" I tried to get a chuckle but a look of concern flashed on their faces before they nodded and forced a smile that looked more like a grimace. "Well anyways, have you guys seen Toby?" I asked wanted to get this over with.

They nodded again eyes fixated on my legs.

"Well, where is he?" They looked up realising I was talking to them. "He's inside" One said in a monotone voice. "Thank you Sherlock I meant where INSIDE he is?" I asked again losing patience and precious time talking to idiots.

"He should be in your room right now" The other theta said. I nodded and walked passed one only to be stopped by a large arm blocking me, the other Theta. "What?" I hissed at me "I want Toby". He nodded in understanding than looked down at my legs again "I know you want him, but do you think he should see you like that". I looked down for the first time today only to wish I didn't. I felt like gagging. My legs were caked in blood, red and black with heavy semi dry drips all over my inner legs. I started gagging when they let me passed, satisfied I at least knew what I looked like. I knew I'd probably traumatize poor Toby getting him while looking like this, but he'd be worse if I left him here to change and they caught me. I may never see him again if I don't go now.

I walked faster to my room, feeling each stride driven by my motivation to see my baby. I was suddenly pulled into a door. A hand clamped hard over my mouth just as I was ready to realise a scream, I felt the tears run down my face as I slumped against the body. I whimpered and pulled, trying to get away but he held fast. I tried to calm down to hear hushing. "Shhh, Shhh Sara, it's me, it's Chandler" He whispered in my ear as I tried to calm myself. I'd never had a panic attach but I can only assume this was one. I tried to even my breathing, slowly the tears stopped falling and I stopped shaking. Breath: in and out. I closed my eyes and calmed down before getting up and hugging Chandler. "I miss you" I whispered. He nodded. His eyes saying it all. I miss you too. "I don't have time, I have to leave. I have to leave now" I told him, reaching for the door. His hand clamped over mine. "Shower first, I will figure a way out of here" He whispered. I looked down at my legs again feeling the numbness from the cold wear off and nodded.

I start to walk to the bathroom that seems to be in every one of these rooms (lucky rich people) while Chandler supports my weight. I start to take off my clothes, but I can't. I can barely move.

I let the jacket fall off my body but almost scream from the pain. Before I know it Chandler is by my side. Carefully slipping each arm through the arm hole in the t-shirt. "Thank you, I just... can't. I feel so weak". He nods again. Pulling the shirt carefully over my damaged body. I had on nothing underneath but I just didn't care. He kept his gaze to his task. Not looking me over like a piece a meat.

I tossed the top aside pulling on the boxers. It was hard to get them off. They were caked in blood which had dried on my leg, acting like a glue. Once he got them down my leg I noticed my whole lower body wrapped in Gaze. North must've done it. He even wrapped through my legs as well as around my hips. I looked to Chandler for help, this was going to be hard to take off.

He crouched down in front of me, unwrapping it slowly, gently. One thing I liked about Chandler is he seemed to just care about people, about life. You could count on him. It took a good 5 minutes to unwrap between my soft cries and it getting stuck, we were lucky to get it off.

Once it was off he looked me over, really just looked me over from head to toe. I was suddenly worried, what if he was like North. But looking into his eyes, there was no perversion there. It was like a doctor looking at his patient. He studied my body. I looked down too, wondering what I looked like.

I wish I didn't once again. There were bruises all along my tights black and blue that were under the gaze. There was bruises on my wrists, on my breasts, hips, arms. I didn't want to cry to I climbed into the tub that was filling with water and tried to forget what happened.

"I'll look for Toby and some clothes, we'll find a way out. I'll go with you" He said walking out the door before I could say anything. Chandler was like that. A man of few but meaningful words. I slipped under the water, appreciating it washing away the evidence of what happened. To be honest the water stung me but it was better than staying like this.

I finally just felt the need to cry, this was probably my last chance to just be alone with my thoughts. I thought about how North just switch off like a light. How he went from caring and tender in bed to a monster. I went from considering a relationship with him to wishing I would die than ever have to do that again. Living here I've heard of a man's beast taking over, but never NEVER with their mate. The one their suppose to love and protect with their lives.

I soaped my hair and scrubbed my skin raw, wanting to remove every touch. I wanted to wash between my legs but I was afraid of the bleeding starting again and last thing I need is my scent even STRONGER for him to track. So I washed gentle.

I was only a few minutes later that Chandler had returned, clothes in his hands.

I stood up and walked in front of him as he began to dry my body. I didn't try to stop him, I needed help and he's here for me. He dried me enough to wear clothes that's all we had time for. I held my leg up as he slipped what I can only assume is an adult diaper on me. I looked at him puzzled. He looked sheepish "I don't know where gaze is but I do know where the elderly in this pack keep their weird 'no one must find this' stashes" I quirked an eyebrow at him laughing, ever appreciating his thinking things through. He slipped on pants, a bra and a loose t-shirt on me. He even managed several pairs of socks, a sweater and mitts and a hat. "I couldn't find a coat in your size, but I want you to wear mine, it will help mask your scent" I nodded.

"Take this too, we'll have to cut them up somehow you like a twelfth of a pill, it should kill the pain" I smiled at him.

"We should do now, we'll figure the pills out later"

We walked to the door. "You stay here, I'll bring Toby and then we'll make our move"

I sat down as he ran down the hall.


I l♥ve Chandler!!! ♥_♥

Hope you enjoyed please VOTE, COMMENT, FAN :)

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