Deku's gay sleepover!

By yourusualsinner

110K 2.4K 1.4K

U.A was finishing up on the last day of school as a young boy named Izuku Midoriya was walking back home. The... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Yall better know whats gonna happen
Chapter 3
Part 4
Part 5
New cover i made :)
Part 7
Things you need to know
Enjoy your fav ships
It happend again...

Part 6

8.6K 208 47
By yourusualsinner

Kirishima's POV:

Noises of irritation and mumbling filled the solid boys head as he cautioned to wake up. "Deku just shut the hell up for one second!" Bakugo shouts dodging the now crying Izuku "What is wrong with you I told you we're done!" Izuku cried even more but then saw me wake up "Oh Kiri-kun sorry to wake you up so early actually I'm about to leave so I'll be packing up". Izuku started shuffling around for who knows what until I realized... He wasn't wearing anything but his boxers! "My pants, my pants I can't find them!" Midoriya started to mumble even more trying to recall why ever the hell happened last night. Wait what did happen last night?
All I could remember was going to grab a stiff drink and to later go outside but then I guess Midoriya woke up... did we do IT last night?! My first time was with a guy but that guy was Midoriya man this isn't manly at all, was I the top or bottom please say I was the top if I wasn't all of this is for nothing.

Denki's POV:

"Hey guys what's all the racket it's like six in the morn- huh Midoriya your naked again but this time there's Kacchan and Eijiro!" I blushed to my surprise Deku was a lot more popular than I imagined, and not to mention the also mumbling Kirishima in the corner. Does it spread or something? "Jeez get a hold of yourselves I heard Kirishima getting a stiff drink and decided to cool off outside, knowing how hot it is here they probably took off their clothes because they were drunk" Sero demanded leaning next to the bed frame. "But that doesn't explain why they're sleeping together like that! Not to mention Deku doesn't drink" Bakugo grumbled almost blowing up everything "sounds like someone's jealous that Izu-Kun slept with someone other than you lol" Sero replied giving off a gargantuan smile. "Hah?" Just then Bakugo leaped towards me and Sero chasing both of us out.

Deku's POV:

"Um Kiri-Kun can you please get out I'm gonna to change so..." "uh yeah sure, oh and don't worry about what happened last night we didn't do anything" Just then Kirishima turned around and ran to chase the rest throughout the house leaving me alone. "Okay now I still need to find my pants under all of this stuff-" "You know you shouldn't just leave your stuff around just like that" I turned around to see Shigaraki again holding my pants. "Hmm so how small is your waist exactly? Your pants are super tight and small" He said stretching my pants in different angles "w-why are you here again?" I shouted but making sure the others don't hear "Well I didn't come alone" Just as he said that he moved to the side revealing Dabi? "Why is he also here then?" I questioned trying to sound dominant "Turns out he also likes you and we both agreed you either have to choose between us or have a threesom" Shigaraki mumbled making dirty hand gestures towards me "Ugh gross! Now give back my pants I need those for today" "Sure" They both said bluntly "wait really I thought you guys will say something like"

Deku vision:

"I'll give back your pants once you do it with us you brat". Now are you going to join us or not? Shigaraki pulled down Dabi's pants pushing both of their members together. "Uahh what are you guys doing?" I covered my eyes and slammed my face into a pillow "man it feels good but it would be even better if we had something to push it in wouldn't we Tomura?" Dabi started moving faster as Deku squinted a little looking at what they're doing "alright now butts up brat" Shigaraki grabbed both of Izuku's legs making him go upside down "isn't that a erotic pose?" Dabi smirked as he rubbed his own member up against Izuku's face "No stop what are you doing?"
I was stopped from speaking further when he put it in my mouth "nngh tou blig" (too big) "hah you were much better at sucking than I thought Shigaraki why don't you take care of business down there?" "Hnmm!" I tried to shout stopped but Dabi pushed even deeper into my mouth. Shigaraki started to lick and before I knew it put his tongue into my hole further and further into my-

Deku vision stops:

"Say what?" Dabi grumbled impatiently "oh um nothing but can I really have them back?" "Sure but only if you gave us a kiss" Shigaraki grinned "I knew there would be a catch-" I spitted moving backwards "No please come back!" Dabi cried "We'll really give back your pants you don't have to kiss us" "Hmpf fine" I ran back and snatched my pants but for some strange reason I gave them both a kiss on the lips "woah I said you didn't have to also we meant kiss on the cheek not our lips" I blushed by what he had just said making me turn into a tomato "I think that's enough for our little visit for the brat let's go back to base before the others find out" Shigaraki had a light pink blush across his cheeks and went out the window to who knows where soon followed after by Dabi. "I didn't need to kiss them in the first place and why did I have those dirty thoughts?" I mumbled to myself as I started changing.

Thx for reading the wattpad so far and as a reward you guys get to pick which ship should be next
(Please respect others ships)

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