Teen Wolf [ Fan fiction ]

By hwaaru

792 5 2

Werewolves? Snake Boy? Argents? WERECATS?! What is this world coming too..... - - - - Start: 27/08/2019 - 27... More

Not a chptr but it's about one
New OC
CHPTR.19~ The End~
New character
Chpt 3~
New character
Chpt 9


4 0 0
By hwaaru

It's been a few months since the Argents tortured Ava and Derek promising her to help her, a lot has also changed in between her and Derek, until today...

Ava's pov

I stood outside the loft that had it's door slightly opened, hearing Derek and the pack inside - "Are we going to continue helping her catch all the Argents?" Scott asked and Derek hummed, "We've got worse problems to deal with right now, Derek.." Peter said, "Like what?" He asked, "The Alphas are coming back" Peter said, everyone went quiet until Vi spoke up, "They almost killed her, you promised we'd help her.." I could sense anger from her, I frowned and stared at the door. 

"Derek..she's your girlfriend.." Stiles reasoned, "I know that! But...the Alphas are far more dangerous than the Argents right now!" He yelled, "Fine! Fine.." Vi said and I frowned, 'Fine..I'll deal with them myself' I turned around and rushed out of the building. 

Dereks pov

"It's a tough decision, she'll be so angry when I tell her.." I rubbed at my face and turned to look out my window, I looked down to see her standing on the pavement, "Wait.." I put my hand onto the window and watched as she started to run off on all fours, I turned round to the others and swallowed lightly, "She heard it...She heard what I just said...she's going to the Argents, we need to stop her and reason with her!" I said, "Calm down, I'll catch her...you stay here just in case you know who decides to visit again" He ran out of the loft and I ran my hand through my hair. 

Scotts pov

I skidded to a stop when I saw her bump into Deucalion, she fell backwards and stared up at him whilst he was standing in the middle of the twins who growled down at her. "Young lady...I can sense your anger from here, tell me...what's the matter?" Deucalion asked, "I'm..going to kill them!" She yelled, "Who?" Deucalion questioned and knelt down to her level, "The Argents" she answered quickly. He put his finger under her chin and made her look into his eyes, "Is that so? Do you need any help?" He asked and she looked round to the twins then back to him, "I had help, but they betrayed me...They're more concerned about an alpha pack!" She sighed out, "I was tortured...by the Argents, they promised to help me, but they're willing to push my matter aside for the alpha pack" She explained, "Honey, we are the alpha pack...just us three, I killed off the others because they wanted to be omegas, lone alphas." Deucalion chuckled, the twins stared down at her and I bit my bottom lip. 

"Betrayal hurts..doesn't it?" Deucalion asked and she nodded her head, "You're not a werewolf, I can smell the snow leopard on you, but...join us.." Deucalion helped her up and she stood there, her hands were shaking as she looked at the three of them one by one. 'She's realising who she is talking to now...' I thought, "If they won't help you, we will..that's a promise we will keep." Deucalion said as he walked around her, his right hand rising up and patting at her neck until his index claw dug into her hind neck, she tilted her head back and stared him in the eyes. 

"Yes...alpha" She said and he smirked widely, I widened my eyes and turned around to run off. I kept my ears open and heard, "One of dereks pack followed you here, get him" he ordered her and I looked round to see her turning around and spotting me, she started to run after me. 

Derek's pov

"STOP!" I heard Scott yell, we all rushed to look out of the window to see him flying across the street until his slammed into a van and fell down, "It's them.." Vi said, "The Alpha pack..." Stiles mumbled, the twins stepped forward but Deucalion stopped down, something ontop of one of the cars caught my attention - those silver glowing eyes. "Ava?" I watched as she jumped off of the car and rushed over to Scott, she grabbed at his throat and pulled him up onto his feet, she tilted her head as if she was questioning what she as doing. 

Scott held onto her wrists and pushed her off of him but she caught her balance and back hand slapped him back against the van roughly, she clawed at his stomach and he fell down. I looked over to see Deucalion looking up at me, he smiled widely at me before whistling. Ava turned and ran over to him, she stood in front of him and he placed his hand onto her head, she looked round and looked up to me, her eyes just stayed on me and I stepped back. "He....He's made her join his pack.." Lydia said. 

Ava's pov

Deucalion roared up at Derek and so did the twins, I just stood there staring up at me and then looking down to see Scotts red eyes. I ran over to him and grabbed at his head, I pushed him to the side and growled at him, he got up and rushed at me but he didn't hit me or anything. He grabbed me and stared into my eyes, "Snap out of it...this isn't you, Ava." He said and I growled loudly, "It is now...you can push my problem aside, I will not drop it...not until every single Argent is dead...And I mean, every single Argent, including that old man in the old mans home...Gerard?" I laughed and he frowned at me, "Thanks to Ria, she got rid of one of the tough ones to get rid of...Chris Argent" I said and watched as he frowned, he was about to aim at me but the twins pushed him far back. 

"Come!" Deucalion called out and we made our way to him, "Let's visit the Argents now, hmmm?" He smirked and I nodded quickly, I looked back to see Scott standing up, he shook his head at me but I smiled and followed Deucalion. 

Dereks pov

We rushed down to Scott and I held onto his arm, "Come on we have to go there too" Vi said and we ran off to the Argents house. "Did we get here first?" Jackson asked, "What are you lot doing here?" I looked round to see a woman standing there with a gun, she held it close to her chest and she walked over to us, "I'm Braeden..I'm here to get rid of the alpha pack" she wriggled her shoulders, something about her...it made me smile over at her, she had good confidence and she was pretty. 

"Did we get here first?" Scott asked, "No they're inside" Braeden said as she stepped closer to me, she looked into the window and pointed, I leaned and looked to see Ava standing beside one of the twins. Deucalion had Mr Argent on a chair and circled him, I looked down to see all the dead bodies of other Argent members. 

Deucalion pointed to Ava and she walked over, her claws out and her eyes focused on Mr Argent. Braeden rose her gun and aimed it to Ava, I put my hand on her gun and shook my head, pushing her gun to aim at one of the twins. 

She nodded and I watched as Ava slashed at Mr Argents throat, he fell down and she smiled widely. Braeden pressed the trigger and shot one of the twins, he fell down but got back up and turned to us, "Oh shit..." Stiles mumbled, the two came running towards the window and then jumped out of it. I stepped back quickly and watched as they was focused on the girl holding the gun, I ran at one and slung him aside. 

Ava's pov

I looked to Deucalion who gestured for me to go and fight, I rushed to the window and jumped out to see Derek fighting beside a woman, Stiles and the others trying to help out but failing. I roared out and the others looked at me, I ran towards Lydia and she stepped back quickly, I felt a slap to my face, I slid across the ground and my back crashed against a car. Peter came out of no where, I looked over to him and he stomped over to me. "This isn't you, Ava!" He yelled and I felt him grab my shirt, he pulled me up onto my feet and I clawed at his stomach, he stepped back and I kicked at his chest - sending him towards one of the twins, they grabbed him and flung him into Derek and the girl. 

I looked back to Lydia and walked towards her, "A-Ava..." She said and I growled loudly, I heard two gun shots and I looked round to see the twins dropping down dead, I widened my eyes and looked towards the woman, Derek ran his hands through his hair and smiled at her. "You...Are an amazing woman" He said, she smiled at him and then looked to me. 

Out of anger, I scratched Lydia across the cheek and she groaned out. Stiles caught her and I heard Deucalion call out for me, "Don't.." Derek said but I ignored him and stepped backwards. "Ava" Vi called out, "AVA!" Deucalion called out louder, I turned on my heels and ran off to him, jumping into the house and standing at his side. "LET HER GO, DEUCALION!" Derek yelled, "No, she's my pack member now..right, Ava?" Deucalion asked and I looked round at him. 'He'll just use you' I heard Scotts voice, I looked over to Scott and he nodded his head slowly. 

I reached to my neck secretly and felt something in my hind neck, I dug my claws in and pulled a claw of Deucalions out, I looked round to Deucalion and smiled, "Of course.." I said, slamming my hand to his back, he gasped and dropped his stick. 

Dereks pov

"I'm all for the alpha pack" She said, he dropped down and her hand was covered in his blood, he was about to get back up but she slashed at his throat and growled. "I'm all for a damn pack.." She looked round to me and then growled out loudly, "Ava..." I stepped inside and walked over to her but she pushed me backwards and frowned. 

"I need some time away from you and them" She said, I bit my bottom lip and nodded my head slowly, "I understand...promise me, you'll come back and stay safe..I'll wait for you, I promise.." I grabbed onto her hands and she just stared at me, she leaned in and kissed me before letting go and running off. 

"Derek.." Jackson came over and put his hand on my shoulder, "She will come back don't worry...Trust her, she'll be safe too" He comforted and I nodded my head. 



Well, it's been 3 months and still no sign of Ava. 

A pair of hands ran over my body as I laid down, looking up to see Braeden smiling down at me as she sat on my lap. I smiled up at her and reached up to hold onto her cheek, "Morning" she said with a smile on her lips, I rubbed my thumb against her cheek and sighed out. "Let's get dressed and go meet with the others" she leaned down and kissed me before getting off of me and going to get dressed. 

Once we was dressed, we met with the others at the shop down stairs - "Morning love birds" Stiles chuckled and I wriggled my eyebrow a little bit. Braeden held onto my hand and I gently held hers, I kissed at her temple and she giggled. "You two...look cute together" Scott said, somethings off with him, I can feel it. 

I stared at him and he stared back, Braeden leaned and kissed at my cheek before biting my ear with a giggle, Scott looked behind me and his expression changed. I looked behind me to see Ava standing there, she looked to me and then to Braeden. 

Ava's pov

"If this is what you mean't by you'd wait for me...then I was a fool to believe you" I said before turning around and walking away, "Wait!" Derek called out and soon he grabbed my wrist, I looked round to him and frowned, "I..didn't think you'd come back, it's been three months...I thought you have moved on" He said, "3 months? That's not even that long, Derek..But whatever, it seems you've moved on" I smiled and looked round to see the girl crossing her arms, she looked away and coughed lightly. 

"I'm so sorry...I.." "Save it, Derek...It's clear, you and I we're over.." I pushed his hands off of me and stared up at him, "Ava.." He said and I put my hand up, "Don't..I should've stayed away" I turned around and walked away from him. 

I teared up as I walked away quickly, wiping at my eyes and rushing down the street. I looked back to see him slowly walking over to the girl, he looked round and I turned around to bump into someone, "Oh shoot, Ava?" I heard Peters voice, I looked up to him and he frowned a little bit, "You're crying..I take it you've seen them.." He said and I nodded my head, "I guess I wasn't good enough for him to wait for me...like he said he would" I felt him take hold of my shoulders and sigh out, "don't say that Ava, you're worth anything and everything" he said and I stared up at him whilst he nodded slowly. 

"Peter...When I killed Deucalion...I got his alpha powers..." I showed him my eyes which were one silver and one red, he looked at them and widened his eyes, "How...? You're not a werewolf.." He said, "I know...whilst I was away I did some investigating.." I said and he stared down at me, "It turns out I was adopted...my actual parents were a hybrid...same as me, my werewolf form wasn't triggered yet.." I explained, he looked me up and down and smiled lightly, "That means...you can have your own pack" he said and I tilted my head. 

"I don't want my own pack, I was apart of Scotts...but I don't feel welcomed there anymore, not after what I did to him, what Derek did to me...I-" "Of course you're welcomed into my pack" I turned around to see them standing there, Derek and the girl standing at the back and avoiding eye contact with me. 

"Your eyes..." Scott stepped to me and stared at my two different coloured eyes, so I explained everything to them. "My 3 months was hell....My werewolf side forced it's way out, it hurt....it felt like hands were grabbing my spine and pulling it out, the full moon I had to lock myself away all by myself, I know...I should've come back for your help, but...I wanted to get myself sorted.." I said and they all nodded, "Welcome home, Ava" Stiles said with a smile and I looked round to the others, "We're glad to have you back" Malia walked over and hugged me, I hugged back and patted at her back gently. Lydia and Vi rushed over to join the hug and I smiled widely. 

Dereks pov

I looked over to see her smiling, tears running down her cheek and she held onto the girls tightly, "I love you guys..." she said and closed her eyes. "Lovely reunion and all, but can we get going now?" Braeden asked as she crossed her arms, we all looked round to her and shook our head, "Uh no, we're going to make our friend happy today" Vi said, Braeden sighed out and turned around to storm away, I grabbed her arm and stared at her. "What's gotten into you?" I asked, "I had a surprise for everyone but now it's ruined" She said, looking over to Ava with a frown. 

"Get rid of that frown" I warned and she looked at me, "Whatever" she walked away quickly and I rolled my eyes. 'Another tantrum...' I thought and looked over to Ava, "Go" she said and I slowly nodded before chasing after Braeden. 

Ava's pov

"There's a full moon tonight, we'll be here for you Ava" Scott said as he held onto Vi's hand, I smiled and followed them off to the park, we spent all day there - relaxing and catching up. "Viiii!" I grabbed her and she held onto my hands, I held her to me and leaned my chin onto her head, "It's nice having Ava back" Stiles said, Malia humming out in agreement. 

After a few hours.. 

Scotts pov

"It's getting late and eyes are starting to show, let's get going" Stiles said, I nodded and looked around but Ava was missing.."Guys..Where is Ava?" I asked, they all looked around to see that she was gone, "someone call for Derek and Braeden" Lydia said, Jackson and Stiles ran off to go search whilst we all split up and made our own ways to go find her. 

Dereks pov

I pulled away from Braeden the moment I heard my phone ringing, I heard her sigh and felt her move away from me. I held the phone to my ear and soon dropped it, "We have to go.." I said, "Where?" Braeden asked, "It's Ava's first full moon as a werewolf, she already has her snow leopard side tamed but this is all new to her, her alpha form will kill anything that comes across her" I said, "...It's only been a few minutes and look, she is already stopping us from having our fun" Braeden complained, "Unless you've forgotten, there's other super naturals out there, some that are bad and some that are good, some go without what we have, so quit complaining and let's go" I growled lightly and she sighed out, grabbing her gun and following me. 

"It's for protection, don't worry, it won't kill her" Braeden reassured as we walked out of the building. 

We was making our way to the forest but on our way there, we heard screaming from the shopping center, then a loud howl. "That's her!" I turned and ran off to the center, Braeden gestured she'll go the other way. I slowly walked inside and smelt Ava's scent. A few people who wore work outfits came running past me, I went in the other direction - going towards what they were running from. 

"HELP! SOMEBODY!" A womans voice was heard, a loud growl shook the glass doors of shops and then some gun shots were heard. I rushed around the corner to see Ava standing there with gun shot wounds in her stomach, blood spurted out of her mouth and Braeden stood there holding the gun up. Ava dropped down and onto her knees, holding her stomach and staring at Braeden. Her eyes went back to normal and she wheezed out, I rushed over to her and watched as he wounds weren't healing, I dug my claw in one of the bullet holes and pulled one out, I sniffed it and then dropped the bullet. 

"WOLF BANE?!" I yelled and turned to her, "You seriously think I'd let that rabbid thing walk around killing every--" I looked round to see Ava was gone, I stood up quickly and looked back to see Braeden being held by the throat by Ava. 'She's faster than she used to be...' I thought, "Ava..." I called out and she looked at me, Braedens gun was snapped in half. "Let her go....don't do this." I said and she had her claws lined up on Braedens throat. 

"She tried to kill me...I'm..using my last bit of energy to kill her.." Ava growled out, "P-Please..." Braeden pleaded, "This...is the girl you replaced me with?" Ava asked, "A hunter!" Ava yelled, "I'm sorry! I know I said I'd wait...but I didn't..think you was going to come back, I thought you forgot about me!" I yelled back, "HOW COULD I FORGET MY FIRST LOVE, DEREK? I COULDN'T FORGET YOU! IF WE WEREN'T DATING, I WOULDN'T OF COME BACK, BUT I DID....only to find out...you replaced me with this" She looked to Braeden and growled down her ear. 

"You won't stop me....are you going to save her after trying to kill me?" Ava asked, "I'm your pack, this girl is not!" Ava yelled, "Ava is right.." Scott walked out from behind her, "I knew something was off with you...what was it?" I asked, "I know why Braedens here..." Scott said, "It's funny how she just turned up at the Argents house...HOW did she know we were going to be there? She was spying on us...she's after something" Scott said, I looked to Braeden and she held onto Avas wrists, trying to pry her off. 

"Ava isn't doing anything wrong, she's protecting herself from a supernatural murderer.." Scott said, "She wouldn't be killing anyone innocent" He said as he walked to Avas side, Ava growled out loudly but Scott paid no attention. "It's the full moon talking, Scott..." I said, "She won't do it...she's too kind hearted, help me stop her.." I reasoned, "Derek...You owe her this, it's either Ava dies or Braeden, because once Ava let's go...Braeden will finish her off, right Braeden?" Scott questioned, Braeden didn't answer so I listened to her heart and it was beating fast, Scott was right...

"Ava..." Scott said, I watched as she looked to him, "As your alpha, I demand you...to let her go" he said, 'he's testing me' I thought and Ava took a few minutes before releasing Braeden, but as soon as she did, Braeden turned around and went to hit Ava with a dagger, Ava was faster though - her claws dug deep into Braedens throat and she tore down, Braeden fell back and then she looked at me. 

"It hurts...doesn't it? Seeing the one you love...with someone else...killing your lover..." Ava said, tears in her eyes as she stared at me, "I...was a fool! To believe ANYTHING YOU EVER TOLD ME!" She yelled, "Once a Hale...Always a Hale...the only Hale I can trust....is the one who almost killed you...Peter Hale." She growled out and looked to Scott, he stepped back a bit and she smiled at him. 

"I feel an urge...to hunt, please...lock me up.." She held her wrists out and he grabbed them tightly, they walked to the exit of the shopping center and I looked over to Braedens motionless body. 

A/N: Will they get back together? Will things go back to normal?

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