Until the End of Time

By sidnick22

14.3K 403 23

Two Rock Icons made a life together. This is their story. More



396 14 1
By sidnick22

May 23, 1986

Stevie was tired. Period. It had been six months, for six months Stevie had been living with Lindsey. She sold her house and moved in completely with the man changing her mailing address and everything. It was a giant step given that they hadn't been together that long but none the less she was happy. She had put a new album out and was currently on tour. It embarked on April 11th in Houston and her first leg completed on May 11th, just in time for Lindsey's divorce finalization and custody hearings. She was getting along well with his kids. William was still ten, Leelee still eight, but Stella had aged up to seven. She had a special bond with Stella that not even Lindsey could understand. Stella always had to be by Stevie doing what she was doing. If Sevie went with Lindsey to pick them up after school it was like a party would break out. 

But even though she was tired, and just wanted to be at home getting ready for her second leg to kick off on May 30, she was wearing a black blazer and a white and black polka-dotted chiffon dress. Her left leg crossed over her right bobbing her knee as a reaction to the nerves she was feeling. The kids were sitting by her as it was her and Lindsey's week with them, and even though Leelee and William were wide awake, Stella had crawled onto Stevie's lap halfway through the custody hearing and had fallen asleep. 

"Your honor, the kids should be granted to my client Kristen Messner for three reasons. The first reason is, that Mr. Buckingham has a very rigid work schedule. He's one of the most famous guitar players in the world and he tours for two years at a time. The second reason is that he has started a relationship with Stevie Nicks, another famous musician whose workload is just as heavy as Mr. Buckingham's and she is currently on tour herself, so the kids would virtually never be with a parent. The final reason is that upon doing the home inspections we found out that Ms. Nicks is living with Mr. Buckingham and she has a drug problem." Kristen's lawyer bellows.

"OBJECTION! Ms. Nicks has been sober for six months, she's already taken a drug test where there was no indication of any drugs in her system and she has signed an affidavit saying that she will take a drug test again that proves she is clean and sober if prompted." Lindsey's lawyer explains.

"In the house inspection reports was there any signs of illegal substances or alcohol in Mr. Buckingham's house?" The judge questions.

"No your honor, the house was clean." Kristen's lawyer concedes. 

"Then the objection is sustained. There is no need for Ms. Nicks to take a drug test. Considering that most drug addicts relapse within the first three months, it is unlikely that six months in she'll relapse. Why should Mr. Buckingham get custody of the children, William age 10, Leelee age 8, and Stella age 7?" 

"Mr. Buckingham has a steady income and the children won't suffer for anything. Ms. Messner has no steady income and is between jobs at the moment. Though Mr. Buckingham does tour quite a lot for work he has vowed to slow down if he gets custody of the children, for example only touring in the summers when the kids can go with him. His house is safe and secure and it's only 10 minutes from where the children go to school." Lindsey's lawyer explains.

"Very well, I would like to hear from the children. Normally I would speak to them in my chambers but given the late hour and their ages, I would like to get it over with quickly so, Can we please have William Buckingham take the stand?" The judge asks.

William slowly stands up in the cute little outfit that Stevie picked out for him. A pair of khakis and a blue plaid shirt with a little navy blue bowtie. 

"William, you look very nice today. A lot different than when I saw you in court last week." The judge smiles.

"Yeah, Last week mom just said wear whatever and that it wasn't important but Stevie suggested that I dress up. I didn't know what to wear so she helped me." William tells the judge. 

"How do you like the arrangement you have now. One week with mom one week with dad?" The judge inquires.

"Well, I like dad's weeks better. Stevie makes us homecooked meals, my favorite is her baked chicken." He shrugs.

"Is that the only reason you prefer your dad's week?" 

"No, he takes us swimming and we ride bikes together, Sometimes Stevie even lets me cook dinner with her. Every Friday night we watch a movie together and he helps me with my homework." William explains.

"What about your mom?" 

"Well, mom can't really cook so we eat out a lot. She doesn't do fun things with us, she leaves us with the babysitter so she can hang out with her friends. She even ditched us on Christmas." William shrugs.

"OBJECTION! My client has a right to have time for herself." Kristen's lawyer called.

"Council, the boy isn't on trial...Overruled." The judge snarls. "If you had to chose who would you want to live with all the time?" 

"Dad and Stevie hands down." William smiles.

"Thank you, you may go back to your seat. Leelee?" The judge calls as the young girl stands up in her little white teeshirt and black and white plaid skirt. Stella's matching her to an extent in a red and black plaid dress. 

"Leelee, would you like a teddy bear. I have brown, tan, purple, pink, and blue?" The judge asks her.

"Um...Tan." She smiles. 

The judge grins and bends down behind his stand to grab her the toy. 

"So Lee, did Stevie help you pick out your outfit too?" 

"Yeah, and Stella's. Mom doesn't pick out our clothes with us." She shakes her head.

"What do you and Stevie do?" 

"Stevie and I read a book together every night, and on the weekends she lets me help her make monkey bread or muffins, she does my hair every morning before school, and we have dance parties in the kitchen while Daddy isn't looking. She's been gone for work though for a really LOOOONG time and I missed her so much." She grins.

"And what do you do with your mom?" 

"Well, she plays Barbies with me I guess. That's about it though. She doesn't even tuck me in at night." Leelee looks down sadly hugging the teddy bear close to her. 

"Do you want to live with your dad full time or your mom?" 

"Well I love my mom, but I don't like staying the week with her. I like it better when I stay with daddy," She says shyly.

"I'm sure you do love your mom. I'm not going to question Stella because it looks like she's asleep, but do you want to bring her a teddy bear?" The judge asks.

"Yeah. she likes purple." Leelee nods.

The judge grins and hands Leelee the purple bear and she quickly takes it over to Stella. She handed it to Stevie, and Stevie gave her a quiet thank you before adjusting Stella lightly. 

"Ms. Messner, why should I let the kids go with you?" 

"Well, mom always gets custody when my friend Amber got divorced she got the kids. I'm looking for work and I'm not a drug-filled whore." Kristen states and in just the perfect time and volume Leelee turns to Stevie.

"Stevie, what's a drug-filled whore?" 

"Um, Lee I'll explain it when you're older but you shouldn't say that again." Stevie slightly panics looking between LeeLee, Lindsey, and his Lawyer at their table,  and the judge. 

"Was it a bad word?" Leelee questions.

"Yes, it was a bad word." Stevie nods. 

"Oh, I'm sorry," Leelee responds.

"It's okay baby, I forgive you...I'm so sorry your honor." Stevie sighs.

"Don't be...that just cemented my decision. I hereby grant full legal and physical custody of William Gregory Buckingham, age 10, LeeLee Welles Buckingham, age 8, and Stella Lynne Buckingham, age 7, to their biological father, Mr. Lindsey Adams Buckingham. Kristen Lee Messner will only be given supervised visits every First Saturday of the month, As for Christmas, she will only be allowed to see the kids the weekend prior under supervision. At this time Mr. Buckingham, would you like to appoint any legal guardians to your children?" The judge asks.

"Yes your honor, I would like to make Stephanie Lynn Nicks a full legal guardian to all three of my children." Lindsey nods.

"Very well, this court is adjourned, Ms. Nicks, Mr. Buckingham, join me in chambers and let the children say goodbye to their mother." The judge bangs the gavel. 

As the sound of the hit echoed through the room Stella jolted awake. 

"Is it over?" She asks.

"Yes, baby." Stevie nods.

"Do I get to stay with you?" She inquires.

"Yes, baby you get to stay with me and daddy. But I have to put you down so you can say goodbye to your mother." Stevie nods.

"Okay," Stella nods. 

Right, when they get into the courtroom, the judge just nods at them and they take a moment to celebrate before they start the paperwork to make Stevie a legal guardian of the kids. 

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