Is that a fret ? [ Bakudeku p...

By Countdown2paintown

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[ cover credit- Miki on Twitter { All midoriya wanted was to a singer/actor, he believed that he was destined... More

Class 1-A performing arts list
chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15- extra
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
UPDATE !! ( you guys are insane )

chapter 5

792 30 15
By Countdown2paintown

{third person pov}

It's a strange thing, affection. You don't necessarily always show affection, or know you are being affectionate in the first place. Bakugo on the other hand, was completely clueless on the matter, and that is something he knew quite well. Bakugo knew if there was one thing, he was not good at, was emotions, after than anger of course. This frustrated bakugo because he knew there wasn't something, he was doing necessarily wrong, its part of his nature. Bakugo is bakugo because of his cold self, but that didn't mean he didn't feel a bit left out. He was brought up in a warm cosy home, but with less cosy parents. They loved him and, in a way, he loved them. Bu they would never admit it, bakugo's mum shared the same type of stubborn pride and bakugo's dad, well he was a bit timid compared to the others. 'I love you' 'I'm proud of you' didn't come so easily from his parents, but he didn't blame them, if anything it made him push harder. Bakugo also knew that he was unable to tell what emotion he was feeling unless it was angry, confusing them with heartburn or coming down with a cold.

This heart-burn happened through out the entire exchange with deku on the couch, actually most 'conversations' he had with the nerd resulted in pain around the chest. It took him too long to realise what it was. He couldn't sleep that night cause all he could think about was the stupid song that deku had shared. He also couldn't sleep because of the 'confession' deku presented to the class. Bakugo just sat their and listened. He thought he knew the nerd well enough to read him, to know what was going on, like he used to do. But in that moment, he was sitting next to a stranger., no longer the whiny kid he was brought up with. Deku sure did still whine, but he had reasons to, he was allowed to, because he had a real reason. All that time in middle school, wasted thinking that deku just a whiny annoying brat, at least he could go home and cry to his mom. But he couldn't do that, he had no comfort in that time, not even a home. Bakugo didn't want to admit that he regretted the many times he bullied deku, he didn't even want to apologise. But he knew what he did was wrong, something in that song, opened up his eyes, even just a little.

He sat and watched to see deku shivering, holding his arms ever so slightly to avoid questioning or being pitied. Deku didn't need pity, he was strong enough to deal with his problems, but that self-sacrificing little brat would get himself killed one day. Something about this annoyed bakugo, back to regular emotions finally. He got up, announced he was going back and left without waiting from a reply. He wasn't scared fo waking anyone up yet, he didn't know any of them well enough to care about their sleep. Maybe he felt a bit bad that he didn't feel as loved or as part for a group than everyone already does. He felt a bit sorry for the 'bakusquad' (he thought it was a shit name) for trying so hard to get close to him, but bakugo doesn't do close. Bakugo doesn't do anything. So yea he didn't know anyone, but he knew deku. Maybe that's why he felt the urge to actually try and correspond with his existence, but not friends though, he believed he could never reach that, he didn't want to admit he wouldn't mind if they did though. Its all that stupid songs fault, that was the cause of these stupid emotions.

He had arrived in his dorm room, opened the door but didn't close it. He had an instinct to go into one of the unopened boxes and retrieve a blanket that his mother had given to him for Christmas or something. He had used it only a couple time, so it wouldn't be weird or anything. He felt stupid for doing the thing he was about to do. He prayed that he didn't go soft. But he knew he wouldn't be able to go to sleep if he didn't, so this was for himself, right? He walked back to the living area to find deku on the verge of a deep sleep and placed the blanket over him as gently as he could so he wouldn't wake up. The small boy stirred, allowing bakugo to get a glimpse of his face, he was smiling in his sleep. Bakugo felt the edges of his lips turn up, and allowed them to stay that way, no one would see. His hand unintentionally moved forward, having that same pulling motion when he was listening to deku's performance, gently ( which bakugo was not use to) pushed back a bit of the freckled boy hair that was ever so slightly tickling his nose.

"good night, nerd." He said, allowing his hand to move away and turned on his heals and left.

Bakugo didn't know what affection felt like, but maybe he would give it a go anyway.


Midoriya failed in his actions to discreetly get up before everyone else so no one would be worried he was sleeping on the couch. Sadly, the couch was just so comfortable that he had overslept, not like he had an alarm clock or anything. He had woken up to sound of people chattering in the kitchen, and a weird tickling sensation on his face as he notice there was indeed a blanket covering him. It felt so warm and it had this indescribable smell of caramel that seemed to be familiar. He knew his cover was blown so he wasn't going o fake the fact he wasn't there the whole time. His fluffy green hair poked from the couch as midoriya to a glass to see satou making breakfast and the rest of the class sitting around. He saw Uraraka, asui, jirou and hagakure all laughing at something on their phones, iida and Momo were having a serious conversation that he couldn't hear, Tokoyami, Koda and Mineta were helping satou cook. Todoroki was on his own reading a book, Orjiro, Shoji and Aoyama seemed to be talking about their hobbies and the self-proclaimed bakusquad were tormenting bakugo as he threatened to commit the acts or attempted murder. It wasn't too long until someone took sight of him, with the result of everyone greeting midoriya with a good morning, he found this really embarrassing.

He walked over, not before folding the blanket that was given to him, which was still warm due to his body heat. He moved towards the group, trying to tame the bed head that was covering his eyesight. His has gotten long enough for his bangs to cover his eyes, he loved his mother, but she wasn't very good at haircuts. He sat down the closest empty seat and yawned. "mornin" he said within his yawn, he heard to noises of the girls fangirling and the simple, 'cute' coming from the boys, but he didn't mind, he was too tired to care. They proceeded back to their conversations and deku was left to wipe the sleep from his eyes. He didn't mind, sleepy talk is a dangerous key to the subconscious mind. He played both of his elbows on the table and rested his chin on his palms, probably the only way to keep his head up. He listened to his friends, talking about social media stars, their hobbies and other personal stuff, it was nice to hear comforting voices around him, he may not be talking to anyone, but their presents were enough, they were enough.

"midoriya" he heard a voice coming from his left side, he saw Momo walking up to him. "here have this, it may not be the latest model, but I found my old phone, I've already re-contacted it in your name. don't worry I will be paying." She said will a kind smile, deku took this opportunity to fully wake up and return her a kind nervous smile. "omg thank you so much, I will pay you back as soon as I get the money to do so." He claimed, Momo laughed. "oh you don't have to do that, what are friends for." She said leaning against the table. Deku had already planned on saving up. Little did the others know, but deku had a part-time job during the weekends. There was a point in time last year where they had not enough money for meals, so deku took the opportunity to work to get his mom some extra money. Deku never kept the money for himself, instead he always gave it to his mom, even if she was fine on rest or food. But now that he lived in the dorms, his mother doesn't need the money as much. He would still give her half, but now he would have some left. So he had decided to give that money to Momo, as soon as had the right amount.

"if you don't mind, why were you sleeping on the couch." She quietly said, trying to not get the attention of the others, which midoriya greatly appreciated. "I don't have a bed in my room yet, it will probably come tomorrow or something. I really don't mind sleeping on the couch." He simply stated. He didn't want to admit it, but the awkward positioning on the couch did result tin a bit of a backache but that's nothing stretches couldn't handle. She accepted his reply and returned back to her own seat. deku got his breakfast and actually joined in with some conversations.

A great start to the day indeed.


"EVERYONE SIT DOWN ON YOUR SEATS, MR AIZAWA WILL COME IN ANY MINIUTE!" iida explained, shouting and waving his arms around. In fact, they had 10 minutes before class arts, so they were not going to just sit there a wait. The bakusquad was determined to start to melt his icy heart, gathering round him like they were his disciples. Deku felt happy that bakugo started to gain a group of his own, something never changes and deku knew that no matter where he goes, he will gain a following. But this group was different from his previous, they weren't just following him because he was popular, or because they were scared of him. They seemed to be in clear admiration and willingness to be his equal. This made deku happy to see Kaachan finally be in the right crowd, maybe he will learn a thing or two.

"hey deku, come sit with the deku protection squad." He heard Uraraka shout from across the classroom. He saw, iida, asui, Momo and Tokoyami all sitting around near Uraraka's chair. He felt a bit flustered by the name, taking this opportunity to socialize. "hey, I don't need protecting." He jokingly pouted. The others laugh, "ok, just dekusquad then." Tokoyami retorted. A small rose tint had appeared on Deku's cheeks, they were persistent. "so midoriya, you said that you want to go to musical theatre right ? does that mean you will be in the acting class too?" iida remarked,  he seemed so robotic that deku didn't understand why his acting felt so human. "o-oh yea, I haven't had as much training as you have but I was able to still get in." he squeaks and stuttered. Tokoyami lifted up his brooding eyebrow and gave deku a quick glance. "I thought you said you didn't have any training." He remarked.

Oh no. that fact of the matter is that he didn't, technically he never did. Btu after all might's mentoring, he wasn't completely clueless in theatre. he knew the basics; he knew how to make a performance believable. He didn't want to say he mastered the arts of naturism, but he was getting close. Sadly Deku's time ran out before he could move on to complicated theatre styles that resulted to non-naturalism not being taught to deku. However, deku knew everything about the theory of theatre, even though it's not as needed as the practical term, he knew about all the theatre practitioners and companies, knowing their certain styles. All might didn't teach him that, that was after reading all the books in the drama department during lunch and after school in his middle school. Deku couldn't explain about his mentorship with all might, it could lead to media rumours and make the others feel like it was favouritism, he hated lying to Deku felt like this might lead to people to believe that he made up his backstory. "no no I didn't, I'm technically self-taught. I apologise it seemed like I was lying. couldn't stress enough that it was a discrepancy, he didn't want to lose his new friends only on the second day. Tokoyami looked up and could feel the anxiety from deku. Tokoyami, being to brooding dark soul that he is, could feel the pure, innocent intent from the small freckled boy, he felt his soul get a little bit darker as the regret flooded his empty heart.... Basically he felt bad. "it will be nice to have two other people in our class; it was going to be a bit lonely if it was just me and iida. "he calmly replied. Deku looked up, two other people... of course Kaachan. Both deku and Kaachan had signed up for acting and singing, apparently only a few people every year take two courses. So they had to have every other lesson was music or drama.

Before he could reply or even remind himself that Tokoyami is also going into acting, the bell had rung, and he waved his friends goodbye in favour of going back to his seat. mr aizawa walks in to a surprisingly calm and collected classroom, it spooked him a bit. "good morning" "GOOD MORNING SENSEI!" the class erupted immediately, almost too eager for class to start. Aizawa realised this could be because they were going to get their points and feedback. He sighed; loud people make him tired. "I'll call your names and you will come collect your envelops, do not open them until everyone gets them."  He called out, calling names up to collect. Once everyone had gotten their papers, aizawa sighed, he knew that their will be moments of the class exchanging points and congratulations. he simple had said go ahead, and already people here ripping open their parcels with screams of determination. Aizawa in that moment, believed he was too old for this shit, even though he was only 31.

A mixed response, no one was under 50 points which was already proof that they weren't completely useless. A few seemed disappointed, a few shocked, a few pleasantly content, a few who were ecstatic and people who couldn't believe their eyes. Deku was the latter. He had opened up a little bit later than everybody else, as he couldn't beat his classmates as they were as fast as light. He careful picked at the seals of the envelope with precaution, like it was made out of 500-year-old china. He unfolded the paper within it and almost choked on his own saliva. No way. He checked the envelope with the name on it, Izuku midoriya, he checked the top left of the paper where the name should be, Izuku midoriya. There was no way that this was his results.

Everyone in the class started moving around the room, as aizawa took this opportunity to take a quick nap. The girls were fawning over Momo (90) and Mina (83) as they had the highest out of the girls. Kirishima (77), sero (70) and kaminari (68) were already high fiving at their results. Most people seemed relatively content with their feedback. deku hoped if he kept his head down, people would forget about him. A tactic 11wthat he used during middle school. Deku looked up at Kaachan in front of him front his lowered down position, he was unusually quiet, he hasn't boasted or expressed that he was better than everyone yet. But instead he seemed so calm, almost collected with his thoughts and mind. Deku didn't realise he was staring until bakugo turned around to look at him, their eyes interlocked. Deku didn't have that initial flinch like he used to, he didn't feel the need to look away, he just looked up, is tired baggy eyes concentrating on bakugo nonchalant expression. Deku realised that what he was doing could be considered creepy, but he was still too tired to really care. "what d-did you get Kaachan." Deku asked, uncovering his face from his arms. Kaachan must have also realised that he was staring because he broke away from his trance, "tch, wouldn't you like to know, nerd!" he exclaimed childishly. Deku looked him with a 'bitch please' face. bakugo was caught off guard by his newfound sassiness, last nigh and now this, he really didn't know this person anymore. He seemed to get annoyed by this. "definitely better than yours nerd." He evilly chuckled, trying to remain his angry persona. "yea I know, like always." Deku replied, almost solemnly. Bakugo wondered if deku had a secret superpower of making people feel bad, like they had just kicked a puppy but then he remember that he was just a dick.

"what did you ge-"bakugo was interrupted by aizawa waking up from his 5 minute nap and yelling at everyone telling them to calm down, to which everyone arrived back to their seating plan. "now I will list the rankings on the board so you can closely see what kind of level you are at, the feedback is to help young et better, not discourage you, but I wasn't going to sugar coat it. They were my honest opinions. Now obverse and discuss why you are were you are."  He said, turning the projector on. Deku began to panic. He really didn't want to other to know his score, it felt undeserved. Everyone worked hard for they talents and now this scrawny, whiny kid with no training is going to have a good score. He hated this, this unnerving voice in the back of his head telling him that he is not good enough, though what would you expect to happen when you were bullied your entire life. The projection finally showcased the list. And midoriya stared up in participation. He felt his soul leave his body. The first on the list was obviously Kaachan, co-figures. But right under his name, claiming the second spot.... Was midoriya himself.

Everyone eyes darted and the blond and green hair pair. Not only are they the top two, but they both almost obtained perfect scores, both do musical theatre, and they know each other. If they teamed up, they would be unstoppable. Both boys felt the stares it the back of their heads, both choosing not to acknowledge it, and both know they won't be left alone after lesson. Aizawa caught note of this. "you shouldn't be so focused on about who get the highest or lowest. You should focus on what you can do to improve. Even the top has feedback that could majorly affect their performance value, so don't think too much on it." He stated. The atmosphere lightened, seems like the class was happy with that answer. "anyway, this lesson wasn't just going to be opening letters, we have a visto-"as aizawa was finishing up his sentence, the door of the classroom burst open with a distinguishable smell of perfume flooded the classes senses.

"time to pick your stage names.!" A women figure burst through the door; it was none other than the famous model midnight. "sorry about the smell, just came back from a perfume brand appearance." She stated, trotting in room, repeatedly making a sexy pose... in front of a class of 15-16 year olds. "midnight here will help you create your new stage names, this will be your brand, the ones you pick now might not stick, but that doesn't mean you can make something stupid. So choose wisely. Meanwhile... I'm going to take enough nap." Aizawa said, climbing into to his banana coloured sleeping bag and slumped against the wall. Everyone started passing boards around so they could write their ideas. Some people in the class automatically started writing, they had planned this for so long and now they can present their ideas into a new light. Some, however, are clueless on what to write. Deku was one of them, he had mostly given up during middle school, not really think his passion would be more than a hobby, and when he did create names, they would all be inspired by all might.

People had started to go up and present, showing their passion inspired names, 'Uravity', 'Red-Riot', 'Froppy', 'Earphone Jack', 'cellophane', 'invisible girl' , even 'grape juice', amazing names that carried exactly what they wanted to be. Granted there were a few rejected ones, apparently mina's 'alien queen' and kaachan's 'king explosion murder' were not appropriate. Some were inspiring, Todoroki and iida just gave their first names, iida face looked guilty as he did, deku wanted to know why. He stared at the empty board, what is a name that represented him, what could he be a symbol of? what kind for feeling did he want his audiences to feel? What would he have wanted as a child? .... He wanted to be told that he wasn't useless, he wanted to feel like even someone like him could strive to be successful.

"midoriya, you are the last one." Midnight stated, breaking his trance. he quickly wrote his new name and made his way towards the front. The room fell silent, and most eyes were on him. He flipped his board to face his classmates which resulted on a gasp. "a-are you sure, you know you will be stuck with this for a long time right midoriya." Kirishima stated. "no, this is perfect. I used to hate it, but something changed. I guess someone taught me it could have a different meaning, and it had a huge impact on how I felt... so now I really like it! People like me in the world need a symbol that shows anything is possible, that even the useless can because strong and heard. Deku, that has to be my stage name." deku exclaimed. Something about midoriya was so enamouring, why was this small boy so powerful. Uraraka felt powerful, deku was the perfect name to her. Bakugo felt defeated, it felt like he chose it to remind him, remind him of the pain he had inflicted upon him. Was this a punishment. But bakugo couldn't help but feel, almost proud for him, he is moving on, and he didn't want to admit that maybe deku was the perfect name.

Deku arrived back in his seat, feeling an overwhelming amount of joy, he had finally found his purpose. Before he just wanted to carry on all might legacy, and be a success, but he didn't have is driving force. But now, everything felt clear, he was going to be the symbol of the impossible. He was thankful for his new friends, Uraraka's words id inspire him, but he couldn't help but feel thankful for bakugo, maybe if he wasn't called deku, maybe if deku didn't want to prove bakugo wrong when he was being bullied by him, none of this would have happened. The bell had rung, and lunch had begun, but deku couldn't help but smile.

He was thankful for a lot of things, now he wanted to be thankful for his friends.


When deku arrived at the dorms, he felt like his knees were going to give way. After the choosing-your-stage-name class, the rest of the day was plan and simple, other than watching his friends messing around during lunch. After school he decided to stay behind a bit and practice, mostly just improving his range and accuracy. He got 'home' later than the others, they had already started on getting food on the table. He was great with eh booming sound of laughter, the warmth of the house made his Goosebumps rise with excitement, and a bright atmosphere of his new chaotic friends. He felt he hasn't spent as much time as he would have liked, now he could sit down. Listen and enjoy their company. Deku's trance was automatically ruined by the sound of a cold dark voice calling out his name. he turned around and saw Todoroki and the main door, summoning him to follow. Deku felt a shiver down his spine, he hadn't really seen Todoroki be so, responsive, he had been moving around like he didn't belong here, a machine waiting around to be ordered. Deku almost felt disappointed, hoping he could just be with everyone, but deep down, he saw and knew Todoroki was not enjoying the company of everyone, he was not happy. And if he needs to someone to talk to, he wanted to help him. Deku obliged and walked outside to mean with this mysterious two headed boy.

Deku followed him for a while, Todoroki seemed to take him to the back of the building. Deku didn't even dare trying to ask him, or start a conversation, he had a feeling he wasn't going to have much luck getting an answer. Todoroki stopped, and so did deku. Not only was deku getting nervous, but he was getting cold. they had been there, outside for a good minute without saying a single word. "do you know who my father is." Todoroki croaked, not even flinching or moving. Deku froze more in place, he did knew, his second name was Todoroki, the same second name as the highly respected singer endeavour, but deku didn't want to pester him or ask him questions. "y-yea." He replied. "do you know about arranged marriages. When most other than not they want to mix DNA or by wives from their families." He spoke, almost instantly. Deku felt a bit patronised, he knew what an arranged marriage was, he wasn't stupid. But he didn't really care about that, where was he going with this. "my mum was sold to my dad. She was a ballet dancer, not very well known outside her village. My dad wanted to create a perfect child, a child who could both dance and sing. my mother gene allow her body to be incredibly agile and flexibly, whilst my dad had strong vocal cords, meaning they barely get damaged. My siblings before me failed to meet his expectation. But when I came a long, I was the perfect mix. My dad forced me to be trained until I couldn't move or speak anymore. And if anyone tried to stop him, they would get beaten. My mum worked hard to improve my ballet skills, she taught me with love and compassion, but my dad forced me to shout until my throat bled." Deku was lost for words. He felt bad, all this time he was talking about his poverty background, but here is Todoroki, talking about his abusive parent. Deku wanted to just hug him and tell him everything is alright, but he knew Todoroki would just kick his ass. "he drove my mother to tears every night. He drove her to insanity. One day, when I was around 7, I heard her on the phone, talking to her parents. I called to her, asking her what was wrong. All of a sudden, half of my face felt like it as being melted off, he had thrown boiling water on the right side of my face. it was later revealed that apparently the right side reminded of her of my father, that it drove her to madness. My face never healed, and I haven't seen my mother since." Deku wanted to cry for him, Todoroki was strong, but deku knew that no one is strong enough to deal with that for so long, he was hiding inside his cold hard shell. Deku was determined to help that warmth come back this his eyes.

"midoriya, it is apparent that singers and actors become more successful with longer and fuller careers compared to any others. I refuse to use his voice; I want to prove to him that I can become successful without any involvement of him. Midoriya, I will become more successful than you ever will be, ill even surpass all might with just my dancing career." He stated, finally turning around, revealing his face full of anguish, sorrow and pain. Deku usually knew what to say, or at least always had something to stay, but he fell silent. Todoroki could have gone to bakugo instead of midoriya, if anything he should have. Btu Todoroki knew if anyone was going to accept his feelings, it would be with someone who has had hardships themselves. Todoroki felt a bit sorry off offloading all this information, but a part of him knew that it was right, deku seemed to know how to help people. His declaration of war wasn't any less serious though, his goal was true, he would never use his voice. Todoroki moved away, walking up to deku, patting him on the back and walked back to the dorms to go back to his classmates. "don't forget to eat, you look to skinny to beat me." He simply said and walked away.

Deku felt all twisted inside. Todoroki was suffering in silence and deku was just flaunting about his problem. He didn't mean to be an attention seeker, even though he wasn't used to it yet. Maybe deku should be more careful, maybe he should remain quiet. Nonetheless, deku knew he had to do something. Even though his anxiety was telling him not to bump into other people's business, his heart new that Todoroki wouldn't have told him if he wasn't subconsciously calling out for help. If midoriya can live up to the name deku, a symbol of people of the unfortunate, he would have wanted someone to listen to him. Maybe, if they became friends. He could feel like he could open up more.

Deku realized he was standing there longer than he should be, as he started shaking and gaining a bit for a stuffy nose. He slowly gathered his thoughts and walked towards the entrance of the dorms again. he could not leave his own thoughts, even after he finally got into the warmth, his mind only focused on the story, and his incompetence. He didn't realise he was shivering and holding his arms. It was only April, and yet outside in the evening made deku feel like it was the middle of winter. However, he was cautious enough not to make anyone notice, he really didn't want to make anyone notice. He put on his trademarked smile and walked towards ochako and iida who were waving their arms around like they were trying to alert the attention for an airplane.


The food was delicious, but he couldn't eat everything. Not only because he had trained his appetite to be small so he wouldn't be in pain when they had no choice but to skip a meal, but he couldn't really focus on it. He took this opportunity to take a shower early, he forgot that he actually had his own shower room inside is depressing empty room. He wished his friends a goodnight, just in case he doesn't come back before they go to bed. He made his way to his dorm room, mumbling under his breath the whole way. He was so out of it, it must be a accumulation of being tired and self-hated, like most teenagers. The got to his room and hoped into his bathroom. It was so big for a bathroom in his eyes, when in fact it was small that a regular one. He removed his closes and proceed to try and enjoy a hot shower. In actually fact he loved it, not to sound like a soap dodger, but deku couldn't exactly enjoy a hot wash all that often. Not only that, he was pretty sure that his old bathroom was connected to the sewer, as it smelt horrible, resulting to him feeling dirtier. This was in fact heavenly, but it still wasn't enough to separate him from his thoughts. He wasn't feeling too good, maybe he caught something for being outside with just a t-shirt. As his hair got wet, it moped over his eyes, making him unable to see for a few seconds, he felt the hair tickle the back of his nape, he really needs a haircut. He steps out and wrapped around his tiny ribs. He looked in the mirror ahead of him. His body was an amalgamations of different body times. He had broad shoulders that were wrapped in muscle and His arms were slightly bulky. You could see his skin tightly covered his ribs, show casing a little bit of a six fact on his abs. his legs were surprisingly strong, thighs seemed to be really bulked up due to all the running all might made him do. Even if the muscles made him seemed to be a little bit healthier, he was really malnourished and he new that if he ate any less than he was, his body would probably keel over before he realised. Due to the lack of sleep, his eyes were covered with dark circles around his big green eyes. He was pale, really pale making his freckles sand out more than they should. He needed to look after himself a little better, but he couldn't just suddenly eat like a normal person, his body was accustomed to the discomfort. He got another towel and ruffled over his hair until it was dry enough. He stepped out the steaming room and but on the same t-shirt he had, as he only had one. He remembered that he didn't have a bed, immediately felt his eyes droop. Another night on a couch.

As he arrived at the living room, he wasn't too surprised to find most people had gone to their room, what he wasn't expecting was the find Kaachan still on the couch, with his head in his hand. Deku, being his childhood friend, had the urge to hug him and ask him what was wrong. but he was too scared to get sucker punched in the face. instead, he walked up to bakugo, sat next to him and gently nudged him, resulting in bakugo looking up with annoyed eyes, deku was too tired to care if he died right there, he might get rest.

"whatcha doing here Kaachan." He said, almost delirious. Bakugo looked at him intensely, making deku wake up a bit. "is everything ok?" he said worryingly. Bakugo looked back his hands, seeming almost reflective. "had your back been hurting all day." Deku froze. He didn't mention anything but yes, it's been killing him all day, sleeping on a couch wasn't very good for the back. he didn't want anyone to worry about him or seem like he was being whiny. "how did you know?" he said, resting his head on the edge of the couch. Bakugo seemed to be annoyed by the question. "because I've been hearing you cracking your back behind me every lesson!" he shouted, like the regular Kaachan. This made deku laugh, he kinda missed the old Kaachan, less the abusive part. They sat there in silence, until bakugo got up. Deku saw this as an opportunity get ready to lie down. "whatcha think you are doing nerd. Come with me." Bakugo interrupted him. Deku was confused, and didn't really have the energy to, now that he was sitting on his sleeping area. However, he can't really say no to Kaachan. To proceeded to follow him, not really paying attention to where they were going.


They have arrived in front of a dorm room, deku only assumed it was kaachan's, but then he realised, why the fuck would be at kaachan's. Kaachan opened his room to reveal orange warm room with the scent of caramel. The room was the same sizes as Deku's, but it felt like it was bigger. His bed was a double bed, it looked bouncy and soft, but deku didn't want to say anything. He didn't really have much in his room, apart from a drum set in one corner, and a desk facing his bed. Deku opened his eyes in glee, "Kaachan you play drums? How did I not know this." His eyes twinkled, breaking the silence that carried on their journey here. "tch, just a hobby." He replied. Cleaning up some clothes next to the wardrobe. Deku felt like it was ok to join him in his room, feeling like he was magnetically pulled towards the soft bed. he touched the softness of the bed sheets, it made him want to fall into a coma. "you might as well get comfortable, you're gonna stay here tonight."


What ?

Deku stared up at Kaachan feeling his cheeks blush intently. Deku thought he saw Kaachan also blush and hide it, but he blamed It on his delirious state. "dot read to much into nerd. I couldn't concentrate all fucking lesson could all I could hear was your back cracking. Plus I'm the only one you actually know. Your beds coming tomorrow, so don't think this will be a regular occurrence shitty deku." He started bluntly. In that moment, everything went dizzy, and deku fell onto the floor. His body couldn't take the surprise, the flustered and the yearning for the bed all that once. He became so dizzy his legs gave in, his hearing also decided to clock out. He really was unhealthy huh. Kaachan heard the thud and saw deku, heavily breathing on the floor. Shit. He went over towards him and knelt, to check if was..... alive. Kaachan felt worried, even if he didn't want to, he was so small, fragile. Deku tried to look up bakugo, but all he could see was a worried blur. "kaa...chan." He attempted to get up, but instantly feel back down. "shitty deku, don't scare me like that. Can't even stand up from yourself, I knew you were keeping something from us." Bakugo said annoyed. Deku felt two arms, going under his body. He felt this head go limp as he was picked up bridal style and placed on the bed and a cover envelop him once again. deku felt the softness of the bed, his eyes glistened, everything felt warm. bakugo was incredibly hurt to feel his ribs, and how light he was. Kaachan sat next to the body of deku, looking at his hands again. "you need to stop being so selfless you fucking nerd. Please." Bakugo looked down at the nerd, deku looked up trying to see him in his blur. Deku managed to see hurt eyes, glistening in the warm light. "look after yourself, you can't keep singing if you are dead." He stated. Deku stared up, and then his eyes fluttered closed. Falling into a deep sleep almost instantly.

Bakugo threw his head in his hands. What the fuck was he doing. He couldn't expect deku to forgive him just because he was suddenly being nice to him. Btu fuck didn't that sight of deku hurt him to his core. He blamed himself for some reason. But how could he have known. Now deku was on the verge of a coma due to his malnutrition and exhaustion. Seeing deku collapsed, even if he didn't want to admit it, shook him too core. He was glad that he managed to get deku here and not on that shitty couch. Bakugo got ready for bed and joined deku on the bed, moving him closer to the wall, so bakugo could have space, he was lucky that he had a double bed and that deku was too out of it. Bakugo noticed the dark circle under his eyes and his pale skin, he really has changed a lot. But the one thing that never really changed, was his soft green locks, bakugo smiled at himself. he's still a shitty deku. His hand touched the soft, damp, hair and slowly fell asleep next to his childhood friend.

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