By mercurygrant

21.6K 564 541

Ethan gets lessons in sex, love, and dating from Aphrodite in exchange for helping her pass chemistry. [ethan... More



1.1K 29 30
By mercurygrant

A small giggle leaves Aphrodite's mouth as she locks the door to her house, her lips meeting Ethan's once more as they stumble toward her bedroom. She kicks the door shut behind them, pushing Ethan down on her bed before straddling his lap. Leaning down as he leans up, their lips meet messily, both laughing into the kiss with her fingers snaking under his shirt.

After admitting feelings, they ditched the movie, locked up, and quickly drove back to her house. Both of them were antsy, but Ethan especially was filled with nerves.

She tugged his shirt over his head, pushing him back down to lie flat on his back while her fingers dance across his skin. Ethan has a nervous but proud smile, Aphrodite admiring his broad shoulders and chest, toned muscles in the dim lighting.

He leans up on his elbows again, desperate to kiss her which she melts into for only a moment. "E, are you sure?"

"Y-yeah, Aph."

"No, really," she insists, readjusting on his lap. His eyes squeeze shut for a second at the feeling before he focuses on her again. "I don't want you to do this because you're mad at your brother, or because you're tired of of being a virgin."

"I know, I'm--I wanna do this with you, Aph," Ethan promises. He couldn't see himself doing this with anyone other than Aphrodite.

With a smile, she kisses him again, grinding her hips down against his. They both let out low moans, Ethan working to unbutton the girls shirt. She sits up again to shrug it off, hearing him give a low whistle.

His hands immediately roam her skin, just trailing along it, but he backs off when her phone rings. Aphrodite huffs, but picks it up anyway. It bruises his ego for a second, but then he sees the smirk on her face.

"Hey, Grayson. What's up?"

"Have you heard from Ethan? I don't know where he is and my parents are pissed that I let him leave and he's really mad at me, his fucking phone is off and I can't--"

"Yeah, I've heard from him," she laughs, tracing his abs with her index finger. "With him right now."

"Oh thank fuck. I'm gonna come pick him up," Grayson breathes a sigh of relief. He was really panicking, and had no idea where Ethan might've gone if not to see her. "I'm sure he told you, but I really fucked up. I feel like shit about it, and I gotta make it up to him. Where are you guys anyway?"

"We're in... my car, somewhere." Aphrodite decides that lying is the best to keep him away. "He's right underneath me."

"Aphie, don't."

"Gotta go, Gray. We're a little busy."

"Aphrodite, please--"

"Where were we?" She laughs again, pulling Ethan's lips to hers. "You look really good tonight, E."

He smiles as she tugs his hat off, running her fingers through his messy hair. The longer he sits there with her, the more comfortable he feels. Gently gripping her hips, Ethan lifts her off of his lap and switches their positions so he's hovering over her.

They've both stripped out of most of their clothes now, Ethan's hands grazing her thighs and hips up her sides again. "You're so pretty, Aph."

This is definitely the nicest a guy she's sleeping with has ever been to her. She can't resist teasing him though, "No rubber ducks today, baby?"

"Not today," he chuckles, hand snaking under her. "Uh--can I?" Aphrodite arches her back, allowing him to clumsily un-clip her bra. Ethan takes a deep breath, eyes widening before cautiously taking one of her nipples in his mouth. Aphrodite hums, biting her lip, but it's short lived as he glances to the side, seeing her shark plushy. He awkwardly sits up and then moves it to the floor. "Sorry."

"You're so fucking cute," she laughs, pulling his face back to hers. Ethan shimmies out of his boxers, her hand wrapping around his cock, earning a whimper.

"I-I don't have a condom," he mumbles, a little disappointed. Aphrodite reaches into her night table, squinting in the dark to find one to hand to him.

Ethan pulls it on, lining himself up at her entrance. He wasn't nervous at all anymore, surprisingly, just wanting to be closer to Aphrodite as he slowly pushes into her. They both gasp as he bottoms out, her short nails digging into his biceps and a moan slipping past her lips.

They take a minute for Aphrodite to adjust before she encourages him to move. Her walls pulsing around him, stretching her out as he thrusts in slow strokes and focuses on the way she feels clenched around his cock.

"Feels s-so good, Aph," Ethan breathes, their bodies flush together with her lips kissing his neck. "Holy fuck."

Aphrodite grabs one of his hands, putting it on her clit. She moans in his ear as he eagerly rubs circles on it. His cock brushes her g-spot, another loud moan following, "Just like that, E. Shit, so good."

It's gentle and slow, their hips rocking together while they moan praise in each other's ears. Ethan grabs every inch of her skin that he can, wanting to feel all of her while she continually kisses at his neck and jaw and leaves a few marks behind.

A knot tightens in both of their stomachs, Aphrodite's thighs starting to shake as she moans his name again. Slow, wet strokes getting sloppier. Ethan's stomach muscles tense up as he cums with a whimper of, "Aph!"

He keeps fucking into her even after he's done, rubbing her clit until she clenches and cums around his cock, her eyes squeezing shut. When she opens them again, Ethan pulls out and tosses the condom in her trash can before lying beside her.

"Hold me," Aphrodite whines, cuddling further into him while his arms wrap around her. She doesn't have the courage to say it aloud, but being with him, someone she cares about, it's the best time she's ever had.

"Thank you," Ethan whispers in her ear, leaving a soft kiss. Their sweaty skin sticks together, silent until Ethan's eyes widen enough to fall out of his head and he sits up, gaping at her. "W-what about Hades?"

"He's not home tonight," Aphrodite laughs, sitting up with him and reaching for her clothes the floor. "Spending the night at a friends. It's just us. You're staying, right?"

It only makes sense to, so he nods. Ethan didn't want to go home, he'd much rather be here with Aphrodite. It felt that much sweeter knowing Grayson was surely being yelled at for his disappearance. Even though Ethan was old enough to look after himself, their parents often left Grayson to since Ethan had been having a hard time.

Aphrodite tosses his boxers at him as she gets dressed, cuddling back into his side afterward. "Goodnight, Ethan."

"Night, Aph."


Ethan stands in Aphrodite's bathroom, brushing his teeth with the toothbrush she gave him. He wasn't a virgin anymore, but he felt the same. It was funny, it really wasn't as big of a deal as he made it out to be in his head.

Though he was in a good mood, but that was more because he really liked Aphrodite.

She walks in, humming to herself and now dressed as she looks him up and down. "You look tired."

"Little bit," Ethan shrugs, spitting toothpaste out. He frowns, trying to adjust the collar of the grey mock-neck he was wearing to hide more hickies, but it didn't really help. There were only a few, but all but one were above the collar. He would've worn a full turtleneck out of the house last night if he knew, but this was all he had. "These are way harder to hide than the last one..."

"Sorry, baby," she laughs. "I could try and cover it with makeup, but I don't think I have a shade light enough for you."

"S'okay," he mumbles, biting his lip. "Can we--can we talk?"


"I-I like you, Aph..."

"I like you too, E. Where are you going with this?"

"Are we--like, can we--I just wanna--"

"Are you trying to ask me if we're dating?" She giggles, his cheeks turning from lightly flushed to burning as he nods. "I thought that was a given when I took you back to my house and had you spend the night."

Ethan nods, corners of his lips quirking up. "Cool."

"I trust you, but... I've had some bad experiences with guys in the past. So, I know last night was kinda fast, but I think I'd like to try and take things a little slower from here on out. And I think that's a good idea in general, considering your dating history too."

"Y-yeah, of course. Gray uh, told me about you being cheated on. I'd... I'd never do that to you."

"I know."

Aphrodite kisses him softly, patting his cheek before skipping off. She feels... really happy, for the first time in a while.

He follows after her, noticing her tucking her edibles into her coat pocket before they leave but decides not to say anything. They were going back to his place, figuring he should make an appearance at home.

Both of them turned their phones off last night, but Ethan briefly turned his on to text his parents that he was safe while ignoring Grayson. He didn't want them worrying while he wasn't home. That, and he didn't want Grayson in too much trouble, as much of a dick as he was. Ethan said some things he regret when he was mad.

They're quiet on the drive, Ethan a little bit nervous about how Grayson would react. After the phone call, and the hickies, and considering how he reacted last time... it wasn't looking good.

He never grabbed his key, so they use the spare to let themselves in. It's eerily silent in the house, until Ethan trips over the rug. That gets Grayson's attention, who comes jogging down the stairs.

"You're a fucking asshole!"

"I am?" Ethan scoffs, Aphrodite reaching for his hand. "You--you slept with a girl you thought I liked to spite me, Gray.

"Okay, yeah, I'm an asshole too, but c'mon Ethan! You can't just leave for the entire fucking night and not tell anyone where you're going. And that phone call with Aphrodite? Like--what the fuck? Oh my god, are those hickies?"

"Yeah," Aphrodite shrugs, Grayson letting out a deep sigh.

"So you really..?"

"Mhm," she admits, leaning against Ethan's shoulder. "Remember what we talked about, Gray?"

Grayson furrows his eyebrows. "Are you guys together?" They nod, smiling softly. "Oh, okay... that's... okay. This is weird, but I guess I'll have to get used to it. I--" he cuts himself off with another sigh, hands gripping the counter tight, "at least I know you won't hurt each other. I think that's what I was worried about most... other than what I told you, Aphie. But I have to trust you, I guess."

"...so you were an ass for no reason?"

"Look. I never said I was a good brother." Grayson plays with one of the rings on his hand, eyes narrowed as he inspects Ethan. "I'm just protective of both of you."

"You're so stupid," Ethan chuckles quietly, but embraces him. "But if it weren't for you I'd be at Miranda's house right now, so... thanks."

Grayson sighs again, still feeling guilty, and unsure about the fact that his brother is dating his best friend, but he'll get over it. He has to. He wants them to be happy, and if he really thinks about it, he's never seen either of them like this so something must be good. "Just don't be fucking loud."


"You're annoying," Aphrodite laughs, interrupting her blushing boyfriend. "E, I gotta talk to Gray for a minute. Can I meet you upstairs?"

He nods slowly, kissing her forehead before jogging away. Grayson raises an eyebrow, dragging Aphrodite toward the kitchen where he gets them drinks.

Grayson speaks first, "So... how the hell did that happen? I thought you were over dating?"

"Yeah but... he's not like the assholes I've dated. I don't know, it was pretty in the moment," she smiles, leaning her head on her hand. "Ethan's actually cool. And sweet." Grayson fake gags, getting shoved by her. "Shut up or I'll be extra loud while you're trying to sleep."

"Gross," he whines, crossing his arms. They laugh for a moment, before Aphrodite takes the edibles out of her pocket and hands them to him. "Why're you giving me these?"

"I don't need them," Aphrodite shrugs. He tilts his head, lips pursing in confusion. "I don't wanna get high all the time."

"Who are you?"

"I like being sober with Ethan. It's more fun being fully present with him." She didn't have a problem with being high, but she had been using it to escape too much of her life. Now she had a reason not to.

"Alright, Aphie. I'm happy for you."

"Love you, Gray. We'll hang later, okay? And I'm gonna kick your ass for being so stupid last night."

"Wouldn't have it any other way, dumbass."

Aphrodite grins and wraps her arms around him before retreating upstairs, where Ethan is changing into clean and more comfortable clothes. He's facing the other way, grey sweats low on his hips while he digs through his drawer for a shirt.

She sneaks up behind, pressing her front to his backside and snaking her hands around him. Ethan gasps and jumps for a second before relaxing, though shivering as she presses her cold hands against his warm chest and stomach. He's quiet, breathing slightly erratic when she kisses his shoulder.

"You scared me," he mumbles, finally grabbing a shirt. "Hands are cold."

"Mhm. Warning them up on you."

Ethan chuckles, squirming around until she releases him and lets him tug his shirt on. "Wanna, uh, do something or..?"

"I'm pretty tired after last night. Wanna just hangout and watch movies for a while or whatever?"



sooooooooo :)

happy Sunday y'all. early update while im omw to work bc i love u all

im excited to finally share This Chapter too. this isn't a story about ethan losing his virginity, obviously, bc there's several more chapters left, it's a story of growth. now we can really get into it <3

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