Bed of Lies : BOOK 1

By WrittenByKalifa

636K 20.9K 6.3K

****WARNING; THIS STORY CONTAINS MATURE SCENES***** "Do you ever think of me when you lie? Lie down in your b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Additional Characters
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chaper 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Bed of Lies BOOK 2 - OUT NOW!

Chapter 39

5.4K 199 116
By WrittenByKalifa

After Brian's surgery, Kendrick came to talk to Brian after the anesthesia wore off.

Brian looked at him.

"See you are doing well", Kendrick said.

Brian touches his bandage where the bullet wound is.

"It was extremely close to your heart, you are a lucky guy", Kendrick said.

"You did surgery on me?", Brian asked.

Kendrick nodded.

"...thank you", Brian said. "I um actually thought I was going to die"

"Well you didn't", Kendrick said. "As you can see"

"Where's Diamond?", he asked.

"She's in the break room. I'll let her know that your up", he said.

"It's iight. We ain't on the best of terms right now", Brian said.

"Best of terms or not. She cares wether you're okay or not", Kendrick said.

Brian didn't say anything.

Kendrick looked at him. "I mean I'm sure you know this but no matter how tough she acts.. she's a forgiving person and I don't know what you did but hopefully she'll forgive you", he said. "I'll let her know you're up", he said as he walked to the door.

"Ay Kendrick", Brian said.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm sorry about fucking with y'all relationship", Brian said. "I should've just left her alone but I didn't and I'm sorry and through all you saved my life, thank you"

Kendrick looked at him. "Man listen I'm just doing my job. I made an oath to treat all my patients the same and do what I need to do for them to survive and that's why you're breathing right now"

"Is that a threat?", Brian asked.

"No, it's the honest truth", Kendrick said. "Now like I said before I'll let diamond know you're up"

Kendrick walk to the break room and saw Diamond.

"How is he?", Diamond asked as she stood up.

"He's going to be fine", Kendrick said.

Diamond touches her chest. "Thank god", she said as she sat down.

"You can go see him", Kendrick said.

Diamond shakes her head. "No I just wanted to know if he was okay or not"

"What's going on with y'all?", Kendrick asked.

"...I don't wanna talk about it", Diamond said.

"Like I said I'm here", Kendrick said. "Anytime"

"Yea", Diamond said. "I guess"

"What's that supposed to mean?", Kendrick asked.

"It means that, what I'm going through right now shouldn't have to involve my ex... it involves me and him", Diamond said.

" it that bad?", Kendrick asked.

"Kendrick I don't wanna talk about it seriously", Diamond said as she stood up.

Kendrick nods.

Diamond walks out and begins to go to the nurses station, but instead turns around and goes to Brian's room.

Diamond walks in and Brian looks at her.

"Hey I'm just coming in and seeing how you're doing", Diamond said.

"I was doing kinda bad until you came", he said.

Diamond looks down.

"I didn't mean to put my hands on you I'm sorry", he said.

"Just like you didn't mean to cheat? it was an accident?", she said.

"I didn't cheat", he said.

"Brian don't lie to me", Diamond.

"When have I ever?", he asked.

Diamond folded her arms.

"I love you and You know how i feel about you", Brian said. "I married you for a reason"

"Brian save it", Diamond said. "I'm not dumb"

"Of course you aren't. You're the smartest girl I know", he said. "Woman I know"

Diamond shakes her head. "Don't", Diamond said.
"Don't... you wanna sit and lie to me after I saw the condoms and your watch in Kelly's room?"

Brain makes a face.

"My friend Brian?? My fucking friend?? You really gone do me like that?", Diamond asked.

"Diamond it was one time and I'm-", he started to say.

Diamond cut him off. "Now you wanna tell the truth Brian???", she asked.

Brian sighs. "Diamond I'm in a lot of pain right now, I don't have the energy to argue", he said.

"That's fine because we're done", Diamond said.

"Done? Diamond it was a mistake", Brian said.

"And you're a grown man", Diamond said. "You know what you're doing even after you made your vows to me"

Brian looks down.

"What? Was I not good enough??", she asked. "Why did you do it?"

"Lately you just been...I don't know giving me this bad vibe and I was getting sick out it", Brian said.

"So you cheat?", She asked.

"I wasn't getting nothing from you", Brian said.

"Brian I be tired. I work, I cook, I clean, I take care of our daughter, I do everything", Diamond said.

"Where is Ayanna?", he asked.

"With her and my cousin", Diamond said.

Brian didn't say anything.

"You know what I have to get back to work. I'm glad you're okay", she said as she walked out.

Carey looked at her. "You okay?", she asked.

"I'm fine", Diamond said as she walked away.


A couple days later Diamond was enjoying her day off and time alone.

As she was relaxing and drinking her wine and eating. She got a call from Vanessa.

Diamond answered it. "Hello?", she asked.

"You know being a therapist has taught me a lot. You know getting to the route of the problem", she said. "Ayanna has been acting different since she got here, quiet and not talking much. At first I thought she was just tired, then I was like maybe she misses her parents but now I know that she's scared because her daddy choked her mama"

"Vanessa it's not what it seems like", Diamond said.

"I knew he seemed to perfect to be true but damn. He put his hands on you and you putting up with that. That is not the Diamond I know", Vanessa said.

"That was his first time", Diamond said.

"Ayanna said that wasn't", Vanessa said.

"Okay second time that's it", Diamond said.

"You were better off with your last boyfriend.. what was his name? Kendrick?", Vanessa asked. "Why did y'all break up again?"

"Vanessa listen it doesn't matter because after Brian I'm not dating again", Diamond said.

"Come on Diamond you aren't going to stay single forever", Vanessa said. "And knowing Brian he's going to manipulate you into staying with him. He's been manipulating you this whole time. Nine times outta ten you'd probably have a better life instead of not enjoying it"

"I enjoy my life", Diamond said.

"Oh please diamond. Since y'all got married you been doing well outside the house and more inside the house", Vanessa said.

Diamond sighs.

"When we graduated and even after that you never let anybody walked over you, so why now??", Vanessa asked. "Just because you're married now doesn't mean you have to stay married. If you aren't happy leave"

"That's what I'm going to do Vanessa", Diamond said with irritation in her voice.

"I'm just making sure that same motive stays in your head", Vanessa said.

"Are we done talking?", Diamond asked.

"Okay diamond whatever", Vanessa said. "Bye"

"...wait", Diamond said.

"What?", Vanessa asked.

Suddenly Diamond hears keys at the door.

"Never mind I'll call you back", Diamond said before she hung up.

Brian walked inside. "Surprised you haven't changed the locks", he said.

"Well.. you still have to get your things", Diamond said.

Brian sucked his teeth and sat down. "Baby I said I was sorry already and I know that might not be enough but I'm willing to show you that I'm truly sorry", he said.

"Brian I don't care. We're over", she said.

Brian looked down. "Diamond seriously? We can't even work this out? We just gonna get a divorce like that?", he asked.

"It's nothing to work out Brian. You lied to me with no hesitation and it seemed like you were telling the it's no telling what else you lied about or is lying about"

"Nothing", he said.

Diamond shakes her head. "I'm done with the lies from anybody" she said.

Brian begins to yell. "One lie!"

Diamond jumps a little.

Brian calms down.

"I don't know what happened to the man that I married or if he even was that man but another thing about is that your anger has been gradually getting out of control", she said.

"If you did the job I did. You'd know", he said.

"Brian I see people die too", she said.

"No you see the aftermath. You're not on the line trying to prevent them from even coming to the house. You don't have to kill or be killed.", he said.

Diamond was quiet.

"You don't see many people die because you're the one saving them", Brian said.

"If being an officer is a problem then stop", Diamond said.

"I can't...regardless of the people I don't save or have to kill... there are people I do save and protect", Brian said.

Diamond gets up. "Yea you're right but unfortunately you didn't save this marriage"

"Diamond listen I'm trying", Brian said.

"Cheating is trying? And then with my best friend the only person I can go to other than you and Vanessa??", she asked.

"It was a mistake. We got caught up in the moment", he said.

"I don't care Brian because you were the last person I thought would do something like that to me", she said. "Especially after you asked for my hand in marriage"

"I'm just going to go", Brian said. "Because this conversation ain't going no where"

"You mean the way you wanted it to?", Diamond asked.

"I'll be back tomorrow", he said.

"There you go. Leave when things don't go in your favor, that's what you always do?", she said.

"Yea cause I'm not about to argue with you", he said.

Diamond shakes head. "You don't care about this relationship", she said.

"I do care. But if it's broken it's broken and apparently I can't fix it", he said.

Diamond looks down.

"I cheated and I'm sorry and that's all I gotta say. I was wrong and honestly I deserve whatever you decide to do", he said before he walked to the door.

Diamond thought to herself and then stopped him. "Wait", she said.

Brian looked at her.

"Even though it doesn't make what you did right, we are married and we do have a child together so I don't mind working things out but... while we do you can't be here. If I'm going to decide if I stay with you or not it'll be on my own terms and I'll decide alone", she said.

Brian smiles a little. "I love you with all my heart and you of all people should know that", he said. "Once again I'm sorry for what I did, it was a mistake and if you still decide to continue with marriage, it won't happen again"

"...IF I decide to continue to be with you", she said.

Brian nods.

"Do you have somewhere to stay?", she asked.

"I can stay with my parents", he said. "But I need some of my things"

Diamond nods. "They're still in your bags so just grab one", she said.

Brian nods and walks upstairs. He gets a few of his bags and walks back down the steps.

"When is Ayanna coming back", he asked.

"Whenever I feel like it's okay for her to.. whenever I'm back in my right mind and space", she said.

Brian looks at the glass of wine and wine bottle with her food.

"You sure you need to be alone?", he asked.

Diamond turned away and walked to the couch.

Brian watched her.

"I'm fine", Diamond said. "My first glass and last of the day... promise"

Brian nods. "Goodnight", he said.

"Goodnight", Diamond said.

Brian walked out the house.


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