Telekinesis | BNHA Fanfiction...

By pottorotto

87 3 0

Kayano Chiyuki is a student that shows up a week late to class, her classmates already friends, she has to tr... More


85 3 0
By pottorotto

'Kayano!' A voice yells from below making the girl's eyes slowly open, revealing the bright yellow orbs behind her eyelids, though she didn't look as graceful as that. Light rushed to her eyes, making her grunt with the sudden brightness that flooded through them, her forearm immediately was blocking the light as her eyes scrunched up under their fair-skinned protection. She rolled up and down the length of her bed as she let out a childish groan. 

'Hurry up Kayano! Your going to be late' The voice shouted up again, this time having a better affect on the tired girl. In a dramatic way, she threw the covers off her small body and groggily stood up on her feet, wobbled around for a second as her feet adjusted to her sudden weight, before being dragged across the ruff carpet floor as she moved. 

Making her way down the stairs, she was greeted by the owner of the voice that shouted to her before. 

'Mornin' ' She mumbled to her relative, walking past him and slumping down onto the wooden stool beside him. 

'Oh~' He said in a sarcastic tone, 'You've finally decided to get up, I've be ever so lonely down here.' 

'Shut up' Kayano replied, beginning to cut the omelette in front of her. 

Her relative beside her was indeed one of her only relatives, her brother. Named Yuta Chiyuki, He was indeed the only one she saw on a daily basis, compared to her others. He's around 20 years old, birthday is the 5th December and is the legal guardian of Kayano since both their parents passed away 3 years ago. 

'So have you got everything for school, apart from being on time, I hope you have everything else sorted.' He said, mocking her. 

Ignoring the mocking nature of the question, she replied, 'I do, and besides, it's your fault I missed the first week' 

Kayano's reply made Yuu jump out of his seat a bit as he covered his face from embarrassment, 'I thought we agreed to it being no one's fault' He said with a muffled voice, he was referring to yesterday's heated discussion on the topic. 

'I've changed my mind' The girl said, she stood up afterwards, backing away from her empty plate and left the room, noticing her older brother's bright red face of embarrassment, it made her chuckle as she made her way up the stairs. 


Arriving at the silver gates that stood a good two stories above her, she nervously walked onto the ground behind them, she took a moment to allow the moment to settle in. She, Kayano Chiyuki, was stood on U.A high school grounds. She had gotten a letter through the mail from U.A saying she was recommended into the hero course as the 2nd best, though it didn't tell her who the first one was, so she didn't know who to look out for, her mind began to speculate who it could be, remembering the faces of the others who were at the test a couple weeks ago for a spot on the recommended. The only person she could think of was the split, white and red hair dude that was pretty rude when she introduced herself. 

She nervously laughed to herself, it couldn't be him right. Her mind was recreating the moment in her mind:

Waiting in the small room was pretty awkward, Kayano could feel the tension coming from the other kids in the room. Though one kid stood out, he sat in the corner of the room reading a small book, he was totally relaxed, he didn't seem worried about the exam ahead of him. 

The impressive atmosphere he was giving off attracted Kayano to go talk to him. As she walked up to him, he noticed straight away, 

'Do you need anything?' He asked, he gave off an intense aura that told her to go away.

'Oh, urm' Kayano stuttered out, 'Urrmm, you looked really cool and I-i just wanted to know your n-name' 

He raised an eyebrow at the request, He looked at the suspicious girl, who'd turned bright red due to the embarrassment. She looked like she was about to cry. The boy sighed.

'Todoroki Shoto' He said, before turning back to his book, he didn't seem to care about asking for her name. 

He hates me, He hates me, He hates me that's all the girl repeated in her head, she was nervously shaking, cursing at herself for being such a anti social idiot.

'O-oh ok thanks' She nervously mumbled, as she turned around to walk off.

'Aren't you going to tell me your name?' The boy asked, not turning an eye fro m his book, his question made Kayano jump as began she began to sweat.

'Oh urm, it's Chiyuki K-kayano' She stuttered, before immediately wondering where her stupid lisp came from. 

He didn't react to her response, setting off a bigger panic in the poor girl's head

'He probably thinks I'm some crazy stalker that been following him since we showed up, he hates me, I knew it, he's only asking for my name so he can avoid me.' 

'S-sorry for bothering you, that's all I wanted to know' Kayano said turning around, successfully walking off this time.


Replaying the moment in her mind only made Kayano have the same embarrassment of that her past self had. 

'Maybe he got into a better class, surely he's not in the same class as me' She began to reason with herself, 'Oh wait, 1-A is the top class'  

'Ok Kayano, you'll be fine' She reassured herself as she walked into the school, 'Your not going to see him'

Walking to her classroom, you could tell class was already in session, hoping she wasn't too late, Kayano knocked on the 1-A classroom door before letting herself in.

'How nice of you to finally join us' The teacher at the front said in a sarcastic tone. He had long un-kept hair and eye bags that look like he hasn't slept since he was five. He had a very strong, 'I don't want to be here' atmosphere around him. 

'Urm y-yeah sorry about that, it was my brother's fault' She replied rubbing the back of her head with her hand awkwardly, as she entered the room, her eye's immediately locked onto his. The dude from the exam. Her eyes immediately fell to the floor as her face lit up in a shade of red. The embarrassment as returned.

'This is your new classmate, she was supposed to show up a week ago like the rest of you but as she said, her brother mixed up the dates' The teacher said, Kayano thinks he's called Aizawa from the emails she got. 

Aizawa put his hand on her shoulder, making her jump before telling her, 'Introduce yourself'

'U-urm, my name is C-Chiyuki Kayano, it's nice to m-meet you all' The girl stuttered out in front of her new classmates, She held her hands together in front of her waist and starred intensely at the floor. Hoping for her to stop being an idiot when talking someday. 

'Even though she's small and a nervous wreak, she's the 2nd top recommended student here' Aizawa said.

Kayano felt a vein popping from annoyance after being called a nervous wreak, but as much as she tried to deny it, she knows Aizawa is right.

After her introduction she was told to sit next to none other than Todoroki, who is apparently the highest recommended student, Kayano finally knew who to look out for, and it's the dude who hates her, the girl was already planning her funeral in her head.

At lunch, Kayano was surrounded by her classmates who were seemingly asking the girl an bombardment of questions. Trying her best to answer them all, her anti-social self soon was overwhelmed with the abundance of attention she was getting. 

Though one question brought her back to reality. 

'What's your quirk?' 

The question came from a girl named Uraraka, who'd be merging in the crowd ever since the questions began. Her brown hair rested on her shoulders look pretty cute in Kayano's eyes.

Before answering her question, Kayano reached into her bag and pulled out a high sugar energy drink and took a long sip out of it before putting the bottle on her desk, this got a couple of weird looks from her classmates before she answered. 

'My quirk is called Manipulation, it urm comes in two parts so most people call it two quirks' The girl said before closing her eyes and crunching her hand together, she felt a surge or energy rush through her body as her scrunched up hand was stretched out in front of her, hovering above the table, she reopened her eyes in one fast motion as her once yellow orb on her right eye lit up with a golden outline as something materialised in her hand. 

Opening up, her classmates stared at her hand in awe. There lay a solid golden cube in her hands. 

'I can transfer my energy into solid objects or use it to increase the action of a limb, for example my myself really fast, or really strong' Kayano explained.

There was a mixture 'oohs' and 'ahhs' in the group which made her face light up red in a flustered way. 

'What about your other quirk?' Asked a frog-like girl who Kayano hadn't gotten the name of yet. 

Answering the question with a smile, Kayano threw the golden cube into the air as her left eye proceeded to light up in the same golden glow as its partner, starring at the cube flying in the air, the cube stop moving and hovered in place, bouncing around a bit as it floated, Kayano's finger spun in a circle as the cube followed suit, moving around in a circle matching the speed of which the girl's finger was going.

The group looked at her in awe as the cube fell into her hand. 

'That's so cool!' Uraraka said, 'I'm glad I asked now' 

A flustered Kayano was what was left of the show as she was overwhelmed with with compliments from a classmates. 

Though a couple seconds later the bell rung and the students sat back down in their seats. Aizawa walked through the door a couple seconds later with his usual tired look on his face.

With no greetings, Aizawa began to speak, 'Since Chiyuki didn't take part in the quirk apprehension test last week, we'll be having some of you battle her so we can see her quirk in action'

Kayano internally screamed when she heard this, cursing at her brother for getting the dates wrong, she glanced at Todoroki who sat next to him, she realised there's a high chance she'll go against him. 

The class headed down to the changing rooms to change into their hero costumes. 

Kayano costume was pretty simple, she had a baggy white top and a purple jacket about three sizes bigger than herself, the jacket was long and its end rested around Kayano's thighs, her hood she had specially designed so it would fit her head perfectly and would not fall off, she wore black shorts and light grey socks that pulled up to her knees and small ankle boots that had thick soles so they could absorb falls and make her look a little taller. 

She wore a scarf that was so long it reached her ankles with it on, it acted like Aizawa's scarf except she's the only one who could control it with her quirk, it also absorbed energy around her so Kayano never ran out. She also had a small pouch attached to her shorts that held small bottles of a very strong energy drink. 

Heading to the place they were instructed to go the class met up with Aizawa in front of a small arena.

'The first opponent against Chiyuki will be Yaoyorozu, since she's also a recommended student.' Aizawa said.

Yaoyorozu looked at the girl before walking off, she was much taller than Kayano which ticked Kayano off. 

She's looking down on me, isn't she? Kayano thought as a small vein popped in annoyance.

'Is everyone ready?' Aizawa said through the speaker.





Straight away a metal pipe came flying towards Kayano, which she quickly dodged as it flew past her. Kayano then created a tall golden wall that she hid behind to think of a strategy, 

'I think she's already worked out that I'm not good at one on one battling, I don't think she is, but if we fought, she'd definitely win.' Kayano mumbled to herself. The aim was to immobilise your opponent or push them out the battle area. 

'My best bet would be to immobilise her' Kayano finished as her golden defence shattered away. She ran out and put energy to her feet, allowing her to run abnormally fast, as she ran towards Yaoyorozu, she effortlessly dodged the weapons being thrown at her. Kayano put some energy to her hand as she pulled it back preparing to punch her in the stomach, when the girl got close she punched her opponent in the stomach, watching the opposing girl stumble back onto the floor, in which then Kayano smoothly captured Yaoyorozu in a case of golden and began to count.






'Chiyuki wins, Yaoyorozu has been immobilised' Aizawa said through the speakers, as he finished, the golden case shattered as Kayano fell to the floor, breathing heavily as she tried to regain energy. 

'Hey, are you ok?' Yaoyorozu asked, as she stood up, she was bent over a bit, Kayano assumed it was from her punch.

'Y-yeah, i'm fine' Kayano mumbled out through her panting. 

'Don't you have energy bottles in that pouch' The girl said, referring to the pouch on Kayano's shorts.

'T-too expens-sive to use.' Kayano replied. 

As they walked off the arena, they met up with the rest of the class for a 10 minute break. The class watched as Kayano fall onto a chair in complete exhaustion and drunk a full bottle of  a energy drink in a couple of seconds. 

'Hey are you ok?' Asked Uraraka this time

'I'm fine, just need energy' Kayano said, sparing as few words as possible to reply. 

'Alright but you were really cool out there' replied Uraraka, the class agreed by nodding their heads. 

'Yeah, your quirk is really something' said Kirishima.

'Thanks' said Kayano, who seems to have not realised she's being crowded. 

'Alright' Aizawa said at the back of the room, 'Next match is between Todoroki and Chiyuki' 

Kayano woke up from her haze when Aizawa said that, she began freaking out in her head

This is where she was going to die. 

'Alright, everyone ready?' Aizawa said through the speaker







As Aizawa said that, a huge clump of ice travelled straight for Kayano, she dodged by jumping above it and tried to counter attack by storing energy in her foot and trying to land a kick on Todoroki, which he just about missed. She landed on the ground and hastily turned around to see another clump of ice speeding towards her, trying to dodge it, she missed by a hair, pain surged from her cheek as a small cut revealed itself, a red liquid came oozing out of the wound and travelled down her cheek. 

Todoroki noticed that Kayano was distracted and sent another clump of ice straight after, which was blocked by her scarf which had turned into a fabricated wall, Kayano's golden, glowing eye was soon joined as her right one lit up too, replacing the scarfed shield into a golden wall. Her eyes flickered to normal as she took a second to rethink her plan. 

Kayano took a bottle of the energy drinks and downed it in a second, the only way she could win was by a full offensive attack, and she needed energy for that. 

A couple seconds later her body throughout surged with energy as the energy affects were kicking in. Allowing her right orb to shine brightly, Kayano broke her golden defence, transferring the solidified energy to different parts of her body, her legs and her arms, now full of energy, omitted a golden light as she ran straight for Todoroki, he sent wave after wave of ice after her, she ever dodged it or allowed it to cut her, small scratches appeared all over her limbs as so got closer and closer to Todoroki, who was now realising, his ice isn't stopping her, Kayano jumped as high as she could into the air as she aimed a punch at Todoroki though before her fist could hit,

'Time's up, it's a draw' Aizawa blatantly stated through the speakers, hearing this Kayano, who was flying through the air, felt the energy she had stored disintegrate, allowing the tired body of herself to fall and hit the ground.

She groggily got up and put her hand to her head, groaning in pain. A throbbing pain of a headache rushed around her head, she stumbled around trying to gain her balance, before noticing Todoroki walking up to her. 

'You good?' He asked, he sounded as if he didn't care, which sort of annoyed Kayano.

'Yeah i'm fine' Kayano said, trying to sound normal, though in her head she pretty much having a panic attack

Oh no, oh no, oh no, he's pissed because he didn't win he come to kill, asking if i'm ok so he can see if he can beat me down now or later, I knew he hated me, I knew it, curse you, my anti-social ass.   

'That was a good match, I'd say we're on par with each other.' He said, holding out his hand for be to shake.

Kayano stopped mentally freaking out after she realised what he'd said, 

'o-oh ok' She said, shaking his hand, letting go immediately after. 

'I underestimated you' He said walking off, he seemed embarrassed about it, though It was probably because Kayano would have won if it wasn't for the time limit. 

Walking off the stage, she met up with rest of the class, receiving the same complements she'd gotten when she won Yaoyorozu, though this time her anti-social self was already stressed out over her interaction with Todoroki, meaning she was freaking out passed the point of normal when she was crowded.

'E-excuse me' Kayano stuttered out to the rest of the class before walking out the room. She walked down the corridor of the gym before collapsing onto a bench in the middle of it. Taking shaky breaths, she began to recover from being overcrowded. 

'So you like being alone too?' Said a voice, Kayano looked over to see Todoroki there, which made her jump. 

'U-urm no, I- urm I'm not good with people, s-so I needed a breather' She said in a panic.

'Oh, so you get nervous around over people?' He asked, his voice sounded completely curious.

'Y-yeah' Kayano answered, her eyes fell to the floor, 

'That's not a very good trait for a hero, your always going to get crowded by the media' He said.

'I know' The girl answered, her voice was filled with sadness, as if she was ashamed about it. 

Todoroki noticed this, and sat down next to the girl,

'Do you mind?' He asked.

'No' She replied. 

There was a moment of silence between the two students, they had no idea what to say next to each other.

'Is that why you were acting so weird, when you asked for my name?' Todoroki asked, once again.

Kayano hummed in response. 

'Oh, then I really shouldn't have been as cold around you, I probably made you panic, sorry' He said, he pretty sincere about it too. 

'Oh no, it's fine' Kayano said in a flustered tone, waving her hands side to side, 'If I wasn't such an idiot when it came to talking to people, it would of never happened.' 

'Still' He protested, but the girl only cut him off, 

'It's fine' 

Kayano stood up and turned around to face him, 'I'm going to go find somewhere to nap, I'm pretty tired from our battle' Kayano said.

'Ok' The boy said as Kayano walked away. 

Walking outside, she laid down under the shade of a single tree in a field. 

The breeze blew passed her as the grassed underneath grazed her pale skin a blew her long white hair around. Though with all the distractions, she soon fell asleep. 

A couple of hours had passed since Kayano had fallen asleep and she slowing opened her eyes to a couple of thugs crowding around her, half asleep, she felt a sudden flash of pain coming from her leg, looking down she saw her knee high socks stained red, as a red liquid oozed out of the cut of the fabric. It looked pretty deep. She looked up at her attacker, he looked around the same age as her, wearing a mask over his mouth and having a baggy hoodie over his body, his hood was up, covering his brown hair. 

'So your finally awake, we've been kicking you for ages and you haven't woken up, we were starting to think you were dead' He said

All the key got was silence in return. 

'Ooo~ the little girl's trying to act tough, you seem pretty small for a U.A student, if this the best that stupid school has got, then there's alotta hope for villains in the future.' He continued.

Annoyed about being called small, Kayano's left eye lit up with its usual shine, trying to take control of metal bat the villain was holding. Though before she could take control of it, the metal object came swinging towards her, hitting the cheek where she had cut herself earlier, she went flying to the left a couple meters.

'Don't you think we've done our research, little girl?' The boy asked. 'Your name should be Chiyuki Kayano, am I right?' 

'H-how do you know t-that?' Kayano said, clutching her cheek. 

'Oh so you do talk, I was starting to think you were mute.' He said with a smile.

'You assume things too fast, should do more research.' Kayano scoffed, only to receive another blow the the face with the bat. 

'You've got some cheek, haven't you little girl, let's see if you've got cheek when you scream' He said raising the bat above his head, Kayano closed her eyes and readied herself for the blow, she was only going to take a couple of blows and pretend to be knocked out, she clearly can't win. Though she never felt the cold metal bat slam into her side, all she heard was a loud grunt of a person opening her eyes,  all she could see was ice. She was surrounded in it. 

'Looking through her crystallised defence, she saw Todoroki, he had captured both the villains in ice and turned towards Kayano, placing his left hand on the dome, melting it instantly. 

'Are you ok?' He asked, kneeling down to her crumpled body on the ground.

'I-i'm fine, what are you doing here?' She asked, wincing in pain as she tried to get up. 

'I came to find you since the school day had ended, and I saw you surrounded, I can't really be a hero if I ignore someone being attacked while defenceless huh?' He said

'That makes sense' Kayano said.

'Here' The boy said, picking up Kayano and placing her on his back, she wrapped her hands around his shoulders in a piggyback position. 

He began walking towards the main school building. 

'Why are you so cold to the rest of the class, but nice to me?' Kayano asked as she slowly closed her eyes.

'I think I know you from somewhere, I just don't know where' 

'That doesn't explain much.' She answered. 

Kayano's eyes finally shut as she passed out on Todoroki's back. 

'I know it doesn't'

If you look at the battle with Momo, I don't actually say her name, just the opponent and what not, that's because i struggle to spell yaoyorozu, so haah. 

word count 3981

~Author san 

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