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'Kayano!' A voice yells from below making the girl's eyes slowly open, revealing the bright yellow orbs behind her eyelids, though she didn't look as graceful as that. Light rushed to her eyes, making her grunt with the sudden brightness that flooded through them, her forearm immediately was blocking the light as her eyes scrunched up under their fair-skinned protection. She rolled up and down the length of her bed as she let out a childish groan. 

'Hurry up Kayano! Your going to be late' The voice shouted up again, this time having a better affect on the tired girl. In a dramatic way, she threw the covers off her small body and groggily stood up on her feet, wobbled around for a second as her feet adjusted to her sudden weight, before being dragged across the ruff carpet floor as she moved. 

Making her way down the stairs, she was greeted by the owner of the voice that shouted to her before. 

'Mornin' ' She mumbled to her relative, walking past him and slumping down onto the wooden stool beside him. 

'Oh~' He said in a sarcastic tone, 'You've finally decided to get up, I've be ever so lonely down here.' 

'Shut up' Kayano replied, beginning to cut the omelette in front of her. 

Her relative beside her was indeed one of her only relatives, her brother. Named Yuta Chiyuki, He was indeed the only one she saw on a daily basis, compared to her others. He's around 20 years old, birthday is the 5th December and is the legal guardian of Kayano since both their parents passed away 3 years ago. 

'So have you got everything for school, apart from being on time, I hope you have everything else sorted.' He said, mocking her. 

Ignoring the mocking nature of the question, she replied, 'I do, and besides, it's your fault I missed the first week' 

Kayano's reply made Yuu jump out of his seat a bit as he covered his face from embarrassment, 'I thought we agreed to it being no one's fault' He said with a muffled voice, he was referring to yesterday's heated discussion on the topic. 

'I've changed my mind' The girl said, she stood up afterwards, backing away from her empty plate and left the room, noticing her older brother's bright red face of embarrassment, it made her chuckle as she made her way up the stairs. 


Arriving at the silver gates that stood a good two stories above her, she nervously walked onto the ground behind them, she took a moment to allow the moment to settle in. She, Kayano Chiyuki, was stood on U.A high school grounds. She had gotten a letter through the mail from U.A saying she was recommended into the hero course as the 2nd best, though it didn't tell her who the first one was, so she didn't know who to look out for, her mind began to speculate who it could be, remembering the faces of the others who were at the test a couple weeks ago for a spot on the recommended. The only person she could think of was the split, white and red hair dude that was pretty rude when she introduced herself. 

She nervously laughed to herself, it couldn't be him right. Her mind was recreating the moment in her mind:

Waiting in the small room was pretty awkward, Kayano could feel the tension coming from the other kids in the room. Though one kid stood out, he sat in the corner of the room reading a small book, he was totally relaxed, he didn't seem worried about the exam ahead of him. 

The impressive atmosphere he was giving off attracted Kayano to go talk to him. As she walked up to him, he noticed straight away, 

'Do you need anything?' He asked, he gave off an intense aura that told her to go away.

'Oh, urm' Kayano stuttered out, 'Urrmm, you looked really cool and I-i just wanted to know your n-name' 

He raised an eyebrow at the request, He looked at the suspicious girl, who'd turned bright red due to the embarrassment. She looked like she was about to cry. The boy sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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