The Reincarnated Villainous Y...

By Drifting-Clowd

910K 54.5K 28.2K

Published on 4/5/20 In Neo's past life, he was a wicked person who sought to kill his little brother, the rig... More

Volume I Character Sheet
Chapter 1: Neo
Chapter 2: Rainier
Chapter 3: Odum
Chapter 4: Gareth
Chapter 5: Sutton
Chapter 7: Aurelion
Chapter 8: Notes
Chapter 9: Academy
Chapter 10: Lackeys
Chapter 11: Professor
Chapter 12: Town
Chapter 13: Alleyway
Chapter 14: Coffee
Chapter 15: Handkerchief
Chapter 16: Conversations
Chapter 17: Emblem
Chapter 18: Royce
Chapter 19: Smile
Chapter 20: Office
Chapter 21: Delphinium
Chapter 22: Lavender
Chapter 23: Cornflower
Chapter 24: Letters
Chapter 25: Khartier
Chapter 26: Fairy
Chapter 27: Elliot
Chapter 28: Serian
Chapter 29: Lester
Chapter 30: Infirmary
Chapter 31: Guinivere
Chapter 32: Friends
Chapter 33: Cornflower p.2
Chapter 34: Apothecary
Chapter 35: Asphodel
Chapter 36: Julius
Chapter 37: Odum p.2
Chapter 38: Aurelion p.2
Chapter 39: Brothers
Chapter 40: Rainier p.2
Extra 1: Gentle Evening Star
Extra 2: Professor Rickman's Rehearsal Period
Extra 3: Aurelion's Friends
Extra 4: The Tragedy of Ohmlet Act I
Extra 5: The Tragedy of Ohmlet Act II
Chapter 41: Ricin Flower
Chapter 42: Emerald Hummingbird
Chapter 43: Leotine Moores
Chapter 44: Arcadia Siblings
Chapter 45: Laurel Elysium
Chapter 46: Odum Siblings
Chapter 47: Benedick's Pilgrimage
Chapter 48: Cornflower's Lament
Chapter 49: Holy City
Volume II Character Sheet

Chapter 6: Tea

26.7K 1.6K 945
By Drifting-Clowd

This chapter is brought to you by Aewol by MoonMoon. 

Edited by: bafflinghaze

Someone commented about love at first sight regarding Sutton, but his character setting is like that for a very specific purpose. I won't explain it further, as we have not come to that point in the story yet. You guys will understand when the time comes. 

Anyway, the main pairing in this story is Neo/Happiness. There will be romance--eventually--but I need to look at my notes and see who is most suitable for my child. Without further ado, please enjoy this chapter.



When the sun rose the next day, Neo woke up and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

Having technically not slept for days—if he didn't count his death as sleeping—the moment he got home from St. Achilles, he went to bed without any dinner.

His excursion into town had left him exhausted. It wasn't every day someone was given the chance to go back to their past life. His mind had eventually processed the entirety of his situation by evening, so he passed out the moment his head hit the pillow.

When he woke up again to his luxurious bedroom, he shut his eyes and prayed this was all a dream.

—Only to open them and realize this is very much his reality.

He gave up hoping and fell back into a neutral state of mind—repressing his grief for a rainy day.

Some might say Neo was a bit lax with these things—repressing and replacing, ignoring the bad, and wearing rose-tinted lense—but Neo wasn't much of a fighter once he'd weighed the pros and cons of his situation.

It was more accurate to say he'd grown to be a pragmatist.

Very early on, he realized he was at a disadvantage no sooner after he woke up.

It was quite apparent when faced with the fact he possessed no other talents besides his researching abilities and his scheming ways, and the latter skill hadn't been used since he was stabbed through with a sword.

Being a researching medical doctor didn't give him god-tier powers or significant magical abilities. He was just a very patient man with critical thinking skills and the audacity to write scathing essays about the health care systems around the world.

As Nazareth, he learned casting and charmwork, but it didn't mean he was amazingly gifted at either of these. If he was, the Magic Tower would have extended an invitation to join them years ago.

Not that he wanted to.

Magic engineering was never in his field of interest. They didn't speak to him as strongly as healing did.

Neo wanted to continue working in the same profession this life. Poison, healing, medicine, he was good at it.

He loved it.

He died for it.

If he can still do it even without being in the Modern World, then why wouldn't he?

This resolve was long formed decades ago when he took the oath to better humanity.

It would be difficult to achieve due to his current grades, but not impossible.

As for the mistakes of his past, there is no harm in fixing what he'd done.

There can only be one answer to a scum's redemption, and that is the law of equal exchange.

Neo doesn't know how he was able to come back to this world, but he won't waste it. It's not like he is overwhelmed by his position in life. Compared to his siblings, he had more freedom than anyone could realize.

Aurelion was the heir to the Ducal.

On the other hand, Neo had the luxury to not be chained down by the responsibilities of the Odum Family.

His duties in the Modern World were not equivalent to his duties here.

Life could be easy for a Duke's son, but it could also be even more difficult in ways no one can imagine, especially if you're the heir.

It is time for Neo to act like an Odum and leave behind his past duties in the Modern World.

Making connections, creating bonds and ties, assisting his brother in ascending to his place as the next Duke—they were the duties he should have been responsible for in his last lifetime.

Neo swallowed down the crawling urge to escape them. The tell-tale signs of longing to go back were quickly repressed.

Beneath all that internal monologue, there was still grief in his heart.


He'd lived a good life.

Hopefully, Clark would find his notes and distribute the vaccine to the rest of the world.

As for his parents... he could only hope they won't be too upset by his death.

He had no other regrets besides that.

No regrets at all.

Someone knocked at the door.

"Young Master, please excuse the intrusion." Rainer's voice could be heard from the other side.

Punctual as always, according to the clock on the wall striking eight, exactly.

The door opened.

The first thing Neo spotted was a jar of bright yellow dandelions in the servant's arms.

He watched as Rainier placed the jar next to the window and parted the curtains, letting in the morning light.

He opened the windows next, allowing the distinctive smell of flower trees to enter the room, along with chilly spring air.

Neo shivered as a breeze flew past.

One thing he hated about mornings was the chill. He always felt a deep chill in his body whenever he woke up. 

Sadly, the moment he saw Rainier heading towards his closet, Neo knew it was his cue to crawl out of bed.

He did so reluctantly.

Sitting down in front of the mirror, he saw the state of his hair. It was a bit of a mess, but at least he didn't look like that one girl who fell down a well in that horror movie he was forced to watch with some of his colleagues.

It might not look as neat as did the day before, but he thought he did pretty well with his haircut.

Clark always assume he didn't have the ability to take care of himself, but he did. Alright, Clark? He did.

What did the guy even think he was? A plant? Sure, he was a bit of a workaholic, but he was raised to be a somewhat functioning human being.

He could take care of himself just fine when he got the chance.

"Is there anything the Young Master would like to wear today?"

Rainier brought him out of his musing.

The servant was arms deep in his closet and seemed close to picking out the most colorful-looking article of clothing he could find.

Neo shook his head vehemently.

"Just something simple," he explained hastily. "I won't be going out today."

From the corner of his eye, he saw Rainier shove a pastel purple jacket back into the closet. A few seconds later, he took out a simple white button-down and black trousers.

"Is this alright, Young Master?"

"It's perfect."

He felt like he had dodged a bullet right there.

Neo barely remembered how he used to dress in this world. It must have been somewhat horrendous if even Rainier had to pretend he was colorblind as he showed him some of his favorite outfits.

Nazareth didn't know how to dress properly. He was attracted to brightly colored clothes due to his upbringing in the Red Light District. He especially adored the feeling of silk and fur.

Even with someone as capable as Rainier, the servant cannot stop him from creating a fashion faux-pas when Nazareth kept buying gaudy pieces of clothes unbefitting of nobility.

Having just accepted his newfound responsibilities, Neo had to fulfill them, as he should have. Because he was still a child of the Odum Household. It was his identity for as long as he lived, and will live, in this world.

Compared to his past belligerent carelessness, he couldn't afford to be so ignorant of his surroundings this time around.

And that meant his sense of dress must become refined or he would gain no respect.

He smiled to himself at the thought.

Fashion in the Modern World had its extravagance, but for those in the workforce, fashion was a bit different.

Neo would know. He experimented a lot in his youth.

He liked colors and good quality clothes, but they weren't suitable for laboratory settings where he could spill something and dirty his shirt.

For most of his career, he settled for stained button-downs and trousers since it was the closest he could get to looking professional.

The occasional Christmas sweaters his adoptive father would knit him during the winter were a part of his wardrobe indefinitely in case he needed the comfort.

He also went goth during his teen years and had a multitude of piercings on his face and ears. Heavy eyeliner and black nail polish were heavily favored by his sixteen-year-old self during that time period—along with a collection of alternative rock music stashed inside his phone.

It was amazing how much his adoptive parents allowed him such freedoms.

He still couldn't believe they actually let him out of the house, especially after that one time he shaved the left side of his head and dyed the remaining half of his hair neon green...

Suffice to say, he had an amazing childhood full of teenage angst and lived out his fashionable dreams in a somewhat responsible manner.

However, if his colleagues had seen his yearbooks, they might have an aneurism. He'd certainly toned down his interests by his mid-twenties.

Rainier helped Neo get dressed in his outfit for the day. As he approached with the clothes, Neo noticed he wore a sheer blindfold today.

"Is this new?" he asked as Rainier buttoned up the cuffs of his sleeves.

Those deft fingers paused.

"No, Young Master. It is not. The last one got dirty, so I threw it away."

Not for the first time, Neo wondered how much Rainier hated him.

The servant didn't show it, but Neo was well aware he was one of Aurelion's many eyes. It should be obvious the man was upset by what he'd done. The emblem on his face was a symbol of shame.

In his last life, Rainier never took off the blindfold—at least, not in front of him. And why should he? He branded him like a slave!

Rainier brought in a pail of water and a towel.

"Where would the Young Master like to take his morning meal, today?" He asked.

Neo frowned, "Are we not eating in the dining hall?"

The servant placed the water down and dipped the towel in, "Master and Madam left two hours ago for the palace and skipped breakfast. Lady Guinivere cited she was going out to eat with friends. Young Master Aurelion needed to leave early for an event with the other heirs."

Rainier handed him the towel to wash his face.

Soon after he was finished with his morning routine, Neo's eyes wandered over to his work desk.

Homework littered the table, placed haphazardly with obvious signs of blatant disregard. There were so many of them, too, stacked on top of each other.

"Bring me a tray with coffee." He ordered. It was time to tackle his school work.

"Certainly, Young Master."

The school year just started a few weeks ago. Neo had checked the calendar the night before to make sure.

If he fell behind so soon, it would be difficult to catch up.

Neo had been a poor student, not because he didn't have the abilities, but because he placed no effort into trying despite being fortunate enough to attend the Academy.

In the Modern World, his adoptive parents had paid for the entirety of education. Not many were as lucky as he was. In gratitude for all they have done for him, he became Doctor Overland.

Rainier left the room with the bucket, excusing himself for the moment. Neo made a noise of assent and rolled up his sleeves.

Yeah, there's no way he was going to fail this world's equivalent of high school.


By mid-afternoon, Neo had gotten a decent amount of work done.

There were a couple of history essays he had to complete, which required him to relearn the history of this world.

Literature expected him to look through a playwright he'll be studying this quarter, which wasn't difficult... for the moment.

Neo groaned.

Literature and history had always been the very banes of his existence.

Alchemy, magic theory, and arithmetics, on the other hand, were simple subjects for him. He'd always had a head for numbers.

There was also a political theory class he was taking, but thankfully, the political theory professor hadn't assigned him anything yet. He looked through his schedule and saw it was one of his chosen electives.


Oh, by the gods, he wanted to die.

No doubt, he had picked it to learn how to politically out-maneuver his younger brother.

Neo sifted through his memories and barely found anything besides lectures.

The class didn't even teach him anything remotely violent!

With a huff, he crossed out the class from his schedule, adding a note to trade it for an herbalist elective.

It might help him in the long run, especially since he planned to go into an apprenticeship next year.

Neo dropped his pen and took a sip of his sixth cup of coffee.

He stretched, his arms held up to the ceiling. He took a deep breath.

This was a good time to take a break.


The servant appeared from behind the door with a charming smile plastered to his face and politely inclined his head.

"More coffee, Young Master?"

Neo wanted to say yes, but...

He'd had six cups already.

Firmly pushing down his urge to say 'yes, he replied, "No. Bring me tea."

"Most certainly, Young Master. Is there a preferred location? Or should I bring it here?"

Neo took a peek outside his window.

It was a wonderful day to be out under the sun. The spring air was clean and the Odum gardens had always been well-cared for.

He made up his mind.

"Bring it to the pavilion on the..."

Which garden was closest to his side of the manor, again?

His father and stepmother took the north side, near the entrance of the manor. Guinevere slept in the southern wing. Aurelion was closest to the east, so that left him with the west.

"The western garden." He buried a maid there once upon a time...

"The garden, Young Master?" Rainier reiterated.

"Yes, the day is nice."

"As you say, Young Master. Will blue earl be fine?"

Neo shook his head. With the state of his current caffeination, he won't be able to fall asleep at night. Tea will be better for him.

Honestly, he was never much of a tea drinker back in the Modern World, but his adoptive mother was an enthusiast and often dragged him to the Annual Tea Drinking Festival each year.

Three days inside the festival usually had him coming out tasting nothing but tea for weeks on end.

"Do we have any peppermint?"

Rainier paused, and then tilted his head in confusion. "... Pardon?"

Neo furrowed his brows. Do they not have peppermint?

He decided for a compromise, "The less caffeine the better."


Rainier had no idea what caffeine was.

Nor was he sure of what to make of the Young Master's current behavior.

The fact that the youth was able to identify another tea type other than earl grey is astonishing enough.

In the past, it was obvious the Young Master could barely tell the difference between black and green tea! If you told him he was drinking earl grey, he would have believed you instantly without batting a lash.

Or perhaps he didn't care what he was drinking?

Little did Rainier know, he was spot on with his theory.

Nazareth didn't really give a shit about what he was drinking, he only knew of earl gray since it was the most favored drink in Noble Society. The first time he was given a taste of it, he had thought it was rich-people water. He had no opinions as long as the drink wasn't poisoned, so in honesty, his standards were very low.

"Add something to pair with the drinks," the Young Master said absentmindedly.

"Young Master..." came the overly bewildered reply.

He admitted he may be overreacting, but the Young Master is just... is just...

Rainier doesn't even know how to describe him!

"We have some leftover cakes from Lady Guinevere's tea party. Should that suffice?"

Upon hearing his words, the Young Master's expressionless face seemingly started to... sparkle? In a sense, his eyes became livelier all of a sudden, which nearly scared the living daylights out of Rainier.

"Yes." The Young Master replied shortly, looking away.

But it wasn't an illusion. Rainier saw him raise the corners of his lips for a moment as if he was truly happy about something.

Having tea in the garden pavilion with cakes...

Was the Young Master going to the pavilion for afternoon tea?

Not for the first time that day, he felt his three world views collapsing.

It was unusual for the scheming Young Master to be so lax.

Everyone knew there was only one reason for the Young Master to participate in tea time. He was either planning to kill someone or setting them up to be poisoned.

Rainier should know. It'd happened a couple of times in the past.

Thankfully, he was a Capable Servant, one of the finest from the Servant Academy. He won't question the Young Master's intentions just yet, but he would certainly observe and report back to Master Aurelion.

There was always a chance the Young Master was cooking up another assassination attempt against Master Aurelion. Rainier was worried as it was too soon since the last attempt.

For all he knew, Master Aurelion might not come out of the next one unscathed.

"The tea cart will be ready for you in ten minutes, Young Master."

For now, he would watch for hints.

"... Thank you."

And evaluate the bizarre behavior of the Young Master.


Neo watched as Rainier left the room, his footsteps gradually disappearing down the hall.

The feeling of regret surged through him.

He stood up from his desk and walked over to his bookshelf.

He had never been an avid reader in the past, but he had a rather large collection of medicinal volumes—mostly because he was interested in poisons.

Reaching up, he drew out a battered and worn book made from cheap materials. It was incomparable to the quality of paper of his other books, but there were obvious signs of how well-loved it was.

His first herbal dictionary, written and bound by his mummy, was given to him on his fifth birthday and the first thing he'd ever owned.

She had hoped he would become a successful healer in the future. It was her inheritance to him since she had nothing she could call her own besides him.

Unfortunately, she wasn't able to teach him how to read it, either due to her work or the disease ravaging her body.

He did learn how to read after returning to the Odum Manor, and he did read the book many times, but the intent of the gift did not benefit him during the throes of his madness.

He was more obsessed with killing Aurelion than worrying about his future career choices.

Neo opened the book and saw his mummy's familiar penmanship.

The handwriting was messy, with a few misspelled words, but the instructions and information had been valuable.

His mummy wrote three chapters worth of aphrodisiacs--on how to make them, identify them, and counter them.

There were also several chapters on poisons, from mild to dangerous, in the case of a violent client.

If he had chosen to stay in the brothel after her death, he might have found the information to be godly.

But besides these specific chapters, it was this book that made him want to go into medical research.

That, and his mummy's death.

Alouysia died at the hands of a plague that swept through the lower parts of the Rhine Empire.

The Red Light District was heavily affected by the disease.

If the Church had let the healers and herbalists of the Empire try a hand in finding a cure for that year's plague, his mummy could have been saved.

And while there were backdoor healers and black market apothecaries, the medicine was deemed too expensive by the Lotus Garden.

The royal physician was able to eventually procure a healing spell to counteract the plague with the help of the Magic Tower and the Church, but it was too late by that point.

They found the remedy five years too late and it did nothing to bring back the dead.

Neo went into medical research because he wanted to help people.

When an unknown virus had spread through the Modern World, he felt a sense of deja vu. His desperation to cultivate the vaccine turned into an obsession.

He feared for his adoptive parents, who were more susceptible to the disease.

He wasn't ready to lose someone to a plague a second time.

Neo flipped through the pages of his book.

Near the edges of each page, he wrote his personal notes, which covered how to utilize each healing plant as poison.

There were some notes he had written on some of the blank pages that could get him arrested for treason.

He silently tore those pages out and shoved them into his drawers, intending to burn them at a later time.

A small slip of paper, folded in half, fell out of the book. It looked like it used to be a part of a receipt from an apothecary.

'For Servant 1' was written crudely on the front.

Upon opening it, he knew he found the instructions to the Slave Emblem, ingredients, spell, and all.


Carefully tucking the piece of paper back into the book, Neo sighed.

The instructions were just as cruel and merciless as he remembered when he first wrote it.

Forget about forgiveness, Rainier had every right to leave his service once he removed the emblem.

Neo set the book down and walked over to his mirror.

He brought out a red ribbon from his vanity drawer and began tying up his shortened hair.

He might have cut a good length off, but it was still a little long and would get in the way of his reading. He dared not go any shorter since he had no clippers.

Patting off the nonexistent dust on his shirt, he left for the western garden.


Locating the western garden wasn't an easy feat.

He needed to first find the exit to the western wing of the manor, which involved climbing down a few staircases. After that, he had to bypass the knight's training field.

In the past, he didn't often visit this garden, mostly due to his resentment against his father.

Gareth had given him the garden along with the west side of the Manor.

The west wing was empty before he came along. It hadn't been used in generations and was mostly for storage. It was all cleared out by his arrival.

Neo followed the garden path and saw the pavilion in a clearing surrounded by flowers.

The pathway turned into a stone walkway, extending in four different directions.

It parted a sea of peonies, which his father had ordered to be planted when he was brought home.

It was clear despite never using this space, the servants in the household had continued to maintain it over the years.

Rainier appeared from behind one of the pillars of the pavilion, a tea cart beside him.

He set the cakes and teas on the round table and bowed when he noticed him.

Neo nodded and seated himself on one of the chairs.

The servant poured the tea.

The observation between the master and servant thus commenced.


In the afternoon, Aurelion came back to the mansion in an irritable mood. The servants quickly fled his line of sight and gave him a wide berth as he stormed through the manor ground.

The audacity of that damn ingrate!

Aurelion despised snakes the most, especially snakes that worked for his brother!

Not only was the ingrate's attempt to humiliate him embarrassing, but he even dared to brag about the oppression of some lower families in the noble social circle. Such a taboo conversation and the lack of decorum nearly made him throw his chair and sock the idiot in the face.

But what really had him reeling was not just the idiot's behavior, but the fact that the crown prince, his own friend, didn't even do anything to stop him or kick him out of the party!

That spineless coward!

Blinded by his fury, Aurelion did not pay any attention to where he was going.

The scent of peonies entered his nose and he was immediately snapped out of his irritable mood.

He looked around.

The familiar sight of his brother's western garden had him coming to a full stop.

With a glance, he spotted his brother's bedroom window a fair distance away.

Thankfully, he was close to the western pavilion.

Everyone knew his brother never came here, anyway.

Perhaps if he left now, he wouldn't get caught?

That Scummy Troublemaker might start something about private property if he saw him in his garden.

God, he was too tired to argue with Nazareth...

"What is it?"

Aurelion heard the oh-so-familiar voice of Nazareth coming from behind him and froze.

He quickly scrambled to hide, looking around for the source of his voice.

He saw a bush of tall peonies next to him and nearly dived behind it.

"Young Master?"

What was Rainier doing here?

"Funny. I could have sworn I heard footsteps."

His brother was talking to Rainier.

Aurelion dared a peek from behind the bushes and was immediately struck by the sight.

Rainier was placing a slice of cake in front of Nazareth.

But what was even more bewildering was the way his brother dressed.

What the hell?

This was the first time Aurelion had ever seen this older brother of his in such a state of undress. Nazareth had always worn more than a couple of layers. More often than not, he bulked up his clothes with those tasteless coats to make up for his height.

Apparently, being shorter than him made his older brother feel inferior.

Aurelion had already determined those seven years living away from the household had stunted his brother's growth, but Nazareth was still fairly tall.

Aurelion was only two inches taller than him! What was there to feel inferior about?!

But now, witnessing this peaceful scene, seemed almost unreal.


Maybe he was more tired than he initially thought.

Nazareth's now short hair—and really, he either gained some worldly wisdom and chopped off that black mop, knowing full well he looked like a ghost, or became even more insane—was tied back by a red ribbon, exposing more of his pale white face and vermillion eyes.

But, the most curious thing was the impromptu solo tea party.

Had he ever seen his older brother spend his time in such a relaxing state? Of course not. Nazareth never had any time for this. He was always plotting and obsessively scheming to make his life hell. The fact that he was able to find time for this was already amazing enough.

Wasn't he currently failing his classes?


Young Master Nazareth held a fork in his hand and ate his cake. Having skipped lunch, he looked famished.

Rainier looked on, dumbfounded.

This was the Young Master's third serving.

Where did it all go?

Another matter had unexpectedly popped up.

The servant turned and 'stared' at the black tuft of hair sticking out quite obviously from behind the peony bushes.

Master Aurelion, we can clearly see you from this distance!


Oh no, the Young Master had spotted him.

Master Aurelion stiffened from his 'hiding spot', but he didn't come out.

Young Master Nazareth tilted his head in confusion.


Neo took a sip of his tea to cover up his own uncertainty.

Was that really his younger brother hiding behind the bushes? The cold and dignified Aurelion Odum?

What in the world was he doing here?

Just as he thought this brother of his was going to run away, Aurelion finally stepped out of the bushes.

His short black hair and sapphire blue eyes were uncanny.

Neo was not mistaken in his guess. This was not an imposter of his brother.

He hid a small smile behind the rim of his cup.

Turned out he had this side of him as well.

How cute.


Step 6. Contemplate your current unemployment status, diss your own taste in clothes, do some homework, drink lots of coffee, and crack open a book. It is important to re-educate yourself on poisons. After that, go drink tea and relax. 

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