Loathed Treasure

Door FreshRawRot

421K 16.3K 12.6K

Why does Jennette get all the love while Athanasia is overshadowed by her? Claude ignores his own daughter on... Meer

Chapter 1: Face to Face
Chapter 2: Meeting
Chapter 3: Cold-Blooded
Chapter 4: Adventure
Chapter 5: Thoughts
Chapter 6: Destiny
Chapter 7: Lady Angel
Chapter 8: Worries
Chapter 9: Undead
Chapter 10: Surging
Chapter 11: Whole
Chapter 13: Gift
Chapter 14: Emerging
Chapter 15: Rise
Chapter 16: Stalemated
Chapter 17: Deceived
Chapter 18: Issues
Chapter 19: Encounter
Chapter 20: Debut
Side Story: The Maid and The Knight
Chapter 21: New Start
Chapter 22: Gone
Chapter 23: Lies
Chapter 24: Redemption
Chapter 25: Trickster
Chapter 26: Fame
Chapter 27: Charmed
Chapter 28: Grand
Chapter 29: Obsession
Special Extra: Bidding
Chapter 30: Conflict
Chapter 31: Frick
Chapter 32: Bloom
Chapter 33: Peace
Chapter 34: Farewell
Chapter 35: Familiar
Chapter 36: Relations
Chapter 37: Entrance
Chapter 38: Recognition
Chapter 39: Misery
Chapter 40: Despair
Chapter 41: Change
Chapter 42: Retribution
Chapter 43: Journey
Chapter 44: Cleave
Chapter 45: Fin
Author's Note
New Fanfic

Chapter 12: Pampered

12.1K 467 394
Door FreshRawRot

~ Athanasia POV ~

"Hmph!" I angrily pouted in front of the mirror as the aura around me got gloomy.

He lied to me! I thought we were going to stay together and achieve our dreams but instead, he sent me back to this freaking palace!!

"Athy. It's almost your birthday" Lily does my hair. "Is there anything you want?"

I want my dad to appreciate the things I do!! I want to leave this place already and run away with daddy along with you, Lily!!

"Not really!~. All I need is you, Lily!" I giggled and smiled in the mirror.

I can't keep up this act anymore...

After she finished with my hair, I excused Lily and stood in front of the mirror. "Mommy, can you come out?" I stared at my reflection.

Then she walks in my reflection and fades in with her glamorous and magnificent beauty. "You seem sad... Why, my daughter?" She gives me a worried look.

"Because daddy left me." I pouted. "I wanted to spend some time with him but.. Sigh. I guess he's too busy" I fidget with the magic in my hand as I play around.

"Don't worry. He does care for you but in a less affectionate way..." She reassures me. "Just know that your father can be baffling sometimes but cheer up!~" She pretends to kiss my forehead.

I stared at her with a straight face. "I wonder... if father was able to revive himself. Can he revive you?" I asked her.

I mean she is technically alive without a body. Her soul that was once broken and split apart and scattered everywhere was piece back together as a whole. For my soul, it got transmigrated into this world...

"... I'm not sure if that's possible because my body is lost..." She smiles sadly. "I don't know what happened before your father brought me back but don't worry about it"

I sighed and lay my chin on my wrist. "Ok, mommy. It's time for my lessons." I scoot back my chair. "Bye..."

"Yes! And when you dance, make sure you relax first!" She encourages me.

I nod and wave goodbye as she disappears into the mirror then I skip to the door.

I wonder what's daddy doing right now.

*Meanwhile* ~ Anastacius POV ~

"Hmmmm" I scan the documents as I go through it. "And people will actually live here?" I asked the governor (Or whoever has to power to sell land and other stuff).

"I can't guarantee people. You have to attract them yourself" He grinned.

I glared at him with contempt and asked in a serious tone. "Will people live there?" I felt my magic coming out.

God, do I want to slice his neck. I suppress my urge to murder and smirk at him. His face becomes completely pale with horror as he trembles in fear. "Y-Yes! I will spread the news!"

"Of course! Now leave me alone" I waved my hand to let him off. He insisted to stay but I once again commanded him nicely again. Then when he asked the third time, I lost my patience.


I stood up from my chair with my hands smacked against the table. I hover over his face and scowl at him with a frown. "I said leave or else"

He nods as sweats were dripping all over his face and he excused himself from the room. "I-If you need anything, just call me" He leaves the room.

"Sigh. Finally some peace and quiet" my eyes wander the room as I carefully inspect it.

Then I focused on a body mirror and stood in front of me. "Heh. I truly am becoming handsome" I brush my hair back as I appreciate my look.

Then suddenly Diana's face was on mine. "Tsk. I'm seeing things now" I rubbed my eyes to get rid of her in my head.

But when I looked back in the mirror, she was still there. Which meant... "Diana?" I blink twice to make sure she was actually with me instead of Athanasia.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself more than spending time with your daughter, is that so?" She said with a harsh tone yet with a smile.

Then my heart jumps in fear as blood rushes to my brain and sweat forms around my body. I pulled on my collar and avoided her eyes. "It's getting hot in here..."

"Anastacius," She said my name but not in a good way. I swallow my saliva as I begin to feel my hand tremble nervously. "What. Are. You. Doing?" She clenches her fist again.

"I'm doing something special for her!" I exclaimed. "Don't ruin it for our daughter!" I told her.

She stares suspiciously at me for a while then nods her head slowly, convinced by me. "I'm not concerned about that... I'm concerned about the way you're treating Athanasia!" She snaps at me. "She's in depression because her father abandoned her!!" She glares at me.


I give her a blank stare and weird face as I process her words in my brain. ".. Didn't I tell you that already?"

"That's not what I meant!"


"Tsk!" I smacked my hand and looked at the surface. A bee just stabbed me with its stinger. Damn it's more painful than I thought.


Another bee stings my other hand and I kill it quickly. I cursed in response to the pain despite knowing Diana was with me in a bad mood. "Animals are disgusting..." I shake my hand and heal it with magic.

Diana grins with a dark expression as the atmosphere around suddenly gets gloomy from her dangerous aura. "Watch your mouth. I speak to animals..." Her vein was popping. "Not to mention I'm loved by them so they will do anything for me even touching you"

"A-Ah! I mean they're magnificent creatures!" I grin back at her. Is that where Athanasia got her special powers from? Diana isn't just a regular person... She's definitely not a human because she has the bravery to harm me even though she's stuck in a mirror. Nobody has ever hit me like this ... It feels very strange like this.

"When I mean father... I mean you, Anastacius." She glares at me. "Is she not your daughter?"

"Of course she is!" I stated. "I didn't abandon her! I simply sent her back to the palace!"

"Well you better make that up because her birthday is nearby and not to mention she's not getting enough love from her father" She coughs and scorns at me "Despite raising her longer than I did, I feel like I'm the better parent"


I grinned at her as blood began to boil to my brain. Now I'm getting angry. "Well at least she admits that she loves me"

"She already said that to me after a few weeks when we met and for you, it was... like what? 3 years?" she gives me a smug face. "Not to mention I also shower her with love and kisses" She brags.

"Well, she gives me kisses and love" I smirked. "Not everything is a competition, Diana"

She scoffs as her head turns to the side. "I'm just giving you advice about treating our daughter properly"

"I taught her everything she needs to know and even gave her gifts. What did you do?"

"I gave her the gift of life" She talks back.

I grip my fist and rub my forehead in frustration that I'm actually arguing with her. God, this is giving me a headache. "Diana... I'm also busy with other stuff"

"Anastacius. I'm aware of that but I just want you to know... your daughter loves you more than you think." She said with a soft voice and my heart jumped all of a sudden which surprised me. "So treat her more kindly, please" She went back to her scary face and threatened me again. She points two fingers at me and waves it back and forth with her eyes meaning that she's keeping an eye on me.

"Bye, Anastacius" She disappears in the mirror.

My lip quivers as my body stays frozen, refusing to move and planted to the ground. I stare at myself with my eyes widened with an awkward smile. Then my knees collapse as I hold myself up with my hand on the table and the other over my rapidly beating heart.

Why is she so frightening?


"And you are set, Mr.... erm?" The governor smiles awkwardly at me.

"Mr. Karalis... No need for my first" I grinned at him.

"I see! Well, fill out this sheet and it'll be signed under your name. Then it's official!" He exclaims.

"... Yes. Official" I picked up the document. Sigh. I have to break into the records now...

*TIME SKIP* ~ Athanasia POV ~

I eat the piece of cake as daddy drinks his tea more elegantly than normal. Usually, he would just slouch on the chair and look around but today he's actually focusing on me! However, his eyes do look nervous and I think I saw a sweatdrop roll down the side of his face... Probably my imagination.

"Athanasia, have you been talking to your mother?" He smiles though I think his lips are quivering...

"Yes. Mother has been very caring and I'm happy thanks to you! If you haven't found a way to let us meet, I wouldn't know what kind of person mommy was like!" I laughed. "Why do you ask?"

He coughs into his hand and avoids my eyes. "Oh... I'm just asking.." He coughs again. "Athanasia, how are your lessons... especially with dancing?"

"... Well, it's been great! Although I don't go to class often, I still practice in my spare time!" I said. "The dance teacher praised me so much that she thought that if I became a dancer, I would be the best one of the group! Though mommy is way better and she also has been giving me advice!"

"... I see, so you know how to dance the waltz?"

"Of course! It was tough at first but after a while, I'm confident that I can do it with my eyes closed!" I smiled bubbly.

I perfected it because mommy has been nagging me about it if there will ever be a time where I get the chance to dance with a man. However, I don't think daddy will allow that nor will let a boy near me! Let alone dancing or even greeting!! A kiss on the hand will trigger him and next thing you know, there's a dog in front of me!!

His face went blank as he nodded his head slowly. "... I see. That's good"

I smiled awkwardly as my mind went wild. What does he mean by that??

"Your birthday is coming up..." He sips his tea. "Do you want to spend it with me or with the maids in the palace?"

"With you!" I answered with no hesitation. As much as I love the maids in the palace, I want to bond with my father more. "A clone can take my place!"

He nods his head again. "Ok.. good. Come here early in the morning and no need to dress up. Just wear your comfortable clothes but not those" He gave me a scary look when he said that last word.

The chills went up to my spine as I flinched in response. He still doesn't accept the "vulgar" fashion from the modern world that showed my skin. He even went crazy when I wore a crop top for fun but needless to say, I shall never appear in those in front of daddy.

"But the dancers wear something similar," I explained to him.

He shakes his head at me. "You're still too young though."

"Mommy wears it!" I exclaimed.

"Because she was a dancer and.... old..." He said. Then suddenly a nut fell down and hit him on the top of his head which surprised both of us. He looks up with an angry face at a squirrel as I tremble in my chair. I heard its thoughts, it actually intentionally hit him! W-Why? Shit! Daddy is already glaring at it.

The squirrel nags at him and then runs off to its hole. Daddy cracked his neck and then went back to his happy face as if nothing had happened. "Athanasia, just know you shouldn't wear them until you're old enough... And your mother is a very lovely and unique person so that gives her the freedom to wear dancer clothes!"

"But how-"

"No buts, only justsssss... know this, ok?"

I nod in astonishment and confusion by his questions and answers. What causes him to act so weird like this??

*TIME SKIP* - Night-Time -

Oh my god...

I look up at the ceiling with a blank face as the moon shines bright on me. My birthday is the day after tomorrow...

I kick my legs in the air as my heart pounds in excitement. Kyaa! I wonder what we'll do on that day?? Not to mention, there's no debutante which means no Jennette!! I'm going to avoid another destructive flag!!

Then my arms and legs flopped back on the bed as I stared at the ceiling blankly again. I'm bored... but I'm not tired enough to fall asleep!! Arggg! Should I go out and play with Raven?? Then I thought of random ideas as they go in and out of my brain.

Whatever... I worry about sleep now because mom is waiting for me.

*In the dream*

"Mommy, if you ever happen to be alive again. What would be the first thing you do?" I swirl my hand in the fake pond as the water flows along with my movement.

"Uhmmm, first I would squeeze you tight and cover your face with kisses!!" She jokes around and tries to embarrass me.

I laugh and pretend to reject her love for me. "Haha! Stop it, mommy!"

"Then I will tickle your stomach and make you scream!!" Her fingers move around as they hover my face.

I giggled and lightly pushed her away from me so that she can't attack me but she did anyway. After fooling around for a while though I don't remember what we did specifically, my head was on her lap as she gazed at me with her shimmering pink eyes.

"Sigh. Athanasia, I only want you to be happy..." She brushes a piece of my hair.

I frown at her. "But we can both be happy, mom! Together with dad!" I exclaimed. "It'll just take some time to get you back, that's all!" I lied.

To be honest, I haven't even begun researching on reviving the dead. Who knows how long it'll take. Weeks. Months. Or even years to bring her back, but the only thing that matters is having her back so we can be a family... A family that I never had back in my old world but at least in this one, I can achieve my desires.

"Well you can try but it's ok not to succeed" She kisses my forehead. "Not everything works out in the end. However, your happiness is important and that's enough for me." She states. "I only hope for the two of you is to love and care for each other like a family"

"... Yes mama" I hugged her.

She's right... but still, I'm going to try...

*TIME SKIP* - Two Days Later -

"Yeeee!" I got up from my bed with a burst of energy then bounced around, thrilled by the fact it's my birthday already. "I have officially turned 14!!" I pointed to the sky.

Avoiding another destructive flag and not even a meeting nor a thought from that jerk, Claude!! Even better, I'm going to spend my birthday with daddy!


I stopped my action and stood still while looking at the door. Ack! How can I forget?

The door opens and Lily peeks her head in. "Athy!~" She grins. "I see that you're already awake on your birthday!"

"Yes, I am!" I told her and giggled. "It is an important day!"

After talking about the upcoming small party that isn't going to be the debutante, she left me alone for me to wash up and change. Then when I was finished with those things, I made a clone in front of me.

"Happy birthday, Athanasia!~" My clone smiles at me.

"Sorry, Lily" I mumbled and put my hand on her shoulder. "I'm not going to spend my birthday in this place today" I pinch my clone's cheek and she bares her teeth at me.

"That tickles!~" she giggles.

I frowned. "You don't feel anything at all and plus that's not what you're supposed to say when someone does this to you" I let go. "Go have fun with the maids in the palace while I go out with my father" I turn around and check myself in the mirror.

I wonder what surprises daddy has for me.


I appear in the usual spot and wander around while touching the grasses. Then I saw daddy in the distance and ran to him this time without teleporting. "Daddy!~" I put my hands out to him.

Then I jump as he roughly lets his arms out. His eyes widened in shock as he automatically caught me. I hugged his neck tight and giggled. "Athanasia, that was dangerous..." He scolds me. "You can't surprise me like that and you could've gotten hurt!" He states and I pout my lips at him. "I know it's your birthday but please... just be careful.." He sighs.

"Ok, daddy!~" I kiss him on his cheek and he puts me down on the ground. I hop up and down with my eyes sparkling at him. "What are we going to do today?? Explore the town? Eat? Play? Gifts??"

He gives me an uneasy face as he looks at me gloomily. "I think you're too spoiled" He facepalms. "Is there anything else you wish to do?"

"Not really! All I want to do is spend some time with daddy!" I laughed.

"Ok. Then let's go" He snaps his finger.


We were in town again and I smiled joyfully at him. The same old thing again huh? I kinda want to explore other parts of town instead of the center again... But it's fine.

"And we'll be wearing these" He snaps his fingers.


We changed into our disguises but these clothes are different from our casual and plain clothes! Instead of regular and blunt colors that let us blend in, these clothes are a bit flashy and covered in diamonds! I'm pretty sure this is a noble dress!!

"Daddy, I appreciate the shiny dress that's probably worth thousands but I'm ok in plain clothes because I don't like people staring at me!!" I exclaimed.

"Well, you will have to get used to audiences watching you but this is for something else" He stated. "Today is a special day..." He holds out his hand for me to grab.

"... Yes, daddy" I trusted him and took his hand and we walked out of the alley in our disguises.

However, something was strange. As we walked into the streets, I noticed the buildings were a bit different and the people here were also in formal attire. Though they don't seem to see us at all which meant daddy put on an invisibly spell on us. Also, this is a different town too... No wonder why we're wearing noble-looking clothes, we're in a rich neighborhood...


We suddenly went inside a shop without my knowledge, I became conscious again and observed the place. "Welcome! Is there anything you would like today?" The server behind the counter greets us.

I wander around and let my father do the talking as I check the merchandise out. Why are we even in a boutique shop? Is this my gift? A dress? But I already have a whole closet of them, I don't need anymore. I should tell papa that I just want to spend my day with him. Then when I turned around, the worker was in front of me and daddy was already at the door staring at me.

"I'll be sending someone over to you" My jaw dropped. "For now, let this young lady take care of you" Daddy grins and then leaves me officially.

I stood in astonishment by what had happened. He left me here and is sending someone else to pick me up? What is he planning right now?? On my birthday too??

"Come on" The nice lady smiles and gestures to me to come with her. "Let's prep you up for your special surprise" She winks her eye at me.

I followed along with it because she did say it's for a special surprise by daddy. However, I'm really curious about what he's going to do? Like what does he have in mind for me? It's definitely going to be different from our usual trips to town but how "special" is this going to be?

"You'll be wearing this!" She shows me the glamorous and glittering dress on a stand. "We design it especially for you" She softly laughs. "Your father is very sweet considering how he pre-ordered this weeks before and even had a whole team work on it." She claps her hands together. "That reminds me... EVERYONE CODE GOLD #45!!"

She shouted to the back room and I got startled by her sudden yell. Then a group of well-trained people appeared in front of me and bowed their heads. "Dear customer, we will make you a beauty that will stand out in the entire empire of Obelia." They smug at me. I smiled awkwardly at them.


*TIME SKIP* - Evening -

"Make sure her hair is smooth!!" "Give me the osiria rose!" "Number 2904, piece A, please!"

They all properly give orders and cooperate with each other as a team. With so many people working on me at the same time yet they all remain calm is amazing...

One of them politely smiled at me who was really tired of all the pedicures and activities they did to me. "Um. Miss, may we take off your bracelet?"

I wrap my hand around the magic bracelet and pull it to my chest, away from her so they can't take it. "No need! I would like to keep this bracelet on, please... And this necklace too!" I put my hand over my precious jewelry. "They're very important to me..."

"... I see.." She nods. "I understand..." She walks off and tells the person in charge. They both nodded and came up to me again. "... Erm, your father advised you to wear this ring and take off your bracelet..." She hands me a ring.

I held it in my palm and inspected it. There's mana inside... But I don't completely trust them yet. "And why do you give this to me instead of my father?"

She respectfully bows her head and admits she doesn't know why. Then she lifts her head and glances at me with a stern face. "But we are aware of your true origin... Athanasia"

I flinched and gaped at them in surprise. How?? Did daddy tell them??

They all remain calm and still continue with their work despite knowing who I really am.

"Who are you, people?" I asked nervously but didn't panic at all.

The lady smiled and put my chin up to her face. "You don't need to worry about that" She gets out a makeup brush. "Trust us on this..."

She smirks softly but it gave me weird chills. Something is off...

End of Chapter 12

AN: Da-dum da-dum da-dum. I actually had to do research on the name so that it matches...

|Word Count: 3994|

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