young leonardo dicaprio imagi...

By heavenxxsent

103K 768 486

some imagines about your favorite actor, Leonardo Dicaprio:) More

Arnie Grape.
Bonnie and Clyde.
"I'm leaving you" prank.
The heart wants what it wants.
We belong together.
I bet.
Let it go.
Girl of dreams.
In my bed.
ruin my life.
spare time.
The end


2.8K 28 8
By heavenxxsent

^^a cutie🥺.. please excuse any mistakes and enjoy!

Leo's POV
Me and Y/N met when we were kids. We were best friends. That's when I fell in love with her. I mean, we were only 12 but I knew it was love at first sight. I asked her to be my girlfriend and we've been together ever since then.

We were now 18 and now considered "adults" so that meant I could start touching her like I've always wanted to. But I wanted to wait until she was ready. We had our first kiss when we were 13 and I always wanted to go further with Y/N but I have to remember we were only kids.

Now we're 18 and can do what we want, well I, could do what I want. Y/N's parents are kinda strict. They know that we date but they still won't let her go out with me sometimes. But she always find a way to sneak out of her window late at night when I wanted to see her.

I would always pick her up in my car and we would drive around the city and just talk. Those were the best kind of nights. I wanna marry her and that's what I planned on doing. We always talked about our future together and when we wanted to have kids and everything. I plan to spend the rest of my life with her.


If you don't know me already, I'm Y/N. Leo probably already told you everything that you needed to know. We're 18 now and we were  planning our future together. We planned on having a family and buying our own house.

Leo was already bringing in money because he was an amazing actor. I on the other hand wasn't so famous. I work two jobs that both pay very good money. Me and Leo were trying to find some houses that we could possibly buy. We were really being serious about starting our future together.

My parents are really strict and I'm doing all of this behind their backs. It was risky but it would all be worth it. I remember when we were younger. Didn't have any troubles and no responsibilities. The good days. I got shaken out of my thoughts when I received a text on my phone. It was Leo.

"I miss you. Let's hang out tonight. I'll pick you up in 10."
Looks like I'm sneaking out tonight. It was currently midnight and my parents were sleeping by now. I've sneaked our plenty of times before so I know the ropes.

I finished getting ready and I had got a text from him saying that he was here. I grabbed my shoes, put them on and opened my window and climbed out. I had a ladder by my window so I just climbed down it and made my way to Leo's car.

I got in and was met by my wonderful boyfriend of 7 years.

"Hey baby," I said to him as I gave him a kiss.

"Hi sweetheart. You ready for a drive?"

"Of course. Let's go." I always loved nights like this. We drive around the city, talk about life  and just enjoy each other's company. I really wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. But for now, all I could do is wait and enjoy the moment.

-that's the end of this imagine! Hope y'all enjoyed :) also, I'm still learning how to write so some things may not make sense but bare with me, I will get better🤣.

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