The heart wants what it wants.

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~I hope you guys enjoy this imagine! Please excuse any mistakes.

I was addicted to him. He was like my drug. No matter what he did to me, I always came running back to him. But this time, I had enough. 

Every night, I'm all alone in bed and cold. He was never there. he was always out drinking and having fun while I was sitting at home waiting for him. He never let me do anything and I could never leave the house.  I always pictured us having a future together but now, I'm not even sure what we have going on. I'm just so confused.

There's a million reasons why I should leave him but I just can't do it. My mind is telling me to pack my shit and go but my heart is telling me to stay with him. Ugh, I don't know what to do. 


It was now 1 a.m and I was still up. I couldn't sleep and Leo wasn't even home yet. I then heard the door open and then slam close. He's here and he's probably drunk, like usual. He always does this. He comes home so late and he's always drunk and then he hits me and then goes to sleep not remembering anything that happened the next day. Sweetheart by day, devil by night.

He wasn't always like this though. He used to be a sweetheart but everything changed after one night. And to this day, I don't even know what happened that night that made him this way. I heard him walking up the stairs and I pretended to be sleeping because I really don't wanna deal with him tonight. 

He burst through the door and he closed it. 

"I know you're not sleeping you bitch."  I swear I hated when he got like this. 

"You hear me!" He walked over to my side of the bed and he snatched me up by my hair. 

I started crying because I was in so much pain. 

"Stop being a bitch!" He threw me back on the bed and started to hit me. I didn't even doing anything to him and he just starts hitting me. What kinda shit is that? But I wasn't dealing with his shit anymore so I started hitting him back. I ended up punching him in his jaw. He stopped looking at me like I was crazy. I knew this wasn't gonna be good.

"Oh NOW you've done it." He started strangling me and I tried to get out of his grip but I couldn't and I ended up passing out.

This was a modern fairy tale. No happy endings, no nothing. But I couldn't imagine a life without him but he took it too far this time. I'm done.

It was the next day and I was still in the same spot where I was left. This is crazy, I gotta get out of here. I slowly got up with the little strength that I had and I began to get my suitcases and pack my clothes. 

As soon as I started packing, Leo walked through the door. I looked up at him and I froze. I honestly thought he was gonna come up to me and hit me, but it looked like he wasn't drunk anymore. I continued to pack and he slowly walked up to me. 

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I did all those things to you, I'm sorry I hit you and I'm sorry for anything else that I did." Does he really think "sorry" is gonna fix any of this? 

"Sorry my ass. You really think a "sorry" is gonna fix any of this? You physically and mentally abused me and you think a "sorry" is gonna make me feel better? I'm done with you Leo. I can't stay here anymore."

"Please don't leave! I swear to God I'm not gonna do it again. Please don't leave." He grabbed my face and gave me a kiss. I moved away from him and continued to pack my clothes. 

"Leo, you say that every time and nothing changes. Don't say you're gonna do something and you won't. You make me feel worthless and I don't like that. I even tried to kill myself because I felt like death would be a better option than staying here with you. You need to get serious help." I finished packing my things and I started walking downstairs. I grabbed my keys off the counter, put on some shoes, and started making my way out of the door. 

"So this is it huh? You're just gonna leave me like that?" There he goes, trying to guilt trip me. Typical Leo.

"Yes. I'm sorry but you're fucking crazy. I don't see why I didn't leave earlier. I hope you find the help that you need and I hope you get better. I wish you the best." I took one last look at him and walked out the door. I put my suitcases in the trunk of my car and then I got in. 

I see Leo walk out of the house and looked at me. I drove off slowly until I couldn't see him any more. It was time to start my new life. And that was the last time I ever saw Leonardo DiCaprio.

~I really enjoyed writing this imagine and I really hope you guys liked it! Make sure to leave any suggestions and make sure to vote :)

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