Artemis (A Steve Rogers Story)

By allynmck1

158K 2.8K 256

"You really think I'd let you do this alone" "I was counting on you coming along" A boy becomes a hero and a... More

Captain America:The First Avenger
1-He's still Skinny
2- Taller
3-No Dame
4-You Two Don't Have One Of Those
5-Had Him on the Ropes
6- Together
Iron Man
2- What the Bloody Hell
3-Marry That Girl
4-Hot Rod Red
5-Worst Thing
6-The Truth Is...
Iron Man 2
1-You Missed Me
2-Boy Scouts of America
3- I Want One
4-Full of Surprises
5-Exit The Donut
6-Still Taking Me To School
7- You Know What This Is
1-Explain Now
3- You're Embarrassing Yourself
5- Ant, Boot
6- He's Thawed Out
7-Just Like Old Times
8-I'm Always Angry
9-We Won
Captain America: The Winter Solider
1-Two Fossils
2-Keep On Steppin'
3- You were married
4- Want To Get Out
5-Stop Lying
6- Two People I Trust
7-Who's Bucky?
8-You're My Mission
Avengers: Age Of Ultron
1- Language
2- You know Fondue
3-It's A Trick
6- That Kind Of Talk
7- Shut It Down
Captain America: Civil War
1- 16 Year Old Kid
2- She's Gone
3-Yes You Do
4- Bird Suit
5- Newspapers
6- Got Heart
7- Be Happy
Avengers: Infinity War
1- We Will
2- End Of The World
5- Gone For The Head
Avengers: Endgame
1-Talking Racoon
2- Better Not Throw Up
3- Somewhere
4- E-Mails from a Racoon
5- Bigger Brain
6- Absolute Win
7-Whatever It Takes
8- Do This All Day
9 - Owe It
10- Cap, Can you read me?
11- Love You, 3000

4- Bad Call, He Loves His Hammer

2.8K 52 4
By allynmck1

Steve looks at me, confusion on his face "Did you understand any of that?" Steve then asks me.
"Most of it, I've read a lot of books in these past seventy years" I tell him as we stand on the bridge, waiting for them to locate Loki, who I learned had attacked one of the SHIELD bases, and had taken Barton, as well as this cube we are after.

"Ma'am, Captain" Coulson then comes over greeting us, "I was wondering if the Captain would mind doing me a favour in signing my collector cards, I mean, if it's not too much trouble." He then says to us.
"No, no it's fine" Steve tells him. 

"It's a vintage set. It took me a couple years to collect them all, along with the Artemis cards which Agent Harper graciously signed for me. Near mint, slight foxing around the edges" he explains when he's interrupted by an agent.

"We got a hit, a 67% match, wait cross match, 79%" the agent tells us.
"Location" Coulson asks as he goes over to the agent.
"Stuttgart, Germany, 28 Konigstrasse, he's not exactly hiding" the agent tells him.

"Captain, Artemis" we then hear Fury say and look over at him, "You're up" he tells us.
"Looks like we are going back to Germany" I say to Steve, "Where are our uniforms?" I then asks Fury.

"Coulson can show you" he says to us.
"Right this way Captain, Ma'am" Coulson says as we walk away and follow him off the bridge. We head down the corridor toward the specialized weapons area on the carrier. Coulson enters the passcode and we enter the room. "Captain your suit is in that case on the left, Agent Harper your suit is in the case on the right hand side. We will be waiting for you in the hanger, Agent Romanoff will have a jet running for you to join her on" Coulson tells us as he then walks away. Steve and I walk toward the cases that Coulson directed us to, and take a look at the suits and weapons inside.

"Just like old times" I smile at Steve as we take the suits out and get ourselves changed. I pull my newer suit on, and start to put arrows in my quiver, and clip on my bow, that Tony made for me, that stays small, until I press a button and it turns into a full bow. I pull the quiver over my shoulder and place the bow on my belt, along with some of my guns.

"You ready?" I hear Steve call out and I walk over to him, to see him back in his old suit, his shield attached to his arm.
"I missed seeing you in that" I smile at him as we head out of the room.
"Your outfit is different then I remember" he says to me.
"Had to adapt to the times, even my bow just does this now" I say as I take it out and show him.
"That's defiantly new" he remarks as we head to the hanger, and I spot Natasha waiting in a jet.

"You two ready to go?" she asks us as we board the jet.
"Yeah, get us as close as possible to Loki" I order her.
"Yes Ma'am" she says as she takes the pilot seat and starts the jet. Steve and I take a seat, and buckle ourselves in as the jet takes off. Natasha flies the quinjet towards the location that Loki had been spotted in.

Once we arrive we see, a group of citizens kneeling down as Loki is addressing them. We watch as an older man stands up against Loki, and that is our cue to join the fight. Steve and I jump out of the jet just in time as Steve protects the gentleman from Loki's sceptre blast and I shoot an arrow out Loki, and the combination of the deflected blast and my arrow knocks Loki to the ground.

"You know that last time I was in Germany, and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing" Steve says to Loki.
"The solider, the man out of time, and the huntress" he says to the two of us.
"I'm not the one who's out of time" Steve tells him.

"Stand down Loki, or I will put an arrow through you" I warn as I place another arrow on my bow.
"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down" we then hear Natasha warn from the jet above us.

Loki then sends a blast at the jet, and Steve tosses his shield at Loki, as I shoot another arrow at him. The civilians around us, scatter and scream as they try to get as far away as possible. Steve and I both go after Loki, attacking him from both sides, but he manages to knock us both down, "A little rusty at this aren't we" I smile at Steve as we get up and attack once again. I shoot another arrow at Loki, but he bats it away with his sceptre, as he sends a blast at me, and I have seconds to roll out of the way. As I start to get up, I see that Loki has his sceptre on Steve's head, and is telling him to kneel.

"Not today" Steve says as he jumps up and knocks Loki over. I get back up and go over to Steve to help him take down Loki when we hear rock music blaring from the PA system on the jet, and I know exactly who has showed up. Tony comes flying in, in his Iron Man suit, and sends a repulse blast at Loki, sending him flying back as Tony lands just feet away from Steve and I. 

Tony stands up and has all his weapons ready for deployment, aimed right at Loki, "Make your move, Reindeer Games" he says to Loki, who then makes his helmet and suit disappear and holds his hands up in defeat, "Good move" Tony says as Steve and I join his side.
"Mr Stark" Steve says to Tony.
"Captain, Aunt Willow" Tony says as I take care of Loki, placing him in handcuffs and taking him to the jet. The men follow us on board and I place Loki down in one of the seats, as Natasha then flies the jet out of there.

"Is he saying anything?" we hear Fury ask over the radio.
"Not a word" Natasha replies.
"Just get him here, we're low on time" Fury tells her.

"I don't like it" Steve then says to Tony and I.
"What Rock of Ages giving up so easily" Tony says to him.
"I don't remember it being that easy, this guy packs a wallop" Steve says to him
"Still, you're pretty spry for an older fellow" Tony says, and I give him a stern look, "What's your thing. Pilates?" Tony then says.

"What?" Steve asks confused.
"It's like calisthenics, you might have missed a couple of things doing time as a Capsicle" Tony then says.
"Tony, that's enough" I say to him.
"Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in" Steve then says.
"Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you, like how you two didn't get told the other was alive" Tony says to the two of us. Just then we hear thunder rumbling and see lighting forming outside the jet.
"Where is this coming from?" Natasha then says.

I then notice Loki looking at it, and having a worried expression on his face, "You scared of the storm Loki, the lightning especially?" I then ask him.

"I'm not overly fond of what follows" he tells us and I look over at Tony and Steve, when we hear a noise outside the jet. The jet is then rocked around and I stumble into Steve, who easily catches me. He lets go, as Tony puts on his Iron Man helmet and Steve grabs his, "What are you doing?" Steve calls out to Tony who hits the hatch button and it starts to open. I start to gather my weapons, and we see a man land on the open hatch, a man I recoginze from the files as Thor, Loki's brother. Tony goes to blast Thor, and Thor hits him with his hammer causing Tony to fly back into Steve and I, and the three of us fall down. I slowly get up watching Thor grab Loki and take him off the jet.

"And now there's that guy" Tony says once he's standing back up.
"Another Asgardian?" Natasha asks.
"Looks like it" I tell her as Steve and I finish getting back up.
"Another friendly?" Steve asks.
"Doesn't matter, if he frees Loki, or kills him, the tesseract's lost" Tony says to Steve.
"Stark, we need a plan of attack" Steve calls out as Tony heads to the back of the jet.
"I have a plan, attack" Tony says as he flies off the jet.

Steve then grabs a nearby parachute, "Steve, you shouldn't get involved with that" I tell him, as he starts to pull the parachute on.
"I don't see how I can't" he says to me.
"These guys come from legend, they're basically Gods" Natasha tells him.
"There's only one God, ma'am and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that" he says as he straps his shield onto his arm.

"Steve...Steve" I call out as he jumps of the jet, "Damnit" I say as I then pick up a parachute.
"You think going down into that boys fight club is the best idea Agent Harper" Natasha asks me.
"I just got that man back...I am not going to let him out of my sight" I tell her as I finish straping the parachute on and I jump off the back of the jet. I jump off the jet and as I get closer to the ground I pull on the cord allowing the chute to deploy and I guide myself to the ground. I land only a few feet from Steve, and I detach the chute from my body.

"You should have stayed on the jet" Steve tells me once he detaches his chute and we walk through the woods, searching for Thor, Loki and Tony.
"I just got you back, you really think I am going to let you just go jumping out of jets without me" I say as I take my bow out and place an arrow on it, preparing for anything.

"I should have known you would follow me" he says as we can hear a commotion from ahead.
"I think we found them" I say as we start to run through the woods.
"This just like before" Steve says as I scout ahead of him.
"Just like old times only better" I say to him as we get closer to the sounds of fighting. Steve and I get closer to see Tony and Thor fighting one another, and to me it looked like Tony wasn't doing so good. I take a certain arrow out of my quiver and aim at the two men, I shoot the arrow, and it lands between the two knocking them back from one another. The men stand back up, "Hey!" Steve shouts as he then throws his shield at the two of them stopping them from going after one another, and they stop looking up at Steve and I as Steve's shield comes back to him.

"I think that's enough boys" I say as Steve and I jump down and join them.
"Now, I don't know what you plan on doing here" Steve says to Thor.
"I've come here to put an end to Loki's schemes" Thor says angrily at Steve.
"Go ahead and prove that then, but first put the hammer down" I say to him.

", bad call, he loves his hammer" Tony warns as Thor then hits Tony with the hammer, sending Tony flying backwards and crashing into the trees.
"You want me to put the hammer down" Thor says this and he jumps at me, Steve then moves infront of me to protect me, covering us both with his shield. Thor's hammer makes contact with the shield and the impact knocks us down and sends Thor flying back. Slowly Steve moves, helping me get up as Tony groans getting up. The three of us get up and look at Thor who is getting up as well.
"Are you men all done here?" I say to them, and they just share a look.

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