Sinned Blood

By bukiiwrites

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Sold by her father, Sky lands in the hands of seven brothers hiding a dark secret. Despite their attractive f... More

Chapter 1 ~ The brothers
Chapter 2 ~ Trapped
CHAPTER 3 ~ Dinner's served
CHAPTER 4 ~ Only chance
Chapter 5 ~ Monster
Chapter 6 ~ Sinned Blood
CHAPTER 7 ~ Behind closed doors
Chapter 8 ~ From Fear 2 Lust...
Chapter 9 ~ Not herself
Chapter 10 ~ First time
Chapter 11 ~ Too close
Chapter 12 ~ Twice As Bad
Chapter 13 - A Deal With The Devil
CHAPTER 14 ~ Bad Choices
CHAPTER 15 ~ Facing Thorns
CHAPTER 16 ~ Thick Air
CHAPTER 17 - Was It A Dream
CHAPTER 18 ~ Pressure
CHAPTER 19 ~ Pain
CHAPTER 20 ~ Past Affairs
CHPATER 21 ~ New Wounds
CHAPTER 22 ~ Now or Never
CHAPTER 23 ~ Déjà Vu
CHAPTER 24 ~ Cruelty
CHAPTER 25 ~ Shared Fun
CHAPTER 26 ~ The Past Part 1
CHAPTER 27 ~ The Past Part 2
CHAPTER 28 ~ The Past Part 3
CHAPTER 29 ~ Curiosity


7.5K 240 58
By bukiiwrites


In the mosaic of descriptions that paint the canvas of my identity – dreamy, realistic, kind, adventurous, zealous, casual, joyful – one label remains conspicuously absent: annoying or demanding. A burden. Ironically, it's a title my father seems to have reserved solely for me, a bitter revelation that stings with every passing day.

In the wake of his return from an extended trip weeks ago, our relationship has morphed into a fragile tapestry unraveling at the seams. The distance he's cultivated feels like a chasm, each day a new fragment of our connection breaking away and dissolving into the void. The ache in my chest is palpable; it's as if he's decided he no longer needs me.

Our bond, forged in the intricate dance of a stepfather and stepdaughter, was supposed to be resilient. I never anticipated feeling so utterly unwanted, a sentiment that gnaws at the edges of my soul.

I steal a glance at him, my heart heavy with unspoken words, as he remains fixated on the road. The journey ahead holds an air of mystery; all he disclosed was the vague notion of an important meetup. Details, it seems, are a luxury he deemed unnecessary to share.

Surveying our surroundings, the world outside the car window unfolds in a breathtaking tableau of trees, fields, and rolling hills. Nature's beauty, serene and untouched, graces the landscape. A distant lake captures my attention, and a genuine smile plays on my lips as I immerse myself in the scenic wonders passing by.

But this tranquil reverie is abruptly shattered by a jarring symphony of screeching tires and a resounding thud, jolting me from my momentary escape into the serene.


My gaze shifts to my dad, my chest heaving with rapid breaths as I attempt to steady myself. His expression mirrors my own surprise, and in the tremor of my hands and the welled-up tears in my eyes, I seek solace.

With quivering hands, I glance into the rearview mirror, hoping for clarity on the unsettling scene playing out behind us. My vision blurs with tears as I gulp hard, catching a glimpse of a lifeless form sprawled on the road.

"You... You hit it. You hit a deer!" The words tumble from my lips in disbelief, my eyes darting to my father, searching for confirmation. In response, he inhales deeply and redirects his attention to the road, his grip on the steering wheel betraying a tension as if his very existence depended on it.

Why would he do that?

My dad had always been meticulous, especially when it came to avoiding animals on the road. He had a knack for stopping at just the right moment. So, why on earth did he hit that deer? Wasn't he focused? But no, he was concentrated throughout the entire drive. His gaze never wavered from the road.

Growing increasingly frustrated with his seeming carelessness, I summon the courage to question why he wasn't attentive enough. The stern look he shoots my way warns me to choose my words carefully. Discouraged, I avert my gaze, turning away from him as we approach our mysterious destination.

An hour later, we finally arrive at our destination. Stepping out of the car, my dad instructs me to follow him. I hesitate, glancing around at the vast expanse of trees and fields that surround us. Despite my uncertainty, I exit the car and approach him. He stands in front of a colossal gate, his hand tightly gripping his jacket.

"What are we doing here?" I inquire, locking eyes with him. The tension in the air thickens as he walks towards me, taking a deep breath without meeting my gaze. An uneasy silence lingers for a minute before he finally breaks it.

"Sky, you'll be staying here for a while."

"What do you mean?"

"I've got some things to take care of, Sky. You'll be staying here with this family." His words linger in the air, and I fix him with wide-eyed disbelief. My mind struggles to comprehend the situation. Is my own father truly leaving me with strangers?

"Wha- But... I don't even know these people! I don't even know where we are."

"Please, Sky. Don't make things complicated-"

"Don't make things complicated?" I fight to stay calm, to let him explain, but I can't. Something is unfolding, and I won't accept being treated like a mere pawn. I won't be sent away without a proper explanation, just a vague 'I need to get a few things done.' He lied about the purpose of this trip, and now I demand answers.

"Everything was fine. We were absolutely okay. But then you started to distance yourself like I'm nobody to you and now you're planning to send me away to people we don't know? That's messed up! You promised them to take care of me and now this?!"

"Enough, Sky!"


None of us uttered a word for what felt like an eternity. I gazed at him in sheer shock, attempting to decipher the storm of emotions brewing in his mind. His face betrayed a mix of guilt, pain, frustration, but beneath it all, I sensed a chilling coldness and emptiness. The confusion overwhelmed me; I struggled to comprehend the situation, desperate to maintain composure and avoid another screaming match.

My voice trembled as I spoke up once more.

After everything I've done for you... since my parents died, I took care of everything. Cooking, laundry, paperwork — I did it all so you could focus on your work and enjoy some freedom." The last words slipped out in a hushed whisper as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"After all this, you want to give me away? Please explain why... What have I done to upset you like this?" My words dissolved into sobs, but he remained indifferent.

He stood there, emotionless, as I struggled to control my tears. I gazed down at my feet, turning away from him.

Is this the goodbye? Is he waiting for something, a moment to abandon me here?

He didn't afford me a chance to prepare myself. While our relationship had strained due to his distance, I never anticipated this. I had no time to ready myself mentally or materially. Was his emotional detachment the reason? Was our lack of communication intentional, to make this separation easier for him?


"And my clothes? My bags? School? Sports? What about all those things George?" I interrupt him without looking him in the eyes. I am too angry and too heartbroken to make eye contact with him.

This can't be real...

I clutch my chest and turn my back to him, facing the opposite direction. I can't bring myself to look up at him, unwilling to see the man who has been my hero for years and has now become the source of my emotional pain.

I anticipated anything – yelling, forcing me to turn around, insults – but I never expected him to just...

Is he seriously walking away now?

As he strides back to the car, I glance at him one last time, confirming it's him and not just my imagination. To my horror, he starts the car and drives away from me. I can't believe he left me here. Alone.

Panic sets in, and I take a sharp breath, trying to figure out what to do. I reach for my phone but then realize...


I sprint after the car, but it's futile. He's too far away for me to reach. Breathing heavily, I stomp down on the ground, grab a rock, and throw it after him, knowing I'm only making myself look like a fool.

"What do I do... I can't believe this is happening. What do I freaking do now?!"

I take a sharp breath, slowly turning my head to the imposing gate next to me. I gulp hard, sighing as I run my hand through my hair.

I've got no choice but to go inside. My other options won't help me much. Walking all the way back to the city would take more than five hours, waiting here for him to come back is not a reliable plan, and walking down another path without knowing where I'm going isn't much of an option either.

What a dilemma... I thought to myself as I slowly made my way to the grand mansion, wondering if this might be an orphanage.

I approached the imposing door with a hesitant knock, only to discover it was already ajar, emitting a subtle click as the lock disengaged.

"Why would they be so careless, leaving the door open?" I pondered.

Reconsidering my choice, I took a step back, but a booming thunderclap interrupted my retreat, and I gazed up at the sky, feeling a solitary raindrop graze my cheek.


A sigh escaped my lips as I swiftly entered, slamming the door shut behind me. The air inside was tense, and my gaze wandered, jaw slightly dropping at the opulence of the mansion – a blend of modern luxury and regal aesthetics. Despite the grandeur, an unsettling silence lingered, a stark reminder of my recent abandonment by George.

Standing there, I felt a pang of vulnerability and absentmindedly rubbed my arm, seeking a semblance of comfort in the unfamiliar surroundings.

"Hello? Anybody there?" My voice echoed through the expansive entry hall, resonating against the polished walls. Uncertain of my own actions, I tentatively took a few steps forward, scanning the area for any signs of life. The atmosphere contradicted my initial assumption of an orphanage – no toys, no children, just a profound silence that engulfed the immaculately clean space.

Feeling a bit uneasy, I navigated through the grand hallway, opting for the one with windows to alleviate my discomfort with darkness.

Suddenly, the door at the end of the hallway slams open.

"GO TO HELL WHERE YOU BELONG TO! I AM GOOD ENOUGH, UNDERSTOOD??" A woman's piercing scream reverberates through the corridor, punctuated by the resounding thud of her heel against the floor.

"Get lost," a voice retorts from within the room, the disdain evident. As the woman storms toward me, the rhythmic beat of her footsteps echoes, creating an ominous cadence. She reaches me and seizes my shoulders, yanking me towards her.

"Whoa- Hey!" I protest, taken aback by her sudden aggression.

"NOT GOOD ENOUGH! HE SAID I WOULDN'T TASTE GOOD ENOUGH! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? Freaking asshole..." she vents, and I raise my hands in surrender, uncertain whether I should be relieved that the house isn't deserted.

She pivots toward the open door, spitting in disgust before striding out. Uneasy about the situation, I reconsider my decision to enter, yet something compels me toward that door. Maybe it's curiosity, boredom, or the fear of venturing outside as darkness encroaches. I gulp hard and peer through the doorway, discovering what resembles a pub. A billiard table, an oversized TV with a colossal couch, some tables, and a bar catch my eye.

"I told you to get lost," someone says, and I immediately turn to the source of the voice. It's a remarkably handsome guy, with smooth, dark skin, slicked-back yet messy dark hair, and a muscular figure. He's standing in front of the window, casually leaning against a table, and...

"Y-you're shirtless!" I stammer, hastily covering my eyes. I've never encountered a half-naked guy before. Well, except for public swimming pools, but I never paid much attention since those were mostly older men or young boys. But this guy... His back and arms are impressively well-built, and I could see all those muscles without him even flexing.

He turns around to me, seemingly shocked by my presence, his eyes widening.

"Who the f*ck are you?!" he exclaims, and I can't help but blush at the sound of his deep, raspy voice. It carries a mysterious and diabolical tone that intrigues me, yet I feel chills run up my spine as his facial expression shifts into something I can't quite read.

Why is he smirking at me like that?

I inhale deeply, gathering all the gumption within me to answer him. Unfortunately, there isn't much, so my voice comes out as a little squeak.

"I... I'm nobody. I'm in the wrong house. Sorry for bothering," I say nervously, rubbing my palms shyly. I attempt to make my way to the door, eager to escape this uncomfortable situation. Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, he is standing in front of me with a devilish smirk on his face.

"What— I—" Shock registers on my face, and my gaze darts to the spot he occupied just a second ago. The table stands six or seven feet away, possibly more. How did he cover that distance so swiftly, leaving me utterly unaware? Fear grips me as I clench my shirt, attempting to dispel the discomfort coursing through me.

"H-how did you do that?" I stammer, my voice shaky, only serving to widen his smirk. I force myself to meet his gaze, but another revelation startles me. His eyes, they're...

"You—You have purple eyes... Why the charade with purple contacts?"

"Purple contacts? What the hell? You're avoiding my question. Who are you?"

"No, who are you?" I release my grip on my shirt, crossing my arms in front of my chest, aiming to project an air of fearlessness and confidence. This only elicits a perplexed expression from him.

"Trying to deceive me? I can hear your heartbeat, human. I know you're on the verge of losing it." He chuckles softly in a deep tone. The once alluring voice now carries a menacing undertone—a predator's growl. Danger. His words send shivers down my spine, heightening the sense of impending threat.

What did he mean by my heartbeat, and why did he just refer to me as a human?

Taking a deep breath, I glance behind him at the open door, contemplating an escape plan. However, almost as if he's intercepted my thoughts, he forcefully kicks the door shut and redirects his attention to me.

"What? Why the fear? Wasn't this what you sought when you came here?" He smirks, advancing toward me, prompting me to take a step back.

"Don't come any closer! Please, I shouldn't be here. I'm sorry for barging in like that... I want to leave. I won't intrude again! I—" Before I can finish my sentence, he's suddenly in front of me, one arm encircling my waist, the other hand firmly gripping my neck. Fear courses through me as I struggle to free myself from his suffocating grasp.

"You're ready to leave already? We were just beginning to have some fun." His smirk deepens as he gazes down at my... throat?

His strength is beyond ridiculous. Despite my futile attempts—kicking his legs, punching his chest, his face—nothing seems to faze him. His focus is fixated on something on my body, sending an uncomfortable shiver through me. Desperation rises as I try to pry his hand from my neck for a breath of air, but he remains unfazed.

What does George expect from me in this place? I don't get it.

"P-please... What d-do you want..." I manage to choke out with barely any air left in my lungs.

"It's been a while since somebody fought like you do now. It gets me all excited," he chuckles, licking his lips, his gaze still fixated on my neck or shoulder—wherever his attention seems to be glued.

In the midst of planning a strategic kick to his crotch to break free, my body seizes up at the surreal sight unfolding before me.

His eyes... they transitioned into a deep black in an instant. It's not a dilation of his pupils; his entire eye color shifts, sending a fresh shockwave through my already weak and trembling body.

What kind of contacts are these?! I desperately ponder, seeking any rational explanation for the inexplicable transformation. I'm ready to accept almost anything he tells me—except one thing: magic.

He smirks at me with perhaps the most horrifying expression I have ever witnessed. It's wicked, evil, revealing the darkness that tightly clutches his mind. Lost in my thoughts, I fail to notice the peculiarities at the corners of his lips—a tooth or, rather, teeth. Two sharp, menacing fangs.

"Why so surprised? Don't you like my fangs?" he sneers.

Fangs?! No... No, this can't be. It's not happening. It's just a nightmare, and I'm on the verge of waking up any moment now.

My breath quickens, panic setting in. The surroundings blur, and I struggle to comprehend his words. He's clearly addressing me, but I'm unable to respond. All I can focus on are those teeth, those menacing weapons in his mouth. As my body weakens from the lack of air, I fight to stay conscious, but with each passing moment, the darkness threatens to engulf me.

He smirks at me. Is this what he desires? Does he want me to succumb to unconsciousness? Am I truly ensnared in a dream, and is this my means of awakening to reality?

Unable to resist any longer, I yield to my heavy eyelids, which slowly shroud my teary eyes. The last glimpse I catch is of him drawing nearer, licking his lips once more before parting his mouth wide.

It's just a dream... It's a dream. This is not reality

I repeat in my mind as a final tear trails down my cheek, and everything dissolves into darkness.



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