My Life With ATEEZ

By GirlWithFaith2003

389 3 0

A simple love story of how one girl made all her dreams come true. She risked it all by going to South Korea... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Epilogue: Aaron's Debut

Chapter 1

100 2 0
By GirlWithFaith2003

I applied for my first job ever in South Korea. I applied to KQ Entertainment because I saw that they were hiring. I saw that they were looking for the PR/Marketing Intern job. At first, I applied at SM Entertainment in LA, but they were all booked, and couldn't hire me. After searching for ages, I finally found a job, but it required me to fly all the way to South Korea for the interview. The company who accepted my application was none other than KQ Entertainment, a smaller company, but who hosts, growing group, ATEEZ. I am very nervous to be going to South Korea for this interview. I have been studying Korean very hard since high school and into college. I have a Bachelor's in English Literature & The Arts, which will help me in this internship. I have also chosen to minor in Korean to prepare for such jobs in South Korea. All that's left is to fly there and see if I get the job.

I pack my bags for the trip of a lifetime and an uncertain future. Once finished packing, I hop on a flight from Los Angeles all the way to Seoul. I arrive in Seoul 16 hours later, and still feel the butterflies as I'm walking through the airport. I am remembering all the important things I've learned in my Korean class over these past two years. Studying so hard that I drop some nights, I have prepared well for this. There is a man in a suit, here to pick me, and take me to KQ Entertainment. I greet him and he does the same. He puts my bags in the trunk of his car and we're off to KQ Entertainment.

I get out of the car, and the man puts my bags next to me. I take in a deep breath, then walk confidently into the building. I greet the lady at the front desk, informing her that I am here to apply for the PR/Marketing Internship. She nods her head and points me to an office. I nod to her. She told me to leave my bags at the entrance, they will be taken care of. I knock on the office door. The head of PR/Marketing is who I'm meeting with. He opens his office door, letting me. I have my resumé in my hands, then I hand it to him. He reviews my resumé, nodding his head.
"Let's see here. A bachelor's degree in English Literature & The Arts. A minor degree in Korean language. How fluent are you in Korean?" He asked.
"I have studied very hard since high school, sir." I said.
"Ah, I see. Your average grade in Korean class, an A-. Seems like Korean is not the problem here." He said.
"Is there. . . Any problem?" I asked.
"Will you be dedicated to this job and work with others in a team? Are you willing to work and live in Seoul, integrating into Korean society? It seems as though, ah, your mother has the same degree as you. Your father, a mere high school diploma." He said, reviewing all the information I provided.
"Yes, I will be dedicated. I will do what I can to contribute to this company. I am very passionate about Korean entertainment and would want to put out the most accurate information possible. The knowledge of my parents, does it matter?" I asked.
"You come from a middle class, near lower class family, but you seem to have made yourself into somebody. You overcame all the obstacles with great strength. I appreciate that. Welcome to KQ Entertainment, Ms. Miller. I'm looking forward to working with you." He said.
"Wait, really?" I asked.
"Yes, ah, you will be working with the ATEEZ team. You will be working very close with this group, monitoring their social media accounts. You'll make sure that they only put out what's best for their fans. Look forward to your first day next week. We will give you some time to settle into your dorm." He said, turning around, and handing me a key.
"Wow, thank you sir. I will work very hard." I said, bowing to him.
"Go, settle into your dorm." He said.
"Okay." I said.

I happily skip out of the office. I screech with happiness. I almost scream, "I got the job!", but I know that wouldn't be appropriate. My boss immediately sends me my dorm number, what floor it will be on, and everything else I need to know. I take the elevator to the 11th floor, find my dorm, then settle in. My stuff was sitting outside my door. Huh, they must have known I would get the job. Now that I have the job, I can relax for a minute. I collapse down onto my bed, starting to nap. I am awoken shortly afterwards by people knocking on my door. I groan, getting up from my bed. Who could it possibly be? I open the door, then standing there are all 8 members of ATEEZ. I jump back, not expecting them.
"Oh my God, ATEEZ!" I exclaimed.
"Hey, we're ATEEZ. We heard you're our new PR manager. Welcome to the team." Hongjoong said.
"Manager? I'm only an intern." I said.
"Check your phone." Hongjoong said.
Boss: Congrats! The manager of 20 years just retired, you're the new manager of PR.
"Oh, um. . . I just got to Korea, and I'm already promoted?" I asked.
"Looks that way." Hongjoong said.
"Wow, I'm really lucky." I said.
"Can you speak Korean?" San asked.
"Mhm." I said, "안녕, 내 이름은 Raeshel 나는 너의 새로운 홍보 매니저다." I said(Hello, my name is Raeshel. I am your new PR manager)
"Woah, 대박!" ATEEZ said in unison(Wow!)
"아무것도 아니다." I said, laughing(It's nothing)
"당신은 잘 하시네요." Seonghwa said(You're good)
"고마워." I said(Thank you), then I start singing their song, "고마워. Thank you for being on my side~"
They start singing along. We start laughing together. Ah, I feel like I'm going to love my job.

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