Back in the past (Luke Hemmin...

By topcat7115

3.5K 126 24

Laura has just moved out of her mums house and into her own apartment. She thinks her life will be perfect fr... More

Back in the past
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 22

85 2 0
By topcat7115

Laura's P.O.V.

I cant believe i almost kissed Luke! I cant believe he almost kissed me! I knew there were feelings for him somewhere in me, but ive never thought about dating Luke before. It seemed like a dream come true in highschool, but it lasted as long as it began. But now Jordan's in the picture...i love Jordan, dont i? 'Do i really love Jordan?' i thought to myself. He was so nice and caring to me, not once had he snapped or doubted me. He was a perfect boyfriend. Or was he just pretending, and every time he went to "work" was just an excuse and he was away with someone else? I let a breath out and leaned my head back so i was looking at the ceiling. 'Your going to have to face him sooner or later' my subconscious said, its true. Im just too scared to face him incase i will get weak and, either, forgive him or believe everything he says.

"Are you alright?" Calum's voice filled my ears.

"Yeah, im fine" i said, still looking at the celing, closing my eyes.

"You sure?" he raised a brow, i nodded and gave him a weak smile.

"Calum, im fine really" i assured him, "Hows Michael?" i asked, changing subject.

"He's still going over the reasons why Abby could've left him" he chuckled.

"I still dont understand..." i said, "Why would she do that to Michael?" i asked rheotorically. Im gonna try calling Abby later. 

After that conversation with Calum, he politely dismissed himself and went back into the livingroom. I decided on going to visit my mum and say goodbye properly before i officialy leave, i head up to Calum's room, where all my stuff is and change out of this dress. I change into some black jeans and a white tank top and grab my....i forgot my car at my apartment, along with the car keys. Ugh. I have to get Luke to take me.

Third Person P.O.V.

Abby's walking around the grocery store with a basket full of food, she's hungry (as usual) But suddenly her phone rings.

"Aw baby, miss me already?" Abby coo'ed into  the phone.

"You've been gone for over an hour, where the hell are you?" the groggy voice said.

"Im just buying food, geez, calm down" Abby growned, "I'll be back home in a few minutes, okay?"

"Alright, i love you" the groggy voice said once again.

"I love you too" and with that, she hung up, going back to her shopping.

Laura's P.O.V

Luke was quiet the whole ride to my apartment, it seemed like he was having a war with himself. I didnt try talking to him, because obviously, he didnt want to talk. When we arrived, Jordan's car was parked outside my apartment, my eyes went wide and looked over at Luke.

"I think you should stay in here" i told him, he gave me a confused look.

"Why? Dont you need help with your bags?" he asked, worry taking over his features.

"I can handle it" i told him and got out of the car before he could object. I ran up the stairs and headed straight to my apartment and there he was, sat on the floor with a bottle of liquor in  his hand and his phone smashed on the foor. Ive never seen this side of Jordan before, and i hoped i would never see it. I tried to approach him quietly, but god wasnt on my side today, and the floorboard creaked. Making him look up at me, his eyes bloodshot, his hair sticking in all directions, he even had busted knuckles and i noticed a hole in the wall. He mumbled something incoherent under his breath and stayed sat down.

"Jordan?" i called, causing him to look up again, "W-what are you doing here?" 

"I was trying to find you" he slurred.

"What for? I thought you were having fun with Crystal?" i snapped.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Dont play innocent, i know you slept with Crystal" i said, holding my tears back. His face softened and he looked guilty.

"im sorry" he slurred and looked down at the ground.

"Yeah well, sorry doesnt cut it" i told him and grabbed my keys out of my back pocket, unlocking the door to my apartment  but just before i could shut the door, Jordan stmubled in. My tears were already falling, 'not this again' i thought to myself.

"Please Laura, im sorry" he said, almost tripping over his own feet, "I need you" his eyes looked pleading and my heart warmed at his words but i pushed my feelings back.

"Get out" i cried, he wasnt listening.

"Laura, please dont do this" he was now begging.

"Jordan , you cheated on me! You hypocrite!" i yelled.

"Well, you shouldnt have slept with someone else!" he yelled back.

"I told you i didnt!" i screamed and walked into my bedroom.

"Where are you going?!" he yelled after me.

"To pack my stuff!" i yelled back, god knows what the neeighbours think. He followed behind me and watched as i grabbed the suitcase, shoving clothes i would need in it. This is kinda ironic, i was doing the exact same thing with Luke, as we are now, but this time im not running from Luke, im running to him.

"Laura, i said im sorry!" he yelled, then i heard the front door open and slam shut, ladies and gentlemen, the one and only, Luke Hemmings!

"Laura, are you alright?" Luke asked, worry in his eyes and out of breath. Then he looks over at Jordan, the bottle of liquor in his hand gave away that he was, infact, drunk.

"Who the hell is this?!" Jordan roared, looking at me, "Not sleeping with someone else, huh?" he asked calmer in disbelief.

"He's a friend!" i screamed, defending myself. Luke started to walk over to me, but Jordan stopped him.

"Stay away from her" Jordan growled.

"No, i think you should stay away from her" Luke snapped, pushing Jordan out of the way and walking over to me but he didnt reach me. Jordan has yanked him back, punching him square in the jaw causing Luke to stumble backwards. Luke was tall but Jordan was a few inches taller and stronger. Luke then lunges himself at Jordan, pushing him into the wall as i watched in horror.

"She's mine!" Jordan screamed in his face, as Luke pinned him against the wall.

"No, she's not!" You dont deserve her!" Luke yelled, getting red with anger and punching Jordan.

"What? And you do?" Jordan asked. Luke didnt say anything because Jordan had shoved Luke to the ground and was throwing multiple punches. I had no idea what to do so i did the only thing i could think of, to push Jordan off Luke, that failed.

"Laura stay away, i dont want you to get hurt" Luke said while fighting back.

"But he's drunk, and im sure he'll kill you if he wants to, what do i do?!" i asked, frustrated.

"Stop talking to her!" Jordan yelled.

"Jordan! Stop it, please!" i cried, i dont know what it was but something snapped inside of Jordan and stopped, getting off of Luke. Pacing back and forth. Luke stood up  and wiped the blood from his lip, glaring at Jordan. My feet were glued to the floor, i had no idea what to do or say, i just watched the two guys have some sort of stare down. No one moved unitl i realised i had packing to do, obviously i wasnt going to  pack everything, just things i would need on tour. I grabbed my jacket that was hung up, and started packing again while wiping stray tears away.

"Laura..." Jordan said from behind me.

"Get out" i said, tears still falling.

"Laura please" i turned around.

"I thought you loved me" i spat. his eyes softened and the fight seemed to have sobered him up.

"Of course i do" he said softer, reaching his hand up to caress my cheek.

"Get out" i demanded, he shook his head and took a step closer, "Get out!" i screamed, he seemed hurt but headed outside.

"This isnt over Laura! I will fight for you!" he yelled before slamming the door shut.

A.N. Hey everyone, hoped you enjoyed update! Who do you think Abby was talking to? What will Jordan do next? Dont forget to vote and comment xx

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