♚ ℑrust the Just ♚ // Edmund...

By INstrumentAlVirUs

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❝❞ ༻ ♞༺ (Y/n) fin... More



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By INstrumentAlVirUs

(Y/n)'s POV

Everything soon became routine. Two whole weeks had passed since I had arrived. To be honest, I still felt outta place but I was starting to feel a little comfortable. I usually kept to myself unless I was called or needed. I just don't want to bother anyone. My training was going as planned, I can now ride Clover well and we successfully made the hurdle jump. With weapons, I've been getting better at hitting the targets instead of completely missing so that's good. I've also been able to hold myself up against Edmund but not best for him. Not yet.

We were going back and forth, hitting our blades almost rhythmically. We were also very sweaty but that's beside the point. I got him this time. I blocked his attack, spun around, and falsely attacked only to quickly move to hit his sword so that it would fall right out of his hands. Edmund looked at me with bewilderment.

"Suck on that loser!" I playfully taunted him.

"That was really good," he was taken aback, cleared his throat, and spoke, "However you're gonna have to do that again to prove to me it wasn't a one-time fluke."

"Challenge accepted," I grinned.

"Come on guys, we gotta get ready for dance practice," Susan said, walking over to us. Man, I just want to take a nap, at least I can stay fit doing all this physical activity.

"Coming Mother," I said teasing. Edmund chuckled and Susan rolled her eyes but I could tell she didn't take it to heart. We put our stuff away and headed to the bathroom to freshen up.

Dance practice had been fun though I had mixed feelings about it. On one hand, I'm excited to dance because I actually like dancing even if I'm not good but at the same time I didn't want to deal with the awkward feelings of starting out.

Our instructor was a dryad named Aurora, and she was gorgeous. Her movements were weightless and magical, almost hypnotic.

"Alright guys since you've all done well with the basics and dancing on beat, we shall add partners to mix things up and see how well we are doing," she flowed around us, watching our every move. Lucy and I looked at each other, grinning ear to ear.

"Care to share this dance?" I bowed, offering my hand. She took my hand and giggled.

"I would love to," then we assumed the first position. I was leading. My eyes fell to Edmund's face and his gaze seemed to meet mine. We both had this face of mischief, knowing full well what we were about to do. May the best dancer win.

I turned to Lucy and she nodded. We moved across the hall room, quick quick slow, quick quick slow. Our rhythm was seamless and we worked well together. We were giggling, and having a great time. I looked over to Edmund and Susan. They were a power duo. While Lucy and Peter were bold courageous and bright, Edmund and Susan were mysterious, calculating, and disciplined.

He was staring me down, a glint in his eyes. This was honestly the best we've done so far. Lucy seemed to have caught on cause she whispered, "Are you and Ed competing against each other again," she raised her eyebrow the same way Ed did.

"And what if we were?" I said.

"I want in, we can take them down, you and me," Lucy said, smirking, she was so cute.

"You got it," I said.

"Alright, guys, that was the best so far however I want to run it through again. Let's take it from the top," Aurora said.

"Ready Lucy?"

"Let's do it!"

And with that, we were off, I was leading again. I looked to Edmund and Susan to see how they were doing. Once again their steps were very clean.

We moved around the ballroom, hitting every beat and synchronized movements. Aurora seemed impressed but it was hard to tell with the intense stare she was giving us. The music was loud and we were all concentrating, our pace quickened with the dance taking over us. Our little staring contest was in full throttle and I couldn't help but laugh. All he did was smile and chuckle. I could feel my heartbeat, banging against my chest and my head light.

Then it stopped just like that.

"Good work everyone, wonderful progress, I think you all will definitely be ready by the time Simon's coronation comes around, well done." Aurora then spoke with Susan and Peter while Lucy, Edmund, and I sat back.

"Good show you put on back there," he said.

"Not bad yourself Ed, but of course Lucy and I were better," I said high-fiving her. Edmund shook his head and chuckled,

"Whatever helps you sleep at night but we all know who were the better dancers."

"Were you and (Y/n) trying to burn holes into each other's faces or what?" Peter walked over and nudged him.

"Can't a guy just stare off into space," Edmund sighed and walked away. I looked at Lucy and we both shrugged it off.

After all that, I had free time before dinner. Obviously, I was gonna go have some fun. I decided to go and see what they were up to. I was walking around and found Peter practicing with a straw dummy. He was hitting it with everything he had, trying out new techniques maybe?

"Hey Peter, your majesty," I said not sure if I should be formal or not. He's the high king and I haven't spoken to him on one before but I did consider him a friend.

"Hello (Y/n)," he sheathed his sword and smiled, "what brings you here?"

"I was curious and decided to walk around, see how people are...um getting along I guess," I said. To be honest I just stumbled across him.

"Oh, well that's cool," he sat down on a stool and pulled up another one. He patted down on the seat as if to tell me 'Come sit'.

I obeyed and sat down. Guess we're talking now.

"So (Y/n), how have you been, I know it's been a while since you came but it still was rather recent," Peter said.

"Well I've just been trying to process everything one day at a time, I'm not entirely sure as to what my part in this is but...I guess we'll see," I said. I just hope I'm not useless when they need me and I'm not in the way.

"We'll get through this together, speaking of which," he said getting up to grab something, "You're doing really well in your training, I'm very proud actually."

"Really, thank you," I said smiling. His approval wasn't something I desired but it was greatly appreciated. He was very sweet and caring to everyone and I admired that about him.

He came back, handing me a sword with a leather hilt and weighted shimmery stone pommel. I thought it was amazing, my very own sword. I held onto it and smiled like a child.

"This is yours, I figured every good swordswoman should have a trusty sword," Peter said happily.

"Oh my god Peter," I take it out of the sheath to reveal the glistening silver-plated blade, "thank you, seriously this is gorgeous."

"You're welcome," he said and then stood up, taking his sword, "now up on your feet, show me what Ed has taught you."

I got into position, putting what Edmund had taught me to use.

"Bring it on," I said. And then before I knew it, all anyone could hear was the ringing of metal on metal. I was only blocking, trying to keep up with Peter's movements.

"Come on now," Peter swung and we ended up getting close, with our blades being the only thing separating our faces, "fight me (Y/n)."

I growled, pushing back with adrenaline pumping through my veins. I spun out of the lock and swung back harder.

"That's more like it," Peter said, still smiling. I started releasing hell on him, channeling all my angry and pent-up feelings and pride into every hit. I'm not sure why but this just opened up a can of worms. It was my way of venting but it probably wasn't the healthiest way.

I start panting and we back away to get some air.

"(Y/n), do you-do you want to keep going?" Peter asked, breathing out hard as well. I nodded, raising my sword. We go back at it again only this time the energy was different. It was energizing and firm. I felt like I could do anything. I swung and blocked and kept hitting. This one's for you Ed, I thought bring my sword to the right. Peter swung to the left. Our swords flew and sputtered to the floor. We looked at them and then at each other. It was a draw.

We both just stared, smiling like idiots but something felt a little off, at least I did.

"Well done (Y/n)," Peter chuckles lightly, "a worthy opponent." We go to pick up our swords.

"Thanks again, for the sword and spar," I said. I couldn't stop thinking about my feelings towards the end of it, frustration, pride, wrath, self conscious, worthless, weak. Where was this all coming from?

I bid Peter goodbye as I decided to go fuck off in oblivion or at least I tried but my mind just couldn't stop thinking about earlier. I passed the time with some reading and even went to talk to Philip and Clover.

"Do you want to go for a ride, maybe that will help you clear your mind?" Clover offered but declined.

"I would it's just that dinner will be ready soon...maybe tomorrow, a little picnic and a nice ride through the forest just you and me," I said running my fingers through her mane. It was coarse but shiny.

"Suit yourself, just do what you need to do (Y/n)," Philip said.

I nodded and left, feeling just as weird as before. You know how your feelings start to creep up on you and then they crash, like a wave completely carrying you away, and then you can't swim and you can't breathe. Yeah, that's how I'm feeling right now. Fuck it, I'm taking a nap.


"(Y/n), all of your questions will be answered in due time...for now you must remember that you must trust in not only your new friends but in me and more importantly yourself. Don't let your anxiety get the best of you, the fight has just begun," said a strong and soothing voice.

A roar soon followed and I felt an overwhelming warmth spread throughout my chest and into the rest of my body. I opened my eyes and found myself in the sky standing on water, that was reflecting the sky above, it was strange but so beautiful. (Picture above).

"Hello? Who there?" I called out.

"I think you know the answer to that my dear one," a disembodied voice responded, "remember."

"Why am I here?" I call out, not really sure where I am again.

"You already have the tools you need, help yourself first and then those who can't do it on their own, you are stronger than you think,"

"I don't understand, what's going on,"

"You'll see soon,"


Edmund's POV

"Where's (Y/n), it's time to eat," Susan said coming back from the courtyard.

"I dunno, I saw her about 3 hours ago," Peter said but he looked concerned, "I hope she's alright, I'll go look for her."

"I'll go with you," I said as I walked next to him, "it's better to have two people looking for her than one, it should quicken things up yeah?" I said. Besides, I knew a lot if not all her favorite spots in Cair Paravel. We went off, Peter going to the West wing and I headed to the East.

I went down a little way and went to check out the studies. (Y/n) liked to (whatever hobbie/s you like to do) in there. Empty. So I went to the sleeping chambers. Her door was closed so I knocked. Nothing. So I jiggled the handle and opened the door.

I went inside and found her asleep but I heard her mumbling. She must be a sleep talker.

"mmmm...alright," she murmured, moving slightly in her bed.

"(Y/n)?" I gently called out, putting my hand on her shoulder. I called out again but this time a little louder. I gave her a firm shake. "(Y/n) c'mon wake up!" I said. Her eyes shot open and she sat up. Her eyes were watery and she began to cry, at least her eyes were. She was dazed and looked over at me. She grabbed my arm and just held it.

"Um (Y/n), are you alright?" I asked. I was starting to worry.

"Yea...Yeah I'm fine," she let go of my arm and got out of bed.

"I think I'm just hungry, c'mon Ed," she said. I furrowed my brows but took her word for it. For now.

Gaston once again made a fantastic meal and everything seemed all peachy. However, I couldn't shake my gut feeling. It was annoying. I sighed and found Lucy invading my personal space.


"Hm?" Blinking a few times, my sour expression stayed the same. "What?"

"It's just you were staring off into space," she looked in the direction I was looking in and saw (Y/n) just standing ther. I smile crept onto her face and I instantly felt dread. Damn it.

"You should go talk to her, check up on her."

"Why me? It's not like I'm her only friend, why don't you talk to her?" I furrowed my eyebrows and glanced between the two. Luckily (Y/n) remained unaware of it.

"Because I think it would mean a lot more coming from you, I mean you were her first friend so it just makes sense," she had the face of someone bad at lying mixed with someone trying their best not to burst out laughing.

"You just want me to get closer to her right?" My face could not read anymore unamused as it did at that moment. Lucy of course continued to smile and only nodded in response.

"Just check up on her-"

"Fine just leave me alone yeah?" I sighed, giving Lu one more look- the "I got my eyes on you" look- and walked over to (Y/n). I knew I didn't have to do this, no one was really forcing me but I knew it was probably the polite thing to do.

"Hey (Y/n)," I caught up to her.

"Hey Edmund, what's up?" She looked towards me. We both stopped walking.

"I just wanted to ask..." Come on man think- anything, "if you wanted to come join me tonight?" My eyes then looked up and met hers. I was hoping I wasn't coming across as pushy or weird. "you know, to the beach, it looks like you could use the pick-me-up," I said. My eyes caught Lucy watching and then walked off smiling. Yeah Yeah go and be all smug and shit. I swear Lucy will be the death of me.

"Do I really seem that upset," she said defensively, I thought maybe I said something wrong. "I'm teasing, sure let's go," she said smiling. We head over to the beach, our competitive ways making us race one another.

"Wooooohooo!" She yelled, throwing her arms in the air, and spinning around.

"Shhh! You're going to wake the whole kingdom," I whispered yelled. She just stuck her tongue out. I took her to my usual spot where I placed my clothes.

"He-Hey let me give you some privacy first," I was flustered, turning around instantly as she started to undress.

"Don't see the big deal, you're gonna see me when we're in the water anyways," she was in a tank top and matching bloomers. I took off my clothes, leaving me in my shorts.

"Come on princess," she said, already in the water. I go over to meet her and give her a good splashing. We go at it for a little until we just stop to rest.

"So what now," she asked.

"Can you float on your back?"

"Yes." Then we did just that. Our back to the water and our faces to the night sky. The moonlight was beautiful as ever with the sparkling stars complimenting her.

"Let's do some stargazing, it's a perfect night to do so" I spoke.

"The stars are my absolute favorite," she beamed, "do you know any constellations?"

"I do actually, I thought it would be best to learn to chart stars," I began to point out different ones.

"There's Orion, and over there is Ursa Major," I looked over to see (Y/n) smiling brightly.

"Which ones are your favorite?" She looked over at me. Looking at the sky, my eyes scanned for it.

"There, by that cluster of bright stars," I said.

"Wow," she said breathlessly. I closed my eyes and just floated. Everything was pretty peaceful and it was a nice change to share it with someone. Especially someone who isn't family and is around my age.

We both get off our backs and just stare at each other. (Y/n) started laughing and splashing me.

"Hey what's that for," I said swimming towards her as she kept swimming away, still giggling.

"What are you gonna do about it," she said laughing even more. Sadly for her, it was causing her to slow down. I finally caught up to her and pushed her back, letting me get to shore first.

"Asshole!" (Y/n) said, huffing her way to shore. I stood there watching her walk past me as she mumbled things under her breath.

"I win," I said Walking next to her, smugly.

"We'll see about that," She said as she made a beeline for the entrance of the castle. We bolted into the castle drenched and quietly talking.

"You had it coming, ask Peter he'll tell you how he's regretted challenging me," I said, "don't underestimate me."

"Well I'm pretty stubborn too," (Y/n) said smirking, "you might have met your match Ed so don't underestimate me."

"Yeah, you're stubborn alright, like how that one time you stayed an extra hour trying your hardest to get a hang of that one maneuver I taught you," I said. I was pretty proud of her progress.

Once we dried off and changed into our pajamas, we walked to the sleeping chambers. We were standing at our doorway.

"Hey Ed, thanks for tonight, I had a lot of fun," she said smiling softly.

"No problem, I had fun too," I began to walk over to her, "wait." She stopped and looked back at me.


"There's something on your face," I place my hand on her cheek and look at her forehead. She looked so cute when she was flustered. Our eyes met, making me feel this strange sensation in the pit of my stomach. It was the perfect time, I had to do it.

"Ow! Fucking hell Ed," (Y/n) rubbed her forehead as I quickly moved and over to my door. I had flicked her forehead as my final 'attack'.

"And that's another win for Edmund Pevensie," I gave her a shit-eating grin and closed my door. I heard her door close and I could imagine her cursing under her breath. I liked being friends with her but not as much as I liked messing with her. But seriously, she was a great friend and I'm pretty lucky.

- ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7 -

Author's note ✎-

How are you guys enjoying the story? genuinely I wanna know if you guys think I'm capturing the characters well or how's the writing? I just wanna make sure the narrative is coming across well.

So far I've been focusing on the Pevensies and the reader's relationship(s) with them and developing that before the adventure begins. (Besides the reader) Just to give ground for development later on.

The romance in this is kinda a slow burn (I'm trying lol) but don't worry it will pay off. What's your favorite scene between the reader and Edmund so far ;)

Anyways next chapter is when shit starts to hit the fan so be very excited. Also, chapters will probably start being this long btw so get used to it :P

Thanks for reading ♥

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