SECRETS || fred weasley

By thepiercecurls

19.8K 547 85


disclaimer + cast, etc.
// prologue //


647 22 0
By thepiercecurls



WEEKS HAD PASSED SINCE the Yule Ball and the Second Task was fast approaching. Valentina noticed Potter's struggle to figure out what the task was, still unable to come to terms how people were even supporting him in this trial. She found it strange that even some of the teachers and judges were so eager to constantly help him out, particularly Mad-Eye Moody.

She couldn't place what it was about him that made him seem so strange but what she did know was that something wasn't right. It didn't make sense to her that the Auror was so calm about letting a 14-year-old boy enter one of the deadliest tournaments when the rest of the staff were so concerned for his safety. He seemed to always pop up when Harry needed it and always had a solution.

Valentina's relationship with Cedric had been going well. While, they weren't an official couple they had still managed to see each other when they could, stealing kisses now and again. Whatever they were, Valentina didn't mind. She enjoyed the escape that Cedric gave her. Whenever she was with him she finally felt herself relax and ignore the world around her and channel it into them. However, despite all the good memories they've already created together, she couldn't escape the fact that she was keeping a lot from him.

She didn't know how to possibly tell him everything about her, good and bad. Especially the bad. While she trusted him completely she couldn't trust how he would react and she wasn't ready to lose him to a couple lies yet.

"Hi," Cedric said, placing his hands on either side of Valentina's cheeks and kissing her lips, dragging her from her thoughts.

"Hi to you too," Valentina smiled, when they pulled away.

They stood together in the courtyard, students and teachers passing by while they moved to a nearby bench.

"Thought I should see you before the big day tomorrow," said Cedric as they sat down.

"You know, I was planning to see you before you started," she said.

"Well the more time I get to spend with you the better," Cedric grinned.

"How are you feeling about tomorrow?" She asked him.

"I'm going to be fine don't worry," Cedric assured her.

"I know you'll be fine," Valentina said, "but that doesn't mean you can't be nervous."

"I'm a little stressed," Cedric admitted. "Holding my breath underwater for an hour retrieving something I don't know is scary but with your help, I have perfected the bubble charm and I know I will do amazing."

"Ok," Valentina replied before they kissed again.

They spoke for a little longer before realising that it was starting to get late. After saying goodbye to Cedric and giving him one last kiss they went their separate ways and headed back to their respective common rooms.

"So, are you two officially a thing now?" Fred Weasley appeared, when Valentina was finally alone.

"I think they might be, Fred," his brother said, appearing beside him.

"I don't see how that's any of your business, among other things," Valentina flicked her eyes to Fred in the last part.

"Well, you know, us Gryffindor's have to help each other out—" said Fred.

"—and we're just not sure if he's right for you," said George.

"I'm surprised she hasn't eaten him alive yet, George," said Fred.

"Me too, Fred," said George.

"As I said before, it's none of your business," Valentina was starting to get irritated.

"Well if he becomes a problem just let us know," said Fred.

"We'll sort him out."

Valentina wasn't sure if they were joking or being serious, flicking her eyes back and forth between the twins.

"So, why exactly are you talking to me again?" She asked. "It's a little creepy how you both seemed to be watching Cedric and I and waited until I was alone to speak to me."

Fred and George both looked for a moment realising how bad the situation might have looked.

"No, no, no, no, no," Fred shook his head. "You've got it all wrong."

"We came to deliver a message to you and you coincidentally were saying bye to your boyfriend," George began to explain.

"We didn't want to interrupt so we decided to wait until you were finished," Fred finished.

"Well, spit out the message then," Valentina demanded, not bothering to correct they referred to Cedric as her boyfriend.

"Professor McGonagall wants to see you in her office," George told her.

"Why?" She questioned.

"We don't know," Fred admitted. "She looked rather grim though."

"She also wanted Ron and Hermione too," George added.

"Interesting," Valentina said to herself before returning looking back to the boys. "If that's all then, goodbye."

She turned on her heel and started to head towards her Head of House's office, trying to come up with all the reasons that she could want her, along with Granger and Weasley.

When she arrived she noticed the other two students had already arrived, turning in their seats which were placed in front of the professor's desk to see who the next guest was.

"Miss Lestrange, I see you finally received my message. Take a seat," Professor McGonagall pointed to seat to the left of Hermione from her chair on the other side of the table.

"I understand that you're all very confused as to why I've called you into my office so late," Professor McGonagall said, looking very upset.

"Just a tad," Ron mumbled to himself.

"I'm sure by now you are all aware that the task tomorrow involves the contestants to retrieve something from the Black Lake," she continued. "Unfortunately that something will be you."

"Why will they be retrieving us, Professor?" Hermione asked.

"It is meant to be someone each of them value," Professor McGonagall answered. "Miss Delacour will retrieve her younger sister, Mr Weasley for Potter, You, Miss Granger for Mr Krum and Miss Lestrange for Mr Diggory."

Valentina scoffed at what had just been revealed. Who's pathetic idea was this?

"Well, if that's all Professor, Ron and I must get back to Harry and help him prepare for tomorrow," Hermione said, beginning to stand from her chair.

"What do you mean you need to help Mr Potter prepare for tomorrow?" Professor McGonagall looked concerned. "He should be ready by now."

Hermione and Ron looked at each other grimly before looking back at her.

"Well, you see, the thing is..." Ron struggled to say.

"Potter doesn't know what he's doing," Valentina finished for him, annoying Hermione.

"No, he does...he just...well," Hermione tried to form something but she knew she would be lying.

"Well, then we must hope he figures out something soon and pray to Merlin he doesn't drown tomorrow," Professor McGonagall said wide-eyed, extremely worried now.

"Can't we go help him now?" Hermione asked.

"No, Miss Granger, I'm afraid not," the Professor replied, placing three cups with a strange liquid in front of each of the students. "You won't be able to see Mr Potter until tomorrow. You will be required to each drink from these cups so that we can set up for the task tomorrow."

"What exactly may this particular drink do to us, Professor?" Valentina questioned.

"It will allow you to enter a deep sleep while we hand you to the mermaids to place you under the Black Lake. With it, in your system, you won't drown and as soon as you break from the surface of the water, you will resume breathing again," she explained to them.

"What if they're not able to rescue us?" Ron asked.

"Then the mermaids will bring you back to the surface, but I do hope that Mr Potter will figure something out and complete the task," she admitted.

Professor McGonagall paused for a moment before regaining her thoughts. "What are you waiting for?" She looked at the trio. "Drink away."

"Bon appetite," Valentina raised her cup before drinking the vile drink which tasted like vomit down her throat. Her eyelids began to feel heavier and heavier until everything became black.


Air. All she could feel was air.

Valentina gasped, feeling the cool water surrounding her, along with Cedric's hand on her waist.

"You did it!" She exclaimed to Cedric.

"Told you I would be fine and looks like we're the first back," Cedric smiled to her, before tugging her a little closer. "Let's swim back and get dry."

They swam towards the docks where thousands of people were cheering. As soon as they emerged from the water, blankets and towels were being placed over them and they were rushed to Madame Pomfrey.

As they were being treated they noticed Fleur was already being treated but without her sister. She was crying to herself as the pair looked at each other realising she must have failed.

During this time as more blankets were being handed to them, along with a few potions to keep them warm, Viktor returned with Hermione and a couple of minutes later Harry returned with not only Ron but Fleur's sister, Gabrielle.

Once everyone had settled, they announced Cedric had won the task, with Viktor coming in second, and Harry due to trying to rescue everyone (although Valentina was sure it excluded her), he was now in equal first place with Cedric for the whole tournament.

This didn't stop Valentina and Cedric from celebrating, as Cedric pulled her in for a long kiss, both of them smiling when it was over.

"Congratulations," Valentina said.

"Thank you," Cedric grinned even wider. "I was concerned this morning when you didn't wish me good luck before the task. I thought something had happened."

"I'm sorry about that. I was a bit preoccupied being stuck at the bottom of the lake," Valentina replied, making Cedric chuckle even louder.

"Let's go get warm," Cedric said, before trying to pull her away.

"Ok, let me just congratulate Viktor first," Valentina said before quickly walking away towards her best friend.

"Good job," she said, once he noticed her pulling him into a hug.

"Zank you," he returned the hug. "I never zee you anymore."

"I know, I suppose we've both been a little preoccupied but we still have a couple of months left to make it better," Valentina told him, pulling out from the hug.

"Doez he know zee truth?" Viktor asked her, looking towards Cedric and then back at her. "All of it?"

"No," she replied quickly. "I don't think I can tell him."

"He dezervez to know," the Bulgarian said.

"I know, but it doesn't mean he won't hate me," she said, her happy attitude slowly leaving her.

"Maybe you should let him dezide," Viktor told her before they said their goodbyes and parted ways.

Valentina shook her head before putting a smile on her face, grabbing Cedric's hand as they made their way back to the castle together.

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