An Angel's Duty (Tamaki x Rea...

By Inu_Nensa

69K 1.8K 2.2K

Growing up she was always a soft girl, admired for her bravery and looks. Along her journey she befriended Mi... More

Character Introduction
:~Soft Sunset~:
:~Lovely Laugh~:
:~Enjoyable Evenings~:
:~Dazziling Date~:
:~Unusual Circumstances~:
:~Stressful Summer~:
:~Beach Trip PT1~;
:~Beach Trip Pt.2~:
:~ Summer Camp Beginnings ~:
:~ Chaos ~:
:~Little Things~:
A/N: Would like if you read it
2 years? damn

:~Beach Trip Pt.3 & Start of the Summer Camp!~:

3K 79 63
By Inu_Nensa

Third Person POV:

To say the least, Tamaki was a nervous wreck for the first hour of the groups beach adventure. (Y/N) had dragged them out to the ocean and he couldn't stop himself from staring. He felt the oxygen in his lungs disappeared when he saw her, like just by her looking at him he forgets how to breathe. His heart rate was going so fast he could put a race car driver to shame.

Tamaki didn't mind the ocean, to say the least he never bothered to learn how to swim because he thought it would be a useless skill. Seeing her happy though, happy swimming around and teaching him, suddenly gave him a new found passion to start learning how to swim properly.

Her bright smile was contagious, he couldn't help but have a small smile plastered on his face the whole time, even when he was making mistakes. Her presence gave him peace and safety. Tamakj was not only in love with the girl, he admired her. He admired her bravery, her determination, her tenaciousness. She gave him confidence, something he thought he could never acquire.

The day was slowly pushing towards the early afternoon, (Y/N) was starting to become a bit exhausted from moving around and using her quirk to see. She was good at hiding her exhaustion, but her eyes said a different story. Tamaki examined her facial features. He felt that something was off.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" His gentle voice filled the girls ears as she looked up towards Tamaki, he gave her a look of concern.

She waved her hand out, "Yes. Yes! I'm alright Tama, really." Tamaki wasn't convinced by this. He put a hand on her shoulder and started pushing her gently towards the shore.

"Let's rest (Y/N), we've been in the water for awhile." (Y/N) didn't put up a fight and let Tamaki guide her towards the group little area on the beach. Nejire was sitting underneath an umbrella, wearing a dark blue bikini with a slitted skirt connected to her bikini bottom. Her left leg was almost completely exposed, while her right leg was half covered by the transparent piece if clothing.

She was on her phone, most likely on social media, she looked up towards the couple with a smile on her face.

"Hey you two! How was the water!" She asked excitedly. She used her elbows to prop herself more forward to indicate they had her full attention.

(Y/N) gave her a smile and started to tell the perky female about how fun and warm the water was. Tamaki stood to the side, looking onward at the two females while they chatted, still having his small smile.

After a few minutes of their chatter, Tamaki grew bored of just standing around. He looking around his surroundings to try snd stop his over-energetic best friend, but he didn't have any luck of spotting him, which was very odd.

He walked closer to the girls and squatted down, catching the females attentions. "Wheres Mirio?" the boy asked.

Nejire gave a confused look as she checked around herself. She became puzzled and turned back towards them while she sat back down fully. "I have no idea!" she said in a perky tone. The two just deadpanned at her happy voice.

"I'll go search for him, be right back." Tamaki spoke with a sigh. He was worried Mirio got himself lost, which was something Mirio would do. He stood back up and made his way out. Nejire and (Y/N) wished him luck on his expedition.

Tamaki knew that Mirio can handle himself, 100%, but his navigation is the worst thing ever. He would get distracted by one thing after another and end up losing his way. He would do it often has a child, making (Y/N) and Tamaki look for him often.

10 minutes soon grew into a half hour of Tamaki walking around to find Mirio. He became slightly frustrated that he couldn't find his friend. He thought that Mirio couldn't have been far, but he was starting to think that Mirio possibly went into town and lost his way back to the beach.

'I swear Mirio, if I go back to the girls and find you there I'll strangle you.'

Tamaki was agitated at his friend, but soon used one of (Y/N)'s breathing exercises that she taught him to calm him down. He decided it would be best to lightly job back to the girls. Not anticipating that it was a lot more challenging to run in sand more then anything, but he still did it and made it back in no time.

Arriving back, he learned that Mirio was still missing. He facepalmed and let out a frustrated groan.

"I wonder where he could have run off to." Nejire questioned while putting her index finger to her cheek. (Y/N) shrugged while sighing.

"Knowing him, he probably kept getting distracted by cool things and got himself lost in town." she spoke in frustrated manor. Nejire let out a light laugh at her statement.

"You're right there!"

Tamaki turned his head towards the town, wondering if he should go look for his friend there this time. He felt something touch his leg and looked down. He saw (Y/N) lightly poking him to get his attention. He sat down next to her, the noise he made indicating that she had his attention.

She looked around his chest level as she spoke, "Rest for right now Tama, Mirio will be fine on his on."

Tamaki only let a sigh and reluctantly agreed to rest. She smiled softly as she went to try and grab his hand, but was failing because she couldn't see it. He let his body move on it's own and grabbed her hand for her, intertwining their fingers together. A light blush painted the silver-haired girl, but Tamaki's face was getting fully red from initiating it.

Nejire started to tease Tamaki for his red face while (Y/N) let out small, cute giggles. Tamaki used his free hand to cover his face in embarrassment, only fueling his blue-haired friend to tease more.

Soon the teasing died down as the girls chatted amongst themselves, Tamaki joining in sometimes when they asked for his opinion. He didn't mind not being in the conversation, he enjoyed just listening to (Y/N)'s gentle voice as she spoke away with Nejire. He rested his head on his propped up knees, the left side of his cheek on his knees, while he just stared at (Y/N).

She would occasionally look at him and gave him a loving smile and squeeze his hand. In return he would just get flustered, but always gave a small smile back.

This went on for about an hour, a small growl came from (Y/N)'s stomach as she blushed lightly from embarrassment. Nejire lightly giggled at her friend, while Tamaki's attention was fully on (Y/N) now.

"Are you hungry (Y/N)? We can go get something to eat if you want?" Tamaki suggested.

(Y/N) nodded her head in agreement, "Yeah...I'm quite hungry, but I don't want to burden you with having to guide me around and telling me the food you see at stands."

Tamaki gave the small female a smile while patting her head, "Y-You'll never be a burden to m-me (Y/N)." he spoke gently, like if he made one word choice she would breakdown. She only smiled in his general direction.

"Thank you Tama, well if you're fine with it, then lets go!" she spoke happily, which made Tamaki happy. He helped her up and wrapped his arm around hers.

Tamaki turned his head towards the other female in the group, "Are you hungry at all Nejire?" she tilted her head and looked towards the side in thought.

"Wellll...I am starving, but (Y/N) knows what kind if food I like and I wanna stay here, just in case Mirio gets back. Don't want him to arrive and think he's at the wrong spot now do we!" she spoke in a happy tone. She gave a closed eye smile towards the couple as they agreed with her proposition.

Tamaki helped guide (Y/N) around the sandy cove, telling her the type of food certain booths offered. After a few minutes passed, they decided to sit at a small little diner on the beach and bring Nejire some take out from the restaurant.

Tamaki helped the silvernette into her chair and sat across from them, he quietly read her the menu, as she was still exhausted from using her regeneration a lot.

They both quickly decided on what they wanted to eat and sat in a comfortable silence while waiting for their food. (Y/N) was listening to the oceans waves and the chatter of strangers as they walked by the banister. Tamaki was sitting idly on his phone, still a bit worried for his blond-haired best friend.

Tamaki clicked on the contact name for Mirio, bringing the phone to his ear, he waited for the line to connect while listening to the ringing. (Y/N) picked up on the soft sound of ringing and turned her attention towards the outline of Tamaki, which was just a blurry image of blueish purple for her.

"Calling Mirio?" She implied.

Tamaki moved his eyes toward the girl and nodded his head while waiting. The automated message filled his ears, letting him know that Mirio had not picked up. He let out a frustrated sigh.

"Well? Did you call Mirio?" She questioned.

Tamaki was confused, "I already said yes, didn't I?"

Then reality of his stupidity hit him. He flushed with embarrassment and covered his face. "Right, you can't see." He mumbled out.

She let out a soft chuckle, "It's okay Tama, it's hard to remember when I've been using my quirk for the majority if this month and trip." She spoke in a calming manor, trying to reassure the navy-haired male that his mistake is something to not be embarrassed over.

But nonetheless, Tamaki's brain went onto autopilot and didn't speak a word for the rest of the lunch. Even when the waiter brought their food, he didn't even mutter out a 'thank you,' its like his ability to speak was just washed away with the ocean behind them.

(Y/N) sighed as she ate her food, not really enjoying the silence they were enduring now. When the waiter returned to their table she asked for a to go box with Nejire's food.

The author didn't know what her favorite food was, so she's just pretending it's alfredo pasta with some shrimp for now. She also requested some jasmine tea in a soda cup. That the author, knew Nejire likes.

She activated her quirk as the two walked out of the small restaurant. She believed Tamaki wanted some space to properly get over his embarrassment. But the action only made the boy feel worst about his outburst, but he said nothing as she carried on ahead.

She arrived first at their little spot, handing Nejire the food she bought her. The optimistic female was more then delighted to eat away at her favorite food and drown down the tea.

"Yummmyyyy~" she spoke out in a happy tone.

(Y/N) gave a small smile as she laid down on the towel, a little tired.

"Where's the navy kitten?" Nejire questioned while finishing up the last of her food.

(Y/N) propped her elbows up and listened around for Tamaki's footsteps, but heard nothing.

"I'm not sure, thought he was right behind me." she spoke out worriedly.

Nejire caught onto her worry and quickly changed the atmosphere of the conversation, "Don't worry! I'm sure he's of to find Mirio again!"

Nejire isn't always the best at catching onto uncomfortable atmospheres, more often then (Y/N) likes, she would often talk about uncomfortable things and point out stuff that makes others insecure out of curiosity. Nonetheless, (Y/N) was grateful she caught onto the worry (Y/N) was admitting and quickly went to comfort her.

Nejire was right, Tamaki did go off to find Mirio, he felt horrible for forgetting that his own girlfriend is actually blind without her regeneration, so he decided to continue his search.

An hour has passed since the two go lunch, (Y/N) was resting next to Nejire, while Nejire played a video of people's horror stories on her phone, and Tamaki was deep in the towns crowded shopping district, desperate to find Mirio so he can get out of this claustrophobic situation.

The heavens seemed to answer his prayers, as he spotted a tall, blond individual with piercing blue eyes, looking around the streets with a map in his hand and a confused look on his face.

"Mirio!" Tamaki, surprising, yelled out.

Mirio perked up from his name being called and looked up to his navy-haired friend making his way towards him. Relief flooded Mirio as his savior has arrived to lead him back to safety.

"Tamaki! I'm so happy to see you!" Mirio cried out as he ran to hug the other male.

Tamaki tensed up and his face scrunched into one of uncomfortableness from the sudden contact of the boy. "Yeah Yeah! Y-You need to pay m-more attention ti you s-surroundings next t-time!" Tamaki exclaimed out in frustration.

Mirio just yelled ok as he continued to rub his cheek on Tamaki's head in happiness to see him. Tamaki got fed up with this and pushed the boy off him. He realized they had gathered a crowd from the commotion of the blond-haired male. In a flash Tamaki was against a wall, hiding himself from the crowd.

Mirio yelled out an apology to the people and dragged Tamaki away from the situation.

Tamaki successful led Mirio back to the girls who were still indulged into the horror stories being read to them.

Mirios loud voice greeting them made the two jump up in fright.

"Mirioooo! Don't do that!" Nejire yelled, scolding the taller man.

"Sorry Sorry!" He apologized, rubbing the back of his neck.

Once more the couple just deadpanned at the situation.

(Y/N) went to grab onto Tamaki, missing his hand and ultimately grabbed his forearm. "I'm glad you managed to find him." She praised.

Tamaki flushed lightly from the sudden contact of her hand on his skin, he looked down at the ground and let out quick, stuttered response. (Y/N) was still worried that the boy was still besting himself up over his forgetfulness from earlier.

"You know, don't be scared that I'm mad at you for forgetting I'm blind. Hell! Even I forget it sometimes from how much I use my quirk to fix my eyesight!" she spoke out, reassuring him that there really isn't anything to be embarrassed over.

He stared at her, widening his eyes a bit from her story, holding back the urge to laugh at her statement of forgetting the fact that she's blind, "O-Okay...I won't." he said quietly.

She gave him a small smile, "Good! Now..." she turned her attention to the other two and called out, "Why don't we all go for a swim now! We can do window shopping tomorrow!"

Nejire and Mirio turned their heads towards the girl and gave her a smile.


The gang spent the rest of the afternoon and a little into the evening swimming and overall having a blast in the ocean. They returned back to the cabin, changing their clothes and showering, before heading out to a barbecue restaurant deep into the town. Eating to their hearts content, the gang quickly became stuffed with food.

Mirio ate so much that he almost passed out into a food coma at the booth. It was hard having to help drag a big man like Mirio all the way to cabin when the other three together weigh the same as Mirio. Thanks to (Y/N)'s stamina, Tamaki's decent upper body strength, and Nejire's quirk, they managed to get Mirio back to the cabin and threw him onto the couch.

"Lets.." (Y/N) wheezed out as she was catching her breath, "leave him there." she finished.

"Agreed..." Tamaki said as he just laid on the floor.

Nejire was also on the floor, but not out of a
exhaustion, but from laughing at the other two's pain. (Y/N) irked and hit her lightly on the head, shutting her up.

The night proceeded as normal, everyone went off to sleep, Nejire getting the room she shared with Mirio all to herself, while Tamaki and (Y/N) lightly cuddled up to one another on their shared bed.

For the rest of the next day, the gang traveled around the small town window shopping, it was mainly Nejire doing the shopping.

This time around (Y/N) did deal with a few guys hitting on her, but Tamaki's new found protectiveness of his girlfriend helped scare them away. Afterwards Tamaki would become embarrassed from his sudden outburst of rage.

(Y/N) thought it was cute, while Mirio would cry crocodile tears from being overjoyed that his best friend was being more confident, even if it was for a little bit.

They all pilled into Mirio's car that Monday and headed back to their beloved city, saying farewell to the small, but beautiful town that they vacationed too. (Y/N) was dreading over the fact that she has to be up early the following saturday for the summer camp, but Tamaki comforted her on the way home the best he could for his lack of social empathy.

The week flew on quickly to that Friday night, (Y/N) barely able to talk or see Tamaki since he was busy the whole week with his hero studies. He promised though the next morning he would be at U.A. too, to wish her good luck and to see her one last for the rest of the summer.

(Y/N) was all packed and ready to go that evening. She was up bright and early the next morning, not really enjoying the fact that she was both up early and going to be on a bus with her underclassmen for hours to help train them at a summer camp.

She arrived at U.A after flying there because she was to lazy to walk the trip, coffee in hand too. She spotted Aizawa and a couple of her underclassmen that were already there.

"Good Morning Aizawa-sensei." she greeted him as she walked up.

"Oh, Kurishoki, glad to see you made at." he spoke in a monotone voice. She replied with a yawn.

"Senpai! I didn't know you were going too!" spoke out Midoriya.

She turned her head towards him, "Huh? Oh I guess he didn't tell you, yeah I'm here to help out with your training, didnt really have a choice." she shrugged.

His month formed an 'o' while nodding. A couple of other underclassmen greeted her too, but she was to tired to really give good answers. A hand placed itself on her shoulder and she turned around the greet the owner of the hand. It was Tamaki.

Seeing him immediately changed her gloomy and tired demeanor into a more happy one. "Tama! It's so good to see you!" She yelled out happily as she hugged him. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

Tamaki tensed for a quick second, before slowly relaxing himself into her grasp and hugging his arms around her waist. "Y-Yeah...I said I-I would b-be here to see y-you off..." he spoke quietly, trying not to draw more attention to them.

"I know! But still I barely got to see you this week, so seeing you here to see me off makes me really happy!" she gave him a closed eye smile.

They had a little bit of small talk before Aizawa announced that the bus was here and they needed to board it. Iida was making everyone try and get into a single file line, but no one was listening, same with the bus arrangements he made.

Tamaki gave (Y/N) a quick peck on the forehead and both parties blushed red from the action. (Y/N) let out a small giggle, "You're so cute Tama, I'll see you when school starts back up okay!" she said.

Tamaki nodded while giving her a small smile, "Okay, see you then (Y/N)."

She gave him a peck on the cheek on started to run towards the bus, "Bye Bye Tama!" She waved.

Tamaki waved back at the girl as she disappeared onto the bus. Smiling a little wider to himself, he walked off the campus and started his walk back home.

On the bus, (Y/N) sat down al the way in the back row with four empty seats in front of her were two, two seating rows that contained Sato, Mineta, Sero, and Oijiro. She made a little bit of small talk with Sero and Oijrio, mainly Sero because he was interested in talking with one of his Senpai's. But nonetheless she slept with her headphones in most of the ride.

Arriving to their destination, or so she thought, they all got off the bus into a little circle corner stop along a mountain side. The girl immediately recognized what was going on and quickly ran towards where Aizawa was and stood behind him.

He looked at her confused, before remembering that she was in his class two years ago, so he let out a chuckle. "You remember whats going to happen right?"

She nodded her head, "It was hellll, I refuse to go through that again and if you force me I'm going to just fly my way to the camp." she threatened.

He reassured her that she doesn't have to participate if she doesn't want to, which made the silvernette sight in relief.

"Lock on with these sparkling gazes!"

"Stingingly cute and catlike!"

"Wild, Wild, Pussycats!"

Mandalay and Pixie Bob posed into their signature poses for their introduction. While a boy (Y/N) has never seen just stood their awkwardly to the side of them.

Aizawa started to explain who they were, but Midoriya interrupted while fanboying.

"They're a four person hero team who set up a join agency! They're a veteran team that specializes in mountain rescues!"

Both Mandalay and Pixie Bob let out a surprised noise, but Pixie Bob looked upset.

"This year will be their twelfth year working..." Midoriya was faced with a face full on a makeshift paw, done by Pixie Bob herself.

"I'm 18 at heart!" She yelled.

The rest of 1A plus (Y/N) and Aizawa deadpanned at her reaction.

"She sounds desperate." Both Denki and Kirishima stated.

"Greet them everyone." Aizawa demanded.

"Nice to meet you!" All of 1A spoke, plus (Y/N) because Aizawa scared her.

"We own this whole stretch of land here." Mandalay spoke out. She pointed out towards a mountain all the way in the back, "You all will be staying at the foot of that mountain."

"So far!" 1A exclaimed.

"Huh? Then why did we stop here?" Uraraka asked.

"Could this mean..?" Tsu started.

"No way..." Sato denied.

"Why don't we get back to the bus, huh?" Sero suggested.

"Fast." Sero continued.

(Y/N) look onto the group, feeling pity because she knew exactly what was about to happen.

"Yeah. Let's do that." Denki agreed. Mina and Koda nodded and agreement.

"Its 9:30 a.m. right now." Mandalay started. "If you're fast...Maybe around noon?"

"No way...guys..." Kirishima spoke out scared.

"Let's get back!" Mina yelled.

"Get back to the bus!"


(Y/N) started to laugh loudly at them panicking and running back to the bus.

"Kitties who don't make it by 12:30 won't get any lunch!"

"Sorry ladies and gentlemen..." Aizawa spoke, "Training camp...has already begun."

Pixie Bob jumped in front of the panicked class of 1A and activated her quirk, sending a wave dirt towards the group pushing them down into the forest. Sadly (Y/N) was caught in it to because she was distracted by laughing.

'Ah shit' she thought. 'Here we go again.'

"The ground is rising up?!" Midoriya exclaimed panicked.

While the whole class of 1A screamed in despair, (Y/N) activated her wings and flew out of the dirt wave and helped catch a couple of students so they didn't hurt themselves badly. By a couple the author means two.

"Oiiii! Since it's our private land, you can use your quirks as you wish!" Mandalay yelled.

(Y/N) had Tsu and Yaoyorozu in her arms as she flew them down. Both of them thanked her as she landed on the ground.

"No problem, might as well participate too for some good practice, doesn't hurt to do this a second time."

Yaoyorozu and Tsu looked at her confused, "Second...time?" They said in unison.

"They do this every year for the first years, I did this my first year, so I already know what's going to happen." She replied.

"Be ready, shit's about to go down."

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