Never wished for you (Camren...

By ubitchbackof

104K 5.1K 3.6K

Have you ever did something wrong for love just to realise it was never enough , it could have given you happ... More

Chapter 1: inheritance
Chapter 2: the one
Chapter 3: will you?
Chapter 4: A girl?
Chapter 5: I do !!
Chapter 6: i do! Part 2
Chapter 8: hOnYmOoN
Chapter 9: plan cruel
chapter 10: Unwanted Feelings
Chapter 11: Lost
Chapter 12: My Protector
Chapter 13:A troubled start
Chapter 14: wedding girl
Chapter 15:Friends cuddle right?
Chapter 16: what is the truth
Chapter 17: wife
Chapter 18: Mike
Chapter 19:there is two side of a story
Chapter 20: let me explain
Chapter 21: You deserve me
Chapter 22: Pedro
Chapter 23: Unforgettable past
Chapter 24: Value never changes
Chapter 25 : Harsh Reality
Chapter 26: Trust
Chapter 27: sISteR
Chapter 28: It's a new feeling I'm finding
Chapter 29: keena
Chapter 30: keena part 2
Chapter 31: different prosprectives
Chapter 32: you just feel it
Chapter 33: damn feelings
Chapter 34: Dinner
Chapter 35: aftermath
Chapter 36 :mijo
Chapter 37: dick wife
Chapter 39: all the thing she said
Chapter 40: surreal
Chapter 41: easy
Chapter 42: promises are meant to be broken
chapter 43: is this our Happy ending?
Chapter 44: surprise?

Chapter 7: first night

2.9K 115 15
By ubitchbackof

Camila's pov
What the hell was my father thinking? Letting me go without clothes. Here I am stuck in the bathroom with a bathrobe  with no other clothes. What Should I do? I can't go out like this. This looks so provocating, she will think that I wanna do it with her. But i don't? Oh my God, why do I always finishLike this  whY all the bad thing happens to me. What should I do? I don't have any clothes. Should I just go out and try to find something? Maybe ask her if she got. Any clothes?

'You can do this Camila'

I said to myself looking at the mirror before going out in the room where Lauren  was.
But it was empty and I saw a shirt and shorts lying in the bed So I did the first thing that came to my mind, which was. Undress myself so I let go of the Bathrobe. Fast And I was about to take the shirt quickly  that was lying in the bed , but Lauren get in.

When she saw me her jaw literally fall and her eyes got HUGE As her mouth but she suddenly turned around

"I'm so sorry I......I...."

"Can't you KNOCK you idiot" I yelled at her putting the shirt

" I thought you were in the bathroom and I just came to take my clothes....can I turn?"

"Yes" I said annoyed

"Camila can I have it back"


"my shirt" she said pointing at me

"No im wearing it "

"don't you have your clothes, what should 8 wear that's my only clothes " she said with a soft voice adjusting her glasses

"Look you are not wearing a fucking bridal dress si for a night you can sleep in this " I said pointing to her attire

"By the way I really didn't mean that to happen. I'm really sorry " she said shamefully looking down

I wanted to freaking yell at her but I just couldn't a part of me just shut down looking at this innocent person because as much as I know Lauren I know she would never do that purposefully but again I hate her. I'm this situation only because of her
I know it's not true
But if she wasn't so perfect my father wouldn't have forced me to marry her so...

"just get out" I said calm but also with anger also if she didn't do anything wrong
She looked at me and gave a sad and guilty smile before walking away

After she left I took my phone and called Shawn few times but he didn't answer and than the network started giving trouble because we were in my father cottage in the mountains so there no surprise that the network suck

So I started watching tv and waited for Lauren but she never come back also after two hours
Maybe she thought I was still mad at her
So I went out of the room in search for her but there was no one
I double checked still nothing
Where could she go ? She doesn't know anything here I thought shaking my head and started looking outside of the window
And a figure sleeping in the bench
Could that be her?
I went there just to check
And yeah it was miss better mrs jauregui sleeping peacefully in a freaking bench freezing and shivering

I gave her the cover that was covering me and started shaking her to wake her up

"" she said with trembling lips

"Lauren have you gone crazy !!!!what the hell are you doing out here "


"Ok  we  should first go inside" I said wrapping the cover perfectly in her body getting up

And she nodded

After she calmed she started talking

"I thought you said to get out"

"I did but I meant from the room"

"Ohh I didn't knew what you meant so as a precaution I went out I didn't wanted you to get more angry"

"I'm sorry I'm not angry it wasn't even your fault" I said with shame in my voice

"It's ok maybe we should go to sleep"

I nodded

"You can take the bed for today I'll take the couch" I offered as I was feeling guilty

"No it's ok I'm good with the couch"

"Yea-hmmm camila why is the couch wet" I turned and shot I completely forgot to remove the wet towel from there

"I'm really sorry maybe we both can sleep in the bed" I said and created a pillow barrier
Sorry for the mistakes the person who used to edited for me is really in bad situation hope she get well soon ❤️
Hope you all are save from Coronavirus and if you wanna talk I'm always available
And please vote and comments

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