By ShikaDreamer108

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Once upon a time... a strange world existed. A world where fairies and elves and the like are all evil. A wor... More

There Was A Writer...
There Was A Forbidden Forest...
There Was A Light...
There Was An Archer...
There Was A Fairy...
There Was A Town...
There Was An Old Man...
There Was A Story...
There Was A Reflection...
There Was A Tree house...
There Was A Past Story...
There Was A Journey To Encounter...
There Was A Mother...
There Was A City...
There Was A young Wizard...
There Was A Hat...
There Was A Raid...
There was A Passageway...
There was A Fowl...
There Was Some Bad weather...
There Was A Sun After The Storm...
There Was A Tamer...
There Was A Pegasus...
There Was A Discovery...
There Was A Faithful Wolf...
There Was A Decision...
There Was A Memory...
There Was A Footpath...
There Was An Ambush...
There Was A Prison...
There Was A Stunt...
There Was A Battle...
There Was A Trap...
There Was A Scent...
There Was A Back Trace...
There Was A Carriage...
There Was A Tower...
There Was A 'Host'...
There Was An Awakening...
There Was A Quick Mention...
There Was A Chamber...
There Was Glass...
There Was A Plan...
There Was An Urchin...
There Was A Card...
There Was A Room...
To Be Continued...

There Was Some Stardust...

45 3 26
By ShikaDreamer108


I felt something wet as I slowly opened my eyes. A pair of bright violet eyes glimmered as they looked into mine, as the creature with the small furry face licked his lips.

"You're back, huh? And..." I whiped the saliva from my face,"I guess you like me now". I tried to sit up but bumped my head on the roof of the hollow. "OW. Stupid tree..."

"The tree did nothing wrong. You are the stupid one". The wolf said in his mind. I glared at him. "I didn't ask for your opinion". I crawled out of the hollow. "And what, you couldn't find that owner of your's"?

"No. I know where she is, but I wanted to come back for you". 

"Did you feel sorry for me or something? Because I don't need your sympathy".

"The only human I care about is my mistress. I came here because it's only after I was gone that I realised there was something strange about you. I had to find out what it was".

"Well, for your information I am someone from another world which is why I probably seem strange to you". I dusted myself off as I stood up, and stretched a little. 

"That might be the reason. But I think I should take you to my mistress".

"What the heck, no. I have a very important job to do, little wolf, and I have no time to lose. Now you'll either help me or go your way". I started walking. He padded after me.

"You and my mistress are connected in some way. I do not know how. Something is telling me to take you to her". 

"Oh really? What's she like"?

"She is my mistress".

"I figured that. Tell me about her".

"I cannot".

"Why's that"?

"Because I do not want to".

"And yet I should go to her. Not happening. I can't trust anyone here. I had to figure that out the hard way".

"I feel she can help you".

"Well I don't. I can't partner up with people here. This world is crazy. I just need to kill that damn Mother. And then I'm going to find my friends".

The wolf said nothing for awhile as we continued walking. Then suddenly he stopped.

"What is it"? I asked.

He sniffed the air. "Danger". He replied. I reached for my sword, ready to take it from its sheath. I looked around. I couldn't see anything, but I heard the scuttling in the grass close by.

It was all around us. "Who's there? Show yourself". I demanded loudly, glad that I finally got to say my favourite pickup line from movies.

The scuttling sound came closer. It sounded like millions of creatures coming towards me. Just that I couldn't see them.

Then finally, they came into sight. I noticed the grass turning black, and the colour closing in around us. It was only then that I realised it wasn't the colour of the was bugs.

Millions and millions of black bugs.

I jumped up onto a tree bark, and quickly started to climb. The wolf was close behind me. "What are they"? I screeched as we clambered onto a branch.

"Urchin beetles. If they touch you, you'll get the urchin disease and die instantly. They may be small but they feed off the flesh of their infected victims". The wolf replied, shocking me with his calmness.

My eyes widened in horror. "What are they doing here"?

"Someone must have sent them here to kill you. It means that you are being watched right now".

The beetles closed in on the tree and started scuttling up the trunk.

Oh hell nah, I'm not dying like this. 

I climbed up higher in the tree until I reached the top. "You alright, little wolf? I called. 

"I am fine. whatever your plan is it better be good". The wolf replied from below me. I looked at the next tree, and looked at the ground between the two trees.

The beetles were almost at our feet, when I scooped up the wolf and drew out my sword. Without a second thought, I leapt.

I missed the branch that I had aimed for, and we went down.

The wolf dug his claws into the tree bark which scraped down the tree, and slowed down our fall. I dug my sword into the bark, and we stopped sliding. 

Breathing heavily, and my heart pacing, I climbed down carefully with the wolf. By this time, the beetles were already descending down the tree and heading towards us. 

We ran for our lives.

The woods were a blur of green as we sped passed the trees and onto the path. We didn't look back, but the scuttling noises of millions of urchin beetles in the grass was still close behind us, so we knew we couldn't stop.

"Do you have stardust"? The wolf asked, as he ran.

"What's that"?

"It's the only thing that can kill any urchin creature".

"Wait...some of that stuff that old witch gave me..." I took out a small pouch from my pocket. "Do you think its this? It's kind of sparkly and whitish..."

"Yes. Yes that's it. Throw some of it on them". The wolf instructed.

I dipped my hand into the bag and threw out some of the contents towards the beetles. There was a sizzling sound as they all rolled onto their backs and stopped running. We also stopped running.

I watched in disgust as the beetles melted on the ground, leaving a large dark blue  stain on the pathway, and a stench the smell of rotting meat. 

I held my nose. "Man, that's gross. Let's get outta here before that smell kills us". 

We walked up the path, and I waited til the smell had cleared before I started talking.

"I guess I'm glad you came back to me, little wolf", I said, "I wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for you. Thanks a lot".

"I only did that because I feel that you have a connection with my mistress, and I want to take you to her". the wolf said, as he walked by my legs.

"Oh that again? I told you I have a job to do. I don't have time to be visiting people".

"Okay. I am sure that by now, my mistress might be coming for me. We are all heading to the same place. When I sense she is close, I will take you to her. That is how you can repay me for saving your life".

"Sharp tongue you got there", I commented, "Fine I agree to meet her if it doesn't get in my way. But do you agree to help me"?

"I will not kill anyone without my mistress' command". The wolf replied, sternly. I groaned, loudly. 

The wolf looked up at me. "I told you. I obey her alone".

Couldn't we all do with a Stormy?

I am just as excited as u guys to see what will happen next in the story. I have had know idea where this was going for awhole now, I'm honestly just writing as I go along. From the first chapter I had no idea things would end up like this. The only things I knew was going to happen in this story before I wrote it was that Robin Hood was Red Riding Hood's bro because they both had Hood in their names lol, and also that Jessika was going to enter the world Alice In wonderland style.

There was never going to be any Stormy, Jessika was never going to  be Red's reincarnation and nothing even about a disease! I just trusted my typing hands, and this was what happened. I wrote the blurb after I drafted my first few chapters.

BTW, if you guys want to read more about twisted fairy tales, I recommend Red Cold by @very_creative_name, who has done an interesting twist to Red Riding Hood.

Well, that's it for now. Sorry for the rant! I will be working on my other stories which u can binge read when I post. I'm trying to gather them a bit so u don't keep having to wait long for the next chapters of things.

Enjoy ur quarantine week!

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