By zarry_destroyer

50.6K 3.4K 1.7K

{COMPLETED} ~~~ "You're looking in the wrong place for my love, Don't think because you're with me this is re... More

Four (1)
Four (2)
Nine (1)
Not Nine (2)
Nine (2)
Finale (1)
Finale Finale


2.2K 203 91
By zarry_destroyer

"Are you out of your mind?"

Zayn's smile came out. "Not exactly the answer I was looking for."

"You're seriously going to go through with Simon's suggestion? Get married for the sake of Tomlinsons'?"

"No. I've given this a good deal of thought."

"You clearly haven't!"

"Yes, I have," Zayn countered, eyeing Harry as he stopped pacing to glare at Zayn. "A life partner has been on my list for over a year."

Harry felt his jaw go slack. Of course, it has. "Why me? Aren't there a dozen other potential women you could pick from, supermodels, socialites..."

"I picked you."

Harry's skin prickled with excitement at Zayn's declaration, almost possessive. "Why?"

"Harry, let me lay this out for you. What I'm proposing is a business deal, pure and simple."

Harry narrowed his eyes. "What?"

"Hear me out. Romance, love, is unpredictable at best. I believe in attraction, lust, sex." Zayn's eyes darkened as they settled on Harry's lips. "I don't think there's anything more than that. It's just too-"


"Unrealistic," Zayn corrected.

Harry blinked, pondering over Zayn's words carefully. Harry suddenly felt the need to know. "You've never been in love?"

"Once. It didn't amount to much."

"With Perrie?"

Zayn's lips curled, "No, Ryan's foster sister, Geneva."

Geneva? Harry blinked at the unfamiliar name. "So you'd settle for a bought spouse."

"I'm not settling. You're everything I need in a life partner. I'd be a fool to pass up the opportunity."

Harry clenched his jaw. "How clever of you. And what do you have that I could possibly need?"

"Money." Zayn's eyes turned deadly serious. "I can clear all your debts, buy back your family home and pay for your father's health care."

"You..." Harry breathed, as reality washed over him in an icy wave. It was the kind of man Zayn was, the kind of man who kissed like an angel, had the face of a living God. And who made deals like the devil.

"Your family needs you, Harry. Which means you need me. I'm offering you a business deal, and you should give it the attention it deserves."

Harry's heart contracted painfully in his chest. "Marriage is not a business deal. For your information, I have other ways of finding that money. I don't need to marry you to get it."

"Really?" Zayn narrowed his eyes. "How?"

"That's none of your business."

"Does it involved Xander Ritz?"

Harry flushed furiously. "No!"


"Why would it involve-" Harry blinked in sudden clarity. "You think I'm the press leak?"

Harry's disgust, so instantaneous shamed Zayn and proved his innocence. But despite that, one thought still hindered. "No. But something is going on between you and Xander."

Harry swallowed, and his eyes fell on Zayn's shoulder. "He was my boss. End of story."

Liar. "So why not take my offer?"

Frustrated at Harry's stubborn silence, Zayn crossed his arms. "Fine. Let your parents lose their house. Have them floundering around in debt for the rest of their lives. And keep right on using most of your pay to support them."

The hurt in Harry's eyes cut deep, but Zayn was too hell-bent, too determined to let that stop him now.

"You... you..." Harry stammered.

"It's the truth. What we have is simple. You agree to be my spouse and save Tomlinsons from this mess, and I will compensate you so you can set your family up for life."

Harry slowly shook his head, backing away from Zayn. "I can't think right now. I-" He swallowed thickly. "I need you to leave. Now."


Harry crossed his arms, his face in iron determination. "You can't force me into this. I need some time."

Zayn searched Harry's eyes. "Don't take too long. I'll be expecting your answer."

With that, Zayn turned on his heel and walked out.

An hour later, Harry lay on his head and glared at the ceiling, phone in his hand. Through the whole conversation, Harry couldn't help but think how different everything would be once he'll finally free of the weight of debt.

He loved his family but was so weary from being the sole responsible one.

Rolling on his side, he shoved his cheek into the pillow. Pride and honour were two qualities he'd gotten from his dad. From his mum, it was a sense of integrity, strong and deep respect for family. You stick by them, no matter what.

He squeezed his eyes shut as uncertainty and fear battled, yet he had to consider all his options.

It didn't change his situation with Xander. In fact, it would only make it worse. Harry needed to prove his innocence. Damned if he'd play a helpless damsel in distress and let Zayn fight his battles.

Zayn Malik wants to marry me. The statement excited him and petrified him at the same time.

Was it selfish to actually want this?

Harry punched the pillow. Zayn had seduced Harry with mouth and hands, then unknowingly evoked Harry's kindness with Zay's expertly covered wounds. Zayn had changed everything, and Harry couldn't turn back time.

If Zayn could enter into this union with business-like clarity, so would Harry.

As the cab drove Harry to Zayn's apartment complex, he glanced at his watch- one in the morning. Not too late for Zayn, but he was surprised when he heard Zayn's husky, sleepy growl after the security guard had buzzed the intercom.

Harry walked up the flight of stairs and found Zayn in the doorway, waiting for him. Harry eyed Zayn's pyjama bottoms. Deep creases still indented in the fabric. They were new.

Zayn must sleep in the nude.

Harry swallowed. His eyes travelled over the smooth, board chest filled up with beautiful ink, tracing the generous dip and swell of muscle before ending at the shoulders, one of which was leaning on the doorjamb.

"Can I help you?"

"We need to talk."

Zayn shifted his weight, his arm slipping from the frame. "Come in."

Harry walked past Zayn's half-naked body and only just stopped himself from breathing in deep. Instead, he straightened his back and kept going, finally stopping by the fireplace.

Zayn just stood there, looking so touchable that Harry wanted to run his hands over Zayn to make sure he was real.

Harry crossed his arms. "Is this some strange boardroom game? Revenge against the Tomlinsons?"

"If I wanted to do that, I'd also want to see those share prices fall. Which I don't."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Isn't that my line?" Zayn's eyes creased with humour.

"I won't quit working."

"I don't expect you to."

"Where will we live?"

"Yaser's mansion in now mine."

Harry shook his head. "What's wrong with here?"

Zayn grinned. "Nothing, if you don't mind sharing my bed. I've got only one bedroom."

Harry blinked and flushed, his limbs suddenly becoming weak. "I don't want the press ambushing me at home, taking photos of me collecting the morning paper, digging through my garbage. Niall is a private person, and I won't do that to him."

"Then move in with me." Before Harry could voice a firm refusal, Zayn cut him off. "You've seen the security. You'll be completely protected."

A shiver went down Harry's spine.

But who'll protect me from you? Who'll protect-

"My parents. They'll be-"

"They'll be fine. I'll do what it takes to keep them out of it."

Harry's heart contracted painfully. "You've assumed I've said yes."

Zayn crossed his arms. "Haven't you?"

Harry closed his eyes for a brief second. Where was the romance that he'd dreamed about since he was little? The bended knee, the shaky question from love-filled eyes?

Get a grip, Harry. That's fantasy, a romantic, unrealistic fantasy.

"I'm saying yes."

"Great, I'll get the contract drawn up," Zayn said as he picked up his phone, tapped a few times and issued some orders.

So that's how it's done, huh? Harry thought dazedly.

The magnitude of what he just agreed to stunned Harry so much that he never saw the kiss coming. It was cold and very, very business-like.

"To seal our deal," Zayn murmured before withdrawing.

You're about to enter into an arranged marriage purely for selfless reasons. Of course, the kiss would be passionless.

"We'll tell the Tomlinsons on Monday," Zayn said.

Harry paused. "About that. I'd like to keep the details of our arrangement private."

"You want us to fake it?"

Harry tilted his chin up. "If truth stays with us, then there'll be no leak. And I need to tell my mum before some reporter splashes it all over the papers."

That sobered Zayn. "You're right. Our success depends on maintaining the pretence of romance."

"You think romance is a pretence?"

"I believe in making logical decisions, not emotional ones. So I'm assuming we have a deal?"

A deal. Harry dropped his gaze to avoid Zayn seeing his dismay. They were so different, so incompatible.

He had made a deal with the devil. What on earth was he thinking?

There must have been a time when Zayn had been a young boy in love, full of hopes and dreams for the future?

Harry jumped as Zayn's firm hand tipped his chin upwards. "Getting cold feet already?" he murmured.

"I have terms." Zayn's eyes narrowed, and he let Harry go. "The full amount you offered needs to be transferred to my account as soon as possible."

"Done." Zayn nodded.

Harry swallowed. "And I need you to be faithful."

"As in...?"

"No dating other women or men, no photographs, no cheating, no gossip. It might be a fake marriage, but my family will not suffer for it."

Zayn watched the way Harry tilted his head, honesty shimmering in those green eyes.

"How long before we'll see an upturn in the Tomlinson shares?" Harry asked.

"A few weeks maybe. A good year before it stabilises."

"So that's my obligation. A year after our wedding date, I'm free to seek a divorce."

Zayn raised an eyebrow. "Don't you mean an annulment?"

"An annulment is if we don't have sex. Oh." Harry realised quite later and his face heated up.

"Are you planning on getting intimate with me, Harry? Because if you are," Zayn continued slowly, obviously enjoying Harry's look of shock, "then I'd be more willing to accommodate you. Consider my vow to remain faithful for a whole year."

Harry opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Until

"You are the most arrogant, conceited-"

Zayn reached out and silenced Harry with a practised kiss.

The kiss was different again. Not the business-like one of seconds ago. Not the punishing one of Saturday night, full of anger and frustration.

This one was a lesson in seduction, leisurely exploring his mouth, meant to arouse Harry.

Zayn nibbled at the bottom lips as his strong hands cupped Harry's face. Gently, he took his time, increasing the pressure and intensity until desire began to thump in Harry's blood.

Harry settled up against Zayn willingly, wanting to feel him, to melt into him.


He groaned at Zayn's soft command. Harry attempted to swallow, but his throat was suddenly thick. Instead, he looked away, trying to hide away the desperate desire written all over his face. "I can't."

"Can't or won't?"

Harry closed his eyes as he felt Zayn's soft breath across his cheek and the proof of arousal pressed firmly against Harry's belly. "I can't. I'm going home tomorrow. It's Mother's Day on Sunday."

Harry felt the exact moment Zayn withdrew. A withdrawal that had nothing to do with his physical position and everything to do with his mindset.

He nodded curtly, running his hand over the back of his neck. "You can take my jet."


Zayn smiled without humour. "Get used to it, Harry. Alex will pick you up in the morning and fly you home. No arguments."

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