Highest in the Room


14.8K 424 112

when I'm with you I feel alive More

this my life, I did not choose
it ain't a secret, baby, everybody saw us
we gon' stay on top and break the rules
this is my life, you by my side
she saw my eyes, she know I'm gone
and we still in love and that shit don't stop
you and I till the day we die
when I'm with you, I feel alive
close your eyes and let your feelings go
i promise we will be alright
just you and me time

i know you've been going through some things

810 32 7

Demi was trying, but failing, to catch her breath as she leaned over, balancing her hands against her knees and slightly squatting as she literally watched the sweat drip from her forehead to the floor of the gym. Today was her first photo shoot since having Gio, so she had decided to wake up with Odell and get in an early morning workout. Usually, she could keep up with him, but she had been slacking since they moved so to say that she was exhausted was an understatement. She already knew she would be feeling the effects of this for a few days, and this would be the last time he convinced her to "go hard or go home" for the sake of looking good in front of the camera.

"Baby, you okay?" Odell asked, slightly concerned as he watched the rapid rising and falling of Demi's chest as she tried to breathe. She stood up straight, leaning her head back as she placed her hands on top of her head and closed her eyes. Okay was not the word that she would use to describe how she felt.

"You need some water?" Odell questioned, grabbing a bottle of Core out of the refrigerator and opening it for her. Demi took it and gulped down half of it before she was finally able to speak.

"What the fuck? I was fine when we were doing it but now I literally can't breathe," Demi gasped before taking another few gulps of water.

"I don't think it's just the workout. I think it's the photo shoot too," Odell said as he played with the end of her ponytail. He had convinced her to grow her hair out to the middle of her back. If it got any longer, she usually chopped it right off because to her it was easier to manage shorter hair.

"What do you mean?"

"This is your first photo shoot back. I understand that you're nervous and I'm sorry that I can't be there with you," Odell apologized, but Demi shook her head.

"It's fine..." she trailed off, even though he was right. It was her first photo shoot in a long time and she was more than nervous to be in front of the camera again. Her body had changed in ways that she couldn't even describe since having Gio. Plus, she had changed. Photo shoots used to be nothing for her but now the thought of it was literally causing her heart to race and she couldn't catch her breath.

"Come on, baby. Let's get the kids up," Odell said, sensing that she didn't want to talk about it.

He intertwined their fingers and led them out of the guest house, crossing the backyard and going in through the kitchen so that they could wake up the kids. Since Odell just had training and Demi would have staff around her all day, they decided to just split the kids up and each take one. Gia liked to go with him but she also liked it when she got to go to photo shoots with Demi. But Gio liked being with his mother so he would probably end up with Demi while Odell took Gia.

"I've been thinking about that reality show thing," Odell said once he was out of the shower. They decided to let the kids sleep some more while they got ready. Odell was going to train and Demi had to get glammed at the studio so it's not like they had to do much.

"What about it?" Demi asked as she towel dried her hair.

"I think we should do it."


"Don't you think it'll be fun? And don't you think it'll be good memories for the kids to have?"

"No. And that's what iPhones are for. Odell, we just started talking to each other again yesterday after fighting for a week. You really want a camera to capture all of that?"

"But they don't have to. We can make it as fun and as lighthearted as we want it to be. And if we feel like they're showing stuff that we don't want them to, we can pull the plug on the whole thing," Odell explained, but Demi still wasn't buying it. She had done two documentaries before and she had also spent most of her life in front of her camera. Odell hadn't. To her, having cameras shoved in front of your face just wasn't a natural way to live, and Demi wanted no parts.

"I just don't want the kids all over TV..."

"Okay, well what if we did something small? We let them come in and film, we see the final project, and if we don't like it, we scrap the whole thing. I'm sure we could work something like that out," Odell suggested as Demi chewed down on her bottom lip. She never wanted it to feel like she was the only one who had a say in what went down in their house but...she just wasn't sold on this whole TV show idea.

"I'll think about it," Demi mumbled, throwing on one of Odell's old LSU shirts. It hit the middle of thighs so she shrugged into some biker shorts and decided that she would be good. The best thing about photo shoots was that she didn't have to put a bunch of effort into getting ready because she had people to do that for her.

"That's all I ask," Odell responded, briefly kissing her before she went to wake the kids up.

[obj posted to his story! caption: take your child to work day 💜]

"Mommy, you're the prettiest girl in the world," Gio sweetly cooed when Demi came out of wardrobe after changing her outfit again. They were halfway through the shoot and Gio was having the time of his life. He wasn't running around and causing chaos but he loved seeing everything happen. He wasn't causing any trouble and Demi appreciates that.

"Aww, my baby boy is the sweetest," Demi said, sweeping him into her arms and pecking his cheek. Demi didn't have a favorite child but sometimes her kids did or said things that were just so freaking cute. She could totally see why Odell was in a rush to have more kids.

"When are we gonna go home?" He asked, twirling his fingers in the ends of her hair as Demi made it back to set.

"I'm almost done, baby," she promised, passing him to her assistant so that she could finish the last few shots. The shoot had actually been going well. Demi wasn't completely comfortable in all of the outfits but she had sucked it up. It made her feel better that she would have the final say on what got published and what didn't.

[ddlovato posted to her story! caption: shot something super cute and super fun today! can't wait for you guys to see it 💜]

After two more hours, Demi was finally climbing into the back of her Escalade with Gio sleeping in her arms. They finished the pictures early but they had to film promotional videos, Instagram ads, and all of that extra stuff. Demi was exhausted. She knew that she had just been taking pictures all day but still. She didn't feel like cooking and she knew Odell wouldn't either, so she shot him a text to grab something on his way home.

O: babe


O: Don't be mad


O: ...

What would I have to be mad about, Cornelius?


pls tell me you guys just visited a pet store...

O: I'm sorry
O: She asked and I couldn't say no
O: it's the same dog justin got drew and he said it's not high maintenance at all

it LOOKS high maintenance

O: Demi...come on you know I can't say no to our kids 😩 I can't even say no to you! She got me with them big brown eyes 😭😭

Pick up dinner on your way home.

O: stop you never use periods at the end of your texts 😩 don't be mad

I'll see you at home, O.

"MOMMY! LOOK WHAT DADDY GOT ME! LOOK!" Gia was all over Demi as soon as she got home, and so was the dog. It had the most annoying bark and seemed to match Gia's energy perfectly. Gio, however, was not a fan.

"Okay, calm down," Demi tried to sooth Gio who was trying to climb her legs to get back into her arms and away from the dog. Demi swept him into her arms as Odell entered the room and Gia picked up the dog.

"Thank you for bringing chaos into our household, Odell," Demi scolded as Gio went to his father and Demi knelt down to Gia's height. "What's his name?"

"Sushi," Gia said, lightly stroking the dog's fur. Demi had to admit that the dog was kind of cute. She just didn't think that they needed a pet. They hadn't even finished unpacking their house yet and now they had a dog to train.

"Come here, Gio. Let's pet Sushi. He has to smell you so he can get used to you," Demi said, motioning for Odell to lean down with Gio. Gio timidly stuck his hand out and let the dog lick it, but once he decided that he had had enough, he snatched his hand away.

"Isn't he so cute?" Odell said to Demi, but Gio was the one who answered.


"Where is Sushi gonna sleep tonight?" Demi asked as she continued to pet the small dog.

"In my bed. We got him a doggy bed but he doesn't like it so he can sleep with me," Gia confidently answered, hugging the dog even closer to her chest.

"Okay, well go get cleaned up for dinner and then we can set him up in your room," Demi said, both of the kids running upstairs before Demi turned to Odell.

"I thought we were redoing her room, not getting her a dog."

"I know, but you didn't see the look she gave me," Odell said as Demi chuckled.

"And you say I spoil them?"

"We both do but whatever. They're our kids. I would give them the whole world if I could," Odell said as he brought Demi into his arms. "How was your shoot today?"

"It was actually fun. The pictures look good." Demi pulled her phone out of her back pocket, opening her email so that she could show Odell some of the proofs that they had sent to her. It wasn't her favorite shoot but she still looked cute.

"Damn, you look good, ma" Odell complimented, lightly smacking her ass as she giggled.

"Stop," she whined, moving his hand just in case the kids came downstairs.

"I'm serious. I have the most beautiful wife in the world," Odell said, leaning down to kiss her as she grinned. Sometimes she felt like some of her photo shoots were a bit much but Odell always hyped her up. He didn't care if she was naked - although she would never do a shoot like that again - he always boosted her up whenever she wasn't super confident about a photo shoot.

"How was training today? How as Gia?"

"It was fine...I'm just a little tired," Odell admitted, looking towards the stairs before looking back down at her.

"What's wrong, O?" Demi asked, because she could always tell when something with him was off. Last week it was the baby thing but they had resolved that, so what else could possibly be bothering him?

"Nothing...I'm gonna get dinner ready if you want to go upstairs to change," Odell said, moving away from her to the other side of the counter where the takeout bags from the kids' favorite Thai place were. Demi quirked an eyebrow but decided to leave it alone for now. They didn't keep secrets but sometimes they each had to handle their shit on their own time before discussing it with each other, and clearly Odell needed to do that.

ddlovato: you and me time
👤: obj
Liked by haileybieber, kourtneykardash, and 726,789 others

obj: ddlovato
Liked by gabunion, kehlani, and 657,268 others

haileybieber: when your best friend's daughter is your daughter's best friend 😭
👤: ddlovato
Liked by justinbieber, arianagrande, and 927,184 others
ddlovato: they're literally friendship goals and it's so cute 😭🥺

[ddlovato posted to her story! caption: the sweetest kid in the world 😭]

obj: my favorite kids
Liked by chrisbrownofficial, heathervannorman, and 1,127,648 others
ddlovato: your ONLY kids

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