My So Called In Laws

By kyushu11

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Hello Everyone My another creation on Manan. To know further peek in story. #39 in Manan on 07/03/2020 #19... More

Characters of Story
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10 (I)
Part 10 (II)
Part 11
Part 12

Part 4

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By kyushu11

Hello Everyone,
Here is next part of my story.
Sorry for late update.
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In Manik's Quarter:

Manik after saying about his past, he is crying badly. Nandini also had tears in her eyes. After composing herself she start speaking,

Nan: (caressing his hairs she speak) It's ok Manik. Now stop crying Manik. Shona stop crying. Shhh It's done, don't cry anymore.

Slowly Manik's cry reduced but he still sobbing. Again Nandini speak,

Nan: Enough of crying Manik. Now stop crying. If you continued crying then you will fall sick and you will unable to see tomorrow's surprise.

Listening surprise Manik remove his face from her stomach. Sitting on bed, taking Nandini's hand in his hand, he speak in panic mode while shivering,

Man: (noding his head in no and shivering he speak) No please I don't want any surprises. Please don't fight with these Malhotra's family. They are very dangerous. They can do anything. They will harm you. I don't want to lose you. I got you as mine whom I call mine after so many year. I don't want to lose you. Don't fight with these Malhotra's family.

At the end Manik again start crying. Seeing Manik's panic mode, Nandini immediately hug him. Manik also hug her tightly and try to hide himself in her arms from everyone. Nandini also tighten her hold on him. While rubbing his back and ruffling his hairs from back she speak,

Nan: Shhh Manik. Stop crying. Nothing will happen to me. They will not do anything to me. Shhh Stop Shona from getting panic. It will affects your health Shona. Stop crying and Shivering Manik.

After some time Manik stop crying. His shivering also reduced. Seeing this Nandini try to break the hug but Manik doesn't lose his hold. He tighted his hold on her. Recognising Manik's intention, Nandini also hug him back again. They stay in each others arms for some time. After 5 minutes Nandini speak while caressing his hairs,

Nan: (caressing his hairs she speak) Manik I know it difficult to trust me in one day. But try to trust me.

Manik interpreted her and speak,

Man: I trust you Nandini. But I don't trust on these Malhotra's family. They are capable to do anything.

Nan: I know Manik. But they don't know who I am? Tomorrow surprise will seal their mouth. It will bring some joy for you.

Man: Nandini if you don't mind then can you say me who are you? What is your surprise?

Nan: That will be you know tomorrow? Now sleep.

Saying this Nandini brake the hug. This time Manik also brake the hug. Still holding her hand he speak,

Man: Ok I will wait till tomorrow for your surprise. You sleep on this bed. I will look some place to sleep in this small room.

Saying this Manik try to get up from bed but this time Nandini hold his hand and speak,

Nan: Don't need to see place for you to sleep in this small room. You can share this bed with me. I have full trust on you.

Manik's eyes filled with tears listening Nandini because till today no one trusted him. All looks towards him with suspicion eyes only. Nandini see tears in his eyes and speak while cupping his face,

Nan: (while cupping his face she speak) Now why these tears?

Man: These are happy tears Nandini. These come out listening you that you trust me. Because till today no one trusted me. All looks towards me with suspicion eyes only.

Nan: (wiping his tears she speak) I don't like tears in your eyes Manik. Never bring tears in your eyes even if it's happy tears also. Now from today this Mrs. Nandini Manik Malhotra will be with you. I trust you more than myself.

Man: Thank you Nandini.

Nan: Don't need to say thank you. Now sleep. We have to wake up tomorrow morning early. The surprise which I am going to give Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra will be shock for him.

Man: I don't know what surprise you are speaking. But don't know why I am feeling happy.

Nan: From now only happiness will be with you. Now sleep.

Man: Ok Good night.

Nan: Good night.

Both lay down on bed. Manik is sleeping on left side of bed and Nandini on right side of the bed. Manik hold Nandini's hand and seeing this Nandini only gives him small smile. Both lay down on bed in same position for some time absorbing the slience. After 7-8 minutes Manik speak,

Man: (looking towards Nandini he call) Nandini.

Nan: (turning towards Manik she speak) Yes Manik.

Man: If you don't mind then I can sleep in your arms. I want to get some love warmth from you which I didn't get till today.

Listening Manik, Nandini shocked that's why she didn't speak anything nor answered Manik. Seeing this Manik become sad and he speak immediately,

Man: It's ok Nandini. I am sorry for asking like this. I know you must be feel uncomfortable.

But Nandini interpreted him and speak,

Nan: Don't be sorry Manik. I just shocked listening you. I am more comfortable with you.

Man: (while smiling he immediately speak) That means I can sleep in your arms.

Nan: (opening her arms she speak) Yes come here.

Manik immediately goes to Nandini's arms and hug her tightly, hidding his face in her chest. Nandini also hug him back. While caressing his hairs and kissing his forehead she speak,

Nan: (caressing his hairs she speak) Sleep shona.

After that she started patting Manik's head so that he can sleep. After 13-15 minutes, Manik went into deep slumber. While sleeping he tighted his hold on Nandini and mumbled in his sleep,

Man: (in sleep he mumbled) Don't leave and go away from me maa. I will be again alone this world.

Listening Manik, tears come into Nandini's eyes. But composing herself she speak,

Nan: (while patting his head she ask) Shhh shona. Sleep now maa is here only.

After that Manik went into deep slumber. Nandini cover both of them with duvet. After that she started thinking about Manik,

Nandini's POV:

Manik if you want me to full fill your mother place in your life then I am ready for that. I will do anything for your happiness. But I will not leave these Malhotra's family for spoiling your life. A lot of secrets I know about these Malhotra's family. Tomorrow only I will open one secret only. After making you strong, I have to share biggest secret of your life Manik. For that I need to make you strong. I will not leave these Malhotra's family. I will make sure that they will pay each and every thing they did towards you. Now sleep Nandini. Tomorrow is first step I am going to take against these Malhotra's and first surprise which will turn shock for Malhotra. For that I need energy. So sleep Nandini. (looking towards Manik who is in her arms she think) For this innocent shona who is sleeping in my arms, I have to do a lot of thing.

At last she again kiss Manik's forehead. Small smile appear on Manik's face due to Nandini's kiss and he shrugged more into Nandini. Nandini also hold him tightly in her arms and went into deep slumber.

Here In Malhotra's Mansion,

All Malhotra's family come inside in shock mode due to Nandini's answer, attitude and her confidence. All are little bit scared of Nandini. Sitting in living room, Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra speak,

Durga: What that orphan girl speaking? Tomorrow is surprise for us. What will this orphan give us?

Neo: But Papaji she said that we don't know her? We didn't do any background check of her.

Durga: Neonika I did every back ground check of her. She is just orphan girl who brought up in that sunshine orphanage from when she admitted in that orphanage. Her parents are attached by some rode side theft and killed by them. That time she is just month old. No one relative come in front and accepted her. That's why she admitted in orphanage. She just completed B.A in music and teach in some local government school.

Neo: But why she said that we don't did proper back ground check of her.

Shri: She just want to scare us Neo nothing more. She can't give surprise to us. That's orphans surprise will be brust out tomorrow. You can watch that. Now enough all this. Go everyone and sleep. We will see what that orphan will do tomorrow.

Durga: Shri is saying correct. We will see tomorrow what will that orphan do? Now we will sleep.

All nodes their head in yes to Durgaprasad Malhotra and moves towards their room for sleep. Entering into their room, all change and goes to sleep while thinking about Nandini's surprise.

Next Morning,

Manik's Quarter,

Manik and Nandini still sleeping. Manik is still in Nandini's arms and Nandini holding him protectively. Nandini is first who wake up from her sleep. She looks towards Manik who is soundly sleeping in her arms. She kiss his forehead first and looks towards clock to see the time. When see the time it's going to 7 in morning. So she decided to complete her morning chores. After this she slowly makes Manik's hold on her lose. She makes him properly sleep on bed and cover him with duvet.

After that she moves towards washroom for complete her morning chores after taking her dress. After 30 minutes Nandini come out of washroom after completing her morning chores.

(Nandini's Outfit)

(Nandini's Mangalsutra)

After that she moves towards god's picture. She light the diya near god and prey for herself and Manik. After that she moves towards kitchen area and start to make tea. When she search milk for making tea, she didn't find. So she start making black tea. While making tea, she prepares basic needs of breakfast. After tea ready, she herself drink her black tea. After taking another one cup she moves towards bed to wake up Manik. So sitting on bed, she start waking up Manik,

Nan: (ruffing his hairs she speak) Manik wake up. It's going to breakfast time.

Manik slowly open his eyes and sitting on bed while smiling he speak,

Man: (while smiling he speak) Good morning Nandini.

Nan: Good Morning Manik. Here black tea for you.

Man: Thank you. I always prefer black tea that's why milk is not at home. Sorry for that. From today I will bring milk while coming back from office.

Nan: It's ok. Don't need say sorry. We need time to know each other likes and dislikes. I am sure we have more time for this.

Man: Yes.

Nan: Now drink this black tea.

Noding his head, Manik started drinking his black tea. When he complete that time Nandini speak,

Nan: Manik now go and take bath. Till then I will make breakfast for us.

Man: Nandini wait for me. After taking bath, I will help you to make breakfast.

Nan: Don't worry Manik. I can make breakfast. You go and take bath.

At last noding his head, Manik moves towards washroom to take bath. Nandini moves towards kitchen area to make breakfast. After 25-30 minutes Nandini is ready with breakfast and Manik come out from washroom after completing his morning chores.

(Manik's Outfit)

Nandini set the dining table with breakfast. After that both sit on chair for breakfast. Manik speak,

Man: What did you make Nandini for breakfast? The smell is coming very good.

Nan: Nothing much Manik. I made Upma and gajar ka halwa because carrots are available in freez.


(Gajar ka Halwa)

Man: Gajar ka halwa. That's my favourite. Give me first that.

Noding her head, Nandini serve breakfast for both of them. She gives bowl of gajar ka halwa to Manik first. He complete it with light speed and ask for another bowl. Like this he complete entire gajar ka halwa. After that he smile innocently and speak,

Man: Sorry Nandini. Gajar ka halwa is my favourite. It's just that I eat gajar ka halwa after long time. So can't control and finished everything. Didn't leave something for you also.

Nan: It's ok Manik. But next time make sure that you can eat with normal speed not like you did today.

Man: Sorry.

Nan: It's ok. Now eat little Upma.

After that both complete breakfast. After completing breakfast, Nandini speak,

Nan: Manik come it's time for surprise.

Man: (holding Nandini's hand he ask) Are sure Nandini?

Nan: Don't worry Manik. Trust me nothing will happen.

Man: Ok

After that both come out from their quarter. Both come towards garden. Nandini speak to gardener,

Nan: Uncle can you give one message from us to Mr Durgaprasad Malhotra's and family.

Gard: Sure bitiya.

Nan: Thank you uncle. Now go and say to Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra and family that Nandini is waiting for them with her surprise.

Gar: Ok

Saying gardener goes towards Mansion. Manik and Nandini sit on bench which is available in garden.

Malhotra's Mansion :

All elder Malhotra's except younger Malhotra's wake up at their time and done with their morning chores. After that they had their breakfast and start to go office that time gardener come to them and speak,

Gard: Sir, ma'am Nandini is waiting for you people at garden with her surprise. She called you all.

Durga: You go. We will come.

Gard: Ok sir.

Saying this he moves from there. After that Durgaprasad Malhotra speak,

Durga: I thought that orphan will be forget everything till morning. But she didn't. Now come we have to go outside.

Annap: It's good that our grandchildrens are still sleeping. Don't know what drama now these both orphan going to pull now.

Durga: It's ok we will see Annapurna. Don't wake our grandchildrens. They will be tired due that orphan marriage travelling. Let them sleep some more time. Now come we will see what this new orphan going to show us as a surprise.

Noding their head in yes, all elder Malhotra's come out of Mansion and moves towards garden where Manik and Nandini sitting and waiting for them. After reaching garden, Durgaprasad speak,

Durga: hey orphan why you called us here? We

But he is interpreted by Nandini who speak,

Nan: (in loud and clear voice) Mrs. Nandini Manik Malhotra is my name. He has also name Mr. Manik Malhotra, don't need to call us orphan when we have name Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra.

Annap: He is not Malhotra nor you. We just adopted him not more than that.

Nan: (looking towards Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra she speak in cold voice) is it Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra he is not Malhotra?

Durga: (while sweating he speak) What to you mean?

Nan: (folding her hand she speak) What I mean you get it Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra. But I will not revel that today. For that there is time. As per I know, get information he is Malhotra. You all people only declared him as a Malhotra in front of media, world 22 years back. I have a proof also and all papers are with me to prove he is Malhotra not an orphan.

Neo: Proof, papers what are you speaking? From where you get? Who gives you all?

Nan: (turning towards Neo she speak) A lawyer can get all papers from her source. She don't need anyone to get what she want.

Neo: (while thinking she speak) Lawyer? You are lawyer.

Nan: Yes Mrs. Neonika Malhotra you get it right. I am lawyer.

Dami: How can this possible? As we know you are just music teacher in government school.

Nan: That was your mistake Mrs. Damini Malhotra.

Shri: How can be you lawyer? You are just 21 years.

Nan: Everything is possible in the world Mr. Shrikant Malhotra. At age of 18 years I am lawyer because of my IQ level. Due to my IQ I am promoted three class upper directly. That's why at the age of 12 years I complete my high school and at the age of 18 years I am lawyer. From last 3 years I am practing by hiding. You must know the famous lawyer NM who fight the case of Child Abuse, Woman Right. That was me. NM means Nandini Murty. (turning to Neo she speak) So what are saying Mrs. Neonika Malhotra that no one lawyer fight against you Malhotra's if I file case against you. But now no one will fight case for you people if they got to know that NM is fighting opposite side. Because till today there is record that NM never lose the case once she get in her hand and most importantly she fight for truth not for money.

Now leave all this. I called you to show surprise for you. I have to surprise for you people. Media is outside, waiting for my call. So to give surprise to you, I will like to call media inside.

Durga: Don't need to call media inside. First say us what is surprise?

Nan: No Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra media's presence is required for the showing you surprise. So I will call them, you can't stop me.

Saying this, Nandini calls media people inside. All media come and present in garden, before they start their questions, Nandini only speak,

Nan: Hello everyone, good morning. I know a lot of questions running your mind. I will answer all of them. First I will introduce myself, I am Mrs. Manik Malhotra.

Media: We know ma'am you.

Nan: ok. I called you to give some proof of rave party which happened before 15 days. Where rich family's childrens involved but police leaves them saying that their blood test regarding drugs come out negative. So these all are proofs.

Saying she shows the pictures and videos of rave party. In that pictures all Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra's grandsons and granddaughter is full drunk in alcohol and taking drugs with their fiance and friends.

All elder Malhotra's stand there in shock seeing pictures and videos. They are sweating because with great difficulty and giving crores of rupees they closed this case. But now it reopened. Before media people ask anything Nandini speak,

Nan: You must be thinking how you get this? Is this fake or real. Then make you people clear that these all proofs are true. Nothing is impossible for NM to get if she decided.

Media People: NM famous lawyer NM.
Nan: Yes that's me Nandini Murty. I know all things regarding this rave party. The police also suspensed for leaving these kids after taking 5 crores money from Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra and his both sons. The police is arrested for taking money, leaving these childrens, making false evidence and case will be run on him.

Repo1: Ma'am the persons in video is your bother in laws and sister in law. They are your family. How can you do with your family?

Nan: For me my profession come first. My work is to give punishment to criminal. For that I will not leave my family members also if they are criminals. Now the proofs are gives you, show it through your channel to world. Now you can leave. The ACP of CID department with his team coming for arresting the younger Malhotra.

When Nandini speaking this, that time only ACP and his team come there. After greeting Nandini, collecting all proofs, the team moves inside the mansion. They arrested younger Malhotra's who are in sleep and unaware of what happening? After arresting younger Malhotra's with their fiance who also included in rave party, the ACP and his team of CID moves from there. This all is live telecasted by media on their channel. All India come to know about Malhotra's family and their childrens true colours.

After that Nandini requested media to moves from there. She will personally update the process of case. Noding their head for this, media moves from there. After seeing media disappear from sight, Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra's become angry, he come forward to slap Nandini. Seeing this Manik come between Nandini and Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra. He tightly close his eyes to receive slap from Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra. But he didn't receive slap so he open his eyes slowly and looks forward and see that two well tonned body guards are standing in front of him and holding Me. Durgaprasad Malhotra's hand. So he looks back towards Nandini. For this Nandini smile and speak,

Nan: (while smiling she speak) Manik these are my body guards. They will not let happen anything to me. So don't worry about me. (turning towards Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra she speak) never try to rise hand on me. This is first time that's why I am leaving you.

Durga: (in angry he speak) I will not leave you orphan. Due to you my all grandsons and granddaughter goes to jail. First I will bring them back. No law will stop me because I am Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra. The famous and rich businessman. The laws will act according to me.

Cutting Mr. Durgaprasad Malhotra, Nandini speak,

Nan: I think your memory is losing with old age. You are rich, famous businessman three months back. Due to your these grandchildrens luxury life, their party, and your both sons negligence towards your business, you are facing loss in business from last 2 years. Before 3 months you decided to sell your shares to recover from loss and you sell 75% shares of your all business. That 75% shares are owned by my two friends only. So as per law and my order they will not let you to use anything because they are major shareholders of your all business. You being minor shareholders, have to follow their order. So you was a rich, powerful businessman back not now. So you can't do anything.

Saying this she start going from garden with Manik holding his hand. All Malhotra's looking at her with shock. Seeing this she stop and turning towards them she speak,

Nan: (while turning towards them she speak) Don't look like that. It just start Malhotra's. Just wait and watch what I can do with you people. I will make sure that you will get all punishment of your crime.

After that she moves from garden towards Manik's quarter with holding Manik's hand. Malhotra's standing in garden in shock plus angry mode.

To be continued......

Next Part:
Conversation between Manan regarding Nandini's surprise.
Nandini's next move against Malhotra's.
Wedding reception of Manan.

How you all feel about over all update?

How you all feel about Nandini's consoling Manik?

How you all feel about Manik's fear regarding Malhotra's family and losing Nandini?

How you all feel about Manik's demand to sleep in Nandini's arms?

How you all feel about Nandini's POV?

What must be thing that Nandini keeping secrets from Manik? For that she has to make Manik strong?

How you all feel about Nandini being lawyer?

How you all feel Malhotra's reaction knowing Nandini as a famous lawyer NM?

How you all feel about Nandini's surprise for Malhotra's?

How you all feel about knowing 75% shares of Malhotra's business is owned by Nandini's friends?

Thank You,


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