Renegades One Shots (Nodrian...

By PrincessRenegade

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A collection of random renegades-themed one-shots! All characters, world, etc, belong to the wonderful Mariss... More

Intro (Not a One-Shot)
Silent Thoughts (Nodrian)
Asking You Out (Osby)
Perfect First Date (Osby)
I'm Sorry (Nodrian)
Bloody Noses (Nodrian)
Awkward Stumble (Nodrian)
Adventures in Baking (Osby)
Movie Night (Osby)
Supernova is Here!!!
My Happy Ending (Nodrian, Spoilers!)
The Christmas Spirit (Part One, no spoilers)
Christmas Spirit (Part 2, final, no spoilers)
Writer's Block (No Longer Relevant)
The Trials (Part 1, No Spoilers)
The Trials (Part 2, No Spoilers)
Soundwave's Plan (Part 1, No Spoilers)
Elementary School Osby (No Spoilers!)
Soundwave's Revenge
Dogs or Cats? (Nodrian Fluff)
Flu Season (Osby, no spoilers)
The Trials Series: Adrian (No spoilers)
Friends (Grade School Osby Rewrite)
Support (Nodrian, Major Supernova Spoilers)
Cramps and Ice Cream (Somewhat Osby, hints of Nodrian, No spoilers)
Mothers and Cupcakes (Osby, slight spoilers)
Family (Nodrian, No Supernova Spoilers)
Sharing a Sundae (Nodrian, Major Spoilers)
What To Expect When You're Expecting: Part One (Spoilers)
What To Expect When You're Expecting: Part Two (Spoilers)
Tragedy (No Spoilers)
Nodrian's Quarantine (Nodrian, implied spoilers)
Unpopular Opinion
Telling the Friends (Nodrian, Osby, Spoilers)
Delivery (Nodrian, Spoilers)
You Meant OUR CHILD?!(Nodrian)
Nova Makes a Mistake (Nodrian, No Spoilers)
PSA For My Readers: You Guys are AWESOME
An Update
It's Out!
The Trials Series: Danna's Trials (No Spoilers)
Truth or Dare (Nodrian & Osby)
The Trials Series: Ruby and Oscar (No spoilers, Slight Osby)
Just Ask Her Already! (Nodrian, Spoilers)
Engagements (Nodrian, Osby, Small Spoilers)
Girl Power (Slight Supernova Spoilers)
Update (Not a One-Shot)
Adrian Makes a Mistake (Supernova Spoilers)
I Always Have! (Surprise Ship, Implied Spoilers)
Osby's Wedding (No Spoilers)
Ask Her Out, You Useless Lesbian
You Have to Heal
I Have Closure (No Spoilers)
Book Reviews by the Characters (Major Spoilers)
Nodrian Wedding (Spoilers)
Renegades on the Big Screen (Minor Spoilers)
Not Perfect, But Still Wonderful (No Spoilers)
New Year's Special (Archenemies Spoilers)
Memories (Spoilers, Mostly Nodrian, Some Osby)
Kittens (No Spoilers)
Different Choices (Supernova AU)(Spoilers)

Reunion (Major Supernova Spoilers)

816 14 1
By PrincessRenegade

Major Supernova Spoilers

You don't have too but reading one of my earlier one shots, Support, before this might help make this one shot more meaningful.


Adrian sat by Nova in the park.

"Why'd you take me here?" Nova asked.

"I remembered how you said you lost everyone. The thing is, you didn't. I found someone who I think you'll be really happy to see."

As soon as Adrian finished his sentence, a figure appeared from behind a tree, with another figure.

"Leroy?" Nova recognized the man immediately.

"Nova!" He said, hugging the girl, but not too tight, due to the acid.

"This is my sister," He pointed to the woman next to him. "Matilda. We were estranged after I became an anarchist, but I recently got back in touch. She's a single mom with a son and she was still nice enough to let me stay at her house until I got back on my feet."

"It's what sisters do," Matilda said.

Matilda didn't seem like she had any powers, but ever since the night of the battle, everyone does, so Matilda's powers must not be visible. To be fair, most peoples' aren't.

"After the fall of the anarchists, I didn't see an anarchist anymore. I saw my baby brother, who needed my help."

"I'm gonna give you some time," Adrian said, walking away. He found his friend, Oliver, and gave Nova and Leroy time to catch up.

Nova took one look at Leroy and let out a small cry.

"I didn't think I'd see you again," She said, shaking her head.

Leroy sat next to her. Matilda stayed standing, giving the two some space.

"I never left Gatlon. I just laid low. I didn't go out much, and when I did, I wore a trench coat and a hat."

"They're not really worried about anarchists anymore. Or villains, for that matter," Nova said, remembering what Hugh had said.

"Well, good. Maybe I wont have to wear this trench coat in summer anymore."

Nova smiled.

"Sometimes, I feel really bad. I killed Honey. I killed my only mother figure."

"But Honey wasn't really a good mother, was she?" Leroy asked.

"I guess not," Nova replied.

Honey didn't really care about Nova. She just took care of Nova because she had to.

All those years, Nova had lived in hiding. She was never able to be a kid. She was fed anti-renegade propaganda. Ace had killed hundreds of people. And she was blind to it.

"I knew, Nova," Leroy said.

"Knew what?"

"That you had fallen for Golden Boy over there."

Adrian was tossing a ball to Oliver while a small crowd of people watched.

An intense game of catch?

"Honey knew, too," Nova said.

Leroy nodded. "That's why she gave you that little talk before the gala."

"She wanted to kill him. What was I supposed to do, Leroy? Let her?"

"No. Everhart didn't deserve to die. I know why you did what you did. And I don't blame you."

Nova stayed quiet.

"I loved a girl once." Leroy said. "Bad news, considering I've been dealing with a face like this."

His eyes were casted downward.

"She was nice to me, and beautiful. She was always so happy. I know that love is a force so strong that people would kill to protect the ones closest to them. It's just sad that you had to choose which loved one to hurt."

Nova closed her eyes.

"Sometimes I can't believe I did it. It was almost... It was almost easy for me." Nova stated.

Leroy took a breath.

"Did I ever tell you about the time I almost left the anarchists?"

Nova shook her head.

"Do you know Kelly?"

"Oliver's mom? Course I do. She used to be the Phantom. She could make herself invisible."

"She had a twin. An identical twin. I thought Kelly was beautiful, yes, but I loved her sister. Kelly and her sister had very different personalities, and I liked Gina's a little more."

Gina. Nova had heard Oliver talking about an Aunt Gina once. He had said she died before he was born, before the First Battle, when the renegades and anarchists were at their worst.

"I liked Gina. Ace knew it. Honey knew it. And Gina talked to me. My face didn't make her scream and run. She treated me like a human."

"An explosion..." Nova said. "Kelly once said that..."

"Yes. Ace had Ingrid implant a bomb in the hospital where Gina worked as a nurse. Gina was one of the fatalities. Poor Kelly was on her way out after enjoying a lunch with her sister when she saw it happen. That trauma, the trauma of knowing her sister had exploded and seeing all the debris and bodies fall around her, led her to get her powers. She said in a newspaper article that in that very moment, she had wished she could disappear from the scene so she wouldn't have had to see all of that. And I guess her powers matched her wish a little bit."

"So is that why..."

"I confronted Ace about it, and Ace said that the hospital was tending to some renegades that Ace had tried to take out before. It was "necessary". I was so mad that I almost left him and became a renegade."

"And why didn't you?"

"Honey convinced me that in the end, we would win, and if we did, Ace would have me killed. I'm not saying I didn't want to die. After losing Gina, I did. I did want to die. But I was afraid of Ace. He had his own brother and sister-in-law killed. His own baby niece. Well, actually... never mind. He was ruthless. And I was afraid that if he did kill me, he would do it in the worst way possible. Much worse than an explosion. Much worse that a surprise assassin."

Leroy looked at Nova once again.

"but you were always braver than me, weren't you? You killed Honey because you knew that if you didn't, she would kill your Adrian. Your love. And she would kill so many more if you hadn't taken her out then and there. Maybe it hurt you personally, Nova, but you saved lots of people from meeting their end that day, and you managed to save lots of people from intense grief. I miss Honey sometimes, too. But I remember how cruel she was. And I think of Gina. And then I don't miss her or Ace anymore. I only wish I was as brave as you and able to cut ties with your uncle."

"Thanks, Leroy. You're much better than Adrian at this."

"Adrian tries to understand, but he was never an anarchist, so he can't ever talk about this like I can. But he found me. He said that he stayed up all night searching for me on the database. He found Matilda, who shared my last name, who was logged on one of the databases from when Thunderbird saved her and her son, and he noticed the last name, and called Matilda. And Matilda said she knew exactly where I was, thought a little hesitant at first, she told Adrian everything when he mentioned that I wasn't wanted for a crime or anything. He's a good guy, Nova. He really loves you."

Nova nodded. "I know. He is good."

"You know, my nephew, Matilda's son, is adopted." Leroy said. "And Matilda knows the woman who runs the orphanage. Do you know of a certain young renegade known as Magpie?"

"Course I do! The little brat tried to steal my bracelet!" Nova exclaimed.

"Ah, but that little brat happens to be Evie."

Nova looked up, eyes wide.

"What? That's impossible! Evie died."

"When they went through the house, they found me, crying and clutching this," Magpie said, holding out a silver bullet.

"It's how I got my powers."

Nova stood up, looking at the young girl.

She saw it now. Magpie looked exactly like Nova. How did nobody notice before?

A black feathered bird, a magpie, flew down beside Magpie.

"Your friends with crows now?" Nova asked.

"No. This is my friend,, but she's a shape-shifter." Magpie replied.

The person got taller, the feathers turning to skin and brown hair.

"After Max gave everyone powers, I turned into a shape-shifter. I always wanted to fly, though, so I often take the form of birds."

"Kennedy? President of the Renegades Fan Club?"

"Former president. We all got powers and most of us are renegades now. Except Stacy, who's still too young to try out."

"Right, you're on Luna's team, aren't you?"

She nodded.

"The day after I became a renegade, I was planted in the crowd, so I could turn into a bird and dramatically fly on my team's float, with a resounding "Caw!" and I saw Magpie steal some lady's broach, so I made her give it back. That's when I noticed how much she looked like you. Obviously, I knew every detail of your face because you're my second favorite Renegade, aside from Maple, and so I questioned Magpie, and it all became so obvious after that."

Ova stared at Magpie. The one person she hated from the start, was her sweet, precious sister.

Kennedy pushed Magpie towards Nova.

Magpie held out her arms.

Nova stifled a sob and hugged her little sister.

"Evie," She cried. "I missed you so much."


I like this one.

I decided to include myself because I wanted you guys to know what power I would have once Max's power distributed powers to everyone. I chose a shape-shifter because I love animals and I am good with them, and I've always wanted to be able to fly and I freaking love birds, so that's what I did. What do you think your powers would be? And if you want, I could include you as a new character, just let me know.

I didn't mention Matilda's power, because I don't know. She's a character you'll probably see more of as I continue to intermingle my new character's with Marissa Meyer's original characters.

Anyway, I thought this would be kind of sweet, Nova reuniting with not only Leroy but the sister she once thought was dead.

I am proud of this one-shot. It really tugs at the heartstrings.

Nothing I said about Leroy is canonical, but not much is known about him, so I kind of used some creativity with that. Unfortunately, since Gina is dead, we probably won't hear about her much more, but who knows, maybe I'll find a way to talk about her again. Perhaps a Leroy-centered chapter.

Anyway, that's all for now. I hope you enjoy this.

Until next time,

Keep reading!

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